The Roman staircases next to the mainland gates of Diocletian’s palace


Istraživači Dioklecijanove palače su još davno uočili da su s obje strane kopnenih vrata postojala antička stubišta kojima se penjalo na gornji kat građevina položenih uz perimetralne zidove. Međutim, svatko od njih je imao različitu predodžbu njihova izgleda. U ovom će se radu, po prvi put, na temelju novih nalaza, rekonstruirati kako su izvorno izgledala ta antička stubišta.Researchers into Diocletian’s Palace have long observed that Roman staircases existed on both sides of the mainland gates. They led to the upper floor of the buildings located along the perimeter walls of the Palace. However, those researchers had a different notions of their appearance. In this paper, the original appearance of the Roman staircases shall be reconstructed for the first time on the basis of new finds

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