8 research outputs found

    Changes in ODN nucleotide sequence effect TLR9 activation

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    Transcriptional regulation design based on the effect of multiple DNA binding proteins

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    Narava uravnava številne celične procese z vplivom na izražanje genov. Prepisovanje DNA v evkariontskih celicah sproži medsebojno delovanje pestrega nabora proteinov. Poznavanje njihovega kooperativnega delovanja je pomembno za načrtovanje uravnavanja celičnih procesov v sintezni biologiji. Razumevanje tega procesa odpira možnosti načrtovanja novih regulatornih vezij. V doktorskem delu smo preiskovali vpliv efektorja, podobnega transkripcijskemu aktivatorju (TALE), ki poveča aktivnost transkripcijskega dejavnika, vezanega tudi več deset baznih parov stran. Uporabljeni proteini TALE niso vsebovali lastne aktivacijske domene in so ojačali delovanje drugega transkripcijskega dejavnika ne glede na orientacijo, položaj navzgor ali navzdol od vezavnega mesta transkripcijskega dejavnika in razmik med vezavnima mestoma. Vpliv proteina TALE na transkripcijo smo demonstrirali na različnih sesalskih celičnih linijah, v kombinaciji s tremi različnimi DNA vezavnimi domenami, tako za aktivatorje kot represorje transkripcije. Določili smo najkrajšo razdaljo pri kateri se pojavi vpliv na drugi transkripcijski dejavnik in okarakterizirali razpon razdalj med vezavnima mestoma, kjer je vpliv še opazen. V prvem delu doktorata smo predstavili sistem za preverjanje sinergističnega delovanja proteina TALE z več različnimi DNA vezavnimi proteini. Predvidevamo, da bi lahko preko tega učinka izboljšali razumevanje kooperativnega delovanja in vloge DNA pri uravnavanju izražanja genov. Odkritje, da proteini TALE povečajo uravnavanje transkripcije z drugim transkripcijskim dejavnikom, širi raznolikost načinov na katere lahko proteini TALE vplivajo na transkripcijo in bi lahko delovali kot dodatni modulator pri uravnavanju transkripcijskih poti. Proteini s poznanim kooperativnim delovanjem predstavljajo zanimiv potencial v kontekstu sintezne biologije. Poleg tega poznavanje vpliva TALE na učinkovitost drugih transkripcijskih dejavnikov predstavlja DNA vezavni protein z okarakteriziranimi kooperativnimi lastnostmi in orodje za nadaljnje preiskovanje mehanizmov medsebojnega delovanja proteinov pri uravnavanju transkripcije in izkoriščanje njihovega potenciala.Several cellular processes in nature are directly dictated by gene expression. Transcription in eukaryotic cells is regulated through cooperative and synergistic actions of an ensemble of proteins, and deciphering the cooperative mechanisms could be used as a new method to design the regulation of cellular processes. Understanding this process would enable the design of intricate regulatory circuits in synthetic biology. This dissertation focuses on the effect transcription activator like effector (TALE) has on the activity of another transcription factor bound tens of base pairs away. The TALE protein, which lacks an activation domain, can enhance the effect of another transcription factor regardless of its orientation, its position upstream or downstream of the transcription factor binding site, and the distance between the respective binding sites. The effect of the TALE protein was demonstrated in several mammalian cell lines in combination with three structurally diverse DNA binding domains, regardless of whether they activate or repress transcription. The minimum and maximum distance between binding sites where the effect of TALE protein could be observed were determined. The first part of the dissertation describes a platform for investigating a potential synergistic effect of the TALE protein with diverse transcription factors, and providing mechanistic insights into cooperative interactions and the role of DNA in translation regulation. The discovered ability of TALE proteins to enhance transcriptional regulation of other transcription factors further expands the variety of the effects of TALE proteins on transcription, which could act as an additional modulator in regulating transcriptional pathways. Allosteric proteins have an interesting potential as tools for synthetic biology. In addition to expanding our understanding of the variety of synergistic effects on transcriptional regulation, a designable DNA binding protein with characterized cooperative properties could serve as a tool to investigate the mechanisms of synergistic transcriptional regulation and harvest its potential

    Introducing the concept of a house through creative movement in age group of four to five years

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    Ne glede na to, kje smo, vedno nas obdaja prostor, ki vpliva na nas (in obratno). Prostorske predstave se ne razvijejo same od sebe, zato je pomembno, da otrokom že zgodaj ponudimo čim več izkušenj. S tem namenom sem napisala diplomsko delo, ki se ukvarja s pomenom prostora v zgodnjem otroštvu. V raziskavo sem vključila aktivne metode učenja, ki spodbujajo celostni razvoj in otroka obogatijo z izkušnjami. V ospredje sem postavila ustvarjalni gib in tako skozi celotno diplomsko delo poskušala povezati področje plesa in arhitekture. V teoretičnem delu sem predstavila Kurikulum za vrtce, ki je podlaga za delo v javnem vrtcu v Republiki Slovenijisodobni koncept Reggio Emilia, italijanski koncept ustanovitelja Lorisa Malaguzzijaustvarjalni gib, metodo, ki spodbuja celostno učenje z gibomin arhitekturo, ki se ukvarja z urejanjem prostora. Pri vseh štirih elementih sem s pomočjo strokovne literature raziskala pomen prostora in na koncu povezala arhitekturo s plesom. V empiričnem delu so predstavljene dejavnosti na temo hiše v starostni skupini 4–5 let. Dejavnosti vključujejo ples, ustvarjalni gib in nekatere elemente koncepta Reggio Emilia, povezujejo pa se tudi z ostalimi področji Kurikuluma za vrtce. Z evalvacijo izvedenih dejavnosti sem dobila vpogled v proces razumevanja pojma hiša pri otrocih skozi ustvarjalne plesne dejavnosti. Ugotavljala sem povezavo med razvojem plesnega in konkretnega prostora pri otrocih. Zanimalo me je, na kakšne načine telo otroku omogoča raziskovanje prostora. Osredinjena sem bila tudi na odziv otrok, ki so se z ustvarjalnim gibom srečali prvič. Z raziskavo sem ugotovila, da so otroci pri odkrivanju plesnega prostora napredovali tudi z vidika konkretnega prostora. Odziv otrok na ustvarjalni gib je bil pozitiven, predvsem jim je bilo všeč, da so se med vodenimi dejavnostmi lahko veliko gibali.Regardless of where are we standing, there is always a surrounding place that affects us and vice versa. Spatial abilities don\u27t develop on their own, so it is important that we give children enough experience early on. With this purpose, I wrote diploma thesis, based on importance of space in early childhood. In my study I included active teaching methods, which promote integrated development and enrich children with experience. I put creative movements in foreground and tried to connect dancing and architecture through entire diploma thesis. In theoretical part I introduced Curriculum for kindergartens, which is a basis for working in a public kindergarten in Republic of Sloveniamodern concept Reggio Emilia, the Italian concept of founder Loris Malaguzzicreative movement, method that promotes integrated development with movementand architecture that deals with spatial planning. I researched the importance of space with the help of specialised literature and then connected architecture with dancing. In empirical part, activities are presented on topic of house, in the age group of 4—5 years. Activities include dancing, creative movement and some other elements of concept Reggio Emilia, they connect with other parts of Curriculum for kindergarten. With evaluation of performed activities, I got an insight into the process of understanding the concept of house through creative dancing activities. I was finding out the connection between development of dance and specific space in children. I was interested in what ways the body of child helps with exploring the space. I focused on children’s response when they first encountered creative movement. With this research I found out that children exploring dance floor made progress regarding the specific space. The response of children on creative movement was positive, they especially liked that they could move a lot between guided activities

    Introducing the concept of a house through creative movement in age group of four to five years

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    Regardless of where are we standing, there is always a surrounding place that affects us and vice versa. Spatial abilities don't develop on their own, so it is important that we give children enough experience early on. With this purpose, I wrote diploma thesis, based on importance of space in early childhood. In my study I included active teaching methods, which promote integrated development and enrich children with experience. I put creative movements in foreground and tried to connect dancing and architecture through entire diploma thesis. In theoretical part I introduced Curriculum for kindergartens, which is a basis for working in a public kindergarten in Republic of Slovenia; modern concept Reggio Emilia, the Italian concept of founder Loris Malaguzzi; creative movement, method that promotes integrated development with movement; and architecture that deals with spatial planning. I researched the importance of space with the help of specialised literature and then connected architecture with dancing. In empirical part, activities are presented on topic of house, in the age group of 4—5 years. Activities include dancing, creative movement and some other elements of concept Reggio Emilia, they connect with other parts of Curriculum for kindergarten. With evaluation of performed activities, I got an insight into the process of understanding the concept of house through creative dancing activities. I was finding out the connection between development of dance and specific space in children. I was interested in what ways the body of child helps with exploring the space. I focused on children’s response when they first encountered creative movement. With this research I found out that children exploring dance floor made progress regarding the specific space. The response of children on creative movement was positive, they especially liked that they could move a lot between guided activities

    Was SoTL das Ganze? Instrumente zur Qualitätsentwicklung: SoTL-Projekte planen, begleiten und dokumentieren

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    Pawelleck A, Reisas S, Riewerts K. Was SoTL das Ganze? Instrumente zur Qualitätsentwicklung: SoTL-Projekte planen, begleiten und dokumentieren. In: Leben N, Reinecke K, Sonntag U, eds. Hochschullehre als Gemeinschaftsaufgabe : Akteur:innen und Fachkulturen in der lernenden Organisation. Blickpunkt Hochschuldidaktik. Vol 139. Bielefeld: wbv Media; 2022: 59-63.Das Konzept des Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) eignet sich besonders, fachdidaktische Themen an den Hochschulen zu vertiefen und gleichzeitig interdisziplinäre Brücken zu schlagen. Der Artikel artikuliert Herausforderungen und Chancen der Umsetzung von SoTL und stellt Materialien vor, die Lehrende befähigen sollen, ihre SoTL-Projekte anhand von Qualitätsstandards zu entwickeln. Zugleich sollen die Dokumente Mitarbeitenden der Hochschuldidaktik als Grundlage für die Beratung von Lehrenden dienen

    Aspects of urban cycling

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    Zugleich gedruckt veröffentlicht im Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin unter der ISBN (print) 978-3-7983-2510-4Die Texte dieses Bandes beschäftigen sich mit verschiedenen Aspekten des innerstädtischen Radverkehrs. Es handelt sich um Texte, die im Rahmen von Arbeiten innerhalb der TU Berlin am Verkehrswesenseminar entstanden sind. Die Themen reichen vom (regelwidrigen) Verhalten der Radfahrenden über ihre allgemeinen Anforderungen bis hin zu detaillierteren Betrachtungen zu Fahrradverleihsystemen, Abstellanlagen in Geschäftsstraßen und Koordinierung von Lichtsignalanlagen. Darüber hinaus werden die Fahrradkultur sowie die Radverkehrsförderung in europäischen Städten und ihre Übertragbarkeit näher betrachtet.The papers in this volume deal with various aspects of urban cycling. These papers originate from research and course work at the Technische Universität Berlin, chair Verkehrswesenseminar (Transportation Seminar). The topics of this volume range from cyclists' (transgressive) behavior and their general requirements to detailed views on bicycle rental systems, bicycle parking facilities in shopping streets and coordination of traffic signals. Furthermore, topics like cycling culture and cycling promotion in European cities and its transferability are covered in detail