Introducing the concept of a house through creative movement in age group of four to five years


Ne glede na to, kje smo, vedno nas obdaja prostor, ki vpliva na nas (in obratno). Prostorske predstave se ne razvijejo same od sebe, zato je pomembno, da otrokom že zgodaj ponudimo čim več izkušenj. S tem namenom sem napisala diplomsko delo, ki se ukvarja s pomenom prostora v zgodnjem otroštvu. V raziskavo sem vključila aktivne metode učenja, ki spodbujajo celostni razvoj in otroka obogatijo z izkušnjami. V ospredje sem postavila ustvarjalni gib in tako skozi celotno diplomsko delo poskušala povezati področje plesa in arhitekture. V teoretičnem delu sem predstavila Kurikulum za vrtce, ki je podlaga za delo v javnem vrtcu v Republiki Slovenijisodobni koncept Reggio Emilia, italijanski koncept ustanovitelja Lorisa Malaguzzijaustvarjalni gib, metodo, ki spodbuja celostno učenje z gibomin arhitekturo, ki se ukvarja z urejanjem prostora. Pri vseh štirih elementih sem s pomočjo strokovne literature raziskala pomen prostora in na koncu povezala arhitekturo s plesom. V empiričnem delu so predstavljene dejavnosti na temo hiše v starostni skupini 4–5 let. Dejavnosti vključujejo ples, ustvarjalni gib in nekatere elemente koncepta Reggio Emilia, povezujejo pa se tudi z ostalimi področji Kurikuluma za vrtce. Z evalvacijo izvedenih dejavnosti sem dobila vpogled v proces razumevanja pojma hiša pri otrocih skozi ustvarjalne plesne dejavnosti. Ugotavljala sem povezavo med razvojem plesnega in konkretnega prostora pri otrocih. Zanimalo me je, na kakšne načine telo otroku omogoča raziskovanje prostora. Osredinjena sem bila tudi na odziv otrok, ki so se z ustvarjalnim gibom srečali prvič. Z raziskavo sem ugotovila, da so otroci pri odkrivanju plesnega prostora napredovali tudi z vidika konkretnega prostora. Odziv otrok na ustvarjalni gib je bil pozitiven, predvsem jim je bilo všeč, da so se med vodenimi dejavnostmi lahko veliko gibali.Regardless of where are we standing, there is always a surrounding place that affects us and vice versa. Spatial abilities don\u27t develop on their own, so it is important that we give children enough experience early on. With this purpose, I wrote diploma thesis, based on importance of space in early childhood. In my study I included active teaching methods, which promote integrated development and enrich children with experience. I put creative movements in foreground and tried to connect dancing and architecture through entire diploma thesis. In theoretical part I introduced Curriculum for kindergartens, which is a basis for working in a public kindergarten in Republic of Sloveniamodern concept Reggio Emilia, the Italian concept of founder Loris Malaguzzicreative movement, method that promotes integrated development with movementand architecture that deals with spatial planning. I researched the importance of space with the help of specialised literature and then connected architecture with dancing. In empirical part, activities are presented on topic of house, in the age group of 4—5 years. Activities include dancing, creative movement and some other elements of concept Reggio Emilia, they connect with other parts of Curriculum for kindergarten. With evaluation of performed activities, I got an insight into the process of understanding the concept of house through creative dancing activities. I was finding out the connection between development of dance and specific space in children. I was interested in what ways the body of child helps with exploring the space. I focused on children’s response when they first encountered creative movement. With this research I found out that children exploring dance floor made progress regarding the specific space. The response of children on creative movement was positive, they especially liked that they could move a lot between guided activities

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