207 research outputs found

    Current-induced Pinwheel Oscillations in Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy Spin Valve Nanopillars

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    Nanopillar spin valve devices are typically comprised of two ferromagnetic layers: a reference layer and a free layer whose magnetic orientation can be changed by both an external magnetic field and through the introduction of spin-polarized electric current. Here we report the continuous repeated switching behavior of both the reference and free layers of a perpendicular spin valve made of Co/Pd and Co/Ni multilayers that arises for sufficiently large DC currents. This periodic switching of the two layers produces an oscillating signal in the MHz regime but is only observed for one sign of the applied current. The observed behavior agrees well with micromagnetic simulations

    Thermal Effects on the Magnetic Field Dependence of Spin Transfer Induced Magnetization Reversal

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    We have developed a self-aligned, high-yield process to fabricate CPP (current perpendicular to the plane) magnetic sensors of sub 100 nm dimensions. A pinned synthetic antiferromagnet (SAF) is used as the reference layer which minimizes dipole coupling to the free layer and field induced rotation of the reference layer. We find that the critical currents for spin transfer induced magnetization reversal of the free layer vary dramatically with relatively small changes the in-plane magnetic field, in contrast to theoretical predictions based on stability analysis of the Gilbert equations of magnetization dynamics including Slonczewski-type spin-torque terms. The discrepancy is believed due to thermal fluctuations over the time scale of the measurements. Once thermal fluctuations are taken into account, we find good quantitative agreement between our experimental results and numerical simulations.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, Submitted to Appl. Phys. Lett., Comparison of some of these results with a model described by N. Smith in cond-mat/040648

    Spin torque ferromagnetic resonance with magnetic field modulation

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    We demonstrate a technique of broadband spin torque ferromagnetic resonance (ST-FMR) with magnetic field modulation for measurements of spin wave properties in magnetic nanostructures. This technique gives great improvement in sensitivity over the conventional ST-FMR measurements, and application of this technique to nanoscale magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) reveals a rich spectrum of standing spin wave eigenmodes. Comparison of the ST-FMR measurements with micromagnetic simulations of the spin wave spectrum allows us to explain the character of low-frequency magnetic excitations in nanoscale MTJs.Comment: Also see: http://faculty.sites.uci.edu/krivorotovgroup

    Time-resolved investigation of magnetization dynamics of arrays of non-ellipsoidal nanomagnets with a non-uniform ground state

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    We have performed time-resolved scanning Kerr microscopy (TRSKM) measurements upon arrays of square ferromagnetic nano-elements of different size and for a range of bias fields. The experimental results were compared to micromagnetic simulations of model arrays in order to understand the non-uniform precessional dynamics within the elements. In the experimental spectra two branches of excited modes were observed to co-exist above a particular bias field. Below the so-called crossover field, the higher frequency branch was observed to vanish. Micromagnetic simulations and Fourier imaging revealed that modes from the higher frequency branch had large amplitude at the center of the element where the effective field was parallel to the bias field and the static magnetization. Modes from the lower frequency branch had large amplitude near the edges of the element perpendicular to the bias field. The simulations revealed significant canting of the static magnetization and the effective field away from the direction of the bias field in the edge regions. For the smallest element sizes and/or at low bias field values the effective field was found to become anti-parallel to the static magnetization. The simulations revealed that the majority of the modes were de-localized with finite amplitude throughout the element, while the spatial character of a mode was found to be correlated with the spatial variation of the total effective field and the static magnetization state. The simulations also revealed that the frequencies of the edge modes are strongly affected by the spatial distribution of the static magnetization state both within an element and within its nearest neighbors

    Cotunneling drag effect in Coulomb-coupled quantum dots

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    In Coulomb drag, a current flowing in one conductor can induce a voltage across an adjacent conductor via the Coulomb interaction. The mechanisms yielding drag effects are not always understood, even though drag effects are sufficiently general to be seen in many low-dimensional systems. In this Letter, we observe Coulomb drag in a Coulomb-coupled double quantum dot (CC-DQD) and, through both experimental and theoretical arguments, identify cotunneling as essential to obtaining a correct qualitative understanding of the drag behavior.Comment: Main text: 5 pages, 5 figures; SM: 11 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl

    Time-Resolved Magnetic Relaxation of a Nanomagnet on Subnanosecond Time Scales

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    We present a two-current-pulse temporal correlation experiment to study the intrinsic subnanosecond nonequilibrium magnetic dynamics of a nanomagnet during and following a pulse excitation. This method is applied to a model spin-transfer system, a spin valve nanopillar with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. Two-pulses separated by a short delay (< 500 ps) are shown to lead to the same switching probability as a single pulse with a duration that depends on the delay. This demonstrates a remarkable symmetry between magnetic excitation and relaxation and provides a direct measurement of the magnetic relaxation time. The results are consistent with a simple finite temperature Fokker-Planck macrospin model of the dynamics, suggesting more coherent magnetization dynamics in this short time nonequilibrium limit than near equilibrium

    Bias and angular dependence of spin-transfer torque in magnetic tunnel junctions

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    We use spin-transfer-driven ferromagnetic resonance (ST-FMR) to measure the spin-transfer torque vector T in MgO-based magnetic tunnel junctions as a function of the offset angle between the magnetic moments of the electrodes and as a function of bias, V. We explain the conflicting conclusions of two previous experiments by accounting for additional terms that contribute to the ST-FMR signal at large |V|. Including the additional terms gives us improved precision in the determination of T(V), allowing us to distinguish among competing predictions. We determine that the in-plane component of has a weak but non-zero dependence on bias, varying by 30-35% over the bias range where the measurements are accurate, and that the perpendicular component can be large enough to be technologically significant. We also make comparisons to other experimental techniques that have been used to try to measure T(V).Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures. Expanded with additional data and discussion. In press at PR

    Temperature dependent nucleation and propagation of domain walls in a sub-100 nm perpendicularly magnetized Co/Ni multilayer

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    We present a study of the temperature dependence of the switching fields in Co/Ni-based perpendicularly magnetized spin-valves. While magnetization reversal of all-perpendicular Co/Ni spin valves at ambient temperatures is typically marked by a single sharp step change in resistance, low temperature measurements can reveal a series of resistance steps, consistent with non-uniform magnetization configurations. We propose a model that consists of domain nucleation, propagation and annihilation to explain the temperature dependence of the switching fields. Interestingly, low temperature (<30 K) step changes in resistance that we associate with domain nucleation, have a bimodal switching field and resistance step distribution, attributable to two competing nucleation pathways.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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