1,094 research outputs found

    Capital Collaboration: An In-Depth Look at the Community Investment System in Massachusetts Working Cities

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    This publication presents the work of the Capital & Collaboration Initiative, a cross-sector effort designed to increase the scale, efficiency and impact of investments in Massachusetts cities of more than 35,000 people (excluding Boston), characterized by below-median family income and above-average poverty rates, which have been termed "Working Cities" by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston.In 2013, the Boston Fed launched the Working Cities Challenge, a competition designed to incentivize cross-sector leadership and collaboration to benefit low- and moderate-income residents in these cities.In 2015, the Fed launched Capital & Collaboration as a companion process, examining the delivery of capital for downtown revitalization, small business, and scattered-site residential development. The Fed convened a working group of stakeholders from institutions that provide capital and services to communities in the Working Cities. It then invited Kresge Foundation Senior Fellow Robin Hacke and Katie Grace of the Initiative for Responsible Development to work with these parties to examine the community investment system, drawing on a capital-absorption framework Hacke and Grace had developed and have applied in cities across the country

    Impact at Scale: Policy Innovation for Institutional Investment With Social and Environmental Benefit

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    Explores policy options to maximize impact investing opportunities for institutional investors and accelerate the development of impact investing practices and products. Presents case studies of and insights from investors and service providers

    Bridges and Barriers: Patients\u27 Perceptions of the Discharge Process Including Multidisciplinary Rounds on a Trauma Unit

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    Discharge planning is a complex process and ideally begins early in the patient stay. Despite evidence about the importance of discharge readiness, there is limited literature about the patient\u27s view during this transition. The goal of this study was to explore patient perspectives about the discharge process, including multidisciplinary rounds. Multidisciplinary rounding is a process where care providers from various specialties meet to communicate, coordinate patient care, make decisions, and manage responsibilities. The theme found was “bridges and barriers to discharge.” Participants identified timelines and tasks, communication, social support, and motivation as helpful and medical setbacks, insurance limitations, and infrequent communication as hindrances to the discharge. Future research is recommended examining efficacy of various discharge models and examination of communication and support throughout hospitalization

    Educators Teach Effective Hand Washing with a Simplified Method

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    We conducted a study to determine the effectiveness of a 30-min hand-washing instruction among youths in kindergarten through fifth grade. Two months after implementing the instruction, we gathered survey data to assess knowledge gained and student behaviors. Results revealed that high proportions of youths in kindergarten through second grade (n = 90) were able to recognize various situations requiring hand washing and that majorities of youths in third grade through fifth grade (n = 172) tended to wash their hands at relevant times (e.g., after using the bathroom). Overall, we concluded that youths taught a 30-min hand-washing lesson reduced microbial counts on washed hands, maintained knowledge, and made positive behavior changes

    Developing a Culturally Responsive Assessment Model for Short-Term Study Abroad at an Urban Community College

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    The literature on assessing education abroad is dominated by studies using pre-/post-survey instruments to measure student growth across broad dimensions like global perspectives or intercultural competencies. Most studies also focus on study abroad programs in private, four-year or graduate schools. There is limited research assessing programs in community colleges serving underrepresented students, despite the increasing diversity of education abroad participants. This article addresses that gap, and even more important, illustrates the process of how an urban, Minority Serving Institution-designated community college designed a culturally responsive assessment framework—one that that combines quantitative analysis of surveys with qualitative analysis of student e-Portfolios— aligned to their institutional learning outcomes and specific student body needs

    Do injunctive and descriptive normative beliefs need a value-laden multiplier in value expectancy models? A Case Series Across Multiple Health Behaviors

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the benefit of transforming expectancy-based determinants of injunctive and descriptive norms with a value-laden construct across a case series of health behaviors. This case series draws upon three cases (sugar-sweetened beverages, physical activity, and sleep), each evaluating generalized injunctive (ΣIN) and descriptive norms (ΣDN), with corresponding value-expectancy based determinants: injunctive normative belief strength (inbi) and motivation to comply (mtci), and descriptive normative belief strength (dnbi) and identification with referents (iwri). Each belief-based measure (inbi/dnbi) and product between belief-based measure and value-laden measure (inbi x mtci/dnbi x iwri) was correlated to its corresponding generalized scale (ΣIN/ΣDN), and the associations were compared using Steiger’s test for comparing two dependent correlations with one variable in common. Across three case series, generalized injunctive norms (ΣIN) was correlated to 12 referents using a value-expectancy model (inbi x mtci) and expectancy-only model (inbi), and generalized descriptive norms was correlated to 15 referents using the same approach (inbi x iwri vs. dnbi). Using Steiger’s test, it was found that the expectancy-only model was significantly better than the value-expectancy model for injunctive norms, but results were mixed for descriptive norms. Results from this study suggest that value-laden constructs only add error when evaluating determinants of injunctive norms, and researchers should consider re-scaling or finding alternative means of measuring mtci. Results pertaining to descriptive norms were mixed, and a better consensus on best methods for operationalizing the construct is warranted

    Innovative Approach to Measure Effectiveness of Handwashing Education in School-Age Children by Extension Educators

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    University of Idaho Extension educators developed an innovative approach to analyze the effectiveness of handwashing lessons taught to school-age children. A protocol was designed to determine if there was a significant decrease in bacterial Colony Forming Units (CFUs) before and after implementing an educational handwashing lesson. The protocol allowed Extension educators with limited to no research experience to validate their handwashing lessons with scientific research. A 79% reduction in Mean CFU counts pre- and post-handwashing was found, excluding an outlier. The results support the effectiveness of Extension handwashing lessons using a novel quantitative approac

    Home Visiting Services for Refugee, Immigrant, Migrant, and Dual Language Learner Families

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    Thousands of refugees and asylum seekers come to the United States each year to escape humanitarian crises in their home countries. Some face hurdles to accessing services, including language barriers, incomplete documentation, and ineligibility for public programs. Immigrant families often face similar barriers while also fearing deportation or other unintended consequences if they seek help. Home visiting services can support refugee and immigrant families in engaging with others, coping with trauma, and accessing community resources and services. Access to services, in turn, may help offset concerns such as food and housing insecurity and negative health and educational outcomes.This brief produced spotlights five home visiting programs using innovative, strengths-based practices to reach and serve refugee, immigrant, migrant, and dual language learner families
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