21 research outputs found

    Muistisairaan ikäihmisen itsemääräämisoikeuden toteutuminen palveluasumisyksikössä

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    Itsemääräämisoikeuden toteutuminen, varsinkin ikääntyvien muistisairaiden osalta, puhuttaa nykypäivänä kovasti. Päätimme tehdä opinnäytetyön muistisairaan ikäihmisen itsemääräämisoikeuden toteutumisesta, koska se on tärkeä ja mielenkiintoinen aihe. Kerromme teoriaosiossa lyhyesti yleisimmistä etenevistä muistisairauksista, ikäihmisestä käsitteenä, tehostetusta palveluasumisesta ja itsemääräämisoikeudesta. Opinnäytetyömme tarkoituksena on kuvata muistisairaan ikäihmisen itsemääräämisoikeuden toteutumisesta palveluasumisyksikössä hoitajien näkökulmasta. Tavoitteenamme oli löytää keinoja, miten itsemääräämisoikeuden toteutumista voitaisiin kehittää ikääntyvän muistisairaan hoitotyössä. Keskityimme opinnäytetyömme aikana vastamaan kahteen tutkimuskysymykseen: Miten muistisairaan ikäihmisen itsemääräämisoikeus toteutuu palveluasumisyksikössä hoitajien näkökulmasta ja millä keinoin itsemääräämisoikeuden toteutumista voisi edistää. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin ryhmähaastatteluna. Haastatteluun osallistui neljä hoitajaa palveluasumisyksiköstä. Haastattelumuotona käytimme teemahaastattelua. Analysoimme aineiston käyttäen induktiivista sisällönanalyysia. Tuloksiksi saimme kolme pääluokkaa. itsemääräämisoikeuden toteutuminen, estävät itsemääräämisoikeuden toteutumisen ja edistävät itsemääräämisoikeuden toteutumisen. Tuloksista voisi olla hyötyä muistisairaiden ikäihmisten hoitotyössä hoitohenkilökunnalle ja itsemääräämisoikeuden toteutumisesta kiinnostuneille hoitotyön opiskelijoille.Fulfilling the right of self-determination, especially for the part of elderly people suffering from neurodegenerative diseases, is a frequent subject of discussion nowadays. We decided to write our thesis on fulfilling the right of self-determination of an elderly person suffering from a neurodegenerative disease because it is an important and interesting subject. In the theory section, we discuss briefly the most common progressive neurodegenerative diseases, the elderly person as a concept, enhanced assisted living, and the right of self-determination. The purpose of our thesis is to review fulfilling the right of self-determination in assisted-living facilities for an elderly person suffering from a neurodegenerative disease from the perspective of the nurses. Our goal was to find ways to improve the fulfillment of the right of self-determination in the care of the elderly person suffering from a neurodegenerative disease. During our thesis, we concentrated on answering two research questions; first, how is the right of self-determination of the elderly person suffering from a neurodegenerative disease fulfilled in an assisted-living facility from the perspective of the nurses, and second, what are the ways to advance the fulfillment of the right of self-determination. The thesis work was carried out as a group interview. Four nurses from an assisted-living facility participated in the interview. The interview was performed as a theme interview. We analyzed the material using inductive content analysis. For the results, three main subjects were identified: the fulfillment of the right of self-determination, obstacles to the right of self-determination, and methods promoting the right of self-determination. The results might prove useful for the medical staff taking care of the elderly people suffering from neurodegenerative diseases and for nursing students interested in the fulfillment of the right of self-determination

    The Finnish New Variant of Chlamydia trachomatis with a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the 23S rRNA Target Escapes Detection by the Aptima Combo 2 Test

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    In 2019, more than 200 cases of Chlamydia trachomatis negative/equivocal by the Aptima Combo 2 assay (AC2, target: 23S rRNA) with slightly elevated relative light units (RLUs), but positive by the Aptima Chlamydia trachomatis assay (ACT, target: 16S rRNA) have been detected in Finland To identify the cause of the AC2 CT false-negative specimens, we sequenced parts of the CT 23S rRNA gene in 40 specimens that were AC2 negative/equivocal but ACT positive. A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP; C1515T in the C. trachomatis 23S rRNA gene) was revealed in 39 AC2/ACT discordant specimens. No decrease in the number of mandatorily notified C. trachomatis cases was observed nationally in Finland in 2010–2019. When RLUs obtained for AC2 negative specimens were retrospectively evaluated in 2011–2019, a continuous increase in the proportion of samples with RLUs 10–19 was observed since 2014, and a slight increase in the proportion of samples with RLUs 20–84 in 2017–2019, indicating that the Finnish new variant of C. trachomatis might have been spreading nationally for several years. This emphasizes that careful surveillance of epidemiology, positivity rate and test performance are mandatory to detect any changes affecting detection of infections

    The Finnish New Variant of Chlamydia trachomatis with a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the 23S rRNA Target Escapes Detection by the Aptima Combo 2 Test

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    In 2019, more than 200 cases of Chlamydia trachomatis negative/equivocal by the Aptima Combo 2 assay (AC2, target: 23S rRNA) with slightly elevated relative light units (RLUs), but positive by the Aptima Chlamydia trachomatis assay (ACT, target: 16S rRNA) have been detected in Finland To identify the cause of the AC2 CT false-negative specimens, we sequenced parts of the CT 23S rRNA gene in 40 specimens that were AC2 negative/equivocal but ACT positive. A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP; C1515T in the C. trachomatis 23S rRNA gene) was revealed in 39 AC2/ACT discordant specimens. No decrease in the number of mandatorily notified C. trachomatis cases was observed nationally in Finland in 2010–2019. When RLUs obtained for AC2 negative specimens were retrospectively evaluated in 2011–2019, a continuous increase in the proportion of samples with RLUs 10–19 was observed since 2014, and a slight increase in the proportion of samples with RLUs 20–84 in 2017–2019, indicating that the Finnish new variant of C. trachomatis might have been spreading nationally for several years. This emphasizes that careful surveillance of epidemiology, positivity rate and test performance are mandatory to detect any changes affecting detection of infections

    Plasma lipid profile associates with the improvement of psychological well-being in individuals with perceived stress symptoms

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    Psychological stress is a suggested risk factor of metabolic disorders, but molecular mediators are not well understood. We investigated the association between the metabolic profiles of fasting plasma and the improvement of psychological well-being using non-targeted liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) platform. The metabolic profiles of volunteers participating in the face-to-face intervention group (n = 60) in a randomised lifestyle intervention were compared to ones of controls (n = 64) between baseline and 36-week follow-up. Despite modest differences in metabolic profile between groups, we found associations between phosphatidylcholines (PCs) and several parameters indicating stress, adiposity, relaxation, and recovery. The relief of heart-rate-variability-based stress had positive, while improved indices of recovery and relaxation in the intervention group had an inverse association with the reduction of e.g. lysophosphatidylcholines (LPC). Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist and adiposity correlated positively with the suppressed PCs and negatively with the elevated plasmalogens PC(P-18:0/22:6) and PC(P-18:0/20:4). Also, we found changes in an unknown class of lipids over time regardless of the intervention groups, which also correlated with physiological and psychological markers of stress. The associations between lipid changes with some markers of psychological wellbeing and body composition may suggest the involvement of these lipids in the shared mechanisms between psychological and metabolic health.Peer reviewe

    Annotation and curation of human genomic variations: an ELIXIR Implementation Study

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    Background: ELIXIR is an intergovernmental organization, primarily based around European countries, established to host life science resources, including databases, software tools, training material and cloud storage for the scientific community under a single infrastructure. Methods: In 2018, ELIXIR commissioned an international survey on the usage of databases and tools for annotating and curating human genomic variants with the aim of improving ELIXIR resources. The 27-question survey was made available on-line between September and December 2018 to rank the importance and explore the usage and limitations of a wide range of databases and tools for annotating and curating human genomic variants, including resources specific for next generation sequencing, research into mitochondria and protein structure. Results: Eighteen countries participated in the survey and a total of 92 questionnaires were collected and analysed. Most respondents (89%, n=82) were from academia or a research environment. 51% (n=47) of respondents gave answers on behalf of a small research group (10 people). The survey showed that the scientific community considers several resources supported by ELIXIR crucial or very important. Moreover, it showed that the work done by ELIXIR is greatly valued. In particular, most respondents acknowledged the importance of key features and benefits promoted by ELIXIR, such as the verified scientific quality and maintenance of ELIXIR-approved resources. Conclusions ELIXIR is a "one-stop-shop" that helps researchers identify the most suitable, robust and well-maintained bioinformatics resources for delivering their research tasks

    The Finnish New Variant of Chlamydia trachomatis with a Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the 23S rRNA Target Escapes Detection by the Aptima Combo 2 Test

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    In 2019, more than 200 cases of Chlamydia trachomatis negative/equivocal by the Aptima Combo 2 assay (AC2, target: 23S rRNA) with slightly elevated relative light units (RLUs), but positive by the Aptima Chlamydia trachomatis assay (ACT, target: 16S rRNA) have been detected in Finland To identify the cause of the AC2 CT false-negative specimens, we sequenced parts of the CT 23S rRNA gene in 40 specimens that were AC2 negative/equivocal but ACT positive. A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP; C1515T in the C. trachomatis 23S rRNA gene) was revealed in 39 AC2/ACT discordant specimens. No decrease in the number of mandatorily notified C. trachomatis cases was observed nationally in Finland in 2010-2019. When RLUs obtained for AC2 negative specimens were retrospectively evaluated in 2011-2019, a continuous increase in the proportion of samples with RLUs 10-19 was observed since 2014, and a slight increase in the proportion of samples with RLUs 20-84 in 2017-2019, indicating that the Finnish new variant of C. trachomatis might have been spreading nationally for several years. This emphasizes that careful surveillance of epidemiology, positivity rate and test performance are mandatory to detect any changes affecting detection of infections

    Proceedings of the 9th international symposium on veterinary rehabilitation and physical therapy

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    Lasten ADHD-lääkitys ja vanhempien ohjaus : Kuvaileva kirjallisuuskatsaus

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    TIIVISTELMÄ Lappalainen, Kati. ADHD-lääkitys ja vanhempien ohjaus. Kuvaileva kirjallisuuskatsaus. Opinnäytetyö, kevät 2016, 43 sivua, 1 liite. Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulu. Hoitotyön koulutusohjelma. Sairaanhoitaja (AMK). ADHD-diagnoosin saaneista lapsista joka viides saa Suomessa lääkehoitoa. Kokemukset lääkehoidosta ovat pääosin myönteisiä. Vaikka lääkehoidolla on haittavaikutuksia, niitä siedetään koulumenestyksen paranemisen ja perhe-elämän seestymisen takia. Tämä tulos ilmeni sekä Suomessa että Yhdysvalloissa tehdyissä tutkimuksissa. Vanhempien ohjaus ennen lääkehoidon alkua auttaa vanhempia tekemään päätöksen lapsen lääkehoidon aloittamisesta. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on käytetty kuvailevaa kirjallisuuskatsausta, jossa tarkasteluun on valittu kuusi tutkimusta. Julkaisut on haettu sähköisistä tietokannoista Medic, Cinahl, Pubmed ja Google. Opinnäytetyön tarkoitus oli löytää tutkimuksia lääkehoidon hyödyistä ja haittavaikutuksista. Tavoitteena oli löytää myös tutkimuksia vanhempien ohjauksesta ennen lääkehoidon aloittamista ja ohjauksen vaikutusta vanhempien päätökseen aloittaa lääkehoito. Sekä suomalaisissa, että ulkomaisissa lyhytaikaisissa lääketutkimuksissa lapset ja vanhemmat olivat olleet pääsääntöisesti tyytyväisiä lääkehoidon etuihin. Jokaisessa tutkimuksessa mainittiin myös haittavaikutukset, joista unettomuus ja ruokahaluttomuus oli mainittu useimmin. Tuloksista kävi myös ilmi, että eroja suomalaisten ja ulkomaisten tutkimusten välillä oli vanhempien suhtautumisessa lapsen diagnoosin saamiseen ja kokemuksessa ammattilaisten toimintaan. Haasteena opinnäytetyössä oli vanhempien ohjauksesta ennen lääkehoidon alkua tehtyjen tutkimusten vähäisyys. Tutkimuksista kävi kuitenkin ilmi vanhempien toive tukitoimien lisäämisestä lääkehoidon rinnalle. Terveydenhuollon ammattilaisilla on suuri vastuu ensitiedon jakamisessa perheille, joiden lapsella on diagnosoitu ADHD. Aiheesta kaivataan lisää suomalaisia tutkimuksia ja moniammatillisten työryhmien yhteinen näkemys ADHD-potilaiden tukemiseen. Asiasanat: ADHD, ADHD-lääkitys, vanhempien ohjaus, vanhempien kokemuksetABSTRACT Lappalainen, Kati. Children`s medical treatment in ADHD and parent guidance. 43p. 1 appendix. Language: Finnish. Helsinki, Spring 2016. Diaconia University of Applied Sciences. Degree Programme in Nursing. Option in Nursing. Degree: Nurse The aim of this study was to explore experiences of stimulant pharmacotherapy in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and guidance that parent have before the medication. Parents decide about how to treat their children affected by ADHD. Of the treatments available, the use of stimulant therapy is the most controversial but effective. The research method used is a literature review. Six different types of articles were examined and they were accessed through Medic, Cinahl, Pubmed and Google. The results of this literature review showed that experiences of stimulant treatment in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are mostly positive. Medication had side effects such as loss of appetite and sleep disturbance, but parents and children as well preferred the treatment that resulted improvement of academic performance, balanced mood and reduced ADHD symptoms. In Finland parents require more different types of therapy, parent education and support. Nurses and healthcare professionals have an important role in providing accurate and current information for parents and families and should be aware of the pressures parents are under when making decisions about treatments for their children with ADHD. Keywords: ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, medication, children, parent education, children´s experience

    Muistisairaan ikäihmisen itsemääräämisoikeuden toteutuminen palveluasumisyksikössä

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    Itsemääräämisoikeuden toteutuminen, varsinkin ikääntyvien muistisairaiden osalta, puhuttaa nykypäivänä kovasti. Päätimme tehdä opinnäytetyön muistisairaan ikäihmisen itsemääräämisoikeuden toteutumisesta, koska se on tärkeä ja mielenkiintoinen aihe. Kerromme teoriaosiossa lyhyesti yleisimmistä etenevistä muistisairauksista, ikäihmisestä käsitteenä, tehostetusta palveluasumisesta ja itsemääräämisoikeudesta. Opinnäytetyömme tarkoituksena on kuvata muistisairaan ikäihmisen itsemääräämisoikeuden toteutumisesta palveluasumisyksikössä hoitajien näkökulmasta. Tavoitteenamme oli löytää keinoja, miten itsemääräämisoikeuden toteutumista voitaisiin kehittää ikääntyvän muistisairaan hoitotyössä. Keskityimme opinnäytetyömme aikana vastamaan kahteen tutkimuskysymykseen: Miten muistisairaan ikäihmisen itsemääräämisoikeus toteutuu palveluasumisyksikössä hoitajien näkökulmasta ja millä keinoin itsemääräämisoikeuden toteutumista voisi edistää. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin ryhmähaastatteluna. Haastatteluun osallistui neljä hoitajaa palveluasumisyksiköstä. Haastattelumuotona käytimme teemahaastattelua. Analysoimme aineiston käyttäen induktiivista sisällönanalyysia. Tuloksiksi saimme kolme pääluokkaa. itsemääräämisoikeuden toteutuminen, estävät itsemääräämisoikeuden toteutumisen ja edistävät itsemääräämisoikeuden toteutumisen. Tuloksista voisi olla hyötyä muistisairaiden ikäihmisten hoitotyössä hoitohenkilökunnalle ja itsemääräämisoikeuden toteutumisesta kiinnostuneille hoitotyön opiskelijoille.Fulfilling the right of self-determination, especially for the part of elderly people suffering from neurodegenerative diseases, is a frequent subject of discussion nowadays. We decided to write our thesis on fulfilling the right of self-determination of an elderly person suffering from a neurodegenerative disease because it is an important and interesting subject. In the theory section, we discuss briefly the most common progressive neurodegenerative diseases, the elderly person as a concept, enhanced assisted living, and the right of self-determination. The purpose of our thesis is to review fulfilling the right of self-determination in assisted-living facilities for an elderly person suffering from a neurodegenerative disease from the perspective of the nurses. Our goal was to find ways to improve the fulfillment of the right of self-determination in the care of the elderly person suffering from a neurodegenerative disease. During our thesis, we concentrated on answering two research questions; first, how is the right of self-determination of the elderly person suffering from a neurodegenerative disease fulfilled in an assisted-living facility from the perspective of the nurses, and second, what are the ways to advance the fulfillment of the right of self-determination. The thesis work was carried out as a group interview. Four nurses from an assisted-living facility participated in the interview. The interview was performed as a theme interview. We analyzed the material using inductive content analysis. For the results, three main subjects were identified: the fulfillment of the right of self-determination, obstacles to the right of self-determination, and methods promoting the right of self-determination. The results might prove useful for the medical staff taking care of the elderly people suffering from neurodegenerative diseases and for nursing students interested in the fulfillment of the right of self-determination