14 research outputs found

    Risk behaviors in kindergarten: From the perspective of preschool teachers and expert associates

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    Opći cilj ovog rada je istražiti, opisati i usporediti razumijevanje pojma rizičnih ponaÅ”anja djece predÅ”kolske dobi iz dvije perspektive (odgajatelja i stručnih suradnika). U radu su predstavljeni rezultati kvalitativne analize fokus grupa s odgajateljima i stručnim suradnicima iz Dječjeg vrtića Rijeka koji donose opis i interpretaciju njihovog razumijevanja pojma rizičnih ponaÅ”anja djece s kojom su radili ili trenutno rade. Tematskom analizom izolirane su dvije teme: Ā»fenomenologija i kriteriji procjene rizičnih ponaÅ”anjaĀ« i Ā»etioloÅ”ki čimbeniciĀ«. Među opisanim fenomenima i kriterijima procjene su i odgajatelji i stručni suradnici navodili vrlo slično: oblike/vrste rizičnih ponaÅ”anja te opće kao i specifične kriterije za procjenu rizičnih ponaÅ”anja. Među etioloÅ”kim čimbenicima uočavaju čimbenike na individualnoj razini djeteta i u svim ekoloÅ”kim područjima. Rezultati su pokazali relativnu usklađenost dviju perspektiva dok se određene specifičnosti u obje teme mogu prepoznati između odgajatelja i stručnjaka Å”to vjerojatno proizlazi iz razlika u temeljnoj edukaciji. Doprinos rada je u promiÅ”ljanju rizičnih ponaÅ”anja djece vrtićke dobi i viđenju istih od strane profesionalaca koji s njima rade te, u praktičnom pogledu, u implikaciji zajedničkog timskog i usklađenog djelovanja i individualnog pristupa svakom pojedinom djetetu i djetetovoj obitelji u prevenciji i intervenciji problema u ponaÅ”anju.The overall aim of this paper is to investigate, describe, and compare the understanding of the concept of risk behaviors in preschool-aged children from two perspectives (preschool teachers\u27 and expert associates\u27 perspectives). The paper presents the results of a qualitative analysis of focus groups with preschool teachers and expert associates from 31 kindergartens in Rijeka who provided a description and interpretation of their understanding of the concept of risk behaviors in children with whom they worked or are currently working. For the analysis of the focus group transcript, we applied a thematic analysis according to Clarke and Braun (2013), which isolated two topics: ā€œphenomenology and criteria for assessing risk behaviorsā€ and ā€œetiological factors.ā€ Among the described phenomena and assessment criteria, preschool teachers and expert associates provided similar responses: forms/types of risk behaviors as well as general and specific criteria for assessing risk behaviors. Among the etiologic factors, they notice factors in all ecological areas and the child himself. The results showed a relative alignment of the two perspectives, while certain specifics in both topics can be recognized between preschool teachers and professionals, which is likely due to the differences in their initial education. The contribution of the work is in considering risky behaviors of kindergarten children and their perception by the professionals who work with them and, in practical terms, in the implication of joint team and coordinated action and individual approach to each child and family in the prevention and intervention of behavioral problems


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    Rizična ponaÅ”anja koja se pojavljuju u predÅ”kolskoj dobi jedan su od najsnažnijih prediktora ozbiljnih problema u ponaÅ”anju u kasnijoj dobi. Stoga je upravo taj period ključan za prevenciju i rane intervencije. Pri tome su vrtići od posebnog značaja, a kompetentni odgajatelji važan element zaÅ”tite kao nositelji brojnih aktivnosti s djecom u predÅ”kolskoj ustanovi pa tako i s djecom rizičnih ponaÅ”anja. U radu su predstavljeni rezultati kvalitativne analize fokusnih grupa s odgajateljima iz Dječjeg vrtića Rijeka koji donose interpretaciju njihovog doživljaja kompetentnosti i strategija noÅ”enja u radu s takvom djecom, kao i teÅ”koća s kojima se u svakodnevnom radu s rizičnim ponaÅ”anjima djece susreću. U tu svrhu primijenjena je tematska analiza prema Clarke i Braun (2013.) kojom su izolirane tri teme: Ā»ÄŒimbenici koji doprinose adekvatnom noÅ”enju s rizičnim ponaÅ”anjima djeceĀ«, Ā»ÄŒimbenici koji doprinose neučinkovitom noÅ”enju odgajatelja s rizičnim ponaÅ”anjima djeceĀ« i Ā»Preporuke za unaprjeđenje rada s djecom s rizičnim ponaÅ”anjimaĀ«. Istaknuta je potreba za implementacijom prevencijskih i ranointerventnih programa u vrtiće te nužnom sustavnom i stručnom podrÅ”kom odgajateljima u radu s djecom rizičnih ponaÅ”anja.Risk behaviours at preschool age are among the strongest predictors for later behavioural problems. Preschool age is therefore crucial for prevention and early intervention. In this context, kindergartens are particularly important, and competent preschool teachers implementing numerous activities with children, including those exhibiting risky behaviours, are an important element of protection. The paper reports on the results of a qualitative analysis of focus groups consisting of preschool teachers from the kindergarten Rijeka, who shared their views of competences and strategies for working with such children, as well as of the difficulties arising on a daily basis in the work with children engaging in risk behaviours. Thematic analysis according to Clarke and Braun (2013) has been applied for this purpose, highlighting three topics: Ā»Factors contributing to appropriately addressing risk behaviours in childrenĀ«, Ā»Factors contributing to ineffectively addressing risk behaviours in childrenĀ«, and Ā»Recommendations for improving work with children engaging in risky behaviourĀ«. There is a need for the implementation of prevention and early intervention programmes in kindergartens as well as for providing systematic and expert support to preschool teachers in their work with children engaging in risky behaviour

    Utjecaj niskih doza klorpirifosa na krvne i stanice koŔtane srži Ŕtakora

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the genotoxic potential of low doses of chlorpyrifos (CPF) on blood and bone marrow cells in adult male Wistar rats. CPF was administered by oral gavage at daily doses of 0.010, 0.015, and 0.160 mg/kg of body weight (bw) for 28 consecutive days. Positive control (PC) was administered 300 mg/kg bw/day of ethyl methane sulphonate (EMS) for the final three days of the experiment. Toxic outcomes of exposure were determined with the in vivo micronucleus (MN) assay and alkaline comet assay. The 28-day exposure to the 0.015 mg/kg CPF dose, which was three times higher than the current value of acute reference dose (ARfD), reduced body weight gain in rats the most. The in vivo MN assay showed significant differences in number of reticulocytes per 1000 erythrocytes between PC and negative control (NC) and between all control groups and the groups exposed to 0.015 and 0.160 mg/kg bw/day of CPF. The number of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes per 2000 erythrocytes was significantly higher in the PC than the NC group or group exposed to 0.015 mg/kg bw/day of CPF. CPF treatment did not significantly increase primary DNA damage in bone marrow cells compared to the NC group. However, the damage in bone marrow cells of CPF-exposed rats was much higher than the one recorded in leukocytes, established in the previous research. Both assays proved to be successful for the assessment of CPFinduced genome instability in Wistar rats. However, the exact mechanisms of damage have to be further investigated and confirmed by other, more sensitive methods.Istražen je genotoksični potencijal niskih doza klorpirifosa na uzorcima krvi i stanica koÅ”tane srži u odraslih mužjaka Å”takora soja Wistar. Pokusnim je životinjama klorpirifos bio 28 dana oralno apliciran pomoću sonde u dnevnim dozama od 0,010 mg/kg t. m., 0,015 mg/kg t. m. i 0,160 mg/kg t. m. Kao pozitivna kontrola koriÅ”ten je etil metan sulfonat (EMS) u dozi od 300 mg/kg t. m. tijekom posljednja tri dana pokusa. Toksični ishodi izloženosti klorpirifosu istraženi su primjenom in vivo mikronukleus (MN) testa i alkalnoga komet-testa. Utvrdili smo da je 28-dnevna izloženost klorpirifosu u dozi od 0,015 mg/kg t. m./dan, koja je trostruko viÅ”a od važeće vrijednosti akutne referentne doze, u najvećoj mjeri smanjila prirast tjelesne mase Å”takora. Rezultati MN-testa upućuju na značajne razlike u broju retikulocita na 1000 eritrocita između pozitivne i negativne kontrole te između obiju kontrola i skupina izloženih klorpirifosu u dnevnim dozama 0,015 i 0,160 mg/kg t. m. Broj polikromatskih eritrocita s mikronukleusima na 2000 eritrocita u pozitivnoj kontroli bio je značajno povećan u usporedbi s negativnom kontrolom te s uzorcima krvi Å”takora izloženih klorpirifosu u dnevnoj dozi od 0,015 mg/kg t. m. Izloženost CPF-u nije uzrokovala statistički značajan porast razine primarnih oÅ”tećenja DNA u stanicama koÅ”tane srži u usporedbi s razinama spontanih oÅ”tećenja DNA, izmjerenima alkalnim komet-testom u negativnoj kontroli. Međutim, razine oÅ”tećenja u stanicama koÅ”tane srži Å”takora izloženih klorpirifosu bile su značajno viÅ”e od onih zabilježenih u leukocitima, koje su poznate iz prethodnih istraživanja. Oba su se testa pokazala uspjeÅ”nima za procjenu nestabilnosti genoma izazvanih klorpirifosom u Wistar Å”takora. Međutim, točni mehanizmi oÅ”tećenja moraju se dodatno istražiti i potvrditi drugim osjetljivijim metodama

    Učinci istodobne primjene THC-a i irinotekana na rast tumora i biokemijske markere na singeničnom modelu raka debelog crijeva u miŔeva

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    Clinical treatment with the antineoplastic drug irinotecan (IRI) is often hindered by side effects that significantly reduce the quality of life of treated patients. Due to the growing public support for products with Ī”9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), even though relevant scientific literature does not provide clear evidence of their high antitumour potential, some cancer patients take unregistered preparations containing up to 80 % THC. This study was conducted on a syngeneic colorectal cancer mouse model to test the efficiency and safety of concomitant treatment with IRI and THC. Male BALB/c mice subcutaneously injected with CT26 cells were receiving 60 mg/kg of IRI intraperitoneally on day 1 and 5 of treatment and/or 7 mg/kg of THC by gavage a day for 7 days. Treatment responses were evaluated based on changes in body, brain, and liver weight, tumour growth, blood cholinesterase activity, and oxidative stress parameters. Irinotecanā€™s systemic toxicity was evidenced by weight loss and high oxidative stress. The important finding of this study is that combining THC with IRI diminishes IRI efficiency in inhibiting tumour growth. However, further studies, focused on more subtle molecular methods in tumour tissue and analytical analysis of IRI and THC distribution in tumour-bearing mice, are needed to prove our observations.Kliničko liječenje antineoplastičnim lijekom irinotekanom (IRI) često je otežano nuspojavama koje značajno smanjuju kvalitetu života liječenih bolesnika. Zbog sve veće javne potpore proizvodima s Ī”9-tetrahidrokanabinolom (THC), iako relevantna znanstvena literatura ne daje jasne dokaze o njihovu visokom antitumorskom potencijalu, oboljeli od raka uzimaju neregistrirane pripravke koji sadržavaju i do 80 % THC-a. Ova studija provedena je na modelu singeničnoga tumora debelog crijeva u miÅ”eva kako bi se testirala učinkovitost i sigurnost istodobnog tretmana irinotekanom i THC-om. Mužjaci BALB/c miÅ”eva kojima su supkutano injicirane CT26 stanice primili su 60 mg/kg IRI-ja intraperitonealno prvi i peti dan i/ili 7 mg/kg THC-a oralno svaki dan tijekom sedam dana. Učinkovitost tretmana procijenjena je na temelju promjena u težini tijela, mozga i jetre, rasta tumora, aktivnosti kolinesteraza u krvi i parametara oksidacijskoga stresa. Sistemska toksičnost irinotekana potvrđena je smanjenjem težine miÅ”eva i povećanjem parametara oksidacijskoga stresa. Značaj je rezultata ove studije u smanjenoj učinkovitosti IRI-ja u inhibiciji rasta tumora tijekom istodobnog uzimanja s THC-om. Međutim, potrebna su daljnja istraživanja usmjerena na suptilnije molekularne metode u tumorskom tkivu i analitička analiza distribucije IRI-ja i THC-a u miÅ”eva s tumorom kako bi se dokazala naÅ”a opažanja

    Synthesis of the amadori compounds of a bioactive tetrapeptide

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    Amadorijevi spojevi (derivati 1-amino-1-deoksi-D-fruktoze) nastaju reakcijom reducirajućih Å”ećera i aminokiselina, proteina i peptida u ranom stadiju Maillardove reakcije. Dokazano je da ovi spojevi nastaju spontano tijekom skladiÅ”tenja i obrade hrane, te u fizioloÅ”kim uvjetima. U svrhu istraživanja strukture, svojstava i bioaktivnosti Amadorijevih spojeva koji mogu nastati neenzimskom glikacijom prohormona čimbenika rasta TGF-Ī² pod fizioloÅ”kim uvjetima, kao modelni spojevi sintetizirani su Amadorijevi spojevi: N-(1-deoksi-2,3:4,5-di-O-izopropiliden-Ī²-D-fruktopiranoz-1-il)-L-leucil-L-seril-NĪµ-(1-deoksi-2,3:4,5-di-O-izopropiliden-Ī²-D-fruktopiranoz-1-il)-L-lizil-L-leucin, N-(1-deoksi-D-fruktoz-1-il)-L-leucil-L-seril-NĪµ-(1-deoksi-D-fruktoz-1-il)-L-lizil-L-leucin i L-leucil-L-seril-NĪµ-(1-deoksi-D-fruktoz-1-il)-L-lizil-L-leucin. Svi sintetizirani spojevi karakterizirani su NMR spektroskopijom i spektrometrijom mase.Amadori compounds (1-amino-1-deoxy-D-fructose derivatives) are formed in the reaction between reducing sugars and amino acids, proteins and peptides in the early stage of the Maillard reaction. These compounds play an important role in the changes during cooking and storage of food, as well as of proteins in vivo. We have examined synthetic approaches to N-(1-deoxy-2,3:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene-Ī²-D-fructopyranos-1-yl)-L-leucyl-L-seryl-NĪµ-(1-deoxy-2,3:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene-Ī²-D-fructopyranos-1-yl)-L-lysyl-L-leucine, N-(1-deoxy-D-fructos-1-yl)-L-leucyl-L-seryl-NĪµ-(1-deoxy-D-fructos-1-yl)-L-lysyl-L-leucine and L-leucyl-L-seryl-NĪµ-(1-deoxy-D-fructos-1-yl)-L-lysyl-L-leucine, as model Amadori compounds suitable for studying the structure, behaviour and bioactivity of compounds which may be formed by non-enzymatic glycation of the prohormone of the transforming growth factor Ī² (TGF-Ī²) in vivo. The identities of Amadori compounds were assessed by using NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry

    Synthesis of the amadori compounds of a bioactive tetrapeptide

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    Amadorijevi spojevi (derivati 1-amino-1-deoksi-D-fruktoze) nastaju reakcijom reducirajućih Å”ećera i aminokiselina, proteina i peptida u ranom stadiju Maillardove reakcije. Dokazano je da ovi spojevi nastaju spontano tijekom skladiÅ”tenja i obrade hrane, te u fizioloÅ”kim uvjetima. U svrhu istraživanja strukture, svojstava i bioaktivnosti Amadorijevih spojeva koji mogu nastati neenzimskom glikacijom prohormona čimbenika rasta TGF-Ī² pod fizioloÅ”kim uvjetima, kao modelni spojevi sintetizirani su Amadorijevi spojevi: N-(1-deoksi-2,3:4,5-di-O-izopropiliden-Ī²-D-fruktopiranoz-1-il)-L-leucil-L-seril-NĪµ-(1-deoksi-2,3:4,5-di-O-izopropiliden-Ī²-D-fruktopiranoz-1-il)-L-lizil-L-leucin, N-(1-deoksi-D-fruktoz-1-il)-L-leucil-L-seril-NĪµ-(1-deoksi-D-fruktoz-1-il)-L-lizil-L-leucin i L-leucil-L-seril-NĪµ-(1-deoksi-D-fruktoz-1-il)-L-lizil-L-leucin. Svi sintetizirani spojevi karakterizirani su NMR spektroskopijom i spektrometrijom mase.Amadori compounds (1-amino-1-deoxy-D-fructose derivatives) are formed in the reaction between reducing sugars and amino acids, proteins and peptides in the early stage of the Maillard reaction. These compounds play an important role in the changes during cooking and storage of food, as well as of proteins in vivo. We have examined synthetic approaches to N-(1-deoxy-2,3:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene-Ī²-D-fructopyranos-1-yl)-L-leucyl-L-seryl-NĪµ-(1-deoxy-2,3:4,5-di-O-isopropylidene-Ī²-D-fructopyranos-1-yl)-L-lysyl-L-leucine, N-(1-deoxy-D-fructos-1-yl)-L-leucyl-L-seryl-NĪµ-(1-deoxy-D-fructos-1-yl)-L-lysyl-L-leucine and L-leucyl-L-seryl-NĪµ-(1-deoxy-D-fructos-1-yl)-L-lysyl-L-leucine, as model Amadori compounds suitable for studying the structure, behaviour and bioactivity of compounds which may be formed by non-enzymatic glycation of the prohormone of the transforming growth factor Ī² (TGF-Ī²) in vivo. The identities of Amadori compounds were assessed by using NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry


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    Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) are recognized as prebiotic compounds which have the ability to stimulate the growth of gut microbiota, microorganisms that positively affect human health. Additionally, they have excellent nutrition- and health-relevant properties such as low caloric, non-cariogenicity, the ability to reduce total serum cholesterol levels, and many others. FOS can be found in various vegetables and fruits, but in low concentrations, which represents the main reason for their production on an industrial level. Production of FOS is predominantly based on the enzymatic transformation of sucrose using enzymes with transfructosylation activity such as fructosyltransferases or Ī²-fructofuranosidases at the higher sucrose concentrations. In recent years, FOS growing market demand mainly as ingredients for food applications (bakery products, sweets, different types of beverages) has been increased, so there is a necessity for the development of new enzymatic systems for production of FOS with high yields and productivities. Enzyme immobilization techniques have been proposed as one of the potential solutions. Thus, this work aimed to evaluate the potential of amino-modified and cyanuric chloride functionalized amino-modified nonporous fumed silica nanoparticles (AFNS and CCAFNS, respectively) for the development of efficient nanobiocatalysts for application in the biosynthesis of FOS. Selected modified nanocarriers were applied for the immobilization of fructosyltransferase (FTase) from commercial enzyme preparation PectinexĀ® Ultra SP-L whereby the effects of immobilization parameters like initial enzyme concentration, immobilization time and pH were analysed. Among both used nanocarriers, the one with chloride groups (CCAFNS) exhibited the highest FTase binding capacity of 89 mg/g of support with the efficiency of 35 % at an initial enzyme concentration of 250 mg/g of support, pH 6.0, and immobilization time of 2.5 h. By examining the influence of immobilization time, it was found that the highest activity of 1576 IU/g of support was demonstrated by FTase immobilized on AFNS after 5 h, while FTase covalently immobilized on CCAFNS, exhibited activity of 1122 IU/g of support. According to the achieved activity, both obtained nanobiocatalysts were further applied in FOS production which was performed at 50 ā°C and sucrose concentration of 500 g/l during 48 h. Apparently, with CCAFNS preparation FOS production of 14 g/l/h was achieved as compared to 5.9 g/l/h by AFNS preparation. Since in both cases, high sucrose conversion of 89 % was accomplished, it can be concluded that covalent immobilization of FTase on CCAFNS has the better catalytic capability for FOS production than FTase immobilized on AFNS via electrostatic interactions

    Protective role of strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.) honey against cyto/genotoxic effects induced by ultraviolet B radiation in vitro

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    Strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo L.) honey (STH) is widely used as part of traditional medicine in the Mediterranean area, especially in the treatment of wounds, burns and infections. In this study, we investigated the cyto-/genoprotective properties of STH at cell level following short-term exposure to UVB radiation at 2 kJ/m2. Isolated human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) were selected as model cells. Phenolics in STH were determined using an ultrahigh- performance liquid chromatograph (UHPLC) coupled to a linear ion trap-Orbitrap hybrid mass spectrometer (LTQ Orbitrap MS), while homogentisic acid (HGA) was quantified using a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GC-MS). Primary DNA damage in PBLs treated with STH before and after irradiation was assessed by alkaline comet assay, while their viability was determined using the apoptosis/necrosis assay. The levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and glutathione (GSH) were determined in plasma samples. STH applied as pre-treatment at a concentration equivalent to its average daily portion efficiently counteracted the cytotoxic and genotoxic effects and diminished UVB-induced oxidative stress. Post-radiation treatment with STH was not as beneficial. Protective effects could be associated to the complex phytochemical profile of STH and the high content of HGA (306.8mg/ kg). It was confirmed that an intake of a complex mixture of bioactive constituents as STH prior to potential cyto/genotoxic insults stimulated a broad-spectrum of protective mechanisms, including intracellular antioxidative defence and DNA repair systems that helped pretreated cells to counteract harmful exposures more efficiently