207 research outputs found

    Detektion von Ebergeruch mittels chemischer Analytik und Humansensorik bei Ebern aus ökologischer Mast

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    Die Mast intakter männlicher Schweine birgt das Risiko des sogenannten Ebergeruchs, welcher problematisch für die Konsumentenakzeptanz ist. Die Praktikabilität der Ebermast hängt daher von der Reduktion der ursächlichen Substanzen im Tier sowie der sicheren Detektion auffälliger Schlachtkörper am Band ab. Zugabe von roher Kartoffelstärke verringerte die Rate geruchsauffälliger Schlachtkörper. Die Übereinstimmung zwischen den chemischen Messwerten und der humansensorischen Beurteilung lag bei 84 %

    Simultaneous acquisition of PAR and PAIN spectra

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    We present a scheme that allows the simultaneous detection of PAR and PAIN correlation spectra in a single two-dimensional experiment. For both spectra, we obtain almost the same signal-to-noise ratio as if a PAR or PAIN spectrum is recorded separately, which in turn implies that one of the spectra may be considered additional information for free. The experiment is based on the observation that in a PAIN experiment, the PAR condition is always also fulfilled. The performance is demonstrated experimentally using uniformly 13C,15N-labeled samples of N-f-MLF-OH and ubiquiti

    Videos in Universitarian Teacher Education: Prior Experiences, Attitudes and Quality-Related Assessments of Student Biology Teachers

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    Videos weisen ein hohes Potenzial für das Lehren und Lernen in Schule und Hochschule auf. Gleichzeitig sind Videoformate vielfältig und schwer abgrenzbar. Auch über Kriterien für qualitativ gute Videos besteht keine finale Einigkeit. Eine Einschätzung der Einsatzmöglichkeiten verschiedener Videoformate und die Beurteilung ihrer Qualität sind aber sowohl für das eigene Lernen als auch für die Auswahl von Videos für den späteren Unterricht für angehende Lehrkräfte wichtig. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden im Beitrag die Vorerfahrungen und Einstellungen zum Lernen mit Erklärvideos sowie die Einstellungen zur hochschuldidaktischen Einbindung von Lehr-Lernvideos von Lehramtsstudierenden mit niedrigem und hohem Studiensemester (N = 184) untersucht. Ergänzend wird qualitativ analysiert, welche Merkmale/Kriterien sie für gute Erklär- und Lehr-Lernvideos anführen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen ein hohes Mass an Vorerfahrungen sowie positive Einstellungen gegenüber Erklär-/Lehr-Lernvideos, die insbesondere bei Studierenden in niedrigeren Semestern stärker ausgeprägt sind. Die von den Studierenden genannten Qualitätskriterien lassen sich vorrangig einer Oberflächenstruktur zuordnen. Auf Basis der quantitativen und qualitativen Daten können weiterführende Forschungsansätze und hochschuldidaktische Implikationen abgeleitet werden.Videos show a great potential for teaching and learning in schools and universities. At the same time, video formats are diverse and difficult to be defined, and there is no final agreement on criteria for good quality videos. In particular, assessing potential applications of different video formats and evaluating their quality are important for student teachers both for their own learning and for selecting videos for their later teaching. Therefore, this paper investigates the prior experiences and attitudes of student teachers in low and high semesters of study (N = 184) towards learning with explanatory videos as well as to the integration of teaching-learning videos into university teaching. Additionally, a qualitative analysis of criteria they cite for good explanatory and teaching-learning videos is given. Results show a high level of previous experience as well as positive attitudes towards both videos formats. These are more evident among students in lower semesters. Quality criteria are applied by students primarily on the surface structure. The results we obtained by using quantitative and qualitative data allowed us to deduce further research approaches and implications for higher education

    Mehrwerte einer kombinierten qualitativen Bild- und Textanalyse zur Bedeutung sozialräumlicher Strukturen für resiliente Haushaltspraktiken

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    Auf der Basis der Analyse von narrativem und visuellem Material zeigt der Artikel, dass der wechselseitige Bezug von Fotografie und Transkript, im Sinne einer hermeneutischen Spirale, sowohl das Bild- als auch das Textverständnis erweitert. Das Fotomaterial ermöglicht und generiert im Prozess der Datenauswertung auch eine sinnlich-leibliche Komponente, die ein anderes Verstehen ermöglicht. Der Methodenmix von Bild- und Textanalyse wird in unserem Aufsatz auf die Analyse von sozioökonomischen und räumlichen Haushaltspraktiken zur Bewältigung von prekären Lebenssituationen angewendet

    Einfluss von Genotyp und Fütterung in der ökologischen Mast intakter männlicher Schweine. I: Ebergeruch

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    Fattening of entire male pigs is a useful alternative to piglet castration but the problem of boar taint is still unresolved. The object of the present study was to test the effect of (i) two different terminal sire lines (Danish Duroc, Du vs. Piétrain, Pi) and (ii) two different feeding strategies (without (-) vs. with (+) raw potato starch prior to slaughter) on the prevalence of boar taint in organic pork production. The results show that entire male growing-finishing pigs of Du origin have significantly higher androstenone concentrations in shoulder back fat than those of Pi origin whereas the feeding strategy has no significant effect. Concerning skatole, both genetic origin and feeding strategy significantly affect concentrations in shoulder back fat: Pi- entire male pigs are significantly 2.25 times above Pi+, Du-, and Du+ which are on an identically low level. The present results still do not justify a final recommendation

    Traditional Use of Herbal Remedies in Livestock by Farmers in 3 Swiss Cantons (Aargau, Zurich, Schaffhausen)

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    Background: This study investigated the extent of traditional knowledge and use of homemade herbal remedies for livestock by farmers in 3 Swiss cantons (Aargau, Zurich, Schaffhausen). The study focused on organic farms. Methods: At 21 farms, 24 farmers aged 36–83 years were interviewed with a semi-structured, detailed questionnaire. For each homemade herbal remedy, the plant species, mode of preparation, source of knowledge, and application were gathered. Satisfaction of the farmers with the application was estimated with the aid of a visual analogue scale. Results: Information on a total of 165 homemade remedies was collected of which 123 contained a single plant species only (homemade mono-species herbal remedies, HMHR). The 123 HMHR were selected for this paper. They corresponded to 150 different applications and originated from 43 plant species from 30 families. Plants belonging to the families of Asteraceae, Lamiaceae, and Apiaceae were used most frequently. The single most applied species were Matricaria recutita L., Calendula officinalis L., Symphytum officinale L., and Coffea arabica L. For each formulation, 1–4 different applications were mentioned, most of them for cattle. The main applications were skin alterations and sores, gastrointestinal and metabolic diseases as well as infertility and diseases of the female genitalia. Approximately half of the applications were used during the last 12 months prior to the interview. Conclusion: This study shows that HMHR are used by Swiss farmers for the treatment of different livestock diseases. In general, the farmers were satisfied with the outcome of the applications

    AtPTR4 and AtPTR6 are differentially expressed, tonoplast-localized members of the peptide transporter/nitrate transporter 1 (PTR/NRT1) family

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    Members of the peptide transporter/nitrate transporter 1 (PTR/NRT1) family in plants transport a variety of substrates like nitrate, di- and tripepetides, auxin and carboxylates. We isolated two members of this family from Arabidopsis, AtPTR4 and AtPTR6, which are highly homologous to the characterized di- and tripeptide transporters AtPTR1, AtPTR2 and AtPTR5. All known substrates of members of the PTR/NRT1 family were tested using heterologous expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants and oocytes of Xenopus laevis, but none could be identified as substrate of AtPTR4 or AtPTR6. AtPTR4 and AtPTR6 show distinct expression patterns, while AtPTR4 is expressed in the vasculature of the plants, AtPTR6 is highly expressed in pollen and during senescence. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that AtPTR2, 4 and 6 belong to one clade of subgoup II, whereas AtPTR1 and 5 are found in a second clade. Like AtPTR2, AtPTR4-GFP and AtPTR6-GFP fusion proteins are localized at the tonoplast. Vacuolar localization was corroborated by co-localization of AtPTR2-YFP with the tonoplast marker protein GFP-AtTIP2;1 and AtTIP1;1-GFP. This indicates that the two clades reflect different intracellular localization at the tonoplast (AtPTR2, 4, 6) and plasma membrane (AtPTR1, 5), respectivel

    Automated solid-state NMR resonance assignment of protein microcrystals and amyloids

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    Solid-state NMR is an emerging structure determination technique for crystalline and non-crystalline protein assemblies, e.g., amyloids. Resonance assignment constitutes the first and often very time-consuming step to a structure. We present ssFLYA, a generally applicable algorithm for automatic assignment of protein solid-state NMR spectra. Application to microcrystals of ubiquitin and the Ure2 prion C-terminal domain, as well as amyloids of HET-s(218-289) and α-synuclein yielded 88-97% correctness for the backbone and side-chain assignments that are classified as self-consistent by the algorithm, and 77-90% correctness if also assignments classified as tentative by the algorithm are include


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    Georg Langenhorst (Hg.): Gestatten: Gott! Religion in der Kinder- und Jugendliteratur (Kathrin Wexberg)Walter Hömberg / Eckart Roloff (Hg.): Jahrbuch für Marginalistik II (Michael Schmolke)Dagmar Bussiek: Benno Reifenberg 1892-1970. Eine Biografie (Ernst Elitz)Anton Simons: Journalismus 2.0 (Klaus Meier)Youcat Deutsch. Jugendkatechismus der katholischen Kirche (René Brugger