12 research outputs found

    Microbial Communities in Model Seawater-Compensated Fuel Ballast Tanks: Biodegradation and Biocorrosion Stimulated by Marine Sediments

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    Some naval vessels add seawater to carbon steel fuel ballast tanks to maintain stability during fuel consumption. Marine sediments often contaminate ballast tank fluids and have been implicated in stimulating fuel biodegradation and enhancing biocorrosion. The impact of the marine sediment was evaluated in model ballast tank reactors containing seawater, fuel (petroleum-F76, Fischer–Tropsch F76, or a 1:1 mixture), and carbon steel coupons. Control reactors did not receive fuel. The marine sediment was added to the reactors after 400 days and incubated for another year. Sediment addition produced higher estimated bacterial numbers and enhanced sulfate reduction. Ferrous sulfides were detected on all coupons, but pitting corrosion was only identified on coupons exposed to FT-F76. Aerobic hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria increased, and the level of dissolved iron decreased, consistent with the stimulation of aerobic hydrocarbon degradation by iron. We propose that sediments provide an inoculum of hydrocarbon-degrading microbes that are stimulated by dissolved iron released during steel corrosion. Hydrocarbon degradation provides intermediates for use by sulfate-reducing bacteria and reduces the level of fuel components inhibitory to anaerobic bacteria. The synergistic effect of dissolved iron produced by corrosion, biodegradable fuels, and iron-stimulated hydrocarbon-degrading microbes is a poorly recognized but potentially significant biocorrosion mechanism.Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Tecnología de Pintura

    Microbial Communities Associated with Alternative Fuels in Model Seawater-Compensated Fuel Ballast Tanks

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    The biocorrosion of carbon steel poses a risk for ships combining seawater and fuel in metal ballast tanks. Ballast tanks were simulated by duplicate reactors containing carbon steel coupons and either petroleum F76 (petro-F76), Fischer–Tropsch F76 (FT-F76), or a 1:1 mix of both fuels, to investigate whether the alternative fuel FT-F76 influenced this risk. The polycarbonate reactors were inoculated with seawater, and the control reactors did not receive fuel. The reactors were monitored for 400 days, and they all reached a pH and open circuit potential where elemental iron was oxidized, indicating corrosion. The reactors containing petro-76 or fuel mix had higher levels of dissolved iron; one of each replicate had lower concentrations of sulfate than the original seawater, while the sulfate concentration did not decrease in the other incubations. The high sulfate reactors, but not the low sulfate reactors, had a high relative abundance of microaerophilic sulfide-oxidizing bacteria. The FT-F76 and the no-fuel reactors had a high relative abundance of iron-sequestering Magnetovibrio. Although dissolved iron and loss of sulfate under anoxic conditions are associated with biocorrosion, our results suggest that in our reactors these indicators were altered by iron-sequestering and sulfide-oxidizing microbes, which is consistent with the slow diffusion of oxygen across the polycarbonate reactors

    Clostridium difficile Strains from Community-Associated Infections â–ż

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    Clostridium difficile isolates from presumed community-associated infections (n = 92) were characterized by toxinotyping, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, tcdC and cdtB PCR, and antimicrobial susceptibility. Nine toxinotypes (TOX) and 31 PFGE patterns were identified. TOX 0 (48, 52%), TOX III (18, 20%), and TOX V (9, 10%) were the most common; three isolates were nontoxigenic