172 research outputs found

    Emergency Data Transmission Mechanism in VANETs using Improved Restricted Greedy Forwarding (IRGF) Scheme

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    One of the most critical tasks in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) is broadcasting Emergency Messages (EMs) at considerable data delivery rates (DDRs). The enhanced spider-web-like Transmission Mechanism for Emergency Data (TMED) is based on request spiders and authenticated spiders to create the shortest route path between the source vehicle and target vehicles. However, the adjacent allocation is based on the DDR only and it is not clear whether each adjacent vehicle is honest or not. Hence, in this article, the Improved Restricted Greedy Forwarding (IRGF) scheme is proposed for adjacent allocation with the help of trust computation in TMED. The trust and reputation score value of each adjacent vehicle is estimated based on successfully broadcast emergency data. The vehicles’ position, velocity, direction, density, and the reputation score, are fed to a fuzzy logic (FL) scheme, which selects the most trusted adjacent node as the forwarding node for broadcasting the EM to the destination vehicles. Finally, the simulation results illustrate the TMED-IRGF model’s efficiency compared to state-of-the-art models in terms of different network metrics

    Preliminary checklist of moths (Lepidoptera: Glossata) of Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu

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    The present research was carried out to document the moth fauna of Annamalai Nagar during December, 2015 to November, 2016 comprising four seasons for a period of one year, from agriculture and horticulture ecosystems using light traps and host rearing methods. The sheet method was used to record moth insects individually without any damage. Any moths that alight on the screen were recorded in jars just after sunset between 18.00 – 23.00 hr. A total of 2,679 moths were recorded using all the three types of methods employed in the study. Out of which, light trap was found with maximum of 2,253 moths followed by manual collection (369) and host rearing (57) from four different sites of observation. Among the sites, light trapping of moths were observed maximum (656) in Orchard followed by Experimental farm with 629 numbers. The diversity of moths was observed in the study area of Annamalai Nagar indicated the presence of 70 genera and 56 species identified under nine superfamilies of Clades viz., Obtectomera (Pyraloidea and Thyridoidea) Macroheterocera (Noctuoidea, Bombycoidea, Geometroidea, Lasiocampoidea) Apoditrysia (Pterophoroidea and Cossoidea) Ditrysia (Tineoidea). The families namely Crambidae, Erebidae, Noctuidae, Sphingidae, Bombycidae, Uraniidae, Thyrididae, Eupterotidae, Geometridae, Pterophoridae, Lasiocampidae, Cossidae and Psychidae were observed in the study area. Out of which, the family Erebidae alone had 28 genera and 25 species and found to be the superior family. From the results, it was clear that light trapping was superior in collection of moths during night times

    Estimation of Optimum Tilt Angle of PV Panel for Maximum Energy Harvesting

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    In solar energy conversion system harvesting of maximum energy is necessary in order to maximize the utilization of available energy. The maximum energy from the solar panel can be extracted by keeping solar panel in an optimum tilt angle. Various approaches are available to find optimum tilt condition of the solar panel.  In this work two different positions of the panel such as fixed tilt, seasonal tilt were analyzed using isotropic and anisotropic models. Among the various models available in the above said broad category six models such as Liu-Jordan, Koronokis Model, Badescu model, Hay and Davis model, Reindel model,  Hay&Davis and Reindel & Klucher combined model are incorperated to predict the  monthly average of daily global solar irradiation of the inclined panels held in SASTRA University, Thanjavur (India) location. Statistical tests have been performed in order to evaluate the consequences predicted by the models with the experimental results. Finally a detailed comparison between fixed tilt and seasonal tilt of the panel has been carried out and the suitable model for this location is also suggested

    The Implementation of Parliamentary Special Select Committees (Ad-Hoc) 2004-2012: An Important Lesson to Learn for Effective Checks and Balances in Future Parliament

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    In modern legislative institutions rely on Parliament to oversee government action, particularly through select committees (PSCs). PSCs are used in democratic parliaments to achieve good governance and hold the ruling government accountable. Nonetheless, the inadequacy of the current structure hinder the PSCs from operating effectively and efficiently. Therefore, the main objective of this article is to critically analyse the practices of the PSCs in the Parliament of Malaysia during Barisan Nasional from 2004 – 2012. This article adopts a qualitative approach of parliamentary ethnography through analysing documents as instruments in collecting data and library research. This study critically assesses the composition, membership and chairperson of the PSCs based on the provisions in the Standing Orders and other relevant statutes that govern parliamentary select committees in the Parliament. Based on the analysis, the article concluded that the composition of members and chairperson of PSCs during Barisan Nasional (2004 -2012) should be revisited and improved for future practice. Unlike the standards indicated in the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) Recommended Benchmarks for Democratic Legislatures, 2018, the study found several areas that need revisiting, including composition, membership and chairperson of PSC

    Bioefficacy of ethiprole + pymetrozine against the white-backed planthopper Sogatella furcifera (Howard), in rice (ADT – 46)

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    The nymphs and adults of white-backed planthoppers (Sogatella furcifera, Howard) remove plant sap resulting in yield loss. Indiscriminate use of insecticides, results in the development of resistance by insects and ill effects on the environment opening the new era of chemicals with novel modes of action with good bioefficacy, higher selectivity, low mammalian toxicity and safety to the environment. Therefore, the introduction of newer insecticide molecules with alternate modes of action will play a serious role in pest management programs. Hence, an experiment was conducted to evaluate the bioefficacy of ethiprole + pymetrozine against white-backed planthopper of rice (ADT – 46) under laboratory and field conditions at Annamalai University, Chidambaram during 2018-20. Ethiprole + pymetrozine @ (T1 - 36.91 + 138), (T2 - 40.13 + 150) and (T3 - 45.47 + 170) g a.i ha-1 with standard checks T4 - pymetrozine @ (150) g a.i ha-1, T5 - buprofezin @ (200) g a.i ha-1 and T6 - ethiprole + imidacloprid @ (50 + 50) g a.i ha-1 were evaluated against white-backed planthopper. The standard checks were of positive control i.e., reference insecticides which is in common use The results revealed that T3 recorded the lowest population of white-backed planthopper/hill at 15 day after spraying (1.13 hoppers/hill in August – December 2018 and 1.79 hoppers/hill in August – December 2019 respectively) giving better yield. The population of natural enemies was comparatively lower in all insecticidal treatments than in the control


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    Knitted fabrics are known to more complex and dimensionally sensitive structures than the woven fabrics. Variations in material, structural, mechanical processing and finishing parameters are bound to significantly influence the mechanical and comfort properties of knitted fabrics, as well as their qualities. It is obvious that the knitted fabric properties depend mainly on the constituent yarn properties and the knitting parameters. Yarns produced using various spinning technologies not only differ from one another in respect of their structures, but also in their bulk, mechanical and surface properties. The properties of the knitted fabrics produced from such yarns are bound to be influenced by their constituent yarn properties. This study was about the effect of yarn structure (ring/rotor) on some of the major mechanical properties of single jersey knitted fabrics.100% cotton carded ring and rotor yarns were spun using the same yarn parameters (count and twist) on ring spinning and rotor spinning machines using the same card sliver as the feed material. Two different single jersey fabrics were knitted using these two yarns separately using the same knitting machine and knitting parameters such as machine speed, loop length, gauge and machine diameter. These knitted fabrics were tested for their bursting strength, abrasion resistance and pilling resistance as per ASTM standards. From the results, it was found that fabric knitted using ring spun yarn was having better bursting strength and abrasion resistance than the knitted fabric knitted using rotor spun yarn


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      Objective: Diabetes is a metabolic disorder occurring either due to the inadequate secretion of insulin or ineffective utilization of insulin by the body. The study was aimed to identify the variations of the complete blood count (CBC) parameters among the diabetic and normal individuals and to derive an empirical formula to estimate hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) of an individual using CBC parameters.Methods: A total of 83 subjects (mean age: 52.8±9.0 years) involved in the study, among which 39 (mean age: 49.1±8.8 years) were normal and 44 (mean age: 56±7.8 years) were diabetic. The blood was drawn from the participants and was subjected to CBC analysis using automated hematology analyzer. The stepwise linear regression model was used to determine the empirical formula to estimate HbA1c using the CBC parameters. The Student's t-test was performed to identify the group differences.Results: A negative correlation was observed for Hb (r=−0.35**, p<0.001) and packed cell volume (PCV) (r=−0.23**, p<0.05) against HbA1c. The CBC parameters Hb, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, PCV, red blood cells count, mean corpuscular volume, and mean corpuscular Hb exhibited a statistically significant difference at the level (p<0.05) between the normal and diabetic groups. The empirically derived formula yielded sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and accuracy measures of 91%, 49%, 67%, 83%, and 71%, respectively, in diagnosing diabetes based on the estimated HbA1c.Conclusion: The empirical formula derived to estimate HbA1c could be useful in the prediction of diabetes with an appreciable accuracy

    Diversity of parasitic fauna of conventional rice ecosystem during kuruvai season at Annamalainagar, Tamil Nadu

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    Arthropod natural enemies are often vital biological control agents of various insect pests of rice ecosystem which include a wide range of predators and parasitoids. Determining the natural enemies and biodiversity of rice fields is the first step to success in biological control and IIPM (Integrated production and pest management) programmes. In the present study, there were four methods of collection viz. sweep net, Malaise trap, UV light trap and yellow pan trap were used to gather parasitoids from ADT-36 rice variety during Kuruvai season (June - September) in 2012. The rice variety was cultivated following the conventional practices like application of inorganic manures, pesticides, micronutrients etc., The results of the diversity of parasitic fauna of conventional rice ecosystem revealed that a total of 889 parasitoids were collected through net sweep, 631 in Malaise trap, 534 in yellow pan trap and 308 in UV light trap during Kuruvai, 2012. Thirteen different agriculturally important parasitic families were collected and identified. Among the families collected, Ichneumonidae, Braconidae, Scelionidae and Chalcididae were found predominant.  Dryniidae was recorded only in yellow pan trap. Among the collection methods employed, Net sweep was found to be the best in collection of parasitoids than other methods in conventional rice ecosystems

    Intussusception Caused by Yersinia enterocolitica Enterocolitis in a Patient with Sickle Cell Anemia

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    Yersinia enterocolitica intussusception is rarely encountered in patients without an underlying susceptibility and is most frequently reported in iron-overloaded patients. This is thought to be related to the unusual use of iron by this microorganism. We present a case of a 5-year old child with intussusception of the terminal ileum caused by Y. enterocolitica whose past medical history was significant for sickle cell disease. This type of presentation is extremely rare. His monthly blood transfusions may have put him at risk for Y. enterocolitica enterocolitis. The pathogenesis of this disease relates to the role of iron as an essential growth factor for Y. enterocolitica, and this patient’s transfusions left him in an iron overloaded state despite treatment with Deferoxamine. Our patient’s unusual presentation of intusssuception was secondary to the mass effect caused by lymphoid hyperplasia, specifically hypertrophied Peyer’s patches in the ileum caused by the Y. enterocolitica infection. We believe that our case demonstrates that Y. enterocolitica should be considered a possible pathogen in patients with sickle cell disease, especially if symptoms occur shortly after blood transfusion
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