3,182 research outputs found

    County-Specific Net Migration by Five-Year Age Groups, Hispanic Origin, Race and Sex 2000-2010

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    This report documents the methodology used to prepare county-level, net migration estimates by five-year age cohorts and sex, and by race and Hispanic origin, for the intercensal period from 2000 to 2010. The estimates were prepared using a vital statistics version of the forward cohort residual method (Siegel and Hamilton 1952) following the techniques used to prepare the 1990 to 2000 net migration estimates (Voss, McNiven, Johnson, Hammer, and Fuguitt 2004) as described in detail below. These numbers (and the net migration rates derivable from them) extend the set of decennial estimates of net migration that have been produced following each decennial census beginning with 1960 (net migration for the 1950s: Bowles and Tarver, 1965; 1960s: Bowles, Beale and Lee, 1975; 1970s: White, Mueser and Tierney, 1987; 1980s: Fuguitt, Beale, and Voss 2010; and 1990s: Voss, McNiven, Hammer, Johnson and Fuguitt, 2004)

    Spider Biodiversity at Oak Lake Field Station, Brookings County, South Dakota

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    A spider biodiversity study was conducted at Oak Lake Field Station, Brookings County, during the summers of 2003 and 2004 in order to collect and inventory spider families found in eastern South Dakota. Pitfall traps were set at nine site locations with the following categorized habitats: lakeside elevated woodland, midslope woodland, mesic meadow, xeric prairie, xeric exotic-grass prairie, and coniferous windbreak. A total of 1053 specimens were identified, representing 49 genera in the following 21 families: Agelenidae, Amaurobiidae, Araneidae, Clubionidae, Corinnidae, Cybaeidae, Dictynidae, Gnaphosidae, Linyphiidae, Liocranidae, Lycosidae, Micryphantidae, Nesticidae, Oxyopidae, Philodromidae, Pholcidae, Pisauridae, Salticidae, Tetragnathidae, Theridiidae, and Thomisidae. The ratio of males (47.2%) to females (47.4%) collected was near equal. The mesic meadow was sampled both years, and in 2004 the area was subjected to a prescribed burn resulting in a lower number of spiders collected and a lower diversity of spider families. The coniferous windbreak site yielded high numbers of wolf spiders (Lycosidae) relative to other sites. Combined data show a clear pattern in weekly capture rates, with numbers steadily decreasing throughout the summer. Nine families previously unrecorded from South Dakota were collected. The spider fauna of eastern South Dakota is considered incompletely inventoried, even at the family level, and continued efforts are expected to prove productive and informative

    Parents’ Perceptions of Smartphone Use and Parenting Practices

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    Technology use in one’s life has generally explored why people use certain technologies, how they use technology, and the effect of such usage on our personal relationships. To date, however, few studies have explored the use of using smartphones and its effect on parenting practices. The present study sought to understand parents’ perceptions of their smartphone use’s effect on their children and parenting practices. Grounded in a social constructionism perspective, interviews were conducted with 12 parents inquiring about their smartphone usage. Five themes emerged: (1) Disengagement, (2) Concern for Future, (3) Change in Social Norms, (4) Boundaries, and (5) Cognitive Dissonance. These findings indicate some remarkable effects parental smartphone use is having in the lives of study participants. Results and implications are discussed

    Feeding site selection by woodland caribou in north-central British Columbia

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    We examined the foraging habits of the northern woodland caribou ecotype {Rangifer tarandus caribou) at the scale of the individual feeding site. Field data were collected in north-central British Columbia over two winters (Dec 1996-Apr 1998). We trailed caribou and measured vegetation characteristics (species composition and percent cover), snow conditions (depth, density, and hardness), and canopy closure at terrestrial and arboreal feeding sites, and at random sites where feeding had not occurred. Logistic regression was used to determine the attributes of feeding sites that were important to predicting fine scale habitat selection in forested and alpine areas. In the forest, caribou selected feeding sites that had a greater percent cover of Cladina mitis and Cladonia spp, lower snow depths, and a lower percentage of debris and moss. Biomass of Bryoria spp. at the 1-2 m stratum above the snow significantly contributed to predicting what trees caribou chose as arboreal feeding sites. In the alpine, caribou selected feeding sites with a greater percent cover of Cladina mitis, Cladina rangiferina, Cetraria cucullata, Cetraria nivalis, Thamnolia spp., and Stereocaulon alpinum as well as lower snow depths

    PtrA is required for coordinate regulation of gene expression during phosphate stress in a marine Synechococcus

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    Previous microarray analyses have shown a key role for the two-component system PhoBR (SYNW0947, SYNW0948) in the regulation of P transport and metabolism in the marine cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. WH8102. However, there is some evidence that another regulator, SYNW1019 (PtrA), probably under the control of PhoBR, is involved in the response to P depletion. PtrA is a member of the cAMP receptor protein transcriptional regulator family that shows homology to NtcA, the global nitrogen regulator in cyanobacteria. To define the role of this regulator, we constructed a mutant by insertional inactivation and compared the physiology of wild-type Synechcococcus sp. WH8102 with the ptrA mutant under P-replete and P-stress conditions. In response to P stress the ptrA mutant failed to upregulate phosphatase activity. Microarrays and quantitative RT-PCR indicate that a subset of the Pho regulon is controlled by PtrA, including two phosphatases, a predicted phytase and a gene of unknown function psip1 (SYNW0165), all of which are highly upregulated during P limitation. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays indicate binding of overexpressed PtrA to promoter sequences upstream of the induced genes. This work suggests a two-tiered response to P depletion in this strain, the first being PhoB-dependent induction of high-affinity PO4 transporters, and the second the PtrA-dependent induction of phosphatases for scavenging organic P. The levels of numerous other transcripts are also directly or indirectly influenced by PtrA, including those involved in cell-surface modification, metal uptake, photosynthesis, stress responses and other metabolic processes, which may indicate a wider role for PtrA in cellular regulation in marine picocyanobacteria

    Comparison of various properties of low-molecular-weight proteins from dormant spores of several Bacillus species

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    Several properties of the major proteins degraded during germination of spores of Bacillus cereus, Bacillus megaterium, and Bacillus subtilis have been compared. All of the proteins had low molecular weights (6,000 to 13,000) and lacked cysteine, cystine, and tryptophan. The proteins could be subdivided into two groups: group I (B. megaterium A and C proteins, B. cereus A protein, and B. subtilis alpha and beta proteins) and group II (B. cereus and B. megaterium B proteins and B. subtilis gamma protein). Species in group II had lower levels of (or lacked) the amino acids isoleucine, leucine, methionine, and proline. Similarly, proteins in each group were more closely related immunologically. However, antisera against a B. megaterium group I protein cross-reacted more strongly with the B. megaterium group II protein than with group I proteins from other spore species, whereas antisera against the B. megaterium group II protein cross-reacted most strongly with B. megaterium group I proteins. Analysis of the primary sequences at the amino termini and in the regions of the B. cereus and B. subtilis proteins cleaved by the B. megaterium spore protease revealed that the B. cereus A protein was most similar to the B. megaterium A and C proteins, and the B. cereus B protein and the B. subtilis gamma protein were most similar to the B. megaterium B protein. However, amino terminal sequences within one group of proteins varied considerably, whereas the spore protease cleavage sites were more highly conserved

    Is a Sense of Inequity an Ancestral Primate Trait? Testing Social Inequity in Cotton Top Tamarins

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    To address a controversy in the literature concerning whether monkeys show an aversion to inequity, individuals of a New World monkey species, cotton top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) were tested in an offering task and in a bartering task. At issue was whether the monkeys rejected rewards because of a violation of expectancy of the preferred reward, or whether they rejected rewards because of a sensitivity to socially mediated inequity. The data from both tasks indicated that the subjects were more likely to reject when preferred rewards were presented, either because of another animal eating the reward (the social condition) or because of rewards being presented but inaccessible. The bartering task led to the only behavioral indication of aversion due specifically to social inequity, which was demonstrated when tamarins’ sensitivity to the difference in rewards increased with exposure to other tamarins working to receive the preferred rewards. The results suggest that social inequity aversion will be assessed by tamarins, and possibly by other primates, only under conditions of limited resources and a requirement of work, which may make the situation a bit more competitive and thus drives attention toward both social and reward evaluatio
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