126 research outputs found

    The Ursinus Weekly, February 23, 1953

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    Summer school subjects to be selected now • 6th foreign policy institute to be Friday • Women elect Ruth Reed as May queen; Janie Hopple as manager for May Day • Y rep attends Bible study conf. • Dr. Harmin to be speaker at FTA Tuesday night at 7 • Jones to show slides • Detweiler to speak on religion in life day, February 25 • Rev. Flynn to speak tonight • Dr. Yost reads short stories at second English lit reading • Debaters defeat Princeton • Play tryouts to be this week; Group two to give plays • $52.92 collected for flood relief • French Club to give play at Penn, Thurs. • Quartet to sing • Dr. Bartholomew discusses rural church with Chi Alpha • Editorials: Enthusiasm needed; What happened? • Engagements • Letters to the editor • Fraternities sign 54 men • Science majors offered atomic energy posts • Margie changes from practice teaching to teaching position • Students examine Kimberton farms teaching methods • Ursinus men on the rocks as sirens comb their locks • Drexel rallies in last period to triumph 62-52 • Belles topple Garnet 42-24 • Grapplers edged out by Fords in last bout, 18-15 • Dawkins wins but Bears drop 21-5 match to Bucks • Mermaids dunk Drexel; Lose to powerful Garnet • Blood disease sidelines Swett • Haverford edges Bears 81-77 despite late surge • Belles rally to beat I.C. 42-38https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1513/thumbnail.jp

    The 700-1500 cm-1 region of the S1 (A1-B-2) state of toluene studied with resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI), zero-kinetic-energy (ZEKE) spectroscopy,and time-resolved slow-electron velocity-map imaging (tr-SEVI) spectroscopy

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    We report (nanosecond) resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI), (nanosecond) zero-kinetic-energy (ZEKE) and (picosecond) time-resolved slow-electron velocity map imaging (tr-SEVI) spectra of fully hydrogenated toluene (Tol-h8) and the deuterated-methyl group isotopologue (α3-Tol-d3). Vibrational assignments are made making use of the activity observed in the ZEKE and tr-SEVI spectra, together with the results from quantum chemical andprevious experimental results.Here, we examine the 700–1500 cm−1 region of the REMPI spectrum, extending our previous work on the region ≤700 cm−1. We provide assignments for the majority of the S1 and cation bands observed, and in particular we gain insight regarding a number of regions where vibrations are coupled via Fermi resonance. We also gain insight into intramolecular vibrational redistribution in this molecule

    The Ursinus Weekly, October 13, 1952

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    Weekly staff fills several new positions • Spirit group plans contests • Curtain Club holds tryouts for Fall play tonight at 6:30 • Campus contest for blood donors begun • Annual Y retreat to be this weekend • Debaters meet tonight • Seniors to get Marian Caruso, Bob Harry, for prom, Dec. 12 • Chem. society to meet • Pancoast speaks to freshman class • Sophs plan Halloween ball • 232 new students enroll; Freshman class has 197 • Student Union idea to be discussed at Y fireside chat • Sororities schedule dinners for 25th • FTA hears coach Spangler on topic of backward children • Beauty contest to be held • Club plans radio station • Ursinus banner stolen! • Editorials: What are the facts? • One-upmanship • Quartet gives music recital • Campaign hits new low level • French Club to hold party • Commander N. A. Johnson coaching football team on Guam • New assistant librarian studying U.S. libraries • Welcome to frosh from Eger Gateway • Customs make memories; Struggle is not in vain • Glock runs wild as Bears lose scoring marathon • Haverford routed; Face Bears next • Bakermen win via forfeit • Belles tie Swarthmore on second half comeback • Sal Parent\u27s goal wins 1-0 thriller • Poster group elects head • German Club to meet • Pre-meds to hear speaker • Cigarette rep. on campushttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1501/thumbnail.jp

    Making Landscape Decisions to Meet Net Zero Carbon: Pathways that consider ethics, socio-ecological diversity, and landscape functions.

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    Landscapes are an integral part of the net-zero challenge; not only are they carbonstores but they constitute the environments upon which humans develop their livelihoods,interact and shape their cultures.This report focuses on three key landscape types (agricultural, peatlands and forests), andthe associated practices and impacts with particular relevance to the net zero carbonagenda.We have brought together perspectives from natural and social science, humanities, and thearts to understand and evaluate how modern landscapes can absorb the impact of potentialzero-carbon policies

    The role of the intermediate state in angle-resolved photoelectron studies using (2 + 1) resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization of the chiral terpenes, α-pinene and 3-carene

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    Photoelectron angular distributions (PADs), ranging up to the maximum 6th order Legendre polynomial term set by the Yang theorem, have been recorded for the (2 + 1) resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) of two terpene isomers, 3-carene and α-pinene, employing femtosecond lasers and electron velocity map imaging detection. PAD measurements made with coincident photoion detection allow ion fragmentation effects to be assessed. Using circular polarization and enantiomerically pure samples the PAD measurements are extended to include chiral (odd) Legendre polynomial terms, and these are analysed and discussed as multiphoton photoelectron circular dichroism (MP-PECD). Comparisons are also made with single photon (synchrotron radiation) PECD of these compounds. Although for a given compound a common final cation state is reached, pronounced differences are observed between PECD and MP-PECD, and between the alternative identified REMPI intermediate states in the case of MP-PECD

    Circadian oscillations of cytosolic free calcium regulate the Arabidopsis circadian clock

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    In the last decade, the view of circadian oscillators has expanded from transcriptional feedback to incorporate post-transcriptional, post-translational, metabolic processes and ionic signalling. In plants and animals, there are circadian oscillations in the concentration of cytosolic-free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]cyt), though their purpose has not been fully characterised. We investigated whether circadian oscillations of [Ca2+] cyt regulate the circadian oscillator of Arabidopsis thaliana. We report that in Arabidopsis, [Ca2+]cyt circadian oscillations can regulate circadian clock function through the Ca2+-dependent action of CALMODULIN-LIKE24 (CML24). Genetic analyses demonstrate a linkage between CML24 and the circadian oscillator, through pathways involving the circadian oscillator gene TIMING OF CAB2 EXPRESSION1 (TOC1).Supported by BBSRC UK research grants BBSRC BB/D010381/1 (A.N.D.), BB/D017904/1 (F.R.) BB/M00113X/1 (H.J.H.) awarded to (A.A.R.W.), Research Studentship (K.H.) and BBSRC Industrial Case (T.H.). A Swiss Science Foundation Award (PBZHP3-123289) and the Isaac Newton Trust Cambridge (M.C.M.R. and S.A.), 678 the National Science Foundation under Grant No. MCB 0817976 (Y-C.T. and J.B.), a Royal Society Grant RG081257 and Corpus Christi College, Cambridge Junior Research Fellowship (M.J.G.), a Cordenadoria de Apoio ao Ensino Superior Brazil 25681 studentship (C.T.H.), IEF Marrie Curie (Project No. 272186) (M.C.M.R.), a Broodbank Fellowship (M.C.M.R.), a Malaysian Government Studentship (N.I.M-H.)

    Fingerprinting the Substrate Specificity of M1 and M17 Aminopeptidases of Human Malaria, Plasmodium falciparum

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    Plasmodium falciparum, the causative agent of human malaria, expresses two aminopeptidases, PfM1AAP and PfM17LAP, critical to generating a free amino acid pool used by the intraerythrocytic stage of the parasite for proteins synthesis, growth and development. These exopeptidases are potential targets for the development of a new class of anti-malaria drugs.To define the substrate specificity of recombinant forms of these two malaria aminopeptidases we used a new library consisting of 61 fluorogenic substrates derived both from natural and unnatural amino acids. We obtained a detailed substrate fingerprint for recombinant forms of the enzymes revealing that PfM1AAP exhibits a very broad substrate tolerance, capable of efficiently hydrolyzing neutral and basic amino acids, while PfM17LAP has narrower substrate specificity and preferentially cleaves bulky, hydrophobic amino acids. The substrate library was also exploited to profile the activity of the native aminopeptidases in soluble cell lysates of P. falciparum malaria.This data showed that PfM1AAP and PfM17LAP are responsible for majority of the aminopeptidase activity in these extracts. These studies provide specific substrate and mechanistic information important for understanding the function of these aminopeptidases and could be exploited in the design of new inhibitors to specifically target these for anti-malaria treatment

    The ATP-Binding Cassette Proteins of the Deep-Branching Protozoan Parasite Trichomonas vaginalis

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    The ATP binding cassette (ABC) proteins are a family of membrane transporters and regulatory proteins responsible for diverse and critical cellular process in all organisms. To date, there has been no attempt to investigate this class of proteins in the infectious parasite Trichomonas vaginalis. We have utilized a combination of bioinformatics, gene sequence analysis, gene expression and confocal microscopy to investigate the ABC proteins of T. vaginalis. We demonstrate that, uniquely among eukaryotes, T. vaginalis possesses no intact full-length ABC transporters and has undergone a dramatic expansion of some ABC protein sub-families. Furthermore, we provide preliminary evidence that T. vaginalis is able to read through in-frame stop codons to express ABC transporter components from gene pairs in a head-to-tail orientation. Finally, with confocal microscopy we demonstrate the expression and endoplasmic reticulum localization of a number of T. vaginalis ABC transporters
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