15 research outputs found

    Les martyrs comme prophètes. Divination et martyre dans le discours chrétien des ier et iie siècles

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    Dans le discours chrétien des ier et iie siècles, un lien étroit entre la figure du martyr et celle du prophète peut être observé. Les textes chrétiens de cette époque avaient part aux débats philosophico-religieux de l’Empire romain, dans lesquels le sens philosophique et l’autorité religieuse de la divination et des oracles étaient discutés. Dans le discours chrétien apparaît donc une volonté de démarcation par rapport au monde contemporain des sophistes, des rhéteurs et des philosophes. En même temps, les auteurs chrétiens cherchent une position originale qui leur permette de légitimer leur propre discours religieux ; cette autorité, ils l’ont trouvée dans la position marginale du martyr doué de pouvoirs divinatoires.During the first two centuries the Christian discourse relates the figures of prophet and martyr to each other. Early Christian texts of that time took part in the contemporary philosophical and religious debates about the philosophical meaning and the religious authority of divination and oracles in the Roman Empire. The Christian discourse tries to disassociate himself from the contemporary world of sophists, rhetors and philosophers. At the same time, Christian authors were seeking an original position in order to legitimate their own religious discourse; they found it in the marginal position of the prophesying martyr

    Coming Back to Life: The Permeability of Past and Present, Mortality and Immortality, Death and Life in the Ancient Mediterranean

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    The lines between death and life were neither fixed nor finite to the peoples of the ancient Mediterranean. For most, death was a passageway into a new and uncertain existence. The dead were not so much extinguished as understood to be elsewhere, and many perceived the deceased to continue to exercise agency among the living. Even for those more skeptical of an afterlife, notions of coming back to life provided frameworks in which to conceptualize the on-going social, political, and cultural influence of the past. This collection of essays examines how notions of coming back to life shape practices and ideals throughout the ancient Mediterranean. All contributors focus on the common theme of coming back to life as a discursive and descriptive space in which antique peoples construct, maintain, and negotiate the porous boundaries between past and present, mortality and immortality, death and life

    La divination dans l’Antiquité. Une enquête comparatiste

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    Jaillard Dominique, Waldner Katharina. La divination dans l’Antiquité. Une enquête comparatiste. In: Cahiers du Centre Gustave Glotz, 16, 2005. pp. 213-215

    Islamischer Feminismus. Koloniales Geschlechterwissen und religiöse Sinnressourcen der Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in arabischen Lebenswelten

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    Winkel H. Islamischer Feminismus. Koloniales Geschlechterwissen und religiöse Sinnressourcen der Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in arabischen Lebenswelten. In: Martin S, Schwaderer I, Waldner K, eds. Religion und Gender. Konzepte - Erfahrungen - Medien. Religionswissenschaft. Vol 25. Bielefeld: Transcript; 2022: 179-214

    Safety of enzymatic debridement in extensive burns larger than 15% total body surface area

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    OBJECTIVES Bromelain-based enzymatic debridement has emerged as an alternative to surgical eschar removal. Indications include partial thickness, mixed pattern, and full-thickness burns. Enzymatic debridement has been approved by the European Medicines Agency for treating burn wounds affecting 15% TBSA in one session is scarce. The aim of this retrospective study was to retrospectively analyze off-label use of enzymatic debridement in a single burn center for large TBSA burns. METHODS Between 01/2017 and 12/2018, 59 patients with partial- to full-thickness burns underwent enzymatic debridement in a single center study. Patients were categorized into two groups: the regular use group with a treated area less than 15% TBSA and the off-label group (OG) with larger TBSA debrided in one session. Treatment was evaluated for systemic inflammatory reaction, bleeding, hemodynamic instability and electrolyte shifts. RESULTS In total, 49 patients were treated in the regular use group with a median application area of 6% (IQR 2.5-9.5) and 10 patients were treated in the off-label group with a median application area of 18% (IQR 15-19) TBSA. We found no significant differences regarding blood pressure, body temperature or hemodynamic stability during and after enzymatic debridement. No treatment-related serious adverse events were observed in either group. Catecholamine use was similar in both groups. No differences in leukocyte counts, CRP, PCT and lactate prior to application and during the following three days were observed. Sodium, potassium, chloride and phosphate levels did not differ. We found no evidence of an electrolyte shift. Survival was 49 of 49 patients (100%) in the RG and 7 of 10 patients (70%) in the OG (p = 0.004). CONCLUSION Enzymatic debridement did not result in any expected or unexpected side effects in the patient groups investigated. These preliminary results indicate the potential safety of bromelain-based enzymatic debridementin the treatment of burns greater than 15% TBSA