1,121 research outputs found

    Passive Avoidance Training and Recall are Associated With Increased Glutamate Levels in the Intermediate Medial Hyperstriatum Ventrale of the Day-Old Chick

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    In the young chick, the intermediate medial hyperstriatum ventrale is involved in learning paradigms, including imprinting and passive avoidance learning. Biochemical changes in the intermediate medial hyperstriatum ventrale following learning include an up-regulation of amino-acid transmitter levels and receptor activity. To follow the changes of extracellular amino acid levels during passive avoidance training, we used an in vivo microdialysis technique. Probes were implanted in chicks before training the animals, either on a methyl- anthranylate-or water-coated bead. One hour later, recall was tested in both groups by presenting a similar bead. An increase of extra-cellular glutamate levels accompanied training and testing in both groups; during training, glutamate release was higher in methylanthranylate- trained than in water-trained chicks. When compared with the methylanthranylate-trained chicks during testing, the water-trained chicks showed enhanced extra-cellular glutamate levels. No other amino acid examined showed significant changes. After testing, the chicks were anesthetized and release- stimulated with an infusion of 50 mM potassium. Extra-cellular glutamate and taurine levels were significantly increased in both methylanthranylate-and water-trained chicks. The presentation of methylanthranylate as an. olfactory stimulus significantly enhanced glutamate levels, especially in methylanthranylate-trained chicks. The results suggest that such changes in extra-cellular glutamate levels in the intermediate medial hyperstriatum ventrale accompany pecking at either the water- or the methylanthranylate-bead. The taste of the aversant may be responsible for the greater increases found in methylanthranylate-trained birds

    O que leva os jovens a permanecerem na Educação de Jovens e Adultos – EJA

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    The present work has as central objective to analyze the factors that imply the evasion and permanence of students in the Education of young people and adults in School in the Municipality of Alagoa Grande/PB. The present work is based on bibliographical research and field research. The data were collected through a semi- structured questionnaire applied to twelve students, enrolled in a youth and adult education group of the night shift. Understanding the importance of the students' permanence in the EJA is to believe that this discussion is inserted in an even wider problem, which is related to school failure, needing to be understood in its essence and related to other dimensions of the school, to construct instruments of this reality. Educators who commit to Youth and Adult Education are aware of the need to seek mechanisms, methods and theories that encourage the target public not to leave the classroom, that is, the teacher is the stimulator, the mediator of their students. The EJA can be a solution to combat evasion and illiteracy, but the conditions of these establishments often do not exceed the expectations of our students who want to continue studying. Thus, this work focused on what leads these young people and adults to remain in the classroom and concluded that this modality of education needs curricular reforms and methodological articulation, so that these students have motivation to continue studying.O presente trabalho tem como objetivo central analisar os fatores que implicam na evasão e permanência dos alunos na Educação de Jovens e Adultos em Escola do Município de Alagoa Grande/PB. Está fundamentado na pesquisa bibliográfica e na pesquisa de campo. Os dados foram coletados mediante um questionário semiestruturado aplicado junto a doze alunos, matriculados em uma turma do primeiro e segundo ciclos da Educação de Jovens e Adultos do turno da noite. Ter a compreensão da importância da permanência dos alunos na EJA é acreditar que esta discussão está inserida em uma problemática ainda mais ampla, a qual se relaciona com o fracasso escolar, precisando esta ser compreendida em sua essência e relacionada a outras dimensões da escola, para construirmos instrumentos de reversão desta realidade. Por essa razão, os principais teóricos foram: Paulo Freire (1988, 2007), Álvaro V. Pinto (2003), Carmem Brunel (2004), Vanilda Pereira Paiva (1973), entre outros. A EJA pode ser uma solução para minimizar à evasão e ao analfabetismo, porém as condições destes estabelecimentos muitas vezes não superam as expectativas de nossos alunos que querem permanecer estudando. Diante disso, é possível concluir que esta modalidade de ensino necessita de reformas curriculares e articulação metodológica, para que estes alunos tenham motivação para continuar estudando

    Curricular Quality and Day-To-Day Learning Activities in Pre-School

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    The purpose of this paper is to show how curricular quality is related to the day-to-day activities experienced by children and the pedagogical activities of staff, both coded through systematic target child observations. Data were drawn from the Effective Provision of Pre-School Education (EPPE) and the Researching Effective Pedagogy in the Early Years Project (REPEY) studies. Curricular quality was measured by coding the ECERS-E, an English curricular extension to the well known ECERS-R. In centres scoring high on the ECERS-E, staff engaged in pedagogical practices that included more ‘sustained shared thinking’ and more ‘direct teaching’ such as questioning or modeling. In high scoring centres, children were also observed participating in more activities associated with early reading, emergent writing and active listening. Children in centres assessed as ‘adequate’ spent more time in activities associated with the ‘Physical Development’ and ‘Creative’ curriculum. Thus the ECERS-E gives higher scores to pedagogical practices and activities where staff take a more active role in children’s learning, including scaffolding young children’s play, especially in the communication and literacy domains of the curriculum

    The Power to Action Change Together

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    How can we reshape power? This session enables us as Art & Design educators to start practising what we preach. We can only teach our students about equality, diversity, inclusivity, and widening participation by setting the example with our own staff power structures. The session will encourage participants to explore their experience of gender through a series of reflective exercises, rooted in design practice. By collecting and investigating the experiences of academics, we are developing critical action research methods that address inequalities and are designed to filter down to the student experience, addressing attainment levels and the subsequent representation in our industries

    Prospective memory training in older adults and its relevance for successful aging

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    In research on cognitive plasticity, two training approaches have been established: (1) training of strategies to improve performance in a given task (e.g., encoding strategies to improve episodic memory performance) and (2) training of basic cognitive processes (e.g., working memory, inhibition) that underlie a range of more complex cognitive tasks (e.g., planning) to improve both the training target and the complex transfer tasks. Strategy training aims to compensate or circumvent limitations in underlying processes, while process training attempts to augment or to restore these processes. Although research on both approaches has produced some promising findings, results are still heterogeneous and the impact of most training regimes for everyday life is unknown. We, therefore, discuss recent proposals of training regimes aiming to improve prospective memory (i.e., forming and realizing delayed intentions) as this type of complex cognition is highly relevant for independent living. Furthermore, prospective memory is associated with working memory and executive functions and age-related decline is widely reported. We review initial evidence suggesting that both training regimes (i.e., strategy and/or process training) can successfully be applied to improve prospective memory. Conceptual and methodological implications of the findings for research on age-related prospective memory and for training research in general are discussed

    Numerical Investigations of Mixed Convection of Incompressible Viscous Fluid in LNG Storage with a Various Locations of Input and Output Mass

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    The article shows the results of mathematical simulation of mixed convection in the low-temperature storage of liquefied natural gas with a regenerative cooling. The regimes of mixed convection in a closed area with the different arrangement of the input and output sections of the masses are investigated. Two-dimensional nonstationary problem in the model of the Navier-Stokes in dimensionless variables "vorticity - stream function - temperature" was examined. Are obtained distributions of the hydrodynamic parameters and temperatures, characteristic basic laws governing the processes being investigated. Detailed circulating currents and carried out analysis of the mechanism of vortices formation and the temperature distribution in the solution for mixed convection mode with low Reynolds and Grashof numbers (Gr=10{6}, 100<Re<1000). Is established the significant influence of the geometrical arrangement of the input and output mass sections and input stream velocity on the structure of liquid flow and temperature in the low temperature LNG storage tanks

    Novel algorithms for improved detection and analysis of fluorescent signal fluctuations

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    Fluorescent dyes and genetically encoded fuorescence indicators (GEFI) are common tools for visualizing concentration changes of specifc ions and messenger molecules during intra- as well as intercellular communication. Using advanced imaging technologies, fuorescence indicators are a prerequisite for the analysis of physiological molecular signaling. Automated detection and analysis of fuorescence signals require to overcome several challenges, including correct estimation of fuorescence fuctuations at basal concentrations of messenger molecules, detection, and extraction of events themselves as well as proper segmentation of neighboring events. Moreover, event detection algorithms need to be sensitive enough to accurately capture localized and low amplitude events exhibiting a limited spatial extent. Here, we present two algorithms (PBasE and CoRoDe) for accurate baseline estimation and automated detection and segmentation of fuorescence fuctuations

    A protocol for the development of Core Outcome Sets for effectiveness trials and clinical audits in Renal Cell Cancer (R-COS)

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    The data collection for the interview study is funded by NHS Grampian Endowments, and the costs of the interview transcriptions and eDelphi licences will be paid by the Arcobaleno Cancer Trust. Neither funder had any role in the design of the study. All other parts of the study are currently unfunded. The research team is not personally reimbursed for their time and efforts apart from research input by SD, which is financed by Swedish government funding of clinical research (ALF).Peer reviewedPublisher PD