12 research outputs found

    Перспективи використання культивованих грибів у технології ковбасних виробів

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    In order to solve the problems associated with expanding range of sausage meat component of high biological value, a search was conducted for alternative, natural and affordable sources of protein. Protein deficiency in human nutrition has led to the search for ways to increase biological value. It was proposed the optimal ratio of components of sausage meat, consisting of meat and mushroom raw materials. The purpose of this combination is to achieve the composition of sausages to the desired approximation of the "ideal protein" with the established technological effects for this production. The main objective of this work is to study the food and taste qualities of the finished product to expand the range of functional sausages at meat processing enterprises in Ukraine and China. Analysis of these data shows that an increase in the level of meat substitution with mushroom raw materials leads to a redistribution of the mass fractions of moisture, protein, fat and ash. The redistribution of these same indicators is affected by the physical state of the introduced mushroom raw material: powder or finely crushed mass. It was recorded a decrease in the mass fraction of fat by approximately 3% and 6%, respectively. Therefore, it was noted a decrease in energy value from 362 kcal to 335-304 kcal. The proportion of carbohydrates in the experimental samples has increased by an average of 1-2%. The mass fraction of protein remained almost unchanged, but the composition of the protein was closer to the "ideal protein". According to the results of organoleptic evaluation, it was found that when developing recipes for cooked smoked sausages, it is advisable to add boiled mushrooms in an amount of 15 - 20% in finely crushed form. It is advisable to add in the amount of 3.0 - 7.0% at the mixing stage in the form of a dry powder of fried mushrooms. The data presented in this article make it possible to assess the prospects of t he food industry in the production of sausages enriched with semi-finished products of varying degrees of readiness based on cultivated mushrooms. The results of the analytical study reflect the unique degree of the cultivated mushrooms amino acid composition approximation to the "ideal protein". Particular attention was paid to essential (limiting) amino acids and their content in new types of sausages.Для вирішення проблем, пов'язаних з розширенням асортименту ковбасних виробів підвищеної біологічної цінності, був проведений пошук альтернативних, природних і доступних джерел білка. Такими пропонується розглядати культивовані гриби. Дефіцит білка в раціон харчування людей, давно вже став причиною пошуку способів підвищення біологічної цінності, тому ми пропонуємо оптимальні співвідношення компонентів ковбасного фаршу, що складається з м'ясного та грибного сировини. Метою такого комбінування є досягнення складу ковбасних виробів до бажаного наближення до "ідеального білку" при встановлених технологічних ефектах для даного виробництва. Основним завданням роботи є вивчення харчових і смакових якостей готової продукції для розширення асортименту функціональних ковбасних виробів на м'ясопереробних підприємствах України і Китаю. Аналіз наведених даних показує, що зі збільшенням рівня заміни м'яса грибним сировиною проходить перерозподіл масових часток вологи, білка, жиру і зольності. На перерозподіл цих же показників впливає фізичний стан внесеного грибного сировини: порошок або тонко подрібнена маса. Було зафіксовано зменшення масової частки жиру приблизно на 3% і 6% відповідно. Отже, зниження енергетичної цінності: з 362 ккал до 335 - 304 ккал. Частка вуглеводів у дослідних зразках збільшувалася в середньому на 1-2%. Масова частка білка залишалася практично незмінною, але склад білка був ближчий до "ідеального білку". За результатами органолептичної оцінки з'ясовано, що при розробці рецептур варено-копчених ковбас доцільно вносити варені гриби в кількості 15 - 20% в тонкоподрібненому вигляді. У вигляді сухого порошку з обсмажених грибів - в кількості 3,0 - 7,0% на етапі перемішування. Наведені в статті дані, дозволяють оцінити перспективу напрямків харчової промисловості в сфері виробництва ковбасних виробів, збагачених напівфабрикатами різного ступеня готовності на основі культивованих грибів. Результати аналітичного дослідження, відображають унікальну ступінь наближення амінокислотного складу культивованих грибів до "ідеального білку". Особливу увагу приділено есенціальним (лімітуючим) амінокислотам, їх вмісту в складі нових видів ковбасних виробів

    Interleukin-17 producing cells in swine induced by microbiota during the early postnatal period - a brief research report

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    Interleukin-17A (IL-17) is a pro-inflammatory cytokine involved in the immune response to many pathogens playing also a role in certain chronic and autoimmune diseases. The presented study focused on the early postnatal development of IL-17 producing cells in swine. In agreement with previous studies, αβ T-helper (CD3+CD4+) and γδ T (CD3+TCRγδ+) cells were found to be the major producers of IL-17. In newborn conventional piglets, αβ T-helper cells positive for IL-17 were almost undetectable, but their frequency increased markedly with age in all issues examined, i.e., blood, spleen, and mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN). Additional analyses of CD8 and CD27 expression showed that the main αβ T-helper producers of IL-17 has CD8+CD27- phenotype in all tissues. IL-17 positive CD8+CD27+ αβ T-helper subpopulation was found only in blood and spleen. The production of IL17 in CD8-CD27+ αβ T-helper cells was always minor. In contrast, γδ T cells positive for IL-17 did not show a similar age-dependent increase in blood and spleen, whereas they increased in MLN. Because of the age-dependent increase in conventional animals, we included a comparison with germ-free piglets to show that the increase in IL-17 positive cells was clearly depended on the presence of the microbiota as the production in germ-free animals was negligible without any age-dependent increase

    Perturbation of Thymocyte Development Underlies the PRRS Pandemic: A Testable Hypothesis

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    Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) causes immune dysregulation during the Critical Window of Immunological Development. We hypothesize that thymocyte development is altered by infected thymic antigen presenting cells (TAPCs) in the fetal/neonatal thymus that interact with double-positive thymocytes causing an acute deficiency of T cells that produces “holes” in the T cell repertoire allowing for poor recognition of PRRSV and other neonatal pathogens. The deficiency may be the result of random elimination of PRRSV-specific T cells or the generation of T cells that accept PRRSV epitopes as self-antigens. Loss of helper T cells for virus neutralizing (VN) epitopes can result in the failure of selection for B cells in lymph node germinal centers capable of producing high affinity VN antibodies. Generation of cytotoxic and regulatory T cells may also be impaired. Similar to infections with LDV, LCMV, MCMV, HIV-1 and trypanosomes, the host responds to the deficiency of pathogen-specific T cells and perhaps regulatory T cells, by “last ditch” polyclonal B cell activation. In colostrum-deprived PRRSV-infected isolator piglets, this results in hypergammaglobulinemia, which we believe to be a “red herring” that detracts attention from the thymic atrophy story, but leads to our second independent hypothesis. Since hypergammaglobulinemia has not been reported in PRRSV-infected conventionally-reared piglets, we hypothesize that this is due to the down-regulatory effect of passive maternal IgG and cytokines in porcine colostrum, especially TGFβ which stimulates development of regulatory T cells (Tregs)

    Image_1_Interleukin-17 producing cells in swine induced by microbiota during the early postnatal period - a brief research report.jpeg

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    Interleukin-17A (IL-17) is a pro-inflammatory cytokine involved in the immune response to many pathogens playing also a role in certain chronic and autoimmune diseases. The presented study focused on the early postnatal development of IL-17 producing cells in swine. In agreement with previous studies, αβ T-helper (CD3+CD4+) and γδ T (CD3+TCRγδ+) cells were found to be the major producers of IL-17. In newborn conventional piglets, αβ T-helper cells positive for IL-17 were almost undetectable, but their frequency increased markedly with age in all issues examined, i.e., blood, spleen, and mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN). Additional analyses of CD8 and CD27 expression showed that the main αβ T-helper producers of IL-17 has CD8+CD27- phenotype in all tissues. IL-17 positive CD8+CD27+ αβ T-helper subpopulation was found only in blood and spleen. The production of IL17 in CD8-CD27+ αβ T-helper cells was always minor. In contrast, γδ T cells positive for IL-17 did not show a similar age-dependent increase in blood and spleen, whereas they increased in MLN. Because of the age-dependent increase in conventional animals, we included a comparison with germ-free piglets to show that the increase in IL-17 positive cells was clearly depended on the presence of the microbiota as the production in germ-free animals was negligible without any age-dependent increase.</p

    Image_2_Interleukin-17 producing cells in swine induced by microbiota during the early postnatal period - a brief research report.png

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    Interleukin-17A (IL-17) is a pro-inflammatory cytokine involved in the immune response to many pathogens playing also a role in certain chronic and autoimmune diseases. The presented study focused on the early postnatal development of IL-17 producing cells in swine. In agreement with previous studies, αβ T-helper (CD3+CD4+) and γδ T (CD3+TCRγδ+) cells were found to be the major producers of IL-17. In newborn conventional piglets, αβ T-helper cells positive for IL-17 were almost undetectable, but their frequency increased markedly with age in all issues examined, i.e., blood, spleen, and mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN). Additional analyses of CD8 and CD27 expression showed that the main αβ T-helper producers of IL-17 has CD8+CD27- phenotype in all tissues. IL-17 positive CD8+CD27+ αβ T-helper subpopulation was found only in blood and spleen. The production of IL17 in CD8-CD27+ αβ T-helper cells was always minor. In contrast, γδ T cells positive for IL-17 did not show a similar age-dependent increase in blood and spleen, whereas they increased in MLN. Because of the age-dependent increase in conventional animals, we included a comparison with germ-free piglets to show that the increase in IL-17 positive cells was clearly depended on the presence of the microbiota as the production in germ-free animals was negligible without any age-dependent increase.</p

    Vaccine against Streptococcus suis Infection in Pig Based on Alternative Carrier Protein Conjugate

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    Streptococcus suis is a serious pathogen in the pig industry with zoonotic potential. With respect to the current effort to reduce antibiotic use in animals, a prophylactic measure is needed to control the disease burden. Unfortunately, immunization against streptococcal pathogens is challenging due to nature of the interaction between the pathogen and the host immune system, but vaccines based on conjugates of capsular polysaccharide (CPS) and carrier protein were proved to be efficient. The main obstacle of these vaccines is manufacturing cost, limiting their use in animals. In this work, we tested an experimental vaccine against Streptococcus suis serotype 2 based on capsular polysaccharide conjugated to chicken ovalbumin (OVA) and compared its immunogenicity and protectivity with a vaccine based on CRM197 conjugate. Ovalbumin was selected as a cheap alternative to recombinant carrier proteins widely used in vaccines for human use. We found that the ovalbumin-based experimental vaccine successfully induced immune response in pigs, and the IgG antibody response was even higher than after immunization with capsular polysaccharide-CRM197 conjugate. Protectivity of vaccination against infection was evaluated in the challenge experiment and was found promising for both conjugates