991 research outputs found

    Examining the factor structure of the 39-item and 15-item versions of the five facet mindfulness questionnaire before and after mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for people with recurrent depression

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    Research into the effectiveness and mechanisms of mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) requires reliable and valid measures of mindfulness. The 39-item Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ-39) is a measure of mindfulness commonly used to assess change before and after MBIs. However, the stability and invariance of the FFMQ factor structure have not yet been tested before and after an MBI; pre to post comparisons may not be valid if the structure changes over this period. Our primary aim was to examine the factor structure of the FFMQ-39 before and after mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) in adults with recurrent depression in remission using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Additionally, we examined whether the factor structure of the 15-item version (FFMQ-15) was consistent with that of the FFMQ-39, and whether it was stable over MBCT. Our secondary aim was to assess the general psychometric properties of both versions. CFAs showed that pre-MBCT, a 4-factor hierarchical model (excluding the “observing” facet) best fit the FFMQ-39 and FFMQ-15 data, whereas post-MBCT, a 5-factor hierarchical model best fit the data for both versions. Configural invariance across the time points was not supported for both versions. Internal consistency and sensitivity to change were adequate for both versions. Both FFMQ versions did not differ significantly from each other in terms of convergent validity. Researchers should consider excluding the Observing subscale from comparisons of total scale/subscale scores before and after mindfulness interventions. Current findings support the use of the FFMQ-15 as an alternative measure in research where briefer forms are needed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved

    The co-design and initial evaluation of a peer support program for autistic young adults

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    Post-diagnostic support can be useful for any autistic person, but it may be especially important for young adults (16 – 25 years) who may be negotiating their autistic identity while also navigating the transition to adulthood. Yet there is a lack of tailored support for this group. In this study, we document the process of co-designing a six-session online peer support program aiming to support young people to navigate their autistic identity in the transition to adulthood. Through documenting discussions within our research team, we provide three key reflections underpinning the success of our co-design process: (1) maximizing success through preparation; (2) facilitating effective, respectful communication, and (3) empowering meaningful collaboration. We also collected qualitative feedback from program attendees, which we analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis. This feedback highlighted how attendees appreciated the opportunity for self-discovery and to develop their understanding of autism. They also valued the social connections formed during the program. Finally, they said they benefited from the practical strategies they developed. Overall, these insights contribute to the growing body of knowledge on participatory autism research and highlight good practices when meaningfully involving autistic people in shaping the support programs that directly impact their lives. The peer support program, Understanding You, Discovering You, warrants further, more rigorous evaluation in future studies

    The co-design and initial evaluation of a peer support program for autistic young adults

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    Post-diagnostic support can be useful for any autistic person, but it may be especially important for young adults (16 – 25 years) who may be negotiating their autistic identity while also navigating the transition to adulthood. Yet there is a lack of tailored support for this group. In this study, we document the process of co-designing a six-session online peer support program aiming to support young people to navigate their autistic identity in the transition to adulthood. Through documenting discussions within our research team, we provide three key reflections underpinning the success of our co-design process: (1) maximizing success through preparation; (2) facilitating effective, respectful communication, and (3) empowering meaningful collaboration. We also collected qualitative feedback from program attendees, which we analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis. This feedback highlighted how attendees appreciated the opportunity for self-discovery and to develop their understanding of autism. They also valued the social connections formed during the program. Finally, they said they benefited from the practical strategies they developed. Overall, these insights contribute to the growing body of knowledge on participatory autism research and highlight good practices when meaningfully involving autistic people in shaping the support programs that directly impact their lives. The peer support program, Understanding You, Discovering You, warrants further, more rigorous evaluation in future studies

    Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) reduces the association between depressive symptoms and suicidal cognitions in patients with a history of suicidal depression.

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    Objective: In patients with a history of suicidal depression, recurrence of depressive symptoms can easily reactivate suicidal thinking. In this study, we investigated whether training in mindfulness, which is aimed at helping patients “decenter” from negative thinking, could help weaken the link between depressive symptoms and suicidal cognitions. Method: Analyses were based on data from a recent randomized controlled trial, in which previously suicidal patients were allocated to mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), an active control treatment, cognitive psychoeducation (CPE), which did not include any meditation practice, or treatment as usual (TAU). After the end of the treatment phase, we compared the associations between depressive symptoms, as assessed through self-reports on the Beck Depression Inventory–II (Beck, Steer, & Brown, 1996), and suicidal thinking, as assessed through the Suicidal Cognitions Scale (Rudd et al., 2001). Results: In patients with minimal to moderate symptoms at the time of assessment, comparisons of the correlations between depressive symptoms and suicidal cognitions showed significant differences between the groups. Although suicidal cognitions were significantly related to levels of symptoms in the 2 control groups, there was no such relation in the MBCT group. Conclusion: The findings suggest that, in patients with a history of suicidal depression, training in mindfulness can help to weaken the association between depressive symptoms and suicidal thinking, and thus reduce an important vulnerability for relapse to suicidal depression

    Relaxation Dynamics of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Re^I(C)O_3(Îą-diimine)(HisX)^+ (X=83, 107, 109, 124, 126)Cu-^(II) Azurins

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    Photoinduced relaxation processes of five structurally characterized Pseudomonas aeruginosa Re^I(CO)_3(α-diimine)(HisX) (X = 83, 107, 109, 124, 126)Cu^(II) azurins have been investigated by time-resolved (ps−ns) IR spectroscopy and emission spectroscopy. Crystal structures reveal the presence of Re-azurin dimers and trimers that in two cases (X = 107, 124) involve van der Waals interactions between interdigitated diimine aromatic rings. Time-dependent emission anisotropy measurements confirm that the proteins aggregate in mM solutions (D2O, KPi buffer, pD = 7.1). Excited-state DFT calculations show that extensive charge redistribution in the ReI(CO)_3 → diimine ^3MLCT state occurs: excitation of this ^3MLCT state triggers several relaxation processes in Re-azurins whose kinetics strongly depend on the location of the metallolabel on the protein surface. Relaxation is manifested by dynamic blue shifts of excited-state ν(CO) IR bands that occur with triexponential kinetics: intramolecular vibrational redistribution together with vibrational and solvent relaxation give rise to subps, 2, and 8−20 ps components, while the ~10^2 ps kinetics are attributed to displacement (reorientation) of the Re^I(CO)_3(phen)(im) unit relative to the peptide chain, which optimizes Coulombic interactions of the Re^I excited-state electron density with solvated peptide groups. Evidence also suggests that additional segmental movements of Re-bearing β-strands occur without perturbing the reaction field or interactions with the peptide. Our work demonstrates that time-resolved IR spectroscopy and emission anisotropy of Re^I carbonyl−diimine complexes are powerful probes of molecular dynamics at or around the surfaces of proteins and protein−protein interfacial regions

    Using Data Linkage to Investigate Inconsistent Reporting of Self-Harm and Questionnaire Non-Response

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    The objective of this study was to examine agreement between self-reported and medically recorded self-harm, and investigate whether the prevalence of self-harm differs in questionnaire responders vs. non-responders. A total of 4,810 participants from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) completed a self-harm questionnaire at age 16 years. Data from consenting participants were linked to medical records (number available for analyses ranges from 205-3,027). The prevalence of self-harm leading to hospital admission was somewhat higher in questionnaire non-responders than responders (2.0 vs. 1.2%). Hospital attendance with self-harm was under-reported on the questionnaire. One third reported self-harm inconsistently over time; inconsistent reporters were less likely to have depression and fewer had self-harmed with suicidal intent. Self-harm prevalence estimates derived from self-report may be underestimated; more accurate figures may come from combining data from multiple sources

    Gimme Shelter: differential utilisation and propagule creation of invasive macrophytes by native caddisfly larvae

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    In aquatic systems, invasive submerged macrophytes considerably alter the structure and functioning of communities, thus potentially compromising ecosystem services. The prolific spread of invasive macrophytes is often aided by vegetative fragment propagation, yet the contributions of various commonly occurring invertebrates to such fragmentation are often unquantified. In the present study, we examine fragmentary spread of invasive macrophytes by a group of shredder-herbivores, larval caddisflies. Through novel application of the comparative functional response (FR; resource use as a function of density) approach to the native case-building species Limnephilus lunatus, we compared utilisation of non-native waterweeds Elodea canadensis and E. nuttallii in mono- and polycultures. Furthermore, we quantified de-cased and cased caddisfly-induced fragment production and length changes among non-native E. canadensis, E. nuttallii, Crassula helmsii and Lagarosiphon major under two different plant orientations: horizontal (floating) versus vertical (upright) growth forms. Larval caddisflies exhibited Type II (hyperbolic) FRs towards both Elodea species, and utilised each plant at similar rates when plants were provided separately. When plant species were presented in combination horizontally, E. canadensis was significantly less utilised compared to E. nuttallii, corroborating observations in the field. De-cased larvae produced new plant fragments for all four aquatic macrophytes, whereas cased larvae fragmented plants significantly less. Elodea nuttalii and C. helmsii were fragmented the most overall. Crassula helmsii was utilised to the greatest extent when plants were horizontally orientated, and Elodea species when vertically orientated. This study identifies and quantifies a mechanism from a novel species group that may contribute to the spread of invasive macrophytes in aquatic systems. Whilst exploititative interactions are thought to impede invasion success, here we demonstrate how resource utilisation by a resident species may exacerbate propagule pressure from an invasive species
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