37 research outputs found

    Development of the urban toponymic system in Český Krumlov

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    This bachelor thesis explores the development of the urban toponymic system in Český Krumlov. The thesis contains a corpus of urbanonyms of the city, which is analysed from several points of view: semantic motivation, the form of names and the relation between the German and Czech language. The thesis also deals with the phenomenon of urbanonymic subsystems. Particular names are studied in their development from the beginning of the twentieth century up to the present.Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá vývojem urbanonymického systému v městě Český Krumlov. Práce obsahuje korpus českokrumlovských urbanonym, který je analyzován z několika hledisek: z hlediska sémantické motivace, formy jednotlivých názvů a vztahu německého a českého jazyka. Dále se práce zabývá fenoménem urbanonymických subsystémů. Jednotlivé názvy jsou sledovány v jejich vývoji zejména od počátku dvacátého století po současnost.Ústav českého jazyka a teorie komunikaceInstitute of Czech Language and Theory of CommunicationFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Comparison of Different Toll Policies in the Dynamic Second-best Optimal Toll Design Problem: Case study on a Three-link network

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    In this paper, the dynamic optimal toll design problem is considered as a one leader-many followers hierarchical non-cooperative game. On a given network the road authority as the leader tolls some links in order to reach its objective, while travelers as followers minimize their perceived travel costs. So far toll has always been considered either as constant or as time-varying. Inspired by the San Diego's Interstate 15 congestion pricing project, in which heuristics with toll proportional to traffic flow are applied on a real two-link highway network, we consider toll as proportional to traffic flows in the network. On a three-link network we investigate various toll schemes and their influence on the outcome of the game for the road authority. We show that the use of alternative toll schemes may improve system performance remarkably

    Dog and cat endoparasitic diseases and their therapy

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    This diploma thesis is engaged in endoparasite of cats and dogs and in their therapy. Diploma thesis specialize in endoparasite occuring in our country averse them we have registered medicine. I describe aetiopathogenesis, symptomatology, diagnosis and therapy of each parasite. Therapy is described more detailed in separate chapter as well as particular pharmaceutical form and their aplication. In The Czech Republic we have sufficient quantum of treatment in heterogeneous pharmaceutical form for treatment endoparasite od cats and dogs

    The multivariable Evaluation of the labour market in the Opava district

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    Import 20/11/2006Prezenční156 - Katedra národohospodářsk

    Market segmentation of the tourism preferences

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    Analysis of the customer's behaviour of the different segments, which are different from each other, as far as planning, organizing and realization of the summer holiday are concerned. The datas will help the author and her profession development in Tourism and Marketing branches, so as the main tourism institutions, such as Czech Tourism or Department of local development

    Physical activity and structure of the personality of women with sedentary occupation

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    : At present, the lack of physical activity and factors called biosocial correlates are a frequent topic. The female gender is considered one of a negative bisocial correlates so we might expect that men are more active than women. The aim of this work is to realize if personality traits of women affect the amount of their physical activity. A total of fifty women in the age range of 22 to 64 years, having a sedentary work, took part in this survey. These women were writting down their daily physical activity, measured by pedometer Yamax Digiwalker SW-700. This measurement was carried out in two week-long periods on April and October 2019. To examine their personality traits it was used the Big five NEO Personality Inventory, where the results were statistically processed and evaluated under supervision of a psychologist. It has been realized that women who are more extroverted meet the daily 10.000 step goal, but only on weeksdays, so we might consider it a significant positive correlates of physical activity. Women with a hight level of conscientiousness do not meet the physical activity goal. In comparison with women who lack the dominance of trait of conscientiousness, the women with dominance of this trait have lower level of physical activity.Considerating all the findings mentioned above, we might come to a conclusion that the physical activity of women who have a sedentary work does not change

    Výživa sportovců

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