17 research outputs found
Family childrens' a view
Bakalářská práce "Rodina očima dětí" se zabývá problematikou současné rodiny s přihlédnutím k historickým souvislostem. Cílem je analýza české rodiny z pohledu dětí a srovnání zjištěných výsledků se závěry národních výzkumů. Práci tvoří dvě stěžejní oblasti. Jedná se o část teoretickou, která pomocí zpracování literárních pramenů a internetových zdrojů popisuje trendy ve vývoji rodiny. Mapuje rodinnou strukturu, funkce, výchovné styly a přístupy rodičů k dítěti. Praktická část zjišťuje pomocí metody dotazníku rodinnou situaci u vybrané skupiny žáků základních škol. Výsledky ukázaly, že funkční rodina je nezastupitelnou primární sociální skupinou, která pozitivně ovlivňuje své členy v jejich představách o budoucím rodinném životě, a vyústily v konkrétní navrhovaná řešení pro další možná orientační šetření. Za největší přínos práce vzhledem k řešené problematice je možné považovat získání subjektivních výpovědí respondentů, které umožnily nahlédnout do soukromí jejich rodin, a přináší tak mnohé podněty k zamyšlení nad současnou situací české rodiny.My bachelor thesis, "The family childrens' a view" focuses on the problem of the conteporary type of family regarding to the historical context. The aim of the work is to analyse a family from the children's point of view and to compare the result with the national research conclusions. The thesis contains two parts. The theoretical part describes the tendencies in the development of a family, using the literary and internet sources. It studies a family structure, functions, types of education and parents' attitudes to a child. The practical part elicites a family situation concerning the determined group of pupils, using the questionary method. The results confirmed the presumption, that the functional family is the type of a social group that cannot be represented by any other. The family influences its members concerning their image of their future family life. The results lead to the concrete suggested solutions for further possible research work. What can be considered as the biggest contribution to the solution to the problem is probably gaining answers from the respondents, that allowed the access to private lives of their families and therefore let us think about the contemporary family situation in the Czech Republic.Katedra pedagogikyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult
Primary school pupils with eating disorders
Diplomová práce "Poruchy příjmu potravy u žáků základní školy" se v teoretické části zabývá především problematikou mentální anorexie a mentální bulimie se zaměřením na jejich epidemiologii, etiologii, symptomy, následky a léčbu. Poslední kapitola teoretické části je věnována prevenci PPP v rámci výchovy ke zdraví a volně tak odkazuje k části praktické. Praktická část se skládá z případových studií pacientek trpících mentální anorexií a bulimií a z průzkumného dotazníkového šetření mapující primární prevenci poruch příjmu potravy u žáků ZŠ. Cílem této práce je představit PPP jako aktuální problém dnešní společnosti, zjištění úrovně informovanosti žáků 8. a 9. tříd ZŠ v oblasti poruch příjmu potravy a sumarizování jejich postojů k vlastnímu tělu.Katedra psychologieObhájenoIn theoretical part the diploma thesis deals with problems of mental anorexia and bulimia aimed at epidemiology, etiology, symptoms, consequences and treatment. Last charter of a theoretical part is to contribute the prevention of eating disorders in health education and it refers to a practical part of diploma thesis. The practical part contents of the case study of patients with mental anorexia and bulimia and from questionnaires mapping basic prevention of eating disorders at basic schools.
The goal of the thesis is to introduce eating disorders as a current problem for today´s society, to find out what is the level of information at primary schools if the students are well informed and to summarize their attitude to their own body
Czech grammar schools, their students and teachers, 1867-1918
This thesis examines the development, character and routine of an ordinary day of Czech middle schools. The first chapter outlines the changes in middle school education throughout the 'long' 19th Century. The summary of these changes begins at the end of the 18th Century, the time of the educational reforrns introduced by Maria Theresa and Joseph II, and is followed by a brief summary of the changes in the first half of the 19th Century. Detailed research has been done into the history of middle schools, from 1848 (from Bonitz-Exner Outline, a fundamental document which influenced changes in the educational system for many years) until the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The main focus is on the period from 1867; this year was the catalyst for the major development of Czech middle schools. Briefly mentioned are the changes and restrictions caused by the First World War; there is also a section dedicated to middle school education for girls. The second chapter concentrates on specific areas of middle school education, such as: who studied, and on what terrns; programmes of study; the curriculum of individua! subjects. The structure of the school year and the daily school time-table is also examined. Detailed study has been made of marking and the context and demands of final exams. Furtherrnore,..
Czech grammar schools, their students and teachers, 1867-1918
This thesis examines the development, character and routine of an ordinary day of Czech middle schools. The first chapter outlines the changes in middle school education throughout the 'long' 19th Century. The summary of these changes begins at the end of the 18th Century, the time of the educational reforrns introduced by Maria Theresa and Joseph II, and is followed by a brief summary of the changes in the first half of the 19th Century. Detailed research has been done into the history of middle schools, from 1848 (from Bonitz-Exner Outline, a fundamental document which influenced changes in the educational system for many years) until the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The main focus is on the period from 1867; this year was the catalyst for the major development of Czech middle schools. Briefly mentioned are the changes and restrictions caused by the First World War; there is also a section dedicated to middle school education for girls. The second chapter concentrates on specific areas of middle school education, such as: who studied, and on what terrns; programmes of study; the curriculum of individua! subjects. The structure of the school year and the daily school time-table is also examined. Detailed study has been made of marking and the context and demands of final exams. Furtherrnore,..
Drama Methods in teaching History of Jews at Grammar School
This thesis focuses on use of drama in teaching History at Grammar School, particularly within the topic of Jews living in Czech Lands. A short essay opens up this thesis, discussing advantages and disadvantages of use of the drama methods as well as main approaches to drama work used in History lessons. The core of this thesis is based on records of two structured dramas including their historical background information. First ?Hilsneriade ? is devoted to the problem of anti-Semitism in Czech Lands at the end of 19th century and the beginning of 20th century and also looks at a superstition of ritual murders. Second ? Jews after Second World War ? is based on life of Jews and their struggle after surviving Holocaust
Czech theatre for children in the first half of 19th century
This thesis looks at Czech theatre for children from the first half of 19th century. The first chapter focuses on an introduction of the time context, recalls historical matters and development of education and literature for children at the time. Next chapter assembles reports of performed children's plays as well as analyses theoretical essays looking at styles of making theatre at that time. The most voluminous chapter focuses on texts of children's plays, translated into Czech, namely on plays by Christian Felix Weisse. Last two chapters are devoted to original Czech texts - to classic drama on one side and short texts published in magazine Přítel mládeže (Friend of youngsters) on the other
Family childrens' a view
My bachelor thesis, "The family childrens' a view" focuses on the problem of the conteporary type of family regarding to the historical context. The aim of the work is to analyse a family from the children's point of view and to compare the result with the national research conclusions. The thesis contains two parts. The theoretical part describes the tendencies in the development of a family, using the literary and internet sources. It studies a family structure, functions, types of education and parents' attitudes to a child. The practical part elicites a family situation concerning the determined group of pupils, using the questionary method. The results confirmed the presumption, that the functional family is the type of a social group that cannot be represented by any other. The family influences its members concerning their image of their future family life. The results lead to the concrete suggested solutions for further possible research work. What can be considered as the biggest contribution to the solution to the problem is probably gaining answers from the respondents, that allowed the access to private lives of their families and therefore let us think about the contemporary family situation in the Czech Republic
Bioaktivní látky používané k prodloužení údržnosti mléka a mléčných výrobků
The aim of my work was to investigate bioactive substances, which are able to extend the shelf life of milk and dairy products. The work deals with the description of the spe-cies of lactic acid bacteria and their products, which can considered acid, hydrogen pe-roxide, and especially bacteriocins that are in the thesis divided into classes and described. In the second part of the thesis deals with bioactive substances, which are of plant origin. Finally, the are described dairy products that naturally contain these bio-active substances
Czech grammar schools, their students and teachers, 1867-1918
This thesis examines the development, character and routine of an ordinary day of Czech middle schools. The first chapter outlines the changes in middle school education throughout the 'long' 19th Century. The summary of these changes begins at the end of the 18th Century, the time of the educational reforrns introduced by Maria Theresa and Joseph II, and is followed by a brief summary of the changes in the first half of the 19th Century. Detailed research has been done into the history of middle schools, from 1848 (from Bonitz-Exner Outline, a fundamental document which influenced changes in the educational system for many years) until the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The main focus is on the period from 1867; this year was the catalyst for the major development of Czech middle schools. Briefly mentioned are the changes and restrictions caused by the First World War; there is also a section dedicated to middle school education for girls. The second chapter concentrates on specific areas of middle school education, such as: who studied, and on what terrns; programmes of study; the curriculum of individua! subjects. The structure of the school year and the daily school time-table is also examined. Detailed study has been made of marking and the context and demands of final exams. Furtherrnore,..
Czech grammar schools, their students and teachers, 1867-1918
This thesis examines the development, character and routine of an ordinary day of Czech middle schools. The first chapter outlines the changes in middle school education throughout the 'long' 19th Century. The summary of these changes begins at the end of the 18th Century, the time of the educational reforrns introduced by Maria Theresa and Joseph II, and is followed by a brief summary of the changes in the first half of the 19th Century. Detailed research has been done into the history of middle schools, from 1848 (from Bonitz-Exner Outline, a fundamental document which influenced changes in the educational system for many years) until the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The main focus is on the period from 1867; this year was the catalyst for the major development of Czech middle schools. Briefly mentioned are the changes and restrictions caused by the First World War; there is also a section dedicated to middle school education for girls. The second chapter concentrates on specific areas of middle school education, such as: who studied, and on what terrns; programmes of study; the curriculum of individua! subjects. The structure of the school year and the daily school time-table is also examined. Detailed study has been made of marking and the context and demands of final exams. Furtherrnore,..