40 research outputs found

    三重県における地域別食生活実態の公衆栄養学的考察 : 第10報 昭和56年,三重県下鈴鹿市庄野小学校および阿山郡大山田村東小学校学童の朝食における食事形態についての検討

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    昭和56年5月中の3日間にわたり,三重県下の平坦部で,市街化地域の鈴鹿市庄野小学校および山間部で農村の阿山郡大山田村東小学校学童を対象とし,朝食の主食パターン別の食品群別,調理形態別出現状況について検討した。結果はつぎのとおりであった。1)主食パターンの学校別,種類別分布では,庄野小で米飯パターン74%,パンパターン26%,その他のパターン0%であり,東小で米飯パターン72%,パンパターン18%,その他のパターン10%であった。2)副食で使用頻度の高率な食品群は,米飯パターンで両校とも豆類およびその他の野菜類であり,パンパターンで両校とも乳類および油脂類で,その他のパターンで東小のみがわずかにみられた。ついで,調理形態をみると米飯パターンで,両校ともみそ汁で代表される汁物および手軽でそのまま摂取できる生・乾物が高率であり,パンパターンで庄野小では生・乾物が,東小ではその他(加工食品)が高率であった。3)食品群別の学校別調理形態別出現率では,米飯パターンの副食で最も高率であり、みそ汁で代表される汁物が,庄野小で36.1%,東小で39.1%と,朝食の副食として中心的位置を占めていた。During 3 days of May. in 1819, main dish and the form of side dishes in the breakfast diet of elementary school children in the flat urban area of Suzuka Citiy\u27s Shono and the mountain village area of Ohyamada Higashi were researched. 1) Main dish: In Shono, rice intake was 74%, bread 26% and other food 0%, in Ohyamada Higashi the percentages were 72, 18 and 10 respectively. 2) Side dishes: Soy beans, soy bean products and other vegetables were much used together with rice main dish, whereas milk products and fatly foods were of ten used with bred main dish in both schools. As to the form of there foods, soup (mainly misoshiru), fresh foods and dry foods (easily edible) were of ten used in both schools among children mainly eating rice. On the bread eaters, fresh foods were most conrmon in Shono, whereas processed foods were more popular in Ohyamada Higashi. 3) Soup was often used as the side dish among 36.1% of rice eaters in Shone and 39.1% of those in Ohyamada Higashi. Soups was the main side dish in both schools

    三重県における地域別食生活実態の公衆栄養学的考察(第1報) : 鳥羽市国崎町,飯高町森地区のう蝕罹患状態および栄養摂取状況についての検討

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    The relation of morbidity of permanent teeth saprodontia and intake of nutrients of inhabitants in Kuzaki-cho, Toba City, a farm-fishing village with a low morbidity rate and in Mori-district, Iidaka-cho, a mountain village with a high morbidity were investigated. (1) Morbidity of saprodontia in permanent teeth of students of the Kuzaki elementary school was 20.0% in the 5th year and 28.6% in the 6th year students. The average number of saprodontia per person was 0.20% and 0.36% in 5th and 6th year students, respectively. By contrast, in the Mori elementary school, the morbidity rate in the 5th year student was 92% and 93% in the 6th year, the average number, 3.29% and 5.73%, respectively. A remarkable difference between morbidity in both districts, was found and the same tendency was also observed in number of saprodontia at C_3~C_4. (2) 1) Investigation on conditions of the intake of both districts revealed that the intake of animal protein was over 32% the standard value for 1975 (m:42.5g, δ:13.39, CV:31.5%) in kuzaki-cho and 25% lower than that (m:24.0g, δ:4.99, CV:20.8%) in Mori-district, Iidakacho. Intake of calcium appeared to be satisfactory (m:0.62g, δ:0.073, CV:11.8%) in Kuzaki-cho, but was 23% lower (m:0.47g, δ:0.14, CV:29,8%) in Mori-district, Iidakacho. Carbohydrate and salt intakes were higher in Mori-district than in Kuzaki-cho. 2) A large amount of fish, shellfish, shellfish, seaweeds and beans were taken in Kuzaki-cho seemed to be recommendable, however, in Mori-district an excess amount of sweets, cakes and pickled vegetables was observed. (3) No sognificant difference was found between Kuzaki-cho and Iidaka-cho as to the amount of sweets and beverage intake. Moreover, excessive intake was noted. (4) Most of what was taken between meals was conventional store-bought sweets or clrinks not considered to be beneficial to the children\u27s teeth. Kuzaki-cho findings revealed a great intake in the area of sweetbreads, ceramels and chewing gum, whereas Iidaka-cho showed much intake of caramels and chewing gum. (5) Forty percent of the children in both conmunities watched television for upwards of 3 hours per day. (6) Concerning local cuisine, in the Kuzaki area (Shima peninsula) fresh homemade dishes such as lightly roasted fish were frequently consumed, whereas in the Iidaka-cho area (a mountain village close to Nara Prefecture), tea gruel, boiled rice with assorted mixtures and picles of \u27akana\u27 (Brassica) and of edible wild plants such as osmunds were frequently consumed

    三重県における地域別食生活実態の公衆栄養学的考察(第2報) : 米単作地帯における高血圧世帯および非高血圧世帯の栄養摂取状況

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    三重県において,脳卒中死亡率の高率地区であり,かつ,米単作地帯の大山田村住民の40~46才の年令層を対象とし,血圧測定をおこなった。ついで,その成績を基礎として,高血圧出現頻度が比較的多かった阿波地区を対象とし,男子の高血圧者在宅世帯および非高血圧世帯のそれぞれの代標本として,各世帯を任意に抽出し,その栄養摂取状態についてしらべた。(1)血圧状況では,全国平均よりも高い値を示した年令層は最高血圧値においては,男子群の45~49才,女子群の40~44才で,最低血圧においては,男子群の45~49才のみであった。また,全国平均よりも低い値を示した年令層は,最低血圧において,男子群の50~59才,女子群の50~54才であった。これらの年令層は,より血圧に関心が深く,栄養改善思想に浴することが多く,このことに長く努力を持続している人々であろう。(2)栄養摂取量では,動物性タンパク質において,高血圧世帯と非高血圧世帯との間には1%の危険率で有意差がみられ,とくに非高血圧世帯が高い値を示したが,それらの値は,両世帯とも標準量を上回り,かつ,昭和39年の栄養調査の値よりもいちじるしい向上がみとめられた。糖質についても,高血圧世帯と非高血圧世帯との問には,1%の危険率で有意差がみとめられ,非高血圧世帯では,かなりの糖質摂取の減少傾向がみられたのに反し,高血圧世帯では,糖質の多量摂取傾向が目立った。つぎにカルシウム,ビタミンAおよびビタミンB_2は,両世帯ともに不足がちであることがわかり,とくに,ビタミンB_2は高血圧世帯において,それがいちじるしかった。(3)食品群別摂取量では,魚介類および獣鳥肉類は,高血圧世帯と非高血圧世帯との間に有意差がみられ,非高血圧世帯は,高血圧世帯よりも高い値を示したが,それらの値は,両世帯とも,それぞれの目標量を上回るとともに,昭和39年の栄養調査の値よりもかなり改善されていることがわかった。この動物性食品の摂取増加と本村における昭和42年からの脳卒中訂正死亡率の低下傾向とは決して無関係とはいえない。つぎに,高血圧世帯と非高血圧世帯との間に有意差はなく,かつ,目標量をはるかに下回っていた食品群は,乳卵類および緑黄色野菜であった。(4)食塩摂取量は,高血圧世帯では16.4g,非高血圧世帯では14.4gであり,両世帯との間に有意差は認められなかったが,両世帯とも決して少ない値ではなかった。(5)兼業を除いた農業労働のみにおいては,高血圧世帯と非高血圧世帯との問に有意差はみられなかった。(6)阿山郡大山田村の郷土食については,穀類では「茶がゆ」の摂取は飯高町のそれよりも摂取頻度が少なく,白がゆに煎った大麦を粉にした「こうせん」を入れた「こうせんがゆ」の摂取頻度が多いことが特徴である。また,豆類では,豆腐の「でんがく」は摂取頻度が多かった。終わりに臨み,終始ご指導ご助言を賜わった学長堀敬文先生に深い感謝の意を表するとともに,いつも変わらぬご指導ご高配賜わっている三重県上野保健所長関本千恵子先生に深甚なる謝意を表する。In Oyamada Village, Mie Prefecture, where a high death rate from cerebral apoplexy is indicated, the blood pressure in males and females of 40-60 years was measured. Based on the results in the Awa district where of hypertension was comparatively frequent, nutritional intake was studied randamly selected 20 households each with and without patients of hypertension. (1) Blood pressure : The age group with a systolic pressure higher than the nationwide average was the 45~49 year male group and 40~44 year female group and that with a diastolic pressure higher than the nationwide average was the 45~49 year male group alone. The age group with a diastolic pressure lower than the nationwide average was the 50~59 year male group and 50~54 year female group. The people in this age group may be more concerned about their blood pressure, more of ten accept ideas on nutritional improvement, and can be said to make continued efforts to improve their dietary habits for a long time. (2) Nutritional intake : There was a significant difference between the intake of animal protein of the group with hypertension and that not having hypertension, statistically significant at the 99% level. It was particularly high in the group without hypertension. However, the values of both groups were higher than the standard allowance, and had improved markedly since 1964 when a nutritional survey was conducted. There was also a significant difference between the intake of carbohydrates of the group with hypertension and that without hypertension (signifi-cant at the 99% level) . In the group without hypertension, the intake of carbohydrates tended to be reduced, whereas in the group with hypertension, large amounts of carbohydrates tended to be consumed. The intake of calcium and vitamins A and B_2tended to be insufficient in both groups. The intake of vitamin B_2 was especially low in the group with hypertension. (3) Intake of foods : There was a significant difference between the group with hypertension and that without hypertension in their intake of fish, meat and poultry. That is, the group with no hypertension consumed more of these foods than that withut hyopertension. However, more than the standard allowance of these foods were consumed in both groups, and the intake was found to be greater than the values obtained during the 1964 survey. These finding suggest that the increase in the comsunption of animal foods is related to the lowering tendency of the adjusted death rate from cerebral apoplexy since 1967 in this village. Less than the standard allowance in both groups without any significant difference between the two groups, were fat, milk, eggs and green vegetables. (4) Salt intake was m:17.4g with hypertension households and m:15.4g with non-hypertension households. Between them no significant difference was observed. (5) A significant difference in agricultural labour as a special occupation, not as a side business was noticed between the hypertensive households and the nonhypertensive households. (6) Local diet in Oyamada Village Ayama County : Grain ; The consumption of tea rice gruel was less frequent than in Iidaka-cho, and that of gruel with roasted oatmeal was more frequent. Legumes ; Bean curd, baked and coated with miso were often consumed

    三重県における地域別食生活実態の公衆栄養学的考察 : 第6報 三重県松阪保健所管轄内の在宅脳卒中後遺症者の栄養摂取状態について

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    A survey on ADL and nutritional conditions was carried out on the patients at home with sequelae of cerebral apoplexy who were notified by medical institutions in Matsuzaka city and Meiwa-cho within the jurisdiction of the Matsuzaka Public Health Center and were discharged about three months before and the following results were obtained. (1) Of 10 patients, 3 required help, but other 7 did not require it in spite of physical handicaps such as unilateral paralysis. This might reflect the result of home care after discharge such as rehabilitation which was carried out through the medical communication system under the direction of the public health center. (2) When intake of each nutrient was compared with the standard intake in each patient, calories and protein were deficient in 6 of 10 patients and fat and vitamin B_1 and B_2 in 8 of 10 patients. Calcium and vitamin A were markedly deficient in almost all patients. (3) Intake of salt was more than 6 g in all the patients. (4) When food intake was examined by food groups, significant difference was noted between intake by each patient and the standard intake in the potato, fat, milk, green and yellow vegetables and fruits. It should be noted that 6 of 10 patients did not ingest milk at all. (5) Following these results, nutritional rehabilitation can be considered necessary for patients at home with sequelae of cerebral apoplexy

    食品のカリウム含量(第3報) : ベビーフードについて

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    ベビーフード中の無機物およびビタミンCについて分析を行ない,次の結果を得た。カリウムはナトリウムに比べて,一般にかなり多量である。また,絶対量もかなり多いので,食塩による普通の味付を行なってもNa/Kは一般に4以下である。Ca/Pは乳製品に比べてかなり小さい。ビタミンCは穀類,魚・獣鳥肉類については皆無かあるいは僅少であった。乳類,野菜類については1~2の高値のものがあった。果汁類のビタミンCは強化されており,したがって高値を示した。開栓後のビタミンCについてはかなりの損失をきたすものがあった。Inorganic materials and vitamin C in baby foods were determined. The results are as follows. Generally, contents of potassium were considerably larger than those of sodium, and observed in fair amounts. So, the ratios of Sadium to potassium might be lower than 4 even if common salt had been used for moderate seasoning. The ratios of calcium to phosphorus were considerably lower than those of dairy products. Little vitamin C was found in cereals, fish, meat or chicken, while it was found in some of dairy products and vegetables in such a high content as 20mg. It was generally enriched in fruits juices. A considerable amount of vitamin C was lost after breaking the sealing in some cases

    三重県における地域別食生活実態の公衆栄養学的考察 : 第11報 三重県における鈴鹿市庄野小学校区および大山田村東小学校区住民のみそ汁食塩濃度とその減塩意識について

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    日常食生活での減塩指導のより実践的な方法の確立を目的として,三重県における平坦地の市街化地域である鈴鹿市庄野小学校区45世帯および山間部農村である大山田村東小学校区の40世帯,計85世帯の住民で,実際に摂取されているみそ汁の食塩濃度,その1日における摂取杯数および減塩意識について検討した。(1)両地区の各家庭におけるみそ汁の食塩濃度は,最低0.6%より最高2.2%の間にほぼ正規分布をなしており,庄野小学校区では平均値1.19%であり,東小学校区では平均値1.37%であった。(2)1日摂取のみそ汁数は,庄野小学校区では平均1.24杯,東小学校区では1.52杯でであった。2杯以上と答えた人は,庄野小学校区では24%で,東小学校区では39.1%と前者のそれよりも高率であった。また,年齢層別では,両地区ともに年齢が高くなるほど,みそ汁の杯数が多くなる傾向を示した。(3)具を除いたみそ汁1杯量を150mlとして,1杯からの1人1日当たり食塩摂取量を算出した結果は,みそ汁1杯では,庄野小学校区では平均値1.78gで,東小学校区では平均値2.04gであった。この両地区の平均値には有意差がみられた。(4)アンケートによる減塩意識では,うす味にしていると答えた人は,庄野小学校区では46.1%で,東小学校区では31.4%であり,減塩意識は,後者は前者にくらべて低率であった。以上のことから、とくに山間部住民に対しみそ汁の具体的な食塩濃度の数値を示した減塩指導の必要性が考えられる。As a more practical means to direct people to decrease salt intake in their daily meals, 45 families in the flat urban area of Suzuka city\u27s Shono elementary school zone and 40 families in the mountain village area of Ohyamada Higashi elementary school zone were surveyed as to their Misoshiru (miso-soup) intake and their consciousness of less salt. (1) Both zones showed normal distribution patterns of concentration of intake salt ranging from 0.6% to 2.2%. In "Shono", the mean value of intake salt was. 1.19% against 1.37% in "Ohyamada Higashi". (2) The number of cups/day of misoshiru taken in "Shono" averaged 1.24 against 1.52 in "Ohyamada Higashi". Twenty-four% of people in "Shono" was over 2 cups/day, Whereas those in "Ohyamada Higashi" 39.1%. In both zones, the number of cups/day tended to increase with age. (3) The amont of salt per cup of misoshiru in "Shono" was calculated 1.78g against 2.04g in "Ohyamada Higashi", when the volume of a cup was looked upon 150ml. Significant difference was found between. (4) At enquete, those who noticed less salt intake were 46.1% in "Shono" against 31.4% in "Ohyamada Higashi". Thus, the people in the latter evidanced less consciousness. From the above-mentioned results, it was considered that the people of the mountain village area should be advised to decrease their salt intake indicating the concrete data on their misoshiru salt concentration of this studies

    三重県における地域別食生活実態の公衆栄養学的考察 : 第8報 昭和55年,三重県下鈴鹿市庄野小学校および阿山郡大山田村東小学校児童の栄養摂取状態

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    三重県における学校給食のあり方についての資料を得る目的で,今回(昭和55年)は第1報(昭和53年)および第2報(昭和54年)にひきつづき,前回と同じ鈴鹿市庄野小学校6年生20名および阿山郡大山田村東小学校6年生12名,合計32名について家庭食事の栄養調査を実施した。ついで,その結果と前回の成績との検討も行なった。(1)昭和55年の学校別児童の家庭食事における栄養摂取状況の標準量に対する充足率をみると,鈴鹿市庄野小学校では,カルシウム,ビタミンAおよびビタミンB_2など,17~23%の不足がみられた。また,大山田村東小学校では,脂肪,カルシウム,ビタミンA,ビタミンB_1およびビタミンB_2など,21~33%の不足がみられた。ついで,食品群別摂取状況の目標量に対する充足率をみると,前者では,緑黄色野菜68%,いも類49%,大豆・その製品類25%および乳類16%の不足がみられ,後者では,いも類52%,果実類40%,乳類32%,その他の野菜類8%の不足が目立った。(2)上記の年次別,学校別児童の家庭食事に学校給食の栄養摂取量を加算した場合における1日の栄養摂取状況の年次別推移をみると,両校ともどの年次においても,カルシウム,ビタミンA,ビタミンB_1およびビタミンB_2などの各不足栄養素は,学校給食からの摂取により,おおむねあるいは大幅にそれぞれカバーされていることがわかった。しかしながら,大山田村東小学校における昭和54年の脂肪摂取量のみは,学校給食からの摂取によってもなお補完されず,やや不足をまぬがれなかった。このことは本県における山間部では,脳卒中予防などの従来の栄養指導を必要とする地域が存在することが推察される。(3)食事状況では,平日,家族でそろって食べる児童は,鈴鹿市庄野小学校では朝食36%,夕食63%,大山田村東小学校では朝食52%,夕食42%が認められた。本研究は,昭和56年9月17日第28回日本栄養改善学会において発表したものである。For the purpose of obtaining data on school feeding in Mie Prefecture, following the first report in 1978 and the second one in 1979, under the same conditions as before, 20 sixth graders of Shono Elementary School in Suzuka-shi and 12 sixth graders of Oyamada-mura-Higashi Elementary School, Ayama-gun, Mie Prefecture, 32 children in total, were studied this time in 1980 as to their nutritional level with meals at home, the results of which then were compared with the previous records. (1) As to sufficiency rate to the standard nutrient intake from meals at home of children by school in 1980, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B_2, etc., were in short at 17-23% in the Shono School, while fat, calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B_1 and vitamin B_2 were in short at 21-33% in the Oyamada-mura-Higashi School. Next, as to sufficiency rate of intake by foods to the target level, a shortage was observed with the former in 68% of green-yellow vegetables, 49% of potatoes, 25% of soybeans and 16% of dairy products, while with the latter in 52% of potatoes, 4% of fruits 32% of dairy products and 8% of other vegetables. (2) When yearly change of daily nutrient intake with the abovementioned meals at home and at school of children by year and by school was studied, in any year with both schools, shortage of calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B_1 and vitamin B_2 was known to be covered generally or even much better by intake from school feeding. However, as to fat intake in 1979 of Oyamada-mura-Higashi School only,it was not covered by intake from school feeding still being under the standard level. From this, it can be assumed that in mountainous regions in this prefecture there remains some areas in need of the conventional nutrition improvement guidance. (3) From the viewpoint of eating condition, children who take a meal with all the family on weekdays represented 36% (breakfast) and 63% (dinner) of all in Shono Elementary School, and 63% (breakfast) and 35% (dinner) of all in Oyamadamura-higashi Elementary School. And children who take a meal rarely all together with the family represented 63% (breakfast) and 35% of all in the former school and 52% (breakfast) and 42% (dinner) of all in the latter school

    三重県における地域別食生活実態の公衆栄養学的考察(第4報) : 三重県下鈴鹿市立庄野小学校および阿山郡大山田村立東小学校児童の家庭における栄養摂取状態と学校給食のあり方についての検討

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    A nutrition survey was made of children\u27s household foods with all sixth graders (36 pupils in 1978; 25 pupils in 1979) at Suzuka Municipal Shono Primary School, Suzuka City, Mie prefecture and all fifth and sixth graders (17 pupils in 1978 ; 22 pupils in 1979) at Ohyamada Village Higashi Primary School, Ayama County, Awa District over a period of three consecutive days in May in 1978 and 1979 each. (1) Regarding the children\u27s nutritional intake from their household foods, nutrients of which the quantities did not differ significantly from or significantly exceeded the standard quantities in common at each of the schools and in each of the years were energy, proteins and animal proteins, whereas those of which the quanties differed significantly from and were significantly below the standard quantities were calcium, vitamin A and vitamin C. Especially at Ohyamada Village Higashi Primary School, which is situated among mountains, fat, vitamin B_1 and vitamin C tended to be deficient in each of the years. Even in the case of the foregoing nutrients of which the intake quantities exceeded the standard quantities, however, in terms of individuals, there were none-theless pretty large number of children whose nutritional intake of the nutrients was below the standard quantities. (2) It was found that those deficient nutrients, such as calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B_1, vitamin B_2 and so forth, that were confirmed in this survey of the children\u27s nutritional intake from their household foods, were all complemented by those bread, milk, subsidiary articles of died, and vitamins added to them for fortification that were provided by school lunch services. The nutrients lacking in the home meals of the children were found to be supplied by the school lunches. Thus, if school lunches are not provided, many of the children can be assumed to become undernourished

    三重県における地域別食生活実態の公衆栄養学的考察 : 第12報 昭和57年,三重県下鈴鹿市庄野小学校および大山田村東小学校学童の栄養摂取状態とその家族とのまどい状況

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    三重県における学童期栄養のあり方と栄養指導の方法を探る目的で,第1報~第4報(1978~1981)にひきつづき,前回と同じ平坦部で近郊都市の市街化地域である鈴鹿市庄野小学校6年生および山間部の農村である阿山郡大山田村東小学校6年生の学童を対象とし,その家庭食事(朝・夕食および間食)における栄養摂取状態とその家族とのまどい状況について調査した。(1)昭和57年の学校別,学童の家庭食事における平均栄養摂取量の標準量に対する充足率をみると庄野小学校ではカルシウムおよびビタミンB_2が標準量を下回り,東小学校ではカルシウム,ビタミンB_2のほかに特にビタミンAが有意に下回っていた。ついで,植物性・動物性脂肪比では庄野小学校は1.20,東小学校は1.54であった。また,コレステロール摂取量では,前者は403mg,後者は298mgで,両校との間には有意差がみられた。食塩摂取量では庄野小学校では6.9g,東小学校では6.7gで,両校とも,目標量の3.0gよりもはるかに高い値であった。(2)平日の家庭食事で,家族そろって食べない学童は,庄野小学校では,朝食で8.3%,夕食で4.2%がみられ,東小学校では朝食で57.9%,夕食で15.8%もみらとめられた。In an attempt to grope out the desirable nutrition of the school aged in Mie Prefecture and the method of nutritional guidance to them, the survey of the conditions of nutritional intake in meals at home (breakfast, supper and snack) and a fireside circle among each family was made in succession to the 1st to the 4th reports (1978-1981), on, as in the previous case, the 6th year pupils of Shono Elementary School, Suzuka City, which is located on the flat land in the urban area of a suburban city and those of Higashi Elementary School, Ohyamada Village, Ayama District, which is a farm village in a mountainous region. (1) Of the average nutritional intake in pupils\u27 meals at home, which was classified by schools (1982), its sufficiency rate to the standard nutritional requirement showed that intakes of calcium and vitamin B_2 were below the standard requirements in Shono Elementary School and that of vitamin A, in particular, besides those of calcium and vitamin B_2 was significantly below the standard requirement in Higashi Elementary School. And the ratio of vegetable and animal fats was 1.20 for Shono Elementary School and 1.54 for Higashi Elementary School. Also, the intake of cholesterol was 403mg for the former and 298mg for the latter, which made a significant difference between two schools. The intake of salt was 6.9g for Shono Elementary School and 6.7g for Higashi Elementary School, both figures being much higher values than 3.0g, the standard requirement. (2) As for meals at home on weekdays, 8.3% of pupils didn\u27t dine with their families for breakfast and 4.2% for supper in Shono Elementary School, and as many as 57.9% of pupils for breakfast and 15.8% for supper in Higashi Elementary School