三重県における地域別食生活実態の公衆栄養学的考察(第4報) : 三重県下鈴鹿市立庄野小学校および阿山郡大山田村立東小学校児童の家庭における栄養摂取状態と学校給食のあり方についての検討


A nutrition survey was made of children\u27s household foods with all sixth graders (36 pupils in 1978; 25 pupils in 1979) at Suzuka Municipal Shono Primary School, Suzuka City, Mie prefecture and all fifth and sixth graders (17 pupils in 1978 ; 22 pupils in 1979) at Ohyamada Village Higashi Primary School, Ayama County, Awa District over a period of three consecutive days in May in 1978 and 1979 each. (1) Regarding the children\u27s nutritional intake from their household foods, nutrients of which the quantities did not differ significantly from or significantly exceeded the standard quantities in common at each of the schools and in each of the years were energy, proteins and animal proteins, whereas those of which the quanties differed significantly from and were significantly below the standard quantities were calcium, vitamin A and vitamin C. Especially at Ohyamada Village Higashi Primary School, which is situated among mountains, fat, vitamin B_1 and vitamin C tended to be deficient in each of the years. Even in the case of the foregoing nutrients of which the intake quantities exceeded the standard quantities, however, in terms of individuals, there were none-theless pretty large number of children whose nutritional intake of the nutrients was below the standard quantities. (2) It was found that those deficient nutrients, such as calcium, vitamin A, vitamin B_1, vitamin B_2 and so forth, that were confirmed in this survey of the children\u27s nutritional intake from their household foods, were all complemented by those bread, milk, subsidiary articles of died, and vitamins added to them for fortification that were provided by school lunch services. The nutrients lacking in the home meals of the children were found to be supplied by the school lunches. Thus, if school lunches are not provided, many of the children can be assumed to become undernourished

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