82 research outputs found

    Omeprazole – a new raw material for drug compounding

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    One of the more common performed magistral drugs are formulations containing omeprazol. Lack of omeprazole registered as compunding raw material forced use of industrially manufactured medicines in the pellets form. The introduction of omeprazole as a pharmaceutical raw material into the pharmaceutical market facilitates the drug compounding. However, it is necessary to consider the possibility of decomposition of the substance in an acidic environment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the stability of magistral suspensions with omeprazole containing glycerol, simple syrup or glucose. Sodium bicarbonate at a concentration of 8% was used to ensure the proper pH. Six suspensions were formulated and tested after preparation and after 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks of storage at room temperature and in the refrigerator. Their physicochemical characteristics (sedimentation time, number of shakes required to redisperse the mixture), and the stability of the active substance (pH of suspensions and omeprazole content) were analyzed. Tested preparations turned yellow-brown during storage at room temperaturę after just two days. This phenomenon was not observed in the prepared suspensions stored in the refrigerator. Addition of glycerol or simple syrup facilitated the dispersion of omeprazole and contributed to the formation of smaller aggregates. Mixtures with glycerol and simple syrup underwent slower sedimentation (20 minutes) than the preparations with glucose (15 minutes), however the precipitate formed during storage was very easily dispersible in all analyzed formulations. A ten-second shake was enough to obtain uniform dispersion. The pH value of the examined suspensions was about 8.86. During their four-week storage, the pH increased to 9.23 - 9.45 in the suspensions stored at room temperature, and to 9.17 - 9.24 in the preparations stored in the refrigerator. According to the requirements posted in the USP (United States Pharmacopoeia), the suspensions in which the amount of omeprazole was equal to or greater than 90% of the initial content were considered stable. Active ingredient content above 90% was demonstrated for all designed suspensions stored for two weeks. Due to the faster decomposition of omeprazole when exposed to elevated temperature, omeprazole suspensions should be stored in the refrigerator and used within 14 days

    Ikony Mandylionu w zbiorach Muzeum Historycznego w Sanoku

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    The aim of this article is the presentation of Mandylion icons from the collection of the Historical Museum in Sanok. On the example of twelve icons, dating from 16th to 19th centuries, the author discusses and compares their iconography, style and form.Celem artykułu jest prezentacja ikon Mandylionu ze stałej kolekcji znajdującej się w Muzeum Historycznym w Sanoku. Autorka na przykładzie 12 ikon datowanych na XVI–XIX w. omawia i porównuje każdą z nich w kontekście zmieniającej się na przestrzeni wieków ikonografii, stylu i formy

    Alginate microspheres obtained by the spray drying technique as mucoadhesive carriers of ranitidine

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    The present study is aimed at formulation of alginate (ALG) microspheres with ranitidine (RNT) by the spray drying method. Obtained microspheres were characterized for particle size, surface morphology, entrapment efficiency, drug loading, in vitro drug release and zeta potential. Mucoadhesive properties were examined by a texture analyser and three types of adhesive layers – gelatine discs, mucin gel and porcine stomach mucosa. Microspheres showed a smooth surface with narrow particle size distribution and RNT loading of up to 70.9 %. All formulations possessed mucoadhesive properties and exhibited prolonged drug release according to the first-order kinetics. DSC reports showed that there was no interaction between RNT and ALG. Designed microspheres can be considered potential carriers of ranitidine with prolonged residence time in the stomach

    Characterization and taste masking evaluation of microparticles with cetirizine dihydrochloride and methacrylate-based copolymer obtained by the spray drying

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    Taste of a pharmaceutical formulation is an important parameter for the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy. Cetirizine dihydrochloride (CET) is a second-generation antihistamine that is commonly administered in allergy treatment. CET is characterized by extremely bitter taste and it is a great challenge to successfully mask its taste; therefore the goal of this work was to formulate and characterize the microparticles obtained by the spray drying method with CET and poly(butyl methacrylate-co-(2-dimethylaminoethyl) methacrylate-co-methyl methacrylate 1:2:1 copolymer (Eudragit E PO) as a barrier coating. Assessment of taste masking by the electronic tongue has revealed that designed formulations created an effective taste masking barrier. Taste masking effect was also confirmed by the in vivo model and the in vitro release profile of CET. Obtained data have shown that microparticles with a drug/polymer ratio (0.5:1) are promising CET carriers with efficient taste masking potential and might be further used in designing orodispersible dosage forms with CET

    Alginate: Current Use and Future Perspectives in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Applications

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    Over the last decades, alginates, natural multifunctional polymers, have increasingly drawn attention as attractive compounds in the biomedical and pharmaceutical fields due to their unique physicochemical properties and versatile biological activities. The focus of the paper is to describe biological and pharmacological activity of alginates and to discuss the present use and future possibilities of alginates as a tool in drug formulation. The recent technological advancements with using alginates, issues related to alginates suitability as matrix for three-dimensional tissue cultures, adjuvants of antibiotics, and antiviral agents in cell transplantation in diabetes or neurodegenerative diseases treatment, and an update on the antimicrobial and antiviral therapy of the alginate based drugs are also highlighted

    Myocardial Expression of PPAR γ

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    Activation of PPARs may be involved in the development of heart failure (HF). We evaluated the relationship between expression of PPARγ in the myocardium during coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) and exercise tolerance initially and during follow-up. 6-minute walking test was performed before CABG, after 1, 12, 24 months. Patients were divided into two groups (HF and non-HF) based on left ventricular ejection fraction and plasma proBNP level. After CABG, 67% of patients developed HF. The mean distance 1 month after CABG in HF was 397±85 m versus 420±93 m in non-HF. PPARγ mRNA expression was similar in both HF and non-HF groups. 6MWT distance 1 month after CABG was inversely correlated with PPARγ level only in HF group. Higher PPARγ expression was related to smaller LVEF change between 1 month and 1 year (R=0.18, p<0.05), especially in patients with HF. Higher initial levels of IL-6 in HF patients were correlated with longer distance in 6MWT one month after surgery and lower PPARγ expression. PPARγ expression is not related to LVEF before CABG and higher PPARγ expression in the myocardium of patients who are developing HF following CABG may have some protecting effect

    The analysis of Poplar pollen count in selected Polish cities in 2008

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    Praca przedstawia przebieg sezonu pylenia topoli w wybranych miastach Polski w 2008 roku. Pomiary wykonano w Białymstoku, Bydgoszczy, Drawsku Pomorskim, Krakowie, Lublinie, Olsztynie, Szczecinie i Warszawie. Badania prowadzono metodą objętościową przy wykorzystaniu aparatów firmy Burkard i Lanzoni 2000. Sezon pyłkowy wyznaczono jako okres, w którym w powietrzu występuje 95% rocznej sumy ziaren pyłku. Początek sezonu pyłkowego wyznaczono również metodą 30 ziaren. Indeks SPI obliczono jako sumę średnich dobowych stężeń pyłku w danym sezonie. Najwyższe wartości średniodobowych stężeń pyłku topoli odnotowano w Lublinie, gdzie 11 kwietnia stężenie pyłku wyniosło 273 z/m3 powietrza.This paper presents the course of poplar pollination season in selected cities of Poland in 2007. The measurements were performed in Bialystok, Bydgoszcz, Krakow, Lublin, Lody, Olsztyn, Sosnowiec, Szczecin, Warsaw and Wroclaw. Volumetric method with the use of Volumetric Spore Trap (Burkard, Lanzoni 2000) was implemented. Pollen season was defined as the period in which 95% of the annual total catch occurred. The start of the season was also determined by the 30 grains method. Seasonal Pollen Index (SPI) was estimated as the annual sum of daily average pollen concentrations. The highest 24-hour average pollen count was recorded in Lublin on 11 April (273 poplar pollen grains/1 m3)

    The analysis of Oak pollen count in selected Polish cities in 2008

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    Praca przedstawia przebieg sezonu pylenia dębu w wybranych miastach Polski w 2008 r. Pomiary wykonano w Białymstoku, Bydgoszczy, Krakowie, Lublinie, Łodzi, Olsztynie, Sosnowcu, Szczecinie, Warszawie i we Wrocławiu. Badania prowadzono metodą objętościową przy wykorzystaniu aparatów firmy Burkard i Lanzoni 2000. Sezon pyłkowy wyznaczono jako okres, w którym w powietrzu wystąpiło 95% rocznej sumy ziaren pyłku. Początek sezonu pyłkowego wyznaczono również metodą 30 ziaren. Indeks SPI obliczono jako sumę średnich dobowych stężeń pyłku w danym sezonie. Najwcześniej sezon pylenia dębu rozpoczął się we Wrocławiu (25 kwietnia). Najwyższe wartości średniodobowych stężeń pyłku dębu odnotowano w Lublinie, gdzie 5 maja stężenie wyniosło 212 z/m3 powietrza.This paper presents the course of oak pollination season in selected cities of Poland in 2007. The measurements were performed in Bialystok, Bydgoszcz, Krakow, Lublin, Lodz, Olsztyn, Sosnowiec, Szczecin, Warsaw and Wroclaw. Volumetric method with the use of Volumetric Spore Trap (Burkard, Lanzoni 2000) was implemented. Pollen season was defined as the period in which 95% of the annual total catch occurred. The start of the season was also determined by the 30 grains method. Seasonal Pollen Index (SPI) was estimated as the annual sum of daily average pollen concentrations. Pollen season of oak in 2008 started first in Lublin (25 April). The highest 24-hour average pollen count was recorded in Lublin on 5 May (212 oak pollen grains/m3)

    Special Issue: Advanced Materials in Drug Release and Drug Delivery Systems

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    Development of new drug molecules is costly and requires longitudinal, wide-ranging studies; therefore, designing advanced pharmaceutical formulations for existing and well-known drugs seems to be an attractive device for the pharmaceutical industry [...

    Tolerance of desiccation stress in Sphagnum denticulatum Brid. (Sphagnaceae, Bryophyta) from aquatic and terrestrial habitats

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    Wydział BiologiiCelem pracy jest ocena biologicznych efektów wysuszania i rehydratacji u pięciu genotypów reprezentujących dwa ekotypy mchu torfowca Sphagnum denticulatum. Rośliny pochodzące ze stanowisk wodnych i lądowych zostały poddane wysuszaniu przez 72–96 godz. i rehydratacji przez 7–30 dni. Badana była odpowiedź komórki na poziomie struktury, fizjologii oraz ekspresji genów. Co zaskakujące część roślin była zdolna do przetrwania silnego stresu i częściowego odtworzenia kontrolnych wartości badanych parametrów po rehydratacji. Odpowiedź roślin na stres była zależna od genotypu i ekotypu. U roślin wodnych w przeciwieństwie do części roślin lądowych nie doszło do odtworzenia prawidłowej ultrastruktury komórek (sub)merystematycznych po rehydratacji. Powrót parametrów fluorescencji chlorofilu i zawartości barwników fotosyntetycznych do wartości kontrolnych u rehydratowanych roślin był bardzo powolny. U wysuszanych roślin wodnych doszło do gwałtownych zmian w ekspresji genów, które nie były obserwowane u roślin lądowych. Zidentyfikowano kodony, które mogą być pod wpływem naturalnej selekcji. Po raz pierwszy pokazano złożoną odpowiedź mchów torfowców na wysuszenie w kontekście ich zróżnicowania genotypowego i ekologicznego przy użyciu różnorodnych metod badawczych. Rośliny S. denticulatum wykazują różny stopień tolerancji na wysuszanie, co może wynikać ze zróżnicowanego stopnia plastyczności poszczególnych osobników lub ich lokalnej adaptacja do natywnych warunków środowiska. Czynnik genetyczny i środowiskowy powinny być brane pod uwagę przy planowaniu zabiegów ochronnych dla mchów torfowców.This study has assessed the biological effects of desiccation and rehydration in five genotypes belonging to two ecotypes of peat moss Sphagnum denticulatum. Originating from aquatic and terrestrial sites, the plants were desiccated for 72–96 hours and rehydrated for 7–30 days. The cell response was studied at the structural, physiological, and gene expression levels. Surprisingly, parts of the plants were able to survive severe stress and partially recover the control values of the studied parameters after rehydration. The plants’ responses were genotype- and ecotype-specific. In aquatic plants, compared to in some terrestrial plants, the normal ultrastructure of (sub)meristematic cells was not restored after rehydration. The recovery of the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters and photosynthetic pigment content was very slow in rehydrated plants. In desiccated aquatic plants, there were rapid changes in the gene expression pattern that were not observed in the terrestrial plants. Codons that might be under the influence of natural selection were identified. For the first time, the complex response of peat mosses to desiccation in relation to their genotypic and ecological differentiation has been described using multiple research methods. The plants showed a differentiated level of tolerance to desiccation, which might be due to various levels of plasticity in particular individuals or a local adaptation to their native environmental conditions. When planning conservation strategies for peat mosses, genetic and environmental factors should be considered.Badania finansowane przez Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego w ramach grantu Diamentowy Grant nr DI2012 005742 oraz przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki w ramach grantu Preludium nr 2015/17/N/NZ8/01578