262 research outputs found

    Przeciwko „zglobalizowanej obojętności”. Reportażysta radiowy wobec problematyki uchodźczej

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    Od swojego nasilenia w roku 2015 – kryzys migracyjny stał się jednym z ważniejszych tematów doniesień medialnych. Z biegiem czasu owe częste doniesienia przyczyniły się do społecznego zobojętnienia na krzywdę migrantów. Przybysze – traktowani stereotypowo jako obcy – stali się grupą ludzi zbędnych, niepotrzebnych, co z kolei zaczęło prowadzić do społecznych napięć i podziałów. Autorka prezentowanego artykułu wykazuje, że jednym ze sposobów budowania dialogu między kulturami może być reportaż, szczególnie reportaż radiowy. Podążając za myślą Ryszarda Kapuścińskiego i Emmanuela Lévinasa, autorka uważa, że spotkanie z „Innym” to jedno z najważniejszych wyzwań XXI wieku. Trzy analizowane reportaże zdają się potwierdzać, że radiowe medium może pełnić szczególną rolę w przezwyciężaniu „zglobalizowanej obojętności”.Following its latest intensification in 2015, the migrant crisis has become one of the most prevalent topics in media. Over the months, the overflow of reports led to public indifference towards refugees’ struggles. The migrants – stereotypically perceived as aliens – were to be treated as expendable and useless, which resulted in growing tensions and social division on the subject. The author of this article intends to prove that a feature, especially a radio one can be one of the ways to encourage dialogue between cultures. Following the thoughts of Ryszard Kapuściński and Emmanuel Levinas, the author claims that encountering “The Other” is amongst the most important challenges of the 21st century. The three radio features analyzed in the article seem to validate the medium of radio as one that may be a way to fight ‘globalized passivity’

    Using SEM-EDX and ICP-OES to Investigate the Elemental Composition of Green Macroalga Vaucheria sessilis

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    The biomass of Vaucheria sessilis forms algal mats in many freshwaters. There is a need to find the method of algal biomass utilization. Vaucheria sessilis is a rich source of micro- and macronutrients and can be used as a soil amendment. In the paper, the elemental composition of enriched, via bioaccumulation process, macroalga was investigated. For this purpose, two independent techniques were used: scanning electron microscopy with an energy dispersive X-ray analytical system (SEMEDX) and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). The biomass was exposed to two microelemental solutions, with Cu(II) and Zn(II) ions. After two weeks of the experiment, macroalga accumulated 98.5 mg of Zn(II) ions in 1 g of dry biomass and 68.9 mg g−1 of Cu(II) ions. Micrographs performed by SEM proved that bioaccumulation occurred. Metal ions were bound on the surface and in the interior of cells. Mappings of all cations showed that in the case of the surface of biomass (biosorption), the elements constituted aggregations and in the case of the cross section (bioaccumulation) they were evenly distributed. The algal biomass with permanently bound microelements can find an application in many branches of the industry (feed, natural fertilizers, etc.)

    Publication Effectiveness of Academia Employees in Poland: A Case Study

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    Effectiveness in publishing is currently the most important criterion in the process of the evaluation of scientific and research units in Poland. In the national evaluations system for such units, this criterion has the largest relative impact on their final assessment and rating, on the basis of which, in turn, financial resources are allocated. The key question in this context was what factors are correlated with publication effectiveness of employees in the domain of science? The aim of the analysis was to determine correlations between selected factors such as an employee’s academic title and position in a scientific unit’s hierarchy or their teaching load and their scientific effectiveness as measured by publications. The study was conducted on the entire staff population of the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies at Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. As a result, it was found that the selected factors only to a marginal degree were correlated with publication effectiveness in the group studied

    Impact of Scholarly Publications and the Selected Socio-Demographic Factors

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    In a dynamically developing scientific environment, there is a tendency toward creating mechanisms that objectively evaluate the output of individual scientific units. Selected indicators can be applied, inter alia, to work out specific criteria for awarding funds for scientific research activities. One of the most important indicators used is the impact of researchers’ publications, which today determines the overall outcome of the evaluation of a research unit. The key question in this context is whether any socio-demographic factors are correlated with the impact of the scholarship work of individual researchers and, if yes, what those indicators are, specifically. The purpose of this study was to determine the existence and, if confirmed, the nature of correlation between the impact of researchers’ publications and selected socio-demographic factors such as: age, gender and family status. The study sample included all the academic employees of the Faculty of Political Sciences and International Studies, Nicolaus Copernicus University, in Toruń (Poland). The results demonstrated that the socio-demographic factors considered showed little correlation with publications’ impactfulness as measured in the Polish evaluation system of research units

    The Influence of pH of Extracting Water on the Composition of Seaweed Extracts and Their Beneficial Properties on Lepidium sativum

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    Baltic seaweeds were used to obtain aqueous extracts (E) through changing initial pH of deionised water added to algal biomass (EpH3⋅H 2 O, EpH7⋅H 2 O, and EpH10⋅H 2 O) and through changing pH of the mixture of algae and deionised water (EpH3, EpH7, and EpH10). Algal extracts were characterized in terms of the concentration of polyphenols and micro-and macroelements. The highest concentration of polyphenols was determined in extract EpH3 and the lowest in extract EpH10⋅H 2 O. It was found that the obtained extracts had similar concentrations of elements (except EpH3). The phytotoxicity of algal extracts (0.5, 2.5, and 10%) was examined in the germination tests on Lepidium sativum. No phytotoxic effects were observed. It was found that they had beneficial effects on the cultivated plants (length and weight). The best biostimulant effect was observed in the groups treated with EpH3 (2.5%), EpH7 (2.5%), and EpH7 (10%). The dry weight of plants was similar in all the groups. Algal extract also improved the multielemental composition of plant. The greatest concentration of total chlorophyll in plants was obtained by using extract EpH10⋅H 2 O, 0.5%. These results proved that algal extracts have high potential to be applied in cultivation of plants

    Activities of culture animators during the COVID-19 pandemic : reflections of people implementing projects on the internet

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    The paper deals with the topic of culture organisation/coordination during the COVID-19 pan demic. The proposed perspective is related to the recognition of the activities of cultural animators and presents the individual experiences of people involved in project implementation. The text pre sents the results of an empirical study based on interviews with culture animators. The topics dis cussed include: ways of adapting to the situation, challenges and barriers to implementing projects on-line, forecasting the use of new tools and acquired skills in the future, building a physical and mental work space, acquiring new competences, personal reflections about oneself, and, finally, re lationships with recipients and in work environments

    Zaangażowanie rodziców/opiekunów w terapię dziecka z opóźnionym rozwojem mowy istotnym warunkiem skutecznej terapii logopedycznej

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    Artykuł został napisany z intencją zintensyfikowania skuteczności oddziaływań profilaktycznych i terapeutycznych wobec dzieci których mowa rozwija się później niż ich rówieśników. Podkreśla on znaczenie współpracy z rodzicami/opiekunami oraz ich interakcji z dziećmi dla pomyślnego przebiegu terapii. Artykuł oprócz wstępu teoretycznego zawiera praktyczny poradnik, który logopedzi i nauczyciele przedszkoli mogą powielać i rozdawać zainteresowanym w ramach profilaktyki i wsparcia oddziaływań terapeutycznych