40 research outputs found

    Physiotherapeutic procedure on the example of compression therapy in treatment of venous diseases

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    The aim of this study is an attempt to systematise the knowledge about physiotherapy in the process of treatment of vascular diseases, with particular focus on compression therapy. Moreover, an attempt was made to identify elements favouring the effective use of medical devices on the example of compression therapy

    Epidemiology and diagnostics of venous disease in Poland

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    Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in Poland. The percentage of people who die from cardiovascular disease is decreasing year by year, but adequate patient education and access to specialist physicians are still required. Chronic venous disease is one of the disorders of this system, whose probability of occurrence increases with age. Other risk factors include gender, type of occupation, obesity, eating habits and constipation, pregnancy, and genetic factor. The symptoms of the disease include: pain, lower limb edema, fatigue / leg pain, tingling, enlargement of the small blood vessels, enlargement and constriction of the subcutaneous veins, skin lesions, skin discolouration, itching of the skin of the legs, congestive dermatitis, ulcers. The degree of disease is determined using the CEAP scale. Prophylactic and early detection of disease results in shorter treatment times and reduced costs. Unfortunately, a large number of primary care physicians are skipping the physical examination of the lower limb, thus prolonging the diagnosis process and the patient being treated for a more advanced disease. Studies show that there is a difference in the incidence of chronic venous disease and the severity of the disease, depending on the province that has been affected. This may indicate the need to standardize nationwide training methods for doctors. The most common method of treatment is the combination of pharmacotherapy and compression therapy.

    Living environments of polish seniors - needs and challenges

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    Demographic changes in Polish population cause an increase in interest of senior citizens. The environment of living of older people is a particularly important issue. It is important to provide seniors with living space that is a comfortable, safe, adequate to the needs and allows for the longest independent functioning of an elderly person. It is a challenge both for public health and for housing policy

    Selected school solutions in the field of a healthy lifestyle among children and adolescents

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    Introduction and aim: Lifestyle is the daily behaviors, habits and activities adopted by people. It is one of the factors that largely determines the state of human health. It is important to pay attention to what habits and activities we implement in our lives. The source of behaviors are usually attitudes and values acquired in the family and the nearest social environment. The basic categories of pro-health behaviours are related to physical health, psychosocial health, health prevention and avoiding harmful behaviours, preventing an illness and supporting recovery. Anti-health behaviors contribute to health disorders, negative impacts in emotional, physical and psychosocial sphere. The aim of the study was to present selected school solutions in the field of pro-healthy lifestyle among children and adolescents, the influence of pro-healthy lifestyle and assessment of the implementation of health education at schools. Material and method: 85 children and adolescents in the age range of 10-19+ years participated in the study. Twenty-three students in the age range of 10-12 years, 27 students in the age range of 13-16 years and 35 students in the age range of 17-19+ years were surveyed. Twenty-eight males and 57 females took the survey. Results: Respondents most often engage in physical activity 2-3 times per week. The vast majority of respondents actively participate in physical education classes at school as well as undertake extracurricular physical activity. The most popular activities are cycling and team games. The main source of knowledge about pro-healthy lifestyle among children and adolescents is the Internet and the least popular is the press. Conclusions: The majority of students know what a pro-healthy lifestyle is, while less than half of the respondents have no such knowledge. The researched gain knowledge about the way of promoting pro-healthy lifestyle by school, most often through the organization of "Health Day". The majority of children and adolescents participate in extracurricular physical activity, while the rest of the respondents do not undertake such activity

    The level of physical activity in the lifestyle of physical education students

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    Subject: The level of physical activity in the lifestyle of physical education students Introduction: Physical activity is defined as voluntary and spontaneous physical activity practiced during leisure time. Thanks to it, the body can function properly and develop on many levels. It plays an important role in social and physical development, as well as intellectual and emotional development. It finds its place in the fight against civilization diseases, it is also beneficial in resisting many other diseases.    Aim: The aim of the article is to assess the level of physical activity of physical education students of various specializations.   Material and methods: The research was conducted among students of physical education at the University of Rzeszów. 60 people took part in them - 38 women and 22 men aged 19-30. The respondents answered anonymously to 18 closed, single-choice questions.   Results: The majority of students are engaged in physical activity outside a college, and 65% of it is at amateur level activity. The most common reason why respondents take up physical activity is to improve the functional fitness of the body. 58% of the respondents undertook physical activity more than 3 times a week.   Conclusions: Most of the respondents do physical activity outside of their studies. The most common reason for taking up physical activity among the respondents was the improvement of the functional fitness of the body, and the factors influencing the fact that students are physically active were to the greatest extent sports activitiesSubject: The level of physical activity in the lifestyle of physical education students Introduction: Physical activity is defined as voluntary and spontaneous physical activity practiced during leisure time. Thanks to it, the body can function properly and develop on many levels. It plays an important role in social and physical development, as well as intellectual and emotional development. It finds its place in the fight against civilization diseases, it is also beneficial in resisting many other diseases.   Aim: The aim of the article is to assess the level of physical activity of physical education students of various specializations.   Material and methods: The research was conducted among students of physical education at the University of Rzeszów. 60 people took part in them - 38 women and 22 men aged 19-30. The respondents answered anonymously to 18 closed, single-choice questions.   Results: The majority of students are engaged in physical activity outside a college, and 65% of it is at amateur level activity. The most common reason why respondents take up physical activity is to improve the functional fitness of the body. 58% of the respondents undertook physical activity more than 3 times a week.   Conclusions: Most of the respondents do physical activity outside of their studies. The most common reason for taking up physical activity among the respondents was the improvement of the functional fitness of the body, and the factors influencing the fact that students are physically active were to the greatest extent sports activities   Key words: physical activity; lifestyle; physical education; student

    Changes in the public health infrastructure in Poland in the context of an aging population

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    The problem of an aging society, particularly the health situation of a group of older people is a challenge for health care for the coming years. Poland among other EU member states has one of the lowest (1) share of the population aged 65 years and older, they constitute approx. 17% of the population. Despite this, according to forecasts up to 2060 Polish society will be the oldest in Europe. Multidisease, polypharmacy and insufficient number of specialists is unfortunately characteristic of this group identify. This creates a need for a specific type of care that takes into account all aspects of the disease, integrating often use several different treatments at the same time. Among the population over 65 years of assistance in connection with, among others, dependence requires approx. 36%, and the proportion increases with age. It can be assumed estimates that the number of people in need of substantial assistance in complex activities of everyday life is 750 thousand. (2). In the system of care for older people play a crucial role alternative forms of care such as day care centers, senior clubs, the daily nursing homes. These institutions fulfill complementary function, ensuring the safety of patients not only medically, but also caring. In addition to providing health care infrastructure for the elderly it is essential to adequate saturation system with trained medical staff. According to the Polish Chamber of Physicians number of geriatricians authorized to practice the profession in Poland is amounted to 433 people in 2017, of which 422 were professionally active. Keep in mind that within one day it is impossible to create the base with geriatric specialists, which is why it is so critical to take action now

    Cultural Environment in international business

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    Przedmiotem niniejszej pracy jest analiza zarządzania biznesem w kontekście wielokulturowym. Celem pracy jest zweryfikowanie tezy, że polscy pracownicy są świadomi różnic kulturowych oraz że wykorzystują tę wiedzę w zarządzaniu biznesem. Badanie zostało przeprowadzone na cudzoziemcach odbywających praktykę w Polsce, dzięki organizacji pozarządowej AIESEC. W pracy poruszam aspekty związane z kulturą narodową i organizacyjną. Porównuję w tym kontekście trzy wybrane przeze mnie kraje.The subject of this work is to analyze the business management in a multicultural context. The aim of this study is verify the claim that Polish workers are aware of the cultural differences and use this knowledge in business management. The research was conducted on foreigners doing their internships in Poland, through to the non-governmental organization AIESEC. In the following study I investigate issues related to national culture and organization. Within this context, I compare and contrast three countries

    Obsidian in the Maya Area. Raw material trade, meaning, symbolism.

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    Praca prezentuje charakterystykę zabytków obsydianowych występujących na ziemiach zamieszkiwanych przez Majów oraz znaczenie i symbolikę tego surowca w ich kulturze. Na podstawie analizy danych zebranych przez wielu badaczy podczas wieloletnich prac wykopaliskowych na obszarze Mezoameryki można wywnioskować, jak ważną rolę pełnił obsydian wśród prekolumbijskich kultur, zarówno w sferze życia codziennego, jak i religijnego. Znaczna ilość zabytków wykonanych z tego surowca oraz ich różnorodność pokazuje nam, że obsydian był dla Majów cennym przedmiotem handlu regionalnego i dalekosiężnego. Wykorzystywano go do produkcji ozdób, broni, narzędzi do użytku codziennego, ale także przeznaczonych do celów rytualnych i praktyk magicznych. Wydobycie tego surowca nadzorowały wielkie ośrodki miejskie, centra władzy i potęgi militarnej. Obsydian, ze względu na swoje właściwości fizyko-chemiczne nazywany był metalem Majów, a jego wykorzystywanie cechowało w znacznej mierze technologię tej kultury.The following thesis presents the characteristics of obsidian artefacts found in the lands inhabited by the Maya and the importance and symbolism of this material in their culture. Based on the analysis of data collected by many researchers during many years of excavations in Mesoamerica, it can be concluded how important a role obsidian played among pre-Columbian cultures, both in the sphere of everyday and religious life. The large number of artifacts made of this material and their diversity show us that obsidian was a valuable item of regional and long-distance trade for the Maya. It was used to produce jewellry, weapons, tools for everyday use, but also for ritual purposes and magical practices. The extraction of this raw material was supervised by large urban centers, centers of power and military power. Obsidian, due to its physico-chemical properties, was called the Mayan metal, and its use was main characteristic of the technology of this culture

    Wpływ sorpcji gazów kopalnianych metanu i ditlenku węgla na odkształcenia węgli kamiennych - badania na próbkach monolitycznych /

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    Promotor: Katarzyna Zarębska.Recenzent: Bronisław Buczek, Mirosława Bukowska.Niepublikowana praca doktorska.Praca doktorska. Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica (Kraków). Wydział Energetyki i Paliw. Katedra Chemii Węgla i Nauk o Środowisku, 2014.Bibliogr. k. 118-128.Węgiel kamienny, morfologia węgla kamiennego, modele budowy węgla kamiennego, chemiczne modele budowy węgla kamiennego, fizyczne modele budowy węgla kamiennego, występowanie węgla kamiennego w Polsce, gazy kopalniane, sorpcja gazów i par na węglu kamiennym, kinetyka sorpcji i mechanizm dyfuzji par i gazów na węglu kamiennym, badania kinetyki sorpcji i dyfuzji CO2 i CH4 na węglu kamiennym, odkształcenia węgla kamiennego towarzyszące sorpcji par i gazów, odkształcenia węgla kamiennego towarzyszące sorpcji CO2 i CH4 37, odkształcenia węgla kamiennego towarzyszące sorpcji CO2 i CH4 w ujęciu koloidalnego modelu budowy węgla, odkształcenia węgla kamiennego towarzyszące sorpcji CO2 i CH4 w ujęciu polimerycznego modelu budowy węgla, badania eksperymentalne, dobór i charakterystyka sorbentów, charakterystyka sorbatów, metodyka badań, budowa stanowiska pomiarowego, metodyka badań kinetyki sorpcji, metodyka badań kinetyki odkształceń, technika wykonania eksperymentów, wyniki badań i ich analiza, kinetyki sorpcji, kinetyka sorpcji na węglu niskouwęglonym, kinetyka sorpcji na węglu średniouwęglonym, porównanie kinetyki sorpcji na węglu nisko– i średniouwęglonym, kinetyki odkształceń, kinetyka odkształceń węgla niskouwęglonego, kinetyka odkształceń węgla średniouwęglonego, porównanie kinetyki odkształceń węgla nisko– i średniouwęglonego, relacja pomiędzy odkształceniami węgla i wielkością sorpcji, cykl pomiarowy sorpcji wymiennej, modelowanie wyników badań, równania kinetyczne, kinetyka sorpcji, kinetyka odkształceń, relacja pomiędzy odkształceniami węgla i wielkością sorpcj