42 research outputs found

    Umowa o Partnerstwie Handlowo-Inwestycyjnym między Stanami Zjednoczonymi i Unią Europejską jako narzędzie międzynarodowej współpracy gospodarczej

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    In the paper we analyze the Trade and Investment Partnership between the United States and the European Union indicating its specific character. It comes with the parties’ particular characteristics (i.a. one party to a contract, the EU, is a collective entity).Weexamine both parties to the agreement and their position in the international trade in goods and services. The point of reference is global economy and BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China). We also examine the EU and the USA trade relations. The examination covers the years 1995–2012.Weprove that the unification allows both the EU and the USA to take advantage of their significant role in the world trade to increase their impact on the global economic order. EU-US free trade and the agreement conclusion shall allow to intensify trade in services, and FDI flow shall allow to increase the advantage over BRIC countries (primarily China) and to make their economies independent from the instability of the emerging markets


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    The paper aims to analyze the determinants of intra-industry trade (IIT = simultaneous export and import of similar goods produced in one industry) of the New Member States (NMS defined as 14 countries accessing the EU in the years 2004 and 2007). In our empirical analysis we use panel data with variables controlling for membership of these countries in the EU. Though the time series contain the years before the EU enlargement, we mainly focus on the period since the EU-Eastern enlargement (2004-2013). We estimate the determinants for EU members and NMS what permits us to find out, whether the changes in trade specialization differ between the old and the new EU members. We expect more intensive IIT as a proof of progress of economic integration of the NMS in the framework of the EU membership. Moreover, we examine additional impact of regionalism on IIT that represents the EU Common Commercial Policy (CCP) impact

    Nationality of Poland's Exports

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    ln this paper, we analyse the materiał structure of Polands exports of goods to the European Union and to the United States. In a general presentation of Polish exports, we aggregate all other trade partners than the EU and the U.S. to the 'Rest of the World' (RoW). We use descriptive statistics to check whatgoods are subject to export from Poland. We analyse data on various levels of aggregation. We prove that Polish exports aggregated to the CN sections and HS2 product groups to both destinations seem to be of higher technological advancement than export disaggregated to the HS6 product classification. On the higher level of aggregation, the material structure of Polands exports to the EU and the U.S. look more similar than those analysed on the more disaggregated level. We look at the material structures of exports to both partners from the point of view of the producers as well. We study Poland's exports of goods to the EU and the U.S. based on the HS6 classification and analyse the leading producers of the most important goods in sales to both partners. We show that most of them are affiliates of the foreign companies

    Unia monetarna a intensywność wymiany towarowej studium przypadku strefy euro

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    This paper is aimed at finding an empirical proof of the thesis of positive trade effects and endogeneity of accession criteria in the case of the European monetary union. We analyze how the European monetary union influences trade in goods of its Member States as well as – for comparison – of the New EU-Member States and the EFTA members. Additionally we analyze impast of the creation of the Eurozone on the economies of its Member States with the biggest economic problems especially since the last international crisis (2008) – the group PIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain). We analyze not only changes in the aggregated trade in goods but changes in intra-industry trade as well. Finally we divide intra-industry trade into horizontal and vertical streams and analyze their changes. Our analysis covers the period 1995–2013. We start with the short presentation of trade effects of a monetary integration and analysis of the methods of measurement of intra-industry trade.Niniejszy artykuł ma na celu znalezienie empirycznego dowodu na potwierdzenie tezy o pozytywnych efektach handlowych i endogeniczności kryteriów akcesyjnych w przypadku europejskiej unii monetarnej. Analizujemy, jak europejska unia walutowa wpływa na handel towarowy jej państw członkowskich, jak również – dla porównania – nowych państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej oraz członków EFTA. Dodatkowo badamy wpływ utworzenia strefy euro na gospodarki jej państw członkowskich mających największe problemy gospodarcze, zwłaszcza od czasu ostatniego kryzysu (2008 r.) – tzw. grupa PIGS (Portugalia, Irlandia, Grecja i Hiszpania). Analizie poddano nie tylko ogólne zmiany w wymianie towarowej, lecz także zmiany w wymianie wewnątrzgałęziowej. Na końcu zbadano też zmiany w handlu wewnątrzgałęziowym w podziale na handel poziomy i pionowy. Analiza obejmuje lata 1995–2013. Artykuł rozpoczyna krótka prezentacja efektów handlowych integracji monetarnej oraz przegląd metod pomiaru handlu wewnątrzgałęziowego

    Polska w światowym handlu trzodą chlewną i wieprzowiną

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    We analyze changes in volume and structure of Polish trade with pigs and pork in the years 2004-2013. We are interested in absolute as well as in relative changes, which make it possible to compare the position of Poland with the positions of differently developed countries as well as of selected Member States of the EU. We concentrate on export as our main goal is to analyze changes of Poland’s position in the world market, but we do not resign on analysis of import as complementary to export. We use statistical data from the database Comtrade (WITS). We prove, that in the years 2004-2014 Poland’s shares in global trade with pigs and pork has changed a lot. Poland is leasing the international market of pigs relaying more and more on their import. At the same time it is holding its position on the pork market specializing in relatively more technologically advanced products. / Synopsis. Analizujemy zmiany, jakie zaszły w wolumenie oraz strukturze rzeczowej i geograficznej polskiego handlu trzodą chlewną i wieprzowiną w latach 2004-2013. Interesują nas zmiany absolutne i względne pozwalające porównać miejsce Polski w badanym handlu z pozycjami grup państw o różnych poziomach rozwoju oraz państw członkowskich UE. Koncentrujemy uwagę na eksporcie, gdyż głównym celem opracowania jest analiza zmian pozycji Polski na rynku światowym, jednak nie rezygnujemy z badania importu. Dopełnia ono bowiem analizę udziału Polski w interesującym nas handlu. Posługujemy się danymi statystycznymi pochodzącymi z bazy Comtrade (WITS). Dowodzimy, że w latach 2004-2013 nastąpiły duże zmiany w udziale Polski w światowym handlu trzodą chlewną i wieprzowiną. Polska wycofuje się z rynku trzody chlewnej w coraz większym stopniu polegając na jej imporcie. Równocześnie utrzymuje ona wysoką pozycję na rynku produktów bardziej zaawansowanych technologicznie (wieprzowina)