56 research outputs found

    StajaliŔta i navike adolescenata prema oralnome zdravlju u Hercegovini

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    The aim of the study was to determine attitudes towards and habits in oral health of adolescents in Herzegovina, as well as to evaluate the possible differences in habits among individuals of different adolescent categories. The study included 120 participants (35 male and 85 female) divided into three adolescent categories, as follows: early (11-14 years of age), middle (15-18 years) and late (19-21 years) adolescence, from the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton, who presented for dental examination. All participants completed the socio-demographic questionnaire and standardized Hiroshima University Dental Behavioral Inventory (HU-DBI). The answers provided by study adolescents in the HU-DBI showed statistically significant differences among particular age groups, i.e. between early and middle adolescence in items 7 (p=0.046) and 15 (p=0.007); between middle and late adolescence in items 8 (p=0.021), 11 (p=0.04) and 12 (p=0.027); and between middle and late adolescence in item 11 (p=0.032). Respondents in middle adolescence had poorer oral hygiene attitudes than those in early and late adolescence. In order to improve the oral hygiene habits of adolescents in Herzegovina, it is necessary to put emphasis on continuous education about oral hygiene habits during their secondary education.Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi stajaliÅ”ta i navike adolescenata prema oralnome zdravlju u Hercegovini, kao i procijeniti moguće razlike u navikama između ispitanika različitih adolescentskih kategorija. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 120 ispitanika (35 muÅ”kih, 85 ženskih) podijeljenih u tri adolescentske kategorije: ranu (11-14 godina), srednju (15-18 godina) i kasnu (19-21 godina) adolescentsku dob s područja Hercegovačko-neretvanske županije, koji su doÅ”li na dentalni pregled. Svi ispitanici ispunili su Sociodemografski upitnik i standardizirani Hiroshima University-Dental Behavioral Inventory (HU-DBI). U odgovorima iz upitnika HU-DBI utvrđene su statistički značajne razlike s obzirom na dobne skupine adolescenata: između rane i srednje adolescentske dobi u 7. (p=0,046) i 15. (p=0,007) pitanju, između srednje i kasne adolescencije u 8. (p=0,021), 11. (p=0,04) i 12. (p=0,027) pitanju te između srednje i kasne adolescencije u 11. (p=0,032) pitanju. Ispitanici u srednjoj adolescenciji imali su loÅ”ije oralno-higijenske stavove od ispitanika u ranoj i kasnoj adolescenciji. Provedba obrazovnih programa o promicanju oralnog zdravlja tijekom srednjoÅ”kolskog obrazovanja potrebna je radi unaprjeđenja oralnohigijenskih navika kod adolescenata u Hercegovini

    Assessing literature of Vitamin D and diabetic retinopathy

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    Background: Vitamin D plays an important role in a variety of biological functions.1 Numerous studies demonstrating that adequate vitamin D levels are important in eye homeostasis.2 There is increasing evidence of the association between eye diseases and vitamin D in literature. Aim: To evaluate scientometric data of Vitamin D and diabetic retinopathy. Methods: We analyzed the number of publications of Vitamin D and diabetic retinopathy as key words at Web of Sciences with advanced search using TS=(Vitamin D and diabetic retinopathy) from 1955 to 2019. Hypotheses: There is still a lack of important clinical studies on the role of vitamin D in diabetic retinopathy. Results: We retrieved a total of 114 articles published in the Clinical Medicine and Life Sciences section. The h-index of these publications was 25, an average citation per item was 20.46, the sum of times cited was 2.332. There were 1.864 citing articles. The number of citations significantly increased from 2002 to 2018, with the highest rate in 2017 (308 articles). The article with the highest number of citations had a total of 296 citations. The highest number of articles 48 (42.105%) was published in the field of endocrinology metabolism. Out of 114 articles, 91 were original scientific articles (79.825%), there were 13 reviews (11.404%), 10 meeting abstract (8.772%) and one book chapter (0.877%). Conclusions: Although the number of articles on Vitamin D and diabetic retinopathy is increasing every year, it is still insufficient to establish the role of vitamin D in diabetic retinopathy

    The role of the Mediterranean diet in age macular degeneration

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    A Mediterranean diet is based on the traditional foods that people used to eat in the countries on the Mediterranean Sea. It is based on eating less meat and more fish, vegetables, fruit, legumes, unrefined grains, and olive oil. A Mediterranean diet is the ā€œPrototypeā€ of a healthy diet! Previous research has linked a Mediterranean diet with a reduced incidence of heart disease, strokes, type 2 diabetes, premature death and cognitive decline. Only a few studies have evaluated its impact on age related macular degeneration (AMD). Some studies showed it can be helpful with certain types of age related macular degeneration, and at different stages of the disease. Age related macular degeneration is a degenerative eye disease. It causes loss of central vision, which is crucial for simple everyday activities, such as the ability to see faces, drive, read, and write. It is a leading cause of vision loss among people age 50 and older, affecting 1.8 million Americans. That number is expected to be nearly 3 million by 2020. Aim: To evaluate the potential protective role of a Mediterranean diet in age related macular degeneration Methods: We analyzed the publications at Web of Sciences with advanced search using TS = published in from year 1955 to 2019. Hypotheses: A Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of early development of age related macular degeneration and reduces the risk of progression to advanced forms of the disease. Results: We analyzed 31 articles published in the Clinical Medicine and Life Sciences section. The h-index of these publications was 8, an average citation per item was 13.68, and the sum of times cited was 424. There were 399 citing articles. The number of articles significantly increased from 2000 to 2019, with the highest rate in 2018 (10 articles). The article with the highest number of citations had a total of 69 citations. The highest number of articles 12 (38.709%) was published in the field ophthalmology. Out of 31 articles, 18 were original scientific articles (58.065%), 6 were reviews (19.355%), 3 meeting abstract (9.677%), editorial material 2 (6.452), one correction (3.226), and one proceedings paper (3.226 %). Conclusion: Higher adherence to the Mediterranean diet is associated with the protective effect in AMD development and progressio


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    The Croatian Registry of Native Renal Biopsy (CRNRB) was established in 2019. Thus, in this study, we present retrospective data on kidney biopsies in adult patients performed at the Split University Hospital Center from 1994 to 2019 before the CRNRB establishment. The aim of the study was to show epidemiological data on glomerular diseases in southern Croatia in order to compare them with others and provide data for the establishment of the CRNRB. During the study period, 110 patients (mean age 46.6Ā±15.4, age range 17-76 years), 68 men and 42 women, underwent renal biopsy at the Department of Internal Medicine, Split University Hospital Center in Split. Data on age, sex, serum creatinine, urinalysis, daily proteinuria, and complications after biopsy were collected and related to indication for biopsy and pathological diagnosis. Light and immunofluorescence analysis was supplemented by electron microscopy in 63.5% of cases. Indications for biopsy were nephrotic syndrome (64.5%), asymptomatic urinary tract abnormalities (12.7%), and acute renal failure of unknown cause (9.1%). The most common diagnosis was IgA nephropathy (IgAN) (20.9%), the prevalence of which decreased during the study period. IgAN was followed by focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) (19.1%), membranous nephropathy (13.6%), lupus nephritis and minimal change disease (8.2%), crescentic glomerulonephritis (5.4%), embranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (4.5%), mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis (3.6%), amyloidosis (3.6%), Henoch-Schƶnlein nephritis (3.6%), and Alport syndrome (2.7%). Other forms of glomerular diseases were rarely found. IgAN was most frequently found in men (26.5%) and FSGS in women (21.4%). These data can be included in the historical epidemiological observation of glomerular diseases in Southeastern Europe. The guidelines for performing biopsies need to be constantly updated to improve preventive and therapeutic strategies.Hrvatski registar nativne bubrežne biopsije (CRNRB) uspostavljen je 2019. godine. Stoga u ovom istraživanju prikazujemo retrospektivne podatke biopsija bubrega odraslih bolesnika KBC-a Split obavljenih od 1994. do 2019. godine prije uspostave CRNRB-a. Cilj rada bio je prikazati epidemioloÅ”ke podatke o glomerularnim bolestima u južnoj Hrvatskoj radi usporedbe s drugima i dobivanja podataka za uspostavu CRNRB-a. U promatranom razdoblju 110 bolesnika (raspon dobi 17-76 godina, srednja dob 46,6Ā±15,4 godina), 68 muÅ”karaca i 42 žene, bilo je podvrgnuto biopsiji bubrega na Klinici za unutarnje bolesti KBC-a Split. Podatci o dobi, spolu, kreatininu u serumu, analizi mokraće, dnevnoj proteinuriji i komplikacijama nakon biopsije prikupljeni su i povezani s indikacijom za biopsiju i patoloÅ”kom dijagnozom. Analiza svjetlosnom mikroskopijom i imunofluorescencijom dopunjena je elektronskom mikroskopijom u 63,5 % slučajeva. Indikacije za biopsiju bile su nefrotski sindrom (64,5 %), asimptomatske abnormalnosti mokraćnog sustava (12,7 %) i akutno zatajenje bubrega nepoznatog uzroka (9,1 %). NajčeŔća dijagnoza bila je IgA nefropatija (IgAN) (20,9 %), učestalost koje se smanjila tijekom promatranog razdoblja. Nakon IgAN-a slijede žariÅ”na segmentna glomeruloskleroza (FSGS) (19,1 %), membranska nefropatija (13,6 %), lupusni nefritis i bolest minimalnih promjena (8,2 %), polumjesečasti glomerulonefritis (5,4 %), membranoproliferativni glomerulonefritis (4,5 %), mezangijski proliferativni glomerulonefritis (3,6 %), amiloidoza (3,6 %), Henoch-Schƶnleinov nefritis (3,6 %) i Alportov sindrom (2,7 %). Drugi oblici glomerularnih bolesti rijetko su nađeni. IgAN je najčeŔće nađen u muÅ”karaca (26,5 %), a FSGS u žena (21,4 %). Ti se podatci mogu uključiti u povijesno epidemioloÅ”ko promatranje glomerularnih bolesti u jugoistočnoj Europi. Smjernice za izvođenje biopsije bubrega potrebno je stalno ažurirati kako bi se poboljÅ”ale preventivne i terapijske strategije

    Prirođene anomalije bubrega i urinarnog trakta (CAKUT)

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    Congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) are wide spectrum of prenatal malformations (isolated or as a part of syndromes), accounting for up to one quarter of overall birth defects and causes endstage renal disease in up to a half of these cases. The most sever CAKUT phenotypes arise from a disturbed differentiation or interaction of the ureteric bud and the metanephric mesenchyme. CAKUT can be triggered through interplay of various genetic and epigenetic factors, as well as by numerous extrinsic factors including maternal diabetes, medications, and folate and iron deficiency, highlighting environmental factors that modify expression of disease. Genetic impairments (about 40 monogenic isolated and about 150 as a part of a syndrome) underlay about 15% of cases with variable expressivity and incomplete penetrance. Copy number variations (CNVs) and submicroscopic chromosomal imbalances are diagnostic challenge. Early identification of mutations in genes which can lead to CAKUT can facilitate targeted therapy. Gene panels based on next generation sequencing technology (NGS) might elucidate and significantly improve the process of testing and may lead to proper and thereby more effective diagnosis of CAKUT.Kongenitalne anomalije bubrega i urinarnog trakta (CAKUT) predstavljaju Å”irok spektar prenatalnih malformacija (izoliranih ili u sklopu sindroma), koje čine do jedne četvrtine ukupnih urođenih mana i uzrokuju zavrÅ”nu bubrežnu bolest u do polovice ovih slučajeva. Najteži CAKUT fenotipovi proizlaze iz poremećene diferencijacije ili interakcije mokraćovodnog pupoljka i metanefričkog mezenhima. CAKUT može nastati međudjelovanjem različitih genetskih i epigenetskih čimbenika, kao i zbog brojnih vanjskih čimbenika kao Å”to su dijabetes majke, lijekovi, nedostatak folata i željeza, uz naglasak na čimbenike okoliÅ”a koji modificiraju ekspresiju bolesti. Genetski poremećaji (oko 40 izoliranih gena i oko 150 koji su dio sindroma) su u pozadini oko 15% slučajeva s promjenjivim izražajem i nepotpunom penetrantnosti. Varijacije broja kopija i submikroskopske kromosomske neravnoteže predstavljaju dijagnostički izazov. Rano prepoznavanje mutacija u genima koje mogu dovesti do CAKUT-a olakÅ”ali bi ciljanu terapiju. Paneli gena temeljeni na tehnologiji sekvenciranja sljedeće generacije mogli bi razjasniti i značajno poboljÅ”ati proces testiranja i dovesti do ispravne i učinkovitije dijagnoze CAKUT-a

    Prirođene anomalije bubrega i urinarnog trakta (CAKUT)

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    Congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT) are wide spectrum of prenatal malformations (isolated or as a part of syndromes), accounting for up to one quarter of overall birth defects and causes endstage renal disease in up to a half of these cases. The most sever CAKUT phenotypes arise from a disturbed differentiation or interaction of the ureteric bud and the metanephric mesenchyme. CAKUT can be triggered through interplay of various genetic and epigenetic factors, as well as by numerous extrinsic factors including maternal diabetes, medications, and folate and iron deficiency, highlighting environmental factors that modify expression of disease. Genetic impairments (about 40 monogenic isolated and about 150 as a part of a syndrome) underlay about 15% of cases with variable expressivity and incomplete penetrance. Copy number variations (CNVs) and submicroscopic chromosomal imbalances are diagnostic challenge. Early identification of mutations in genes which can lead to CAKUT can facilitate targeted therapy. Gene panels based on next generation sequencing technology (NGS) might elucidate and significantly improve the process of testing and may lead to proper and thereby more effective diagnosis of CAKUT.Kongenitalne anomalije bubrega i urinarnog trakta (CAKUT) predstavljaju Å”irok spektar prenatalnih malformacija (izoliranih ili u sklopu sindroma), koje čine do jedne četvrtine ukupnih urođenih mana i uzrokuju zavrÅ”nu bubrežnu bolest u do polovice ovih slučajeva. Najteži CAKUT fenotipovi proizlaze iz poremećene diferencijacije ili interakcije mokraćovodnog pupoljka i metanefričkog mezenhima. CAKUT može nastati međudjelovanjem različitih genetskih i epigenetskih čimbenika, kao i zbog brojnih vanjskih čimbenika kao Å”to su dijabetes majke, lijekovi, nedostatak folata i željeza, uz naglasak na čimbenike okoliÅ”a koji modificiraju ekspresiju bolesti. Genetski poremećaji (oko 40 izoliranih gena i oko 150 koji su dio sindroma) su u pozadini oko 15% slučajeva s promjenjivim izražajem i nepotpunom penetrantnosti. Varijacije broja kopija i submikroskopske kromosomske neravnoteže predstavljaju dijagnostički izazov. Rano prepoznavanje mutacija u genima koje mogu dovesti do CAKUT-a olakÅ”ali bi ciljanu terapiju. Paneli gena temeljeni na tehnologiji sekvenciranja sljedeće generacije mogli bi razjasniti i značajno poboljÅ”ati proces testiranja i dovesti do ispravne i učinkovitije dijagnoze CAKUT-a

    Stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157 in the treatment of colitis and ischemia and reperfusion in rats: new insights

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    AIM: To provide new insights in treatment of colitis and ischemia and reperfusion in rats using stable gastric pentadecapeptide BPC 157. ----- METHODS: Medication [BPC 157, L-NAME, L-arginine (alone/combined), saline] was bath at the blood deprived colon segment. During reperfusion, medication was BPC 157 or saline. We recorded (USB microscope camera) vessel presentation through next 15 min of ischemic colitis (IC-rats) or reperfusion (removed ligations) (IC + RL-rats); oxidative stress as MDA (increased (IC- and IC + RL-rats)) and NO levels (decreased (IC-rats); increased (IC + RL-rats)) in colon tissue. IC + OB-rats [IC-rats had additional colon obstruction (OB)] for 3 d (IC + OB-rats), then received BPC 157 bath. ----- RESULTS: Commonly, in colon segment (25 mm, 2 ligations on left colic artery and vein, 3 arcade vessels within ligated segment), in IC-, IC + RL-, IC + OB-rats, BPC 157 (10 Ī¼g/kg) bath (1 mL/rat) increased vessel presentation, inside/outside arcade interconnections quickly reappeared, mucosal folds were preserved and the pale areas were small and markedly reduced. BPC 157 counteracted worsening effects induced by L-NAME (5 mg) and L-arginine (100 mg). MDA- and NO-levels were normal in BPC 157 treated IC-rats and IC + RL-rats. In addition, on day 10, BPC 157-treated IC + OB-rats presented almost completely spared mucosa with very small pale areas and no gross mucosal defects; the treated colon segment was of normal diameter, and only small adhesions were present. ----- CONCLUSION: BPC 157 is a fundamental treatment that quickly restores blood supply to the ischemically injured area and rapidly activates collaterals. This effect involves the NO system

    Ružička days : International conference 16th Ružička Days ā€œToday Science ā€“ Tomorrow Industryā€ : Proceedings

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    Proceedings contains articles presented at Conference divided into sections: open lecture (1), chemical analysis and synthesis (3), chemical and biochemical engineering (8), food technology and biotechnology (8), medical chemistry and pharmacy (3), environmental protection (11) and meeting of young chemists (2)
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