6 research outputs found


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    <p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Expression of yeast lipid phosphatase Sac1p is regulated by phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate"</p><p>http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2199/9/16</p><p>BMC Molecular Biology 2008;9():16-16.</p><p>Published online 28 Jan 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2258305.</p><p></p> GFP in a -based vector. Expression of the GFP reporter. The respective plasmids were introduced into a wild-type strain background and promoter activity was determined by measuring relative GFP expression levels. Cell extracts were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting using anti-GFP and anti-glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (Zwf1p) antibodies

    The International legal status of the Holy See and the State of the Vatican City

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    Svetu Stolicu, na čelu s papom, s jedne strane možemo promatrati kao vrhovno upravno tijelo Katoličke Crkve, koja prema podacima iz 2019. godine ima 1.34 milijarde članova. S druge pak strane, s obzirom na veličinu i značaj te zajednice koja je tijekom povijesti jačala svoj položaj, a i danas ima istaknutu ulogu u svjetskim geopolitičkim zbivanjima, posebno je zanimljiv položaj Svete Stolice u sustavu međunarodnog prava, osobito u kontekstu njezina međunarodnopravnog subjektiviteta. Stoga ćemo u ovom radu kroz pet tematskih cjelina analizirati različite povijesne, političke i pravne okolnosti koje su utjecale na današnji međunarodni položaj Svete Stolice. U prvom dijelu rada objašnjene su povijesne okolnosti od aneksije Papinske države od Kraljevine Italije 1870. godine do sklapanja Lateranskog ugovora 1929. godine, kojim je papi priznato posebno državno područje. U drugom se dijelu rada kroz prizmu Konvencije o pravima i obvezama država (Montevideo, 1933.) ispituje državnost Svete Stolice i Države Vatikanskoga rada. Jedna od najčešćih pogrešaka u raspravama o Svetoj Stolici je nepoznavanje temeljne razlike između Svete Stolice i Države Vatikanskoga Grada, stoga se u ovom radu iznose neki od mogućih odgovora na pitanje o međusobnom odnosu ta dva međunarodnopravna subjekta. Radi shvaćanja odnosa ostalih subjekata međunarodnog prava prema Svetoj Stolici i njezinog položaja u Ujedinjenim narodima, u ovom radu je provedena i analiza djelovanja Svete Stolice na međunarodnom planu. Tako su u posljednjem dijelu rada obrađena pitanja članstva i aktivnosti Svete Stolice u Ujedinjenim narodima i ostalim međunarodnim organizmima u sustavu Ujedinjenih naroda.On the one hand, the Holy See, headed by the Pope, can be viewed as the supreme governing body of the Catholic Church, which according to 2019 data, has 1.34 billion members. On the other hand, given the size and importance of this community, which throughout history had strengthened its position, and still has prominent role in world geopolitical events, the position of the Holy See in the system of international law is particularly interesting, especially in the context of its international legal personality. This paper will, through five thematic units, analyse various historical, political and legal circumstances that have influenced the international position of the Holy See as we know it today. The first part of the thesis explains the historical circumstances from the annexation of the Papal State by the Kingdom of Italy in 1870 to the conclusion of the Lateran Treaty which recognized special state territory of the Pope in 1929. The second part of the thesis examines the statehood of the Holy See and the Vatican City State through the prism of the Convention on the Rights and Duties of States (Montevideo, 1933). Since one of the most common mistakes in discussions of the Holy See is ignorance of the fundamental difference between the Holy See and the Vatican City State, this thesis aims to give possible answers to the question of the relationship between the two international legal entities. In order to understand the relationship between other subjects of international law and the Holy See as well as its position within the United Nations, it was necessary to offer a brief overview of the activities of the Holy See at the international level. Thus, the last part of the thesis deals with the membership and activities of the Holy See in the United Nations and other international organisms in the United Nations system

    The International legal status of the Holy See and the State of the Vatican City

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    Svetu Stolicu, na čelu s papom, s jedne strane možemo promatrati kao vrhovno upravno tijelo Katoličke Crkve, koja prema podacima iz 2019. godine ima 1.34 milijarde članova. S druge pak strane, s obzirom na veličinu i značaj te zajednice koja je tijekom povijesti jačala svoj položaj, a i danas ima istaknutu ulogu u svjetskim geopolitičkim zbivanjima, posebno je zanimljiv položaj Svete Stolice u sustavu međunarodnog prava, osobito u kontekstu njezina međunarodnopravnog subjektiviteta. Stoga ćemo u ovom radu kroz pet tematskih cjelina analizirati različite povijesne, političke i pravne okolnosti koje su utjecale na današnji međunarodni položaj Svete Stolice. U prvom dijelu rada objašnjene su povijesne okolnosti od aneksije Papinske države od Kraljevine Italije 1870. godine do sklapanja Lateranskog ugovora 1929. godine, kojim je papi priznato posebno državno područje. U drugom se dijelu rada kroz prizmu Konvencije o pravima i obvezama država (Montevideo, 1933.) ispituje državnost Svete Stolice i Države Vatikanskoga rada. Jedna od najčešćih pogrešaka u raspravama o Svetoj Stolici je nepoznavanje temeljne razlike između Svete Stolice i Države Vatikanskoga Grada, stoga se u ovom radu iznose neki od mogućih odgovora na pitanje o međusobnom odnosu ta dva međunarodnopravna subjekta. Radi shvaćanja odnosa ostalih subjekata međunarodnog prava prema Svetoj Stolici i njezinog položaja u Ujedinjenim narodima, u ovom radu je provedena i analiza djelovanja Svete Stolice na međunarodnom planu. Tako su u posljednjem dijelu rada obrađena pitanja članstva i aktivnosti Svete Stolice u Ujedinjenim narodima i ostalim međunarodnim organizmima u sustavu Ujedinjenih naroda.On the one hand, the Holy See, headed by the Pope, can be viewed as the supreme governing body of the Catholic Church, which according to 2019 data, has 1.34 billion members. On the other hand, given the size and importance of this community, which throughout history had strengthened its position, and still has prominent role in world geopolitical events, the position of the Holy See in the system of international law is particularly interesting, especially in the context of its international legal personality. This paper will, through five thematic units, analyse various historical, political and legal circumstances that have influenced the international position of the Holy See as we know it today. The first part of the thesis explains the historical circumstances from the annexation of the Papal State by the Kingdom of Italy in 1870 to the conclusion of the Lateran Treaty which recognized special state territory of the Pope in 1929. The second part of the thesis examines the statehood of the Holy See and the Vatican City State through the prism of the Convention on the Rights and Duties of States (Montevideo, 1933). Since one of the most common mistakes in discussions of the Holy See is ignorance of the fundamental difference between the Holy See and the Vatican City State, this thesis aims to give possible answers to the question of the relationship between the two international legal entities. In order to understand the relationship between other subjects of international law and the Holy See as well as its position within the United Nations, it was necessary to offer a brief overview of the activities of the Holy See at the international level. Thus, the last part of the thesis deals with the membership and activities of the Holy See in the United Nations and other international organisms in the United Nations system

    The International legal status of the Holy See and the State of the Vatican City

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    Svetu Stolicu, na čelu s papom, s jedne strane možemo promatrati kao vrhovno upravno tijelo Katoličke Crkve, koja prema podacima iz 2019. godine ima 1.34 milijarde članova. S druge pak strane, s obzirom na veličinu i značaj te zajednice koja je tijekom povijesti jačala svoj položaj, a i danas ima istaknutu ulogu u svjetskim geopolitičkim zbivanjima, posebno je zanimljiv položaj Svete Stolice u sustavu međunarodnog prava, osobito u kontekstu njezina međunarodnopravnog subjektiviteta. Stoga ćemo u ovom radu kroz pet tematskih cjelina analizirati različite povijesne, političke i pravne okolnosti koje su utjecale na današnji međunarodni položaj Svete Stolice. U prvom dijelu rada objašnjene su povijesne okolnosti od aneksije Papinske države od Kraljevine Italije 1870. godine do sklapanja Lateranskog ugovora 1929. godine, kojim je papi priznato posebno državno područje. U drugom se dijelu rada kroz prizmu Konvencije o pravima i obvezama država (Montevideo, 1933.) ispituje državnost Svete Stolice i Države Vatikanskoga rada. Jedna od najčešćih pogrešaka u raspravama o Svetoj Stolici je nepoznavanje temeljne razlike između Svete Stolice i Države Vatikanskoga Grada, stoga se u ovom radu iznose neki od mogućih odgovora na pitanje o međusobnom odnosu ta dva međunarodnopravna subjekta. Radi shvaćanja odnosa ostalih subjekata međunarodnog prava prema Svetoj Stolici i njezinog položaja u Ujedinjenim narodima, u ovom radu je provedena i analiza djelovanja Svete Stolice na međunarodnom planu. Tako su u posljednjem dijelu rada obrađena pitanja članstva i aktivnosti Svete Stolice u Ujedinjenim narodima i ostalim međunarodnim organizmima u sustavu Ujedinjenih naroda.On the one hand, the Holy See, headed by the Pope, can be viewed as the supreme governing body of the Catholic Church, which according to 2019 data, has 1.34 billion members. On the other hand, given the size and importance of this community, which throughout history had strengthened its position, and still has prominent role in world geopolitical events, the position of the Holy See in the system of international law is particularly interesting, especially in the context of its international legal personality. This paper will, through five thematic units, analyse various historical, political and legal circumstances that have influenced the international position of the Holy See as we know it today. The first part of the thesis explains the historical circumstances from the annexation of the Papal State by the Kingdom of Italy in 1870 to the conclusion of the Lateran Treaty which recognized special state territory of the Pope in 1929. The second part of the thesis examines the statehood of the Holy See and the Vatican City State through the prism of the Convention on the Rights and Duties of States (Montevideo, 1933). Since one of the most common mistakes in discussions of the Holy See is ignorance of the fundamental difference between the Holy See and the Vatican City State, this thesis aims to give possible answers to the question of the relationship between the two international legal entities. In order to understand the relationship between other subjects of international law and the Holy See as well as its position within the United Nations, it was necessary to offer a brief overview of the activities of the Holy See at the international level. Thus, the last part of the thesis deals with the membership and activities of the Holy See in the United Nations and other international organisms in the United Nations system