306 research outputs found

    Credit analysis

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    Kreditna se analiza odnosi, ne samo na ocjenu globalne kreditne sposobnosti kupaca, nego i na utvrđivanje maksimalnog iznosa kredita koji neki kupac može podnijeti. Banke prije odobravanja kredita rade kreditnu analizu, odnosno izračunavaju kreditnu sposobnost dužnika. U ovom se radu obrađuje pojam i vrste kredita te značaj kredita u gospodarstvu. Kredit je određeni novčani iznos koji se odobrava korisniku kredita na određeni rok i uz određenu cijenu. Potom, objaÅ”njen je kreditni proces i navode se koraci koji su ključni u procesu kreditiranja, kao i dijelovi ugovora o kreditu. Kroz rad obrađuju se konkretni primjeri zahtjeva za poslovni, potroÅ”ački i hipotekarni kredit. Kako bi se utvrdila vjerojatnost toga da dužnici neće kasniti u otplati kredita, odnosno kako bi se razlučili dobri od loÅ”ih dužnika, koristi se scoring metoda. Na kraju rada donosi se zaključak da je cijeli postupak kreditiranja zapravo kompleksan i zahtjevan, unatoč tome Å”to su krediti danas dostupni gotovo svima.Credit analysis refers not only to an assessment of a client's overall credit capability, but also to a process of determining the maximum credit amount a buyer can bear. Before approving credit, banks make a credit analysis i.e. a calculation of the credit capability of the debtor. This paper explains the notion and types of credit as well as the significance of credit in the economy. Credit is a particular amount of money that is approved to the credit user for a particular amount of time and at a particular price. Also, the crediting process is explained and the key steps in the process of crediting are listed, as well as the parts of the credit agreement. Throughout, the paper covers concrete examples of requests for commercial, consumer and mortgage credits. To determine the probability that the debtor will not be late with paying back of the loan, i.e. to discern the good from the bad, a scoring method will be used. At the end of the paper it is concluded, that although credit today is available to almost everybody, the entire process of crediting is in fact complex and demanding

    Credit analysis

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    Kreditna se analiza odnosi, ne samo na ocjenu globalne kreditne sposobnosti kupaca, nego i na utvrđivanje maksimalnog iznosa kredita koji neki kupac može podnijeti. Banke prije odobravanja kredita rade kreditnu analizu, odnosno izračunavaju kreditnu sposobnost dužnika. U ovom se radu obrađuje pojam i vrste kredita te značaj kredita u gospodarstvu. Kredit je određeni novčani iznos koji se odobrava korisniku kredita na određeni rok i uz određenu cijenu. Potom, objaÅ”njen je kreditni proces i navode se koraci koji su ključni u procesu kreditiranja, kao i dijelovi ugovora o kreditu. Kroz rad obrađuju se konkretni primjeri zahtjeva za poslovni, potroÅ”ački i hipotekarni kredit. Kako bi se utvrdila vjerojatnost toga da dužnici neće kasniti u otplati kredita, odnosno kako bi se razlučili dobri od loÅ”ih dužnika, koristi se scoring metoda. Na kraju rada donosi se zaključak da je cijeli postupak kreditiranja zapravo kompleksan i zahtjevan, unatoč tome Å”to su krediti danas dostupni gotovo svima.Credit analysis refers not only to an assessment of a client's overall credit capability, but also to a process of determining the maximum credit amount a buyer can bear. Before approving credit, banks make a credit analysis i.e. a calculation of the credit capability of the debtor. This paper explains the notion and types of credit as well as the significance of credit in the economy. Credit is a particular amount of money that is approved to the credit user for a particular amount of time and at a particular price. Also, the crediting process is explained and the key steps in the process of crediting are listed, as well as the parts of the credit agreement. Throughout, the paper covers concrete examples of requests for commercial, consumer and mortgage credits. To determine the probability that the debtor will not be late with paying back of the loan, i.e. to discern the good from the bad, a scoring method will be used. At the end of the paper it is concluded, that although credit today is available to almost everybody, the entire process of crediting is in fact complex and demanding

    Podgorač, RažiÅ”te ā€“ results of the archaeological excavations in 2013

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    Institut za arheologiju iz Zagreba proveo je tijekom srpnja 2013. godine arheoloÅ”ka istraživanja neolitičkog naselja sopotske kulture na lokalitetu RažiÅ”te u Podgoraču. Istraživanja su provedena na južnoj strani parcele i predstavljaju nastavak istraživanja započetih 1975. godine. Na istraženoj povrÅ”ini od 100 m2 djelomično je ispražnjena velika jama, rov i dio manje jame, a u potpunosti samostojeća ograda te nekoliko desetaka stupova unutar i izvan objekata. Definirani su, ali neistraženi, dijelovi veće zemunice, peći i jame okružene stupovima jer svojim većim dijelom izlaze iz istražene povrÅ”ine. Pokretni nalazi potvrđuju prijaÅ”nje pretpostavke o RažiÅ”te tipu sopotske kulture.During June 2013 archaeological excavation of the Neolithic Sopot culture site at RažiÅ”te near Podgorač has been conducted. This site is situated 11 km east of NaÅ”ice. The first campaign of the systematic excavations started on the area of 100 m2 at the southern part of the lot. The excavated area contained seven partial structures of which one was excavated in full (fence SU 070/071) and three partially (bigger pit SU 002/003, trench SU 066/067 and smaller pit SU 078/079). Three of remaining structures were not excavated (big pit-dwelling SU 076/077, kiln SU 074/075 and the part of the pit surrounded by wooden posts SU 064/065). Several dozen wooden post holes of different sizes were defined in and out of the structures. Among pottery finds there were parts of biconical and round bowls and pots of fine and coarse structure as well as vessels on full and hollow foot. Decorations on pottery shards are: incised ā€œsittingā€ garland, three dimensional hornlike applications on the rim or the belly of the vessels and red painting. A small amount of lithic material was also found, from which the polished stone axes, adzes and chisels, fragments of whetstone and grinders, blades, scrapers, flakes and cores can be singled out. According to this yearā€™s finds we can conclude that this site once more yielded material evidence of the middle Neolithic Sopot culture i.e. its RažiÅ”te type

    Perovskite solar cells: Recent development and perspectives

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    Efikasnost konverzije energije hibridnih organsko-neorganskih perovskitnih solarnih ćelija (PSC) dostigla je vrednost uporedivu sa komercijalno dostupnim silicijumskim solarnim ćelijama. Glavni izazovi za njihovu komercijalizaciju su nestabilnost i toksičnost.The energy conversion efficiency of hybrid organic-inorganic perovskite solar cells (PSCs) has reached a value comparable to commercially available silicon solar cells. The main challenges for their commercialization are instability and toxicity

    Podgorač, RažiÅ”te ā€“ results of the archaeological excavations in 2015

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    Institut za arheologiju iz Zagreba proveo je tijekom listopada 2015. g. arheoloÅ”ka istraživanja neolitičkog naselja sopotske kulture na lokalitetu RažiÅ”te u Podgoraču. Istraživanje je nastavljeno na južnom dijelu parcele i nadovezalo se na prostor istražen 2013. g. Na istraženoj povrÅ”ini od 50 m2 djelomično je istražena velika zemunica, gotovo cijela veća i dublja jama, dvije manje jame, nekoliko stupova i velik broj stupića i kolčića unutar jama. Pokretni nalazi pripadaju tipu RažiÅ”te sopotske kulture, ali je ustanovljeno da se u dvjema jamama nalazi materijal koji u potpunosti ne sadržava sve elemente ovog tipa. Radiokarbonski datumi pokazali su da se radi o starijim jamama te možemo pokretnu građu s ovog lokaliteta smjestiti u dva horizonta.During October 2015 archaeological excavation of the Neolithic Sopot culture site at RažiÅ”te near Podgorač was conducted. This site is situated 11 km east of NaÅ”ice. The second campaign of the systematic excavations started on the area of 50 m2 at the northern side from the previously explored area in 2013. The excavated area contained one large pit (SU 386), two smaller pits (SU 064 and 380), a large residential pit (SU 066) containing large number of small wooden post holes mostly at its western part and the rest of the pit SU 002 largely explored in 2013. Three larger wooden post holes were defined between SU 064 and SU 386. Among pottery finds there were parts of biconical and round bowls and pots of fine and coarse structure as well as vessels on hollow foot. Decorations on pottery shards are: incised ā€œsittingā€ garland, three-dimensional hornlike applications on the rim or the belly of the vessels and incised ā€œribbonsā€ with stabbed decoration. A small amount of lithic material was also found, from which only part of one polished stone adze, fragments of whetstone and grinders, blades, scrapers, flakes and cores can be singled out. According to radiocarbon dating and pottery finds, two phases of the settlement can be singled out ā€“ older at the western side of the explored area (pits SU 064 and SU 386: DeA-8339, 6413Ā±30 BP, 5467ā€“5364 calBC 68.2%, 5470ā€“5327 calBC 95.2% and DeA-8338, 6109Ā±29 BP, 5196ā€“4987 calBC 68.2%, 5207ā€“4943 calBC 95.4%) and younger at the central and eastern sides (pit SU 002: DeA-5159, 6004Ā±27 BP, 4934ā€“4848 calBC 68.2%, 4982ā€“4806 calBC 95.4% and pit 066 with fill SU 451)

    Ɯber die neolithische Keramik aus Novi Perkovci bei Đakovo

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    Lokalitet Novi Perkovci-Krčavina nalazi se na blagim brežuljcima oko 6 km jugozapadno od Đakova, na nadmorskoj visini od 110 m. Godine 2005. i 2006. tu su provedena velika zaÅ”titna iskopavanja jer se lokalitet nalazi na trasi međunarodne Autoceste BudimpeÅ”ta-Ploče, Koridor V c. Pronađeni su ostaci objekata neolitičkih kultura, starčevačke i sopotske, koje ovdje sažeto obrađujemo. Osim toga, pronađeni su i ostaci objekata iz ranoga brončanog doba (licenska i panonska inkrustirana keramika), te kasnoga brončanog doba (početka kulture polja sa žarama). Starčevačka kultura ima uobičajene značajke, a pronađen je i jedan idol te dio žrtvenika. Sopotska kultura dijelom ima značajke kakve susrećemo u obližnjem RažiÅ”te-tipu (Podgorač i Vukojevci), prijelazu I-B na II. stupanj, ali nalazimo i spiralne trake s ubodima (kao puni II. stupanj), te trokutaste trake s ubodima (kao III. stupanj).Der Standort Novi Perkovci-Krčavina liegt auf sanften HƤngen ca. 6 km sĆ¼dƶstlich von Đakovo, 110 m Ć¼.d.M. In den Jahren 2005 und 2006 wurden hier groƟe Schutzgrabungen durchgefĆ¼hrt, da dieser Standort an der Trasse der internationalen Autobahn Budapest-Ploče, Korridor V c, liegt. Die baulichen Ɯberreste der neolithischen Kulturen ā€“ Starčevo und Sopot ā€“ wurden freigelegt. Diese werden hier zusammenfassend bearbeitet. DarĆ¼ber hinaus wurden auch bauliche Ɯberreste aus der FrĆ¼hbronzezeit (Litzenkeramik und pannonische inkrustierte Keramik) sowie der SpƤtbronzezeit (Anfang der Urnenfelderkultur) ausgehoben. Die Starčevo-Kultur hat die Ć¼blichen Merkmale; es wurden u.a. ein Idol und Teil eines Opfersteins gefunden. Typisch fĆ¼r die Sopot-Kultur sind zum Teil jene Merkmale, denen wir im naheliegenden RažiÅ”te-Typus (Podgorač und Vukojevci) am Ɯbergang der I-B zur II. Stufe begegnen, es finden sich aber auch SpiralbƤnder mit Einstichen (wie die volle II. Stufe), als auch DreiecksbƤnder mit Einstichen (als III. Stufe)


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    Maladaptivno ponaÅ”anje ima visoku stopu učestalosti u populacijama osoba sa poremećajem autističkog spektra i intelektualnom ometenoŔću (IO). Ranija istraživanja ukazuju na njegovu veću učestalost kod osoba sa poremećajem autističkog spektra u odnosu na osobe sa IO i atipičnim razvojem druge prirode. Istraživanje ima za cilj da utvrdi učestalost i težinu samopovređivanja, stereotipnog ponaÅ”anja i agresije/destrukcije kod dece sa poremećajem autističkog spektra i dece sa IO, kao i eventualne razlike između dijagnostičkih grupa, zatim povezanost uzrasta sa oblicima maladaptivnog ponaÅ”anja i odnos između sva tri oblika maladaptivnog ponaÅ”anja unutar dijagnostičkih grupa. Inventar problematičnog ponaÅ”anja je primenjen na uzorku od 22 ispitanika sa poremećajem autističkog spektra i 30 ispitanika sa IO, uzrasta od 7 do 12 godina. U oba slučaja radi se o osobama sa težim oblicima IO. Najveću učestalost i težinu u obe dijagnostičke grupe ima stereotipno ponaÅ”anje, za kojim slede samopovređivanje i agresija/destrukcija. Samopovređujuće i stereotipno ponaÅ”anje imaju značajno veću učestalost i težinu kod dece sa poremećajem autističkog spektra.Učestalost samopovređivanja značajno korelira sa stereotipnim ponaÅ”anjem kod dece sa IO, dok kod dece sa poremećajem autističkog spektra postoji značajna povezanost između učestalosti samopovređivanja i agresije/destrukcije. Značajna korelacija u obe grupe ispitanika utvrđena je i u odnosu na težinu ovih oblika maladaptivnog ponaÅ”anja. Uzrast signifikantno korelira sa maladaptivnim ponaÅ”anjem samo kod dece sa poremećajem autističkog spektra, i to sa obe dimenzije samopovređivanja. Neophodno je da se razvijaju adaptivne sposobnosti dece sa poremećajem autističkog spektra i IO kako bi se minimizirao rizik od pojave maladaptivnog ponaÅ”anja, kao i da roditelji i stručnjaci steknu znanja o mogućnostima funkcionalne procene maladaptivnog ponaÅ”anja i njegovog preusmeravanja u socijalno prihvatiljive oblike ponaÅ”anja.Maladaptive behavior has a high incidence rate in populations with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability (ID). Early studies indicate its higher incidence in people with autism spectrum disorder compared to those with ID and atypical development of a second nature. The research aims to determine the incidence and severity of selfinjury, stereotypic behavior and aggression/destruction in children with autism spectrum disorder and children with ID, as well as possible differences between diagnostic groups; association of ages with forms of maladaptive behavior and the relationship between all three forms of maladaptive behavior within diagnostic groups. The Behavior Problems Inventory was applied to a sample of 22 subjects with autism spectrum disorder and 30 subjects with ID, 7 to 12 years of age. In both cases, these people had more severe forms of ID. The results indicate that stereotypic behavior had the highest frequency and severity in both diagnostic groups, followed by self-injury and aggression/destruction. Self-injuring and stereotypic behavior had a significantly higher frequency and severity in children with autism spectrum disorder. The frequency of self-injury significantly correlated with stereotypic behavior in children with ID, while in children with autism spectrum disorder there was a significant relationship between the frequency of self-injury and aggression/destruction. Significant correlation in both groups of subjects was also determined in relation to the severity of these forms of maladaptive behavior. The age significantly correlated with maladaptive behavior only in children with autism spectrum disorder, with both dimensions of self-injuries. It is necessary to develop adaptive abilities of children with autism spectrum disorder and ID in order to minimize the risks of maladaptive behavior, as well as for parents and experts to acquire knowledge about the possibilities of functional evaluation of maladaptive behavior and its redirecting to socially acceptable forms of behavior.publishedVersio

    Results of a field survey of NaŔice and Podgorač municipalities in 2016

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    Institut za arheologiju, u suradnji sa Zavičajnim muzejom NaÅ”ice, proveo je terenski pregled dijelova općina NaÅ”ice i Podgorač (k.o. Vukojevci, k.o. Stipanovci i k.o. Podgorač) od 14. do 18. ožujka 2016. godine. Terenski pregled obavljen je u sklopu projekta ā€žStrategic use of landscapeā€œ (IP-11-2013-3700) financiranog od strane Hrvatske zaklade za znanost. Pronađeno je viÅ”e položaja koji se prema pokretnoj građi mogu datirati u vrijeme od neolitika do novoga vijeka.During March 2016, the Institute of Archaeology, with the cooperation of NaÅ”ice Local History Museum, conducted a field survey of NaÅ”ice and Podgorač municipalities. The field survey was carried out within the ā€œStrategic use of landscapeā€œ project (IP-11-2013-3700) financed by the Croatian Science Foundation. Areas east of Vukojevci cemetery, south and north of the earthen path connecting Vukojevci and Stipanovci and south of Stipanovci village were surveyed as well as the area north-east of Podgorač. During field survey 9 new sites were documented yielding finds from prehistory to the early modern period: Vukojevci ā€“ Antolovo brdo 1 (Neolithic/late Sopot culture, late Bronze Age, early modern period), Vukojevci ā€“ Antolovo brdo 2 (Starčevo culture, late Neolithic, late Eneolithic/early Bronze Age, early modern period), Vukojevci ā€“ Antolovo brdo 3 (early Bronze Age Vinkovci culture, late Bronze Age, late Middle ages, early modern period), Vukojevci ā€“ Antolovo brdo/Zmajevac (Neolithic, Kostolac culture, early modern period), Vukojevci ā€“ Donje OraÅ”je 1 (Baden culture, early modern period), Vukojevci ā€“ Donje OraÅ”je 2 (Starčevo and Sopot cultures, late Iron Age, late Middle ages, early modern period), Stipanovci ā€“ Planina 1 (Phase Sopot IV, early Bronze Age Vinkovci culture, late Iron Age, early modern period), Stipanovci ā€“ Planina 2 (prehistory, late Middle ages), Podgorač ā€“ Gabrik III (early Bronze Age Vinkovci culture, late Middle ages)

    Development and validation of RP-HPLC method for quantification of trace levels of topical corticosteroids in ambiphilic cream

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    Corticosteroids are anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressant drugs. Topical corticosteroids formulations (ointments, creams, gels) are used in the treatment of different types of dermatitis and urticaria. Considering their therapeutic and whitening effects, they are frequently used for counterfeiting of cosmetic products. Corticosteroids can cause different local and systemic side effects. HPLC method is often chosen for their analysis, because it is selective, sensitive, precise, simple and fast. The aim of this study was optimization and validation of RP-HPLC method with UV detection for determination of trace levels of corticosteroids in ambiphilic creams. This method is used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of evaluated corticosteroids. Mometasone furoate, hydrocortisone acetate, fluocinonide, fluocinolone acetonide, betamethasone, betamethasone dipropionate and triamcinolone acetonide were evaluated. Separation was performed on InertsilĀ® ODS-3V 250 Ɨ 4.6 mm, 5 Ī¼m chromatographic column. Mobile phase was mixture of acetonitrile and water 50:50 (v/v) with gradient elution and flow rate 1 mL min-1. Column temperature was held on 40 Ā°C and UV detection was performed at 240 nm. Selectivity, linearity, accuracy, precision and limit of quantification (LOQ) were evaluated. Method is selective because ambiphilic cream base peaks and corticosteroids peaks were not overlapping. Linearity was confirmed since correlation coefficient was 1 for all compounds. Accuracy and precision were evaluated for hydrocortisone acetate and betamethasone dipropionate. Determined Recovery values were in range of 70-130%. Both RSD values (21.46% and 9.59%) were lower than 30%. Method is highly sensitive since LOQ concentrations were in ng mL-1 range. All evaluated parameters of validation were in accordance with regulatory requirements. Validated RP-HPLC method can be used for qualitative and quantitative analysis of selected corticosteroids in ambiphilic creams
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