270 research outputs found

    Spatial context of the cinematic aspect of architecture

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    Ово истраживање је објединило неколико синематичких аспеката и понудило један могући начин посматрања феномена урбаног простора кроз синематички објектив. Резултат је тестирања и верификације синематичког аспекта архитектуре у конекцији са истраживањем архитектонског пројектовања. Осим што обезбеђује суштински допринос савременој теорији архитектуре и урбаних пракси кроз поставку оквира будућих истраживања, ова дисертација представља критику традиционалних теорија у настојању да одговори на ургенатна питања истраживача о новим начинима повезивања теоријских и практичних становишта. Успостављени истраживачки оквир, пре свега, обезбеђује флексибилност у раду на оперативној функцији синематичког аспекта архитектуре у теоријском оквиру савременог концепта методологије архитектонског пројектовања. У раду са визуелним компонентама урбаног окружења, које касније прераста у неколико аспеката дејства визуелно-имагинативних открића филмских режисера на промену просторних концепција, ово истраживање превазилази традиционални поглед на архитектуру именујући је уметношћу – уметношћу обликовања простора. У овом контексту и успостављеној релацији са филмом већ од првих корака технологије покретне слике са почетка XX века, покренуто је преиспитивање перцeптивних начела, искуства архитектонског простора, и отворена релација концепта кретања према архитектонским и филмским елементима и принципима пројектовања. У том оквиру кроз који архитектура, попут сваке друге уметности, усваја сопствену вредност и однос према свету визуелно– имагинативном манипулацијом простора, перцепције, програма и визуелности, показује на који начин дејство филма утиче на трансформацију архитектонских концепција простора у синематички догађај. Бављење визуелно-имагинативним открићима филмских режисера и архитеката и истраживање перцепције простора је у жижи интересовања истраживача и чини дидактичко–едукативни мотиватор и иницијатор преосмишљавања IV архитектонске праксе који се предлаже у раду. Просторни контекст синематичке премисе архитектуре истражен је у условима у којима актуелне промене у савременом архитектонском дискурсу можемо пратити поравнањем односа архитектуре и филма са њиховим методолошким и дидактичким приступима...This doctoral dissertation offers an observation of the urban space phenomena through the cinematic lens as a trial to testing and verification of the cinematic aspect of architecture. Beside the essential contribution to the contemporary theory of architecture, this research has attempted to discover the operational function of the cinematic aspect of architecture within the theoretical and methodological framework of the contemporary architectural design methodology. The research goes well beyond the traditional view of architecture to appoint it art - the art of shaping space. It is this framework that enables architecture to propel a review of perceptual principles, the experience of architectural space, and to open up a relationship between the concept of movement and the design elements and principles of both film and architecture. By providing an imaginative manipulation of space, perception, program configurations and visuality, architecture, like any other art, adopts its own value and relationship to the world. The dissertation offers one possible view of the consequences of such manipulations arising after the cinematic apparatus exerted an influence on the transformation of the spatial conceptions into a cinematic event. Dealing with modifications of the perception of space, visual and imaginative discoveries of filmmakers and architects is a focal research interest in terms of the didactic and educational motivator and the reassessment of architectural practice. Spatial context of the cinematic aspect of architecture was dramatically challenged by ongoing changes in contemporary architectural discourse which can be traced and investigated by harmonization of the relationship between architecture and film with their methodological and didactic approaches. This dissertation indicates various effects of the relationship between architecture and film, demonstrates points of their connection and attaches them to the current state of contemporary architectural discourse which was labeled by concept of movement, transformability, as well as to the manifestation of these phenomena. Launching of an innovative approach to the contemporary architectural design strategy was conditioned by the interpretation of these phenomena through a concept of architecture. After verifying the cinematic aspect of architecture that provided general conclusions about the relationship between the two disciplines, this research continued by investigating into a potential innovation in the theoretical and methodological framework of architectural design. The research has shown significant results in the possibility to improve and upgrade the established values of urban practices, precisely, Cullen`s urban strategy..

    Uticaj primene kontekstualnog pristupa u nastavi organske hemije na unapređivanje konceptualnog razumevanja i primenu znanja učenika prirodno-matematičkog smera gimnazije

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    Since high school students tend to perceive organic chemistry as an subject that is difficult to understand, the aim of the research was to examine whether a contextual approach to teaching can improve conceptual understanding and application of knowledge from this chemistry subdiscipline among students of a high school of science and mathematics. For this purpose, a teaching experiment with parallel groups was carried out as part of instruction on the topic of Alcohols. The sample consisted of 163 third grade students at a high school of science and mathematics, with 82 students in the control group and 81 in the experimental group. The initial test, comprising problems similar to those in the textbook, showed that students in both groups had a similar level of prior knowledge about alcohols. However, in the final test, where students were expected to apply their newly acquired knowledge about alcohols to solving everyday problems and to provide a detailed explanation of the problem-solving process, students in the experimental group achieved a significantly higher overall percentage of correct responses and a significantly higher number of correct responses to most problems in the test relative to students in the control group. Since the results of the experiment indicate that a contextual approach to teaching fosters conceptual understanding and application of knowledge in the field of organic chemistry, this research could contribute to improving organic chemistry teaching in high schools of science and mathematics.Budući da srednjoškolci organsku hemiju doživljavaju kao apstraktan predmet čije je gradivo teško za razumevanje, cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrdi da li kontekstualni pristup nastavi može da unapredi konceptualno razumevanje i primenu znanja iz ove oblasti hemije kod učenika gimnazije prirodno-matematičkog smera. Posledično, u okviru obrade nastavne teme Alkoholi, sproveden je pedagoški eksperiment sa paralelnim grupama. Uzorak su činila 163 učenika trećeg razreda gimnazije prirodno-matematičkog smera (82 učenika u kontrolnoj i 81 učenik u eksperimentalnoj grupi). Na inicijalnom testu koji je sadržao zadatke nalik onima u udžbeniku ustanovljeno je da dve grupe imaju relativno ujednačeni nivo prethodno stečenih znanja o alkoholima. Međutim, na završnom testu gde je novostečena znanja o alkoholima trebalo primeniti u rešavanju problema iz svakodnevnog života i detaljno objasniti postupak rešavanja, učenici iz eksperimentalne grupe ostvarili su statistički značajno veći ukupan procenat tačnih odgovora i statistički značajno veći broj tačnih odgovora na većini zadataka iz ovog testa u odnosu na učenike iz kontrolne grupe. S obzirom na to da rezultati eksperimenta pokazuju da kontekstualni pristup nastavi podstiče konceptualno razumevanje i primenu znanja iz organske hemije, ovo istraživanje može da doprinese unapređivanju nastave organske hemije u gimnaziji prirodno-matematičkog smera

    Crystal structures of mixed chloride-azide zinc (II) and chloride-isocyanate cadmium (II) complexes with the condensation product of 2-quinolinecarboxaldehyde and girard’s reagent

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    The mixed chloride-azide [ZnL(N3)1.65Cl0.35] (1) and chloride-isocyanate [CdL(NCO)1.64Cl0.36] (2) complexes have been prepared in the reactions of (E)-N,N,N-trimethyl-2-oxo-2-(2-(quinolin-2- ylmethylene)hydrazinyl)ethan-1-aminium chloride (HLCl) and the corresponding Zn2+ and Cd2+ salts by adding the NaN3 and NaOCN, respectively. The structures of complexes 1 and 2 were determined by X-ray crystallography

    Sinteza i kristalna struktura 1,2,3,4-tetrahidro-9-aminoakridin-tetrahlorocinkata(II) monohidrata

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    In the reaction of ZnCl(2) with tacrine hydrochloride in water novel tetracoordinated (C(13)H(15)N(2))(2)[ZnCl(4)]-H(2)O complex was obtained and characterized by elemental analysis, molar conductivity and X-ray analysis. The complex crystallizes in the space group P-1 of the triclinic crystal system. The structure contains two crystallographically different molecules of protonated tacrine present as counter cations, the [ZnCl(4)](2-) complex anion and one water solvent molecule. The counter cations slightly differ in the puckering of the cyclohexene ring. The molecules of protonated tacrine are involved in different intermolecular hydrogen bonds. In the crystal, the hydrogen bonding generates a 3D assembly. In the crystal, pi center dot center dot center dot pi stacking interactions between the rings of protonated tacrine were evidenced. The [ZnCl(4)](2-) complex anion has a distorted tetrahedral geometry. Three out of the four Cl atoms are involved in intermolecular hydrogen bonding. The intermolecular H-bond interactions involving the Cl atoms affect the Zn-CI bond lengths.U reakciji ZnCl2 sa takrin-hidrohloridom u vodi, dobijen je novi tetrakoordinovani (C13H15N2)2[ZnCl4]?H2O kompleks koji je okarakterisan pomoću elementalne analize, molarne provodljivosti i rendgenske strukturne analize. Kompleks kristališe u prostornoj grupi P?1 trikliničnog kristalnog sistema. Struktura sadrži dva kristalografski različita molekula protonovanog takrina koji su prisutni kao kontra-katjoni, [ZnCl4]2 kompleksni anjon i molekul kristalne vode. Molekuli katjona se neznatno razlikuju u stepenu nabiranja cikloheksenovog prstena. Molekuli protonovanog takrina su uključeni u različite intermolekulske vodonične veze. Intermolekulsko vodonično vezivanje u kristalu generiše 3D molekulski skup pi...pi interakcije između prstenova protonovanog takrina su primećene u kristalu. [ZnCl4]2- ima distorgovanu tetraedarsku geometriju. Tri od četiri Cl atoma su uključena u intermolekulske vodonične veze. Intermolekulske vodonične interakcije koje uključuju Cl atome utiču na dužinu Zn-Cl veza

    Crystal structures of mixed chloride-azide zinc (II) and chloride-isocyanate cadmium (II) complexes with the condensation product of 2-quinolinecarboxaldehyde and girard’s reagent

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    The mixed chloride-azide [ZnL(N3)1.65Cl0.35] (1) and chloride-isocyanate [CdL(NCO)1.64Cl0.36] (2) complexes have been prepared in the reactions of (E)-N,N,N-trimethyl-2-oxo-2-(2-(quinolin-2- ylmethylene)hydrazinyl)ethan-1-aminium chloride (HLCl) and the corresponding Zn2+ and Cd2+ salts by adding the NaN3 and NaOCN, respectively. The structures of complexes 1 and 2 were determined by X-ray crystallography

    Acid–base equilibria of the Zn(II) and Fe(III) complexes with condensation products of 2-acetylpyridine and the dihydrazide of oxalic and malonic acid

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    Acid–base equilibria of Zn(II) and Fe(III) complexes with N',N'2-bis[(1E)-1-(2-pyridyl)ethylidene]ethanedihydrazide (ligand L1) and N',N'2-bis[(1E)-1-(2-pyridyl)ethylidene]propanedihydrazide (ligand L2), i.e., [Fe(L1)Cl2(H2O)], [Fe(L2)Cl(H2O)]2+, [Zn(L1)(H2O)3]+ and [Zn(L2)(H2O)2]2+, which expressed cytotoxic activity, were investigated in aqueous media. The equilibrium constants were determined potentiometrically at 25 °C at a constant ionic strength of 0.10 mol/dm3 (Na2SO4). The results showed that at pH < 8 both the Fe(III) complexes studied here have three, while [Zn(L1)(H2O)3]+ and [Zn(L2)(H2O)2]2+ have one and two titratable protons, respectively. Based on the obtained values for the equilibrium constants, protonation schemes of the examined complexes are proposed

    Synthesis and characterization of octahedral Ni(II) complex with condensation product of 2-acetylthiazole and thiosemicarbazide

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    The ligand (HL) was synthetized by the reaction of 2-acetylthiazole and thiosemicarbazide in molar ratio 1:1 in water. In the reaction of ligand (HL) and nickel(II) tetrafluoroborate hexahydrate [Ni(HL)2](BF4)2 complex was obtained. The Ni(II) ion has octahedral coordination geometry. The tridentate ligand (HL) is coordinated to the nickel ion with a NNS set of donor atoms forming two five- -membered chelate rings. The ligand (HL) and the [Ni(HL)2](BF4)2 complex were characterized by elemental analysis, IR and UV/Vis spectroscopy and the structure of the complex was defined by X-ray analysis.Poster: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5382

    Kakva je priroda vezivanja BF4-, NO3- i ClO4- za komplekse Cu(II) sa Žirarovim T hidrazidom? Kada mogu nastati binuklearni kompleksi?

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    Four complexes, [CuLCl]BF4, [CuLCl]NO3, [Cu2L2Cl2](BF4)2 and [CuLCl]ClO4 having the same [CuLCl]+ moiety, (L=(E)-N,N,N-trimethyl-2-oxo-2-(2-(1-(pyridin-2-yl)ethylidene) hydrazi-nyl)ethan-1-amin), were characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction methods. According to the bond distances, the formulas have been written such that [CuLCl]+ is the inner sphere, while BF4¯, NO3¯ and ClO4¯ belong to the outer sphere. Non-local density-dependent dispersion corrected Density functional theory (DFT) calculations on the X-ray structures have been performed to rationalize interactions of anions to the Cu(II) ion. Results of analysis based on energy decomposition, Non-Covalent Interactions Index, Independent Gradient Model analysis, and Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules revealed that in mononuclear complexes, anions are weakly coordinated, while in binuclear complex, BF4¯ is counter-anion, electrostatically bonded to the inner sphere. Furthermore, DFT calculations rationalized the fact that only complex [Cu2L2Cl2](BF4)2 is binuclear with bridging Cl¯ ions. The present study shows that ambiguity about actual coordination number in the real crystal structures of coordination compounds can be solved with thorough analysis of the electron density.Četiri kompleksa, [CuLCl]BF4, [CuLCl]NO3, [Cu2L2Cl2](BF4)2 i [CuLCl]ClO4, sa istim [CuLCl]+ fragmentom (L=(E)-N,N,N-trimethyl-2-oxo-2-(2-(1-(pyridin-2-yl)ethylidene) hydrazinyl)eth-an-1-amin) su okarakterisani metodom difrakcije X-zraka. Na osnovu dužina veza, formule kompleksa su napisane tako da je [CuLCl]+ unutrašnja sfera kompleksa, a BF4¯, NO3¯ i ClO4¯ pripadaju spoljašnjoj sferi. Proračuni zasnovani na Teoriji funkcionala gustine, u kojoj je disperzija korigovana na ne-lokalan način, na strukturama dobijenim difrakcijom X-zraka, su izvedeni u cilju razjašnjavanja prirode interakcija anjona sa Cu(II) jonom. Rezultati različitih analiza, kao što su dekompozicija interakcione energije, indeks nekovalentnih interakcija, model nezavisnog gradijenta i kvantna teorija atoma u molekulima, pokazuju da su anjoni u mononuklearnim kompleksima slabo koordinovani, dok je BF4¯ u binuklearnom kompleksu kontra jon, elektrostatički vezan za unutrašnju sferu. Takođe, proračuni objašnjavaju činjenicu da je samo kompleks [Cu2L2Cl2](BF4)2 binuklearni sa mostnim Cl¯ jonima. Ova studija pokazuje da se nedoumice oko koordinacionog broja u realnim kristalnim strukturama kompleksa mogu otkloniti detaljnom analizom elektronske gustine.Related to Crystal Growth & Design, 2019, 19, 4810-4821 [https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.cgd.9b00760]Related to: [http://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3051

    Synthesis and characterization of octahedral Ni(II) complex with condensation product of 2-acetylpyridine and Girard's P reagent

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    Poster presented at: 8th Conference of Young Chemists of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia, 29th October, 2022.Abstract: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5384