15 research outputs found

    Trombingenerációs vizsgálatok és klinikai alkalmazásuk

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    Thrombin is a key enzyme of the coagulation system, having both pro- And anticoagulant functions. Thus, the generation of thrombin is one of the most important steps in coagulation. Global haemostasis assay, the so-called thrombin generation test is appropriate for its assessment. Since thrombin generation is sensible for both pro- And anticoagulant processes it can be applied for the general characterisation of the risk of thrombosis and bleeding, too. Clinical studies confirmed augmented thrombin generation in patients with high risk of venous or arterial thrombosis. Anticoagulant therapy (also novel oral anticoagulant treatment) can be monitored by thrombin generation. In case of haemophilia thrombin generation assays reflect bleeding severity. It is applicable for monitoring of both conventional haemophilia treatment and inhibitor-bypassing therapy, which is needed when inhibitors develop in patients. Standardization of thrombin generation methods and determination of cut off values are required before its application in clinical practice

    A gyermek 3 (1909) 07-09

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    A gyermek A Magyar Gyermektanulmányi Társaság közlönye 3. évfolyam, 07-09. szám Budapest, 1909. A folyóirat 1908-ig a Gyermekvédelmi lap mellékleteként, 1909-től mint önálló lap jelent meg

    Colocalized neurotransmitters in the hindbrain cooperate in adaptation to chronic hypernatremia

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    Chronic hypernatremia activates the central osmoregulatory mechanisms and inhibits the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Noradrenaline (NE) release into the periventricular anteroventral third ventricle region (AV3V), the supraoptic (SON) and hypothalamic paraventricular nuclei (PVN) from efferents of the caudal ventrolateral (cVLM) and dorsomedial (cDMM) medulla has been shown to be essential for the hypernatremia-evoked responses and for the HPA response to acute restraint. Notably, the medullary NE cell groups highly coexpress prolactin-releasing peptide (PrRP) and nesfatin-1/NUCB2 (nesfatin), therefore, we assumed they contributed to the reactions to chronic hypernatremia. To investigate this, we compared two models: homozygous Brattleboro rats with hereditary diabetes insipidus (DI) and Wistar rats subjected to chronic high salt solution (HS) intake. HS rats had higher plasma osmolality than DI rats. PrRP and nesfatin mRNA levels were higher in both models, in both medullary regions compared to controls. Elevated basal tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) expression and impaired restraint-induced TH, PrRP and nesfatin expression elevations in the cVLM were, however, detected only in HS, but not in DI rats. Simultaneously, only HS rats exhibited classical signs of chronic stress and severely blunted hormonal reactions to acute restraint. Data suggest that HPA axis responsiveness to restraint depends on the type of hypernatremia, and on NE capacity in the cVLM. Additionally, NE and PrRP signalization primarily of medullary origin is increased in the SON, PVN and AV3V in HS rats. This suggests a cooperative action in the adaptation responses and designates the AV3V as a new site for PrRP's action in hypernatremia

    Improved circulating microparticle analysis in acid-citrate dextrose (ACD) anticoagulant tube.

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    INTRODUCTION: Recently extracellular vesicles (exosomes, microparticles also referred to as microvesicles and apoptotic bodies) have attracted substantial interest as potential biomarkers and therapeutic vehicles. However, analysis of microparticles in biological fluids is confounded by many factors such as the activation of cells in the blood collection tube that leads to in vitro vesiculation. In this study we aimed at identifying an anticoagulant that prevents in vitro vesiculation in blood plasma samples. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We compared the levels of platelet microparticles and non-platelet-derived microparticles in platelet-free plasma samples of healthy donors. Platelet-free plasma samples were isolated using different anticoagulant tubes, and were analyzed by flow cytometry and Zymuphen assay. The extent of in vitro vesiculation was compared in citrate and acid-citrate-dextrose (ACD) tubes. RESULTS: Agitation and storage of blood samples at 37 degrees C for 1hour induced a strong release of both platelet microparticles and non-platelet-derived microparticles. Strikingly, in vitro vesiculation related to blood sample handling and storage was prevented in samples in ACD tubes. Importantly, microparticle levels elevated in vivo remained detectable in ACD tubes. CONCLUSIONS: We propose the general use of the ACD tube instead of other conventional anticoagulant tubes for the assessment of plasma microparticles since it gives a more realistic picture of the in vivo levels of circulating microparticles and does not interfere with downstream protein or RNA analyses

    A gyermek 5 (1911) 03

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    A gyermek A Magyar Gyermektanulmányi Társaság közlönye 5. évfolyam Budapest, 1911. A folyóirat 1908-ig a Gyermekvédelmi lap mellékleteként, 1909-től mint önálló lap jelent meg

    Opposite trends in incidence of breast cancer in young and old female cohorts in Hungary and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic: a nationwide study between 2011–2020

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    BackgroundThis nationwide study examined breast cancer (BC) incidence and mortality rates in Hungary between 2011–2019, and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the incidence and mortality rates in 2020 using the databases of the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) and Central Statistical Office (CSO) of Hungary.MethodsOur nationwide, retrospective study included patients who were newly diagnosed with breast cancer (International Codes of Diseases ICD)-10 C50) between Jan 1, 2011 and Dec 31, 2020. Age-standardized incidence and mortality rates (ASRs) were calculated using European Standard Populations (ESP).Results7,729 to 8,233 new breast cancer cases were recorded in the NHIF database annually, and 3,550 to 4,909 all-cause deaths occurred within BC population per year during 2011-2019 period, while 2,096 to 2,223 breast cancer cause-specific death was recorded (CSO). Age-standardized incidence rates varied between 116.73 and 106.16/100,000 PYs, showing a mean annual change of -0.7% (95% CI: -1.21%–0.16%) and a total change of -5.41% (95% CI: -9.24 to -1.32). Age-standardized mortality rates varied between 26.65–24.97/100,000 PYs (mean annual change: -0.58%; 95% CI: -1.31–0.27%; p=0.101; total change: -5.98%; 95% CI: -13.36–2.66). Age-specific incidence rates significantly decreased between 2011 and 2019 in women aged 50–59, 60–69, 80–89, and ≥90 years (-8.22%, -14.28%, -9.14%, and -36.22%, respectively), while it increased in young females by 30.02% (95%CI 17,01%- 51,97%) during the same period. From 2019 to 2020 (in first COVID-19 pandemic year), breast cancer incidence nominally decreased by 12% (incidence rate ratio [RR]: 0.88; 95% CI: 0.69–1.13; 2020 vs. 2019), all-cause mortality nominally increased by 6% (RR: 1.06; 95% CI: 0.79–1.43) among breast cancer patients, and cause-specific mortality did not change (RR: 1.00; 95%CI: 0.86–1.15).ConclusionThe incidence of breast cancer significantly decreased in older age groups (≥50 years), oppositely increased among young females between 2011 and 2019, while cause-specific mortality in breast cancer patients showed a non-significant decrease. In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in a nominal, but not statistically significant, 12% decrease in breast cancer incidence, with no significant increase in cause-specific breast cancer mortality observed during 2020

    PR tevékenység egy szakszolgálat életében

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    Ahhoz, hogy az előítéleteket leromboljuk, hogy az emberek szemléletmódja megváltozzon, hogy felismerjék felelősségüket, a lehetőségeiket a segítségnyújtáshoz, elengedhetetlenül szükséges, hogy minél több emberrel megismertessük munkánkat, eredményeinket, sikereinket, az összefogás erejét, fontosságát. Szakdolgozatomban e cél megvalósításának lehetséges formáit szeretném bemutatni, továbbá rávilágítani arra, hogy értelmes célok kitűzésével milyen belső erőket lehet megmozgatni, milyen ösztönző hatással van a közös gondolkodásra, új utak keresésére, és újítások megalkotására

    A nem ST-elevációs myocardialis infarctus kórházi és késői prognózisa = Hospital and long-term prognosis of patients with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction

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    A szerzők 139, nem ST-elevációs infarktus miatt kezelt betegük adatait elemzik. Vizsgálják a betegek kórházi és késői prognózisát, egyes echokardiográfiás adatok prognózissal való összefüggését, valamint a kórházból elbocsátott betegek esetén a szekunder prevenció szempontjából ajánlott gyógyszeres kezelés gyakoriságát. Az utánkövetés a betegek 98%-ában sikeres volt, a bekövetkezett eseményekről, illetve az utánkövetés idején alkalmazott gyógyszeres kezelésről postai kérdőív útján szereztek adatokat. A nők átlagéletkora 78,6, a férfiaké 71,4 év volt. A kezelt betegeknél gyakori volt a társbetegségek (hypertonia, diabetes mellitus, korábbi ischaemiás szívbetegség) előfordulása. A kórházi kezelés időszakában 30 betegnél (22%) történt koronarográfia, és 29 betegnél revascularisatiós beavatkozásra is sor került. A kórházi halálozás 15% volt, az utánkövetés háromnegyed éve alatt 17%-os halálozást észleltek. A kórházban, illetve az utánkövetési idő alatt meghalt betegek szignifikánsan idősebbek voltak azoknál, akik életben maradtak. Egyes echokardiográfiás adatok (ejekciós frakció, végszisztolés átmérő, szegmentális falmozgászavar és a mitralis insufficientia nagysága) prognosztikus jelentőségűnek bizonyultak, mivel szignifikánsan különböztek az életben maradt és a meghalt betegek esetén. A kórházból elbocsátott betegek igen magas arányban részesültek a másodlagos prevenció szempontjából fontosnak ítélt gyógyszeres kezelésben (aszpirin, béta-blokkoló, ACE-gátló, statin). Az utánkövetés idején sem csökkent ezen gyógyszerek használatának aránya, ami a betegek jó compliance-ét igazolja. | The authors analyze some clinical data, hospital and long-term prognosis of 139 consecutive patients with non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. A three-quarter-year long follow-up of patients was performed, and data were recorded by use of postal questionnaire. The follow-up was complete in 98% of the patients. The mean age was 78.6 and 71.4 years in the case of female and male patients, respectively. High percent of patients had comorbidity (diabetes mellitus, hypertension and previous ischemic heart disease). Coronary angiography was performed in 30 patients (22%) and revascularization in 29 of them. Hospital mortality was found in 15% and during follow-up 17% of the patients died. The patients who died during hospital stay and during the follow-up period were significantly older than patients who stayed alive. Some echocardiographic parameters were also found prognostically important: ejection fraction, end systolic diameter, segmental wall motion abnormality and severity of mitral regurgitation were found significantly different in patients alive and who died. The authors investigated the hospital discharge medications according to guideline recommendations. The authors emphasize that this quality indicator was much better in this patient population than the earlier published data. By the end of follow-up, similar per cent of patients used these drugs as at the time of hospital discharge