98 research outputs found

    Poisson limit of an inhomogeneous nearly critical INAR(1) model

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    An inhomogeneous first--order integer--valued autoregressive (INAR(1)) process is investigated, where the autoregressive type coefficient slowly converges to one. It is shown that the process converges weakly to a Poisson or a compound Poisson distribution.Comment: Latex2e pdfeTex Version 3, 22 pages, submitted to ACTA Sci. Math. (Szeged

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    The appearance of children in a consumer society

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    Nowadays, children’s appearance as costumers is becoming more and more important beside their role in the society. Their consumer habits differ from the habits of the young and adults, which justified the perspective to view children as an insular consumer target group. Children are not just present consumers, but also the influencers of their parents and peers, and future consumers as well, thus the special attention is justified. In addition, children consumer behavior researches reveal that consumer habits developed in childhood may have an effect on their future consumption, which requires a more detailed understanding of consumer habits of children. The study is based on previous studies and the goal is to give an overall picture about the process how children become consumers, along the main stages of consumer socialization in order to get to know the children, as consumers. Although, consumer socialization is a lifelong learning process, in this present study children are coming to the forefront. The central element of the consumer socialization is the family, in which the parents occupy a special position, but the role of siblings, peers and media are also not negligible. The latter is especially important, because number of studies revealed that free-time activities of children have changed over the years – because of the growth of the information society. While previously children spent their time with their friends outside, nowadays with the appearance of the newest computer tools, leisure activities shifted into indoors. Regarding the media usage habits it can be said that in many cases they use the new media more easily, than their parents and they often teach adult family members about the new opportunities. Based on these, it is important to note, that not only the environment has an impact on children, but children are also able to influence other people, such as their parents. Regarding this, in some cases parents can also learn from their children, which could have a consequence as a re-socialization process, when children could modify the consumer habits of their parents

    Mycorrhizal inoculation of onion (Allium cepa l.) in the early developement stages

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    The onion (Allium cepa) is one of the most widely cultivated vegetables. As a food item, it is usually served cooked, as a vegetable or part of a prepared savoury dish, but can also be eaten raw or used to make pickles or chutneys. Mycorrhiza fungi are special fungi, which live in connection with plant roots. These are symbiotic fungi which have three main types: arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM), ectomycorrhiza and ectendomycorrhiza. AM are probably the most widespread plant symbionts and are formed by 80–90% of land plant species. Crops inoculated with AM have higher yield and quality, and those plants react to stress factors better (e.g. drought, high temperature). Several Allium spp. responded with growth promotion on AM inoculation. According to studies AM fungi also has a positive effect on nutrient content. The aim of our experiment was to find an appropriate method for inoculation of onion seedlings, and define the minimum time for the appearance of symbiosis under greenhouse conditions. The experiment took place at Szent István University Faculty of Horticultural Science, at the experimental glasshouse of the Department of Vegetable and Mushroom growing, from 11th September 2017. We used Daytona F1 onion seeds, the media was Latagro KB2 type peat and two types of mycorrhizal products: MycoGrow and Aegis Irriga. The experiment was made with 12 treatments with 30-30 seeds per each treatment. During the experiment, chemically treated and non-treated seeds were used. The seedlings were sampled 5, 7 and 14 weeks after sowing, 5-5 seedlings from each treatment per time. Altogether 96 painted and prepared samples were checked, each with 3-3 roots with a Zeiss Axio Imager A2 microscope. The results showed the appearance of mycorrhizal fungi in a few treatments. In our examination not only typical AM fungi were found, but also in a treatment we found hyphaes with big amount of septas. The results show opportunity of artificially infecting transplants after a few weeks with mycorrhizal products. However, continuing the experiment is necessary with some modification of the factors, to make the procedure more effective

    Új irányok a gyermekeket célzó marketingkommunikációban

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    A vállalatok számára a gyermekek – mint célcsoport – egyre fontosabbak, hiszen a fiatal korban szerzett tapasztalatok nagy hatással vannak későbbi fogyasztói szokásaikra. Azonban az kérdéses, hogy a vállalatok marketingkommunikációjuk során miként tudják hatékonyan elérni és meggyőzni a 4–14 éves korosztályt. Kulcsfontosságú, hogy vajon elég-e a hagyományos marketing eszközöket alkalmazniuk, vagy az új technológiák adta lehetőségeket is ki kell használniuk. A sikeres elérést nehezíti, hogy a célcsoport már olyan mértékű marketing zajban találkozik a termékekkel, amelyből kitűnni minden vállalat számára komoly kihívást jelent. A szekunder és primer kutatásban foglalkozok. a gyermekek szabadidős tevékenységeivel, életmódbeli és médiahasználati szokásaikkal. Primer kutatásom keretén belül a kvalitatív módszereket választva fókuszcsoportos kutatással vizsgáltam a korcsoportot, majd a 6–10 éves korosztályt mélyinterjúk segítségével – szüleikkel együtt – azért, hogy minél jobban megismerjem a gyermekek szabadidős és médiahasználati szokásait. Továbbá a reklámokhoz kapcsolódó attitűdjeik és a reklámok hatásainak vizsgálatára is kiemelt figyelmet fordítottam. Ezt diád-interjúkkal egészítettem ki, amely lehetőséget adott a vélemények ütköztetésére. A kutatások eredményei arra engednek következtetni, hogy a gyermekek szeretik a hagyomás kommunikációs eszközök által közvetített reklámokat, azonban mivel egyre inkább aktív felhasználói az új technológiáknak, ezért a megszokott kommunikációs csatornákat már kevésbé részesítik előnyben. Ugyanakkor fontos megjegyezni, hogy szüleik is nagy hatással vannak rájuk, akik igyekeznek gyermekeiket a tudatos (média)fogyasztásra ösztönözni. Ezen eredmények tudatában, a vállalatok feladata – a gyermekek befolyásolhatóságát tekintve – egy felelősségteljes magatartás kialakítása. Ennek tükrében a marketingkommunikáció során alkalmazott innovációk egyik kiemelt feladatának kell lennie a tudatos fogyasztói döntést támogató információk közvetítése