84 research outputs found

    New lichen records from the Novgorod Region, Russia

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    Twenty lichen species are reported as new to the Novgorod Region (Russia) from Valdaysky National Park and Rdeysky Nature Reserve. Pyrenula chlorospila is recorded for the first time for European Russia outside Caucasus. Acrocordia cavata, Pertusaria coccodes, Rostania occultata and Scytinium subtile are recommended to be included in the Red Data Book of the Novgorod Region.

    Iron-Catalyzed Oxidative C−O and C−N Coupling Reactions Using Air as Sole Oxidant

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    We describe the oxygenation of tertiary arylamines, and the amination of tertiary arylamines and phenols. The key step of these coupling reactions is an iron-catalyzed oxidative C−O or C−N bond formation which generally provides the corresponding products in high yields and with excellent regioselectivity. The transformations are accomplished using hexadecafluorophthalocyanine−iron(II) (FePcF16) as catalyst in the presence of an acid or a base additive and require only ambient air as sole oxidant

    Seed morphology of some species in the family Gentianaceae

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    In this work, we investigated the outer and inner morphological characters of the seeds of 13 species in the family Gentianaceae. We also identified the main morphometric parameters and described the shape, coloration and sculpture of the seed surface. Some aspects of their internal structure were analyzed as well

    New and rare lichens and allied fungi from the Novgorod Region, Russia

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    44 species of lichen-forming, lichenicolous and non-lichenized fungi are reported from the Novgorod Region, 34 of them are new to the region. Leptogium biatorinum is new to European Russia. Nephromopsis laureri is red-listed in Russian Federation and should be included in the Red Data Book of the Novgorod Region. Most noteworthy records are briefly discussed. Two species – Collema callopismum and Hertelidea botryosa – are excluded from the lichen list of the Novgorod Region

    First Synthesis, Confirmation of Stereochemistry, and Cytotoxic Activity of Oxyfungiformin

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    The relative configuration of the marine sesquiterpenoid oxyfungiformin, isolated from the soft coral Capnella fungiformis, was confirmed by synthesis using the natural product guaiol as chiral precursor. The absolute configuration of oxyfungiformin could be assigned by combination of X-ray diffraction and comparison of the values for the specific optical rotation. Oxyfungiformin and a diastereoisomer showed cytotoxic activity in cells originating from cancers of the lung, breast, and cervix

    The iridium double perovskite Sr2YIrO6 revisited: A combined structural and specific heat study

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    Recently, the iridate double perovskite Sr2_2YIrO6_6 has attracted considerable attention due to the report of unexpected magnetism in this Ir5+^{5+} (5d4^4) material, in which according to the Jeff_{eff} model, a non-magnetic ground state is expected. However, in recent works on polycrystalline samples of the series Ba2x_{2-x}Srx_xYIrO6_6 no indication of magnetic transitions have been found. We present a structural, magnetic and thermodynamic characterization of Sr2_2YIrO6_6 single crystals, with emphasis on the temperature and magnetic field dependence of the specific heat. Here, we demonstrate the clue role of single crystal X-ray diffraction on the structural characterization of the Sr2_2YIrO6_6 double perovskite crystals by reporting the detection of a 2a×2a×1c\sqrt{2}a \times \sqrt{2}a \times 1c supercell, where aa, bb and cc are the unit cell dimensions of the reported monoclinic subcell. In agreement with the expected non-magnetic ground state of Ir5+^{5+} (5d4^4) in Sr2_2YIrO6_6, no magnetic transition is observed down to 430~mK. Moreover, our results suggest that the low temperature anomaly observed in the specific heat is not related to the onset of long-range magnetic order. Instead, it is identified as a Schottky anomaly caused by paramagnetic impurities present in the sample, of the order of n0.5(2)n \sim 0.5(2) \%. These impurities lead to non-negligible spin correlations, which nonetheless, are not associated with long-range magnetic ordering.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figure

    Развитие социологического знания и изменение структуры раздела «60.5 Социология» в Библиотечно-библиографической классификации

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    There is substantiated the necessity to change the section “60.5 Sociology” in the schedules of the domestic Library bibliographical classification, due to the development of sociological knowledge in the recent decades. Based on the analysis of causes, forms and the nature of changes of sociological knowledge, there is proposed a new version of schedules. Comparative analysis of the previous and proposed versions of the LBC schedules, the analysis of a large mass of the latest literature on sociology allows to point out the increasing multi-paradigmality, interdisciplinarity and historicity of the sociological knowledge. It poses a number of problems to the classifiers on the reflection of these features in the LBC schedules and distributing the literature by sectors of socio-humanitarian knowledge. Some examples of solutions to these problems are proposed in this work.В статье обосновывается необходимость изменения раздела «60.5 Социология» в таблицах отечественной Библиотечно-библиографической классификации, вызванная развитием социологического знания за последние десятилетия. На основе анализа причин, форм и характера изменений социологического знания предлагается новый вариант данных таблиц. Сравнительный анализ предыдущего и предлагаемого вариантов таблиц ББК, анализ массива новейшей литературы по социологии позволяют говорить об усиливающейся мультипарадигмальности, междисцилинарности и историчности социологического знания. Это ставит ряд проблем перед систематизаторами по отражению данных особенностей в таблицах ББК и разведению литературы по отраслям социально-гуманитарного знания. Некоторые примеры решения этих проблем предлагаются в данной работе

    Ecological and morphological features of Rhodiola rosea L. in natural populations in the Altai Mountains

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    The paper presents the results of the comprehensive study of Rhodiola rosea L. in natural populations in the Altai Mountains. The phytocoenotic confinement, demographic structure, and morphological characters of 9 coenopopulations of Rh. rosea were studied in different ecological and coenotic conditions in the Chemal and Kosh-Agach regions of the Republic of Altai. Correlation between the morphometric parameters and their calculated values for the shoot and sex of the studied individuals, as well as environmental factors, was revealed. Rhodiola rosea L. is a valuable medicinal plant used for functional diseases of the central nervous system. At present, the natural reserves and areas of natural growth of the golden root have decreased significantly. The species is included in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation (2008) and many regional Red Data Books of Siberia. In the Altai Mountains, Rh. rosea is widespread throughout the highlands, where it has occupied a wide range of habitats. The study showed that the highest values of ecological and effective density are characteristic of coenopopulations which are part of various hygrophytic variants of alpine and subalpine miscellaneous herbs with a high total projective cover of the herbaceous layer (CP 1, 2, 3, 4). The lowest values were found for coenopopulations growing in communities with a scarce herbaceous layer or dense shrub layer, and on steep gravelly slopes with crumbling soil and nonuniform moisture distribution (CP 5, 6, 8, 9). The studied coenopopulations are normal, full-membered, or incomplete-membered (some of them lack postgenerative individuals). In terms of the ontogenetic spectra, they are mainly left-sided, with a predominance of young generative individuals (CP 4, 5, 7) or bimodal, with an additional peak for old generative individuals (CP 2, 3, 6, 8). Male and female individuals Rh. rosea differ in many morphometric characters of the generative shoots. In some coenopopulations (CP 2, 3, 6, 9), male and female individuals show multidirectional deviation of characters compared to the totality, which indicates that in different environmental conditions these characters are not only genetically determined but can also be related to the sex of individuals

    Pollen quality and pollen productivity of blue honeysuckle species and varieties

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    Studies to assess the pollen quality and pollen productivity of blue honeysuckle were conducted on the ecosystem dendrological territory of the Siberian Botanical garden of TSU (Tomsk). Objects of research: 8 varieties and 4 species of blue honeysuckle – ‘Velvet’, ‘Berel’, ‘Vasyuganskaya’, ‘Zolushka’, ‘Lazurnaya’, ‘Ogneny Opal’, ‘Selena’, ‘Tomichka’, Lonicera altaica, L. edulis, L. kamtschatica, L. turczaninovii. It was found that the ‘Ogneny Opal’ and ‘Velvet’ varieties have low fertility, and the ‘Berel’ and L. edulis have an average fertility. Other varieties and species of honeysuckle have high pollen fertility. The viability of pollen with high values is more than 60 % – ‘Berel’, ‘Vasyuganskaya’, ‘Lazurnaya’, L. turczaninovii, L. kamtschatica, with average values from 40% to 60 % – ‘Selena’, ‘Tomichka’ and L. altaica, with low values – less than 40 % – ‘Velvet’, ‘Zolushka’, ‘Ogneny Opal’ and L. edulis. High pollen productivity – more than 20,000 pollen grains per flower – ‘Tomichka’, L. kamtschatica, L. turczaninovii and L. edulis, average productivity - from 10,000 to 20,000 pollen grains – ‘Berel’, ‘Vasyuganskaya’, ‘Zolushka’, ‘Lazurnaya’, ‘Selena’ and L. altaica, low productivity – less than 10,000 pollen grains per flower – ‘Velvet’, ‘Ogneny Opal’. It is recommended to use at least 10% of varieties with high pollen viability and pollen productivity as pollinators when creating industrial honeysuckle plantations: ‘Lazurnaya’, ‘Vasyuganskaya’, and ‘Berel’

    Гуманитарные науки в структуре Библиотечно-библиографической классификации

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    The constant increase in the number of publications containing the term “humanitarian” in the title, the subject and methodological diversity of these works testify to the formation of the sphere of humanitarian knowledge, including not only traditional Humanities (cultural studies, literary studies, philology, linguistics, etc.), but also philosophical, transdisciplinary, methodological, popular science and even pseudo-scientific texts. All this literature needs to be systematized.Meanwhile, the literature on various aspects of humanitarian sphere in the system of Library Bibliographic Classification (LBC) is scattered in different sections. In part, it can be found in the sections of philosophy, epistemology and philosophical anthropology, in part it can be placed in cultural studies, in the philosophy of science. In addition, there are texts that are difficult to classify basing on the existing dividing.The term “humanitarian” did not immediately begin to be used in compilation of LBC Schedules that is largely due to the lack of clear differentiation of social and humanitarian knowledge. Until now, there are different traditional approaches in literature in considering their correlation. In our opinion, the trends towards their increasingly clear differentiation are quite clear. Therefore, the determination of the place for literature in the humanitarian sphere in the LBC Schedules is becoming more and more important. According to the authors’ opinion, it would be logical in front of the row of the Humanities to single out the section “Humanities as a whole”, which would head the LBC sector “Culture. Science. Education”. The authors suggest putting here the literature on General characteristic features of humanitarian knowledge, its role in spiritual culture, philosophical and cultural reflections on the humanitarian sphere. Publications in which researchers are trying to implement a new synthesis of the Humanities would also find their place here. The section may include literature on humanitarian knowledge, its structure, features and functions in society. An important feature of the development of the humanitarian sphere is the development of problems of practical application of humanitarian knowledge. Literature on digital Humanities, humanitarian informatics, humanitarian technologies and humanitarian expertise will also be reflected in this section.Постоянный рост числа публикаций, содержащих в заглавии термин «гуманитарный», предметное и методологическое разнообразие этих работ свидетельствуют о формировании сферы гуманитарного познания. Она включает не только традиционные гуманитарные науки (культурологию, литературоведение, филологию, языкознание и т. д.), но и философские, трансдисциплинарные, методологические, научно-популярные и даже псевдонаучные тексты. Весь этот массив литературы нуждается в систематизации.Между тем литература, посвященная различным аспектам гуманитарной сферы, в системе Библиотечно-библиографической классификации (ББК) разбросана по разным разделам. Частично она может находиться в разделах философии, гносеологии и философской антропологии, частично — культурологии, философии науки. Кроме того, есть тексты, которые сложно классифицировать на основе существующих делений. Термин «гуманитарный» не сразу начал использоваться при составлении таблиц ББК, что во многом связано с недостаточно четкой дифференциацией социального и гуманитарного познания. До сих пор в литературе существуют разные традиции рассмотрения их соотношения. На наш взгляд, тенденции ко все более четкой их дифференциации достаточно ясны. Поэтому определение места для литературы по гуманитарной сфере в Таблицах ББК постепенно становится все более важным. Логично выделить в начале ряда гуманитарных наук раздел «Гуманитарное науки в целом», возглавляющий отдел ББК «Культура. Наука. Просвещение». Здесь можно поместить литературу, посвященную общей характеристике гуманитарного познания, его роли в духовной культуре, философско-культурологическим размышлениям над гуманитарной сферой. Также нашли бы свое место публикации, в которых исследователи пытаются осуществить новый синтез гуманитарных наук. Раздел может включать в себя литературу, посвященную гуманитарному знанию, его структуре, особенностям, функциям в обществе. Важной особенностью развития гуманитарной сферы является разработка проблем практического применения гуманитарного знания. Литература по цифровым гуманитарным наукам, гуманитарной информатике, гуманитарным технологиям, гуманитарной экспертизе также найдет отражение в этом разделе