24 research outputs found

    Sisuturunduse kasutamine B2B turul Eesti ettevõtete näitel

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    Tree litter fluxes in spruce and pine forest ecosystems

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    Bakalaureusetöö Loodusvarade kasutamise ja kaitse erialalMetsa ökosüsteemides sisaldub umbes pool maismaa süsinikuvarust. Peamiselt vähenevad kliimamuutused süsiniku sidumise tulemusel puitsesse biomassi ja metsamulda. Antud bakalaureusetöö keskendub metsa varisevoo uurimisele okaspuupuistute metsaökosüsteemides. Töö põhineb 6 männi (Pinus sylvestris) ja 2 kuuse (Picea abies) puistu metsavarise vaatlusandmetel. Puistud asuvad Lõuna- Eestis: Tartu- ja Põlvamaal. Bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks on kirjeldada männi ja kuuse puistute variseproduktsiooni ning varise sesoonset dünaamikat erineva vanustega puistutes. Varise langemise intensiivsuses eristus selgelt kaks kulminatsiooni – kevad-suvine ning sügisene. Talvel jäi varise langemine miinimumi. Antud töös käsitletud okaspuupuistutes moodustasid metsavarise okkad, oksad ja muu varis. Töö käigus selgus, et varise fraktsionaalne koostis ja produktsioon erinevad puistutes vanuse ja peapuuliigi poolest. Samuti avaldas varisele mõju ka eelmisel aastal läbi viidud harvendusraie. Aastane varisehulk jäi 17- kuni 66-aastastes männikutes vahemikku 2.4-4.7 t/ha, 30- kuni 61- aastastes kuusikutes 1.2-4.5 t/ha.Approximately half of the carbon stock is located in forest ecosystems. Climate changes are mainly mitigated by sequestrating carbon fluxes into woody biomass and forest soils. The study is based on litterfall observations in four different Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and two Norway spruce (Picea abies) stands between ages of 17-66 and 30- 61 years, respectively. Stands are located in southern part of Estonia, Tartu and Põlva county. The aim of this thesis was to describe and analyze litter production and litterfall dynamics in different coniferous forest ecosystems. The intensity of litterfall differed clearly in two maximums – in spring-summer and autumn period. The litter consisted of following fractions: needles, branches and litter of other origin. The results showed that the fractional composition of litter and its production differ by stand age and main tree species. Also the process of forest thinning affected tree litter. The yearly amount of litter in Scots pine stands varied between 2.4 and 4.7 tons per hectare. And the number for Norway spruce stand was in the range of 1.2 and 4.5

    Reconstruction Electrical Energy Distribution Network for Torma Paris Vanamõisa Region

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    Projekteeritud lahenduse tulemusena: 1. Laheneb pingeprobleem 36-l tarbijal, kuna lühisvoolud ja pingekaod liinide lõpus on järgmised: · Vanamõisa AJ F-2 225A ja 3,9%, F-3 700A ja 2,6%; · Seemeni AJ F-1 880A ja 0,4%; · Riiukuke AJ F-1 660A ja 2,5%, F-2 700A ja 2,6%; · Sookolli AJ F-1 660A ja 2,4%, F-2 420A ja 1,8%, F-3 280A ja 2,6%. 2. Suureneb liinide töökindlus alajaama piirkonnas, kuna erinevalt õhuliinidest on maakaabelliinid tunduvalt paremini kaitstud looduse ja inimtegvuse poolt tekkivate ohtude eest. 3. Paraneb maaomanike maakasutus. Kuna maakaabelliinidel on kaitsevöönd väiksem ning vastupidiselt õhuliinidele ei taksita nad ka põlluharimist, kuna haritavatel aladel on maakaabelliinid paigaldatud 1 m sügavusele pinnasesse. 4. Soodsam liitumise ja peakaitsme suurendamise võimalus uutel ja olemasolevatel tarbijatel. Kuna elelktrivõrguga liituda soovijatel, kes jäävad keskpinge liinist välja poole 400 m raadiust, tuleb osa vajalikust liini ehituse maksumusest oma vahenditest finantseerida, sama nõue kehtib ka olemsolevatele tarbijatele peakaitsme suurendamise korral. Magistritöö valmimise ajaks olid ehitustööde ettevalmistused objektil alanud ning põhiline ehitustegevus jääb 2012 aasta juunikuusse. Objekti ehitusmaksumus on ca 100 000 €, millele lisandub materjalide maksumus 50000 €. Kui arvestada Vanamõisa alajaama toitel olevate majapidamiste aastase kogutarbimisega 88,3 MW·h, siis projekti tasuvusajaks tuleb ligikaudu 14 aastat, kui jätta arvestamata hoolduskulusid ja elektri hinna tõuse. Valitud kaitsmed ja projekteeritud maanduspaigaldised tagavad elektriseadmete ohutuse.The Thesis deals with the voltage problems at Vanamõisa Substation in Vanamõisa region and it is composed as a electrical reconstruction project. After research and analysis is found the suitable solution to the problem and is used two voltage level system. In case of a new 10 and 0,4 kV underground cable-lines with 10/0,4 kV substation are discribed in this project. The main part of the Thesis contains explanations, calculations, schemes, drawings and component tables. Some design and construction requirements for low and medium voltage distribution lines are given. Most important construction elements and equipment required for building these distribution lines are described

    Managerial Development Model of Head of SMA in Padangsidempuan to Achieve Quality School

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    The aim of this study is to develop a model of leadership managerial competence of head of High School in Padangsidimpuan. The expected model can be used as a reference for school supervisors in conducting guidance of managerial competence of head of SMA Padangsidimpuan. This research was done using research and development (R and D) by applying the procedural model. The data of this research are consisted of (1) qualitative data that was obtained from observation, interview, and documentation of the study and it was analyzed using descriptive statistics. (2) quantitative data by using questionnaire. The qualitative data were analyzed using three ways, ie data reduction, data presentation, and taking conclusions. The findings of this study are (1) The coaching is focused on the administrative aspect and has not yet touched the managerial competence of the principal of SMA Padangsidimpuan and (2) the coaching process has not been done properly. This research resulted a model of managerial competence development for the head of SMA Padangsidimpuan consisting of two components, namely (1) the identification instrument of managerial competence and, (2) the steps of coaching the managerial competence of the principal of SMA Padangsidimpuan. This model is equipped with a support system that includes a program of leadership managerial competence of senior high school Padangsidimpuan. The test results show that this model is practical and effective for use in improving the managerial competence of SMA Padangsidimpuan. How well the model of guiding the managerial competence of the principal produced will not mean anything if its use does not get support from the parties related to the principal guidance in particular and general education management. It is therefore necessary to support the school superintendent to use this model within the Padangsidimpuan

    Keeping social distance in a classroom while interacting via a telepresence robot: a pilot study

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    IntroductionThe use of various telecommunication tools has grown significantly. However, many of these tools (e.g., computer-based teleconferencing) are problematic in relaying non-verbal human communication. Telepresence robots (TPRs) are seen as telecommunication tools that can support non-verbal communication.MethodsIn this paper, we examine the usability of TPRs, and communication distance related behavioral realism in communication situations between physically present persons and a TPR-mediated person. Twenty-four participants, who played out 36 communication situations with TPRs, were observed and interviewed.ResultsThe results indicate that TPR-mediated people, especially women, choose shorter than normal communication distances. The type of the robot did not influence the choice of communication distance. The participants perceived the use of TPRs positively as a feasible telecommunication method.DiscussionWhen introducing TPRs, situations with greater intrapersonal distances require more practice compared to scenarios where a physically present person communicates with a telepresent individual in the audience. In the latter situation, the robot-mediated person could be perceived as “behaviorally realistic” much faster than in vice versa communication situations

    Balance of the interfacial interactions of 4,4′-bipyridine at Bi(111) surface

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    The data from impedance spectroscopy, electrochemical in situ scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM), surface-enhanced infrared adsorption spectroscopy (SEIRAS) and density functional theory (DFT) were measured, combined and analysed to describe the 4,4′-bipyridine (4,4′-BP) adsorption at Bi(111) single crystal electrode from weakly acidified 0.5 M and 0.05 M Na 2SO4 aqueous solutions (pH ≈ 5.5÷6.0). The influence of electrode potential (E) on the adsorption kinetics of 4,4′-bipyridine on Bi(111) has been demonstrated. The capacitance pits in the differential capacitance versus E curve have been observed. The in situ STM data reveal two molecular patterns at different concentration of the supporting electrolyte. The stable adsorbate adlayer detectable by using the infrared spectroscopy method has been observed within E from -0.75 to -0.5 V (vs. Ag|AgCl sat. KCl). The results of DFT calculations and SEIRAS data have been used to establish the various possible orientations of the 4,4′-BP molecules at Bi(111) surface. The DFT investigation has been focused on the factors governing the self-assembly of 4,4′-BP, such as the intermolecular van der Walls attractions and interplay between the surface and the nanostructure lattices, both essential for the interfacial self-assembly