704 research outputs found

    The Effect of EDTA in Attachment Gain and Root Coverage

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    Root surface biomodification using low pH agents such as citric acid and tetracycline has been proposed to enhance root coverage following connective tissue grafting. The authors hypothesized that root conditioning with neutral pH edetic acid would improve vertical recession depth, root surface coverage, pocket depth, and clinical attachment levels. Twenty teeth in 10 patients with Miller class I and II recession were treated with connective tissue grafting. The experimental sites received 24% edetic acid in sterile distilled water applied to the root surface for 2 minutes before grafting. Controls were pretreated with only sterile distilled water. Measurements were evaluated before surgery and 6 months after surgery. Analysis of variance was used to determine differences between experimental and control groups. We found significant postoperative improvements in vertical recession depth, root surface coverage, and clinical attachment levels in test and control groups, compared to postoperative data. Pocket depth differences were not significant (P\u3c.01)

    Designing Dental Student Portfolios to Assess Performance

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    The purpose of this poster is to share a project developed by Marquette University’s liaisons to the American Dental Education Association’s Commission on Change and Innovation in Dental Education with others interested in learning about the use of portfolios to assess the quality of student performance in dental school. Sample components from the pilot portfolios will be integrated into the poster to provide participants with a view from portfolio design to completion. Portfolios are becoming a more common method of assessing the quality of student performance in health professions education. Portfolios can assist in documenting evidence of specific competencies at the student level and also serve as a longitudinal measure of a student’s development

    Young LMC clusters: the role of red supergiants and multiple stellar populations in their integrated light and CMDs

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    The optical integrated spectra of three LMC young stellar clusters (NGC 1984, NGC 1994 and NGC 2011) exhibit concave continua and prominent molecular bands which deviate significantly from the predictions of single stellar population (SSP) models. In order to understand the appearance of these spectra, we create a set of young stellar population (MILES) models, which we make available to the community. We use archival International Ultraviolet Explorer integrated UV spectra to independently constrain the cluster masses and extinction, and rule out strong stochastic effects in the optical spectra. In addition, we also analyze deep colour-magnitude diagrams of the clusters to provide independent age determinations based on isochrone fitting. We explore hypotheses including age-spreads in the clusters, a top-heavy initial mass function, different SSP models and the role of red supergiant stars (RSG). We find that the strong molecular features in the optical spectra can only be reproduced by modeling an increased fraction of about 20 per cent by luminosity of RSG above what is predicted by canonical stellar evolution models. Given the uncertainties in stellar evolution at Myr ages, we cannot presently rule-out the presence of Myr age-spreads in these clusters. Our work combines different wavelengths as well as different approaches (resolved data as well as integrated spectra for the same sample) in order to reveal the complete picture. We show that each approach provides important information but in combination can we better understand the cluster stellar populations.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Closed-loop CFD Model of the Self-Powered Fontan Circulation for the Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome

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    The Fontan operation is the definitive step in creating a compatible circulation in SV patients. This type of procedure may fail due to the known decrease survival rate, and the inability of the systemic venous blood to pass through the lungs, which leads to further complications in the patient. To improve the Fontan circulation an injection jet shunt (IJS) from the single ventricle to the Fontan pulmonary arteries, is incorporated into the closed-loop circulation model to determine if the energy and momentum will effectively be transferred to the pulmonary artery circulation. Using ANSYS Fluent two models, a baseline and an IJS model, were compared in a steady state solution to determine the effectiveness of the IJS velocity outflow and energy transfer. After the analysis was performed it was determined that a vacuum pressure is created at the exit of the IJS, and that indeed the energy and momentum transfer to the pulmonary arteries, improves the Fontan circulation

    Geometry of River Networks II: Distributions of Component Size and Number

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    The structure of a river network may be seen as a discrete set of nested sub-networks built out of individual stream segments. These network components are assigned an integral stream order via a hierarchical and discrete ordering method. Exponential relationships, known as Horton's laws, between stream order and ensemble-averaged quantities pertaining to network components are observed. We extend these observations to incorporate fluctuations and all higher moments by developing functional relationships between distributions. The relationships determined are drawn from a combination of theoretical analysis, analysis of real river networks including the Mississippi, Amazon and Nile, and numerical simulations on a model of directed, random networks. Underlying distributions of stream segment lengths are identified as exponential. Combinations of these distributions form single-humped distributions with exponential tails, the sums of which are in turn shown to give power law distributions of stream lengths. Distributions of basin area and stream segment frequency are also addressed. The calculations identify a single length-scale as a measure of size fluctuations in network components. This article is the second in a series of three addressing the geometry of river networks.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables, Revtex4, submitted to PR

    Cannabis and the Brain: Friend or Foe?

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    Legalization of cannabis in the US and other countries highlight the need to understand the health consequences of this substance use. Research indicates that some cannabis ingredients may play beneficial role in treating various medical conditions while other ingredients may pose health risks. This review is focused on the brain and mental health effects of cannabis use. The rationale for examining cannabis use in behavioral and neural conditions is that these conditions are highly widespread in the US and account for high level of medical healthcare and associated cost. The purpose of this review is to provide an overview of the known medicinal benefits of selected cannabis cannabinoids in conditions like pediatric epilepsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, autism spectrum disorder, and the known side effects or contraindications in conditions such as addiction, cognition, and psychosis. Several recommendations are made as to studies that will help further understanding the increasing role of cannabis in neuropsychiatric health and disease

    Adaptively Refined Hybrid FDM-RBF Meshless Scheme with Applications to Laminar and Turbulent Viscous Fluid Flows

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    The focus of this work is to demonstrate a novel approach to true CFD automation based on an adaptive Cartesian point distribution process coupled with a Mesh less flow solution algorithm. As Mesh less method solutions require only an underlying nodal distribution, this approach works well even for complex flow geometries with non-aligned domain boundaries. Through the addition of a so-called shadow layer of body-fitted nodes, application of boundary conditions is simplified considerably, eliminating the stair-casing issues of typical Cartesian-based techniques. This paper describes the approach taken to automatically generate the Mesh less nodal distribution, along with the details of an automatic local refinement process. Also, as the primary interest of this automated CFD solver is for aerospace applications, this work includes the development of standard two-equation turbulence models for use in this Mesh less based solver. Finally, results are shown for several relevant compressible, turbulent flows example configurations, demonstrating the benefits of the automatic refinement as well as the quality of the Mesh less solutions in high-speed flow applications

    Measuring medical students' professional competencies in a problem-based curriculum: A reliability study

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    Identification and assessment of professional competencies for medical students is challenging. We have recently developed an instrument for assessing the essential professional competencies for medical students in Problem-Based Learning (PBL) programs by PBL tutors. This study aims to evaluate the reliability and validity of professional competency scores of medical students using this instrument in PBL tutorials. Methods: Each group of seven to eight students in PBL tutorials (Year 2, n = 46) were assessed independently by two faculty members. Each tutor assessed students in his/her group every five weeks on four occasions. The instrument consists of ten items, which measure three main competency domains: interpersonal, cognitive and professional behavior. Each item is scored using a five-point Likert scale (1 = poor, 5 = exceptional). Reliability of professional competencies scores was calculated using G-theory with raters nested in occasions. Furthermore, criterion-related validity was measured by testing the correlations with students' scores in written examination. Results: The overall generalizability coefficient (G) of the professional competency scores was 0.80. Students' professional competencies scores (universe scores) accounted for 27% of the total variance across all score comparisons. The variance due to occasions accounted for 10%, while the student-occasion interaction was zero. The variance due to raters to occasions represented 8% of the total variance, and the remaining 55% of the variance was due to unexplained sources of error. The highest reliability measured was the interpersonal domain (G = 0.84) and the lowest reliability was the professional behavior domain (G = 0.76). Results from the decision (D) study suggested that an adequate dependability (G = 0.71) can be achieved by using one rater for five occasions. Furthermore, there was a positive correlation between the written examination scores and cognitive competencies scores (r = 0.46, P < 0.01), but not with the other two competency domains (interpersonal and professionalism). Conclusions: This study demonstrates that professional competency assessment scores of medical students in PBL tutorials have an acceptable reliability. Further studies for validating the instrument are required before using it for summative evaluation of students by PBL tutors.Scopu
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