10 research outputs found

    Cheap and Easy PIN Entering Using Eye Gaze

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    PINs are one of the most popular methods to perform simple and fast user authentication.PIN stands for Personal Identification Number, which may have any number of digits or even letters.Nevertheless, 4-digit PIN is the most common and is used for instance in ATMs or cellular phones.The main advantage of the PIN is that it is easy to remember and fast to enter. There are, however,some drawbacks. One of them - addressed in this paper - is a possibility to steal PIN by a techniquecalled `shoulder surfing'. To avoid such problems a novel method of the PIN entering was proposed.Instead of using a numerical keyboard, the PIN may be entered by eye gazes, which is a hands-free,easy and robust technique

    Simplified automatic method for measuring the visual field using the perimeter ZERK 1

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    Background: Currently available perimeters have limited capabilities of performing measurements of the visual field in children. In addition, they do not allow for fully automatic measurement even in adults. The patient in each case (in any type of perimeter) has at his disposal a button which he uses to indicate that he has seen a light stimulus. Such restrictions have been offset in the presented new perimeter ZERK 1. Methods: The paper describes a new type of automated, computerized perimeter designed to test the visual field in children and adults. The new perimeter and proprietary software enable to carry out tests automatically (without the need to press any button). The presented full version of the perimeter has been tested on a head phantom. The next steps will involve clinical trials and a comparison with measurements obtained using other types of perimeters. Results: The perimeter ZERK 1 enables automatic measurement of the visual field in two axes (with a span of 870 mm and a depth of 525 mm) with an accuracy of not less than 1o (95 LEDs on each arm) at a typical position of the patient's head. The measurement can be carried out in two modes: default/typical (lasting about 1 min), and accurate (lasting about 10 min). Compared with available and known types of perimeters, it has an open canopy, proprietary software and cameras tracking the eye movement, automatic control of fixation points, light stimuli with automatically preset light stimulus intensity in the following ranges: 550-700 mcd (red 620-630 nm), 1100-1400 mcd (green 515-530 nm), 200-400 mcd (blue 465-475 nm). Conclusions: The paper presents a new approach to the construction of perimeters based on automatic tracking of the eye movements in response to stimuli. The unique construction of the perimeter and the software allow for its mobile use in the examination of children and bedridden patients

    Wykorzystanie eksploracji danych w planowaniu kontroli płatników składek przez Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych

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    This paper presents issues associated with the possible application of data mining in the planning of inspections in Polish Social Insurance Institution. Discussed problems are focused on the characteristics of currently existing methods of planning and inspection subjects’ selection. Furthermore, assumptions and the description of data mining mechanism of action, within that certain field, are also introduced. To most important conclusion is  the statement, that there is a possibility of data mining application within the scope of model prediction, which allows for ascertaining the risk of occurrence of potential irregularities. Utilization of information about such potential risks could give benefits, mainly to the inspector, due to the plausibility of more precisely planned inspection.Opracowanie przedstawia zagadnienia związane z możliwością zastosowania metod eksploracji danych w planowaniu kontroli w polskim systemie ubezpieczeń społecznych. Omawiane kwestie skupiają się na charakterystyce dotychczasowych metod planowania i doboru podmiotów do kontroli oraz przedstawieniu założeń i mechanizmu działania eksploracji danych w tym zakresie. Do najważniejszych wniosków należy stwierdzenie, iż istnieje możliwość zastosowania metod eksploracji danych w zakresie budowy modeli pozwalających na określanie ryzyka wystąpienia nieprawidłowości. Wykorzystanie informacji dotyczących ryzyka mogłoby przynieść m.in. korzyści dla kontrolującego ze względu na możliwość bardziej precyzyjnego planowania kontroli

    The Role of Eye Gaze in Security and Privacy Applications: Survey and Future HCI Research Directions

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    For the past 20 years, researchers have investigated the use of eye tracking in security applications. We present a holistic view on gaze-based security applications. In particular, we canvassed the literature and classify the utility of gaze in security applications into a) authentication, b) privacy protection, and c) gaze monitoring during security critical tasks. This allows us to chart several research directions, most importantly 1) conducting field studies of implicit and explicit gaze-based authentication due to recent advances in eye tracking, 2) research on gaze-based privacy protection and gaze monitoring in security critical tasks which are under-investigated yet very promising areas, and 3) understanding the privacy implications of pervasive eye tracking. We discuss the most promising opportunities and most pressing challenges of eye tracking for security that will shape research in gaze-based security applications for the next decade

    Simplified automatic method for measuring the visual field using the perimeter ZERK 1

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    Background: Currently available perimeters have limited capabilities of performing measurements of the visual field in children. In addition, they do not allow for fully automatic measurement even in adults. The patient in each case (in any type of perimeter) has at his disposal a button which he uses to indicate that he has seen a light stimulus. Such restrictions have been offset in the presented new perimeter ZERK 1. Methods: The paper describes a new type of automated, computerized perimeter designed to test the visual field in children and adults. The new perimeter and proprietary software enable to carry out tests automatically (without the need to press any button). The presented full version of the perimeter has been tested on a head phantom. The next steps will involve clinical trials and a comparison with measurements obtained using other types of perimeters. Results: The perimeter ZERK 1 enables automatic measurement of the visual field in two axes (with a span of 870 mm and a depth of 525 mm) with an accuracy of not less than 1o (95 LEDs on each arm) at a typical position of the patient's head. The measurement can be carried out in two modes: default/typical (lasting about 1 min), and accurate (lasting about 10 min). Compared with available and known types of perimeters, it has an open canopy, proprietary software and cameras tracking the eye movement, automatic control of fixation points, light stimuli with automatically preset light stimulus intensity in the following ranges: 550-700 mcd (red 620-630 nm), 1100-1400 mcd (green 515-530 nm), 200-400 mcd (blue 465-475 nm). Conclusions: The paper presents a new approach to the construction of perimeters based on automatic tracking of the eye movements in response to stimuli. The unique construction of the perimeter and the software allow for its mobile use in the examination of children and bedridden patients

    Automatyzacja testowania wydajności interfejsów bazodanowych

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    Testing of database applications’ performance is a serious problem in many circumstances. The answer to a question how will application behave under normal usage demands preparing specialized tests what is often a time consuming task. The solution presented in the article tries to automate this process. It gives also opportunity to compare different interfaces.Testowanie wydajności rozwiązań dostępu do danych w aplikacjach jest poważnym problemem wielu zastosowań. Odpowiedzenie na pytanie „jak będzie się zachowywała konkretna aplikacja w przypadku obciążenia jej większą liczbą jednoczesnych użytkowników?”, wymaga przygotowania i przeprowadzenia odpowiednich testów, co często jest czasochłonne. Proponowane w artykule rozwiązanie pozwala zautomatyzować testowanie aplikacji pod obciążeniem. Wykorzystując środowisko rozproszone, umożliwia ono podłączenie do dowolnego interfejsu programowego i przetestowanie jego kluczowych elementów. Umożliwia także porównanie różnych rozwiązań w celu wyboru najlepszego do konkretnego zastosowania

    Agregacja danych tekstowych na przykładzie systemu informacji prasowej

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    Huge amount of textual information available in Internet becomes one of the most important problems because analysis of such data is difficult automatically. Typical examples of such big text databases are web services presenting press information. The same or very similar information repeats in different services. That is why so called “aggregators” that aggregate and preprocess information from different services are becoming more and more popular. This paper presents one of such aggregators that collects information from multiple services, parses and analyses it and then tries to classify and collect different statistics.Nadmiar informacji dostępnej w postaci tekstowej w sieci Internet staje się coraz większym problemem, ponieważ automatyczna analiza takich danych jest trudna. Typowymi przykładami dużych baz tekstowych są serwisy prezentujące bieżące informacje prasowe. Z uwagi na dużą liczbę takich serwisów, wiele informacji powtarza się. W artykule omówiono system z grupy tak zwanych agregatorów, który gromadzi w jednym miejscu informacje z wielu serwisów, dokonuje ich analizy i klasyfikacji, a następnie generuje na ich podstawie różnego rodzaju statystyki