223 research outputs found

    Pressure-driven magnetic moment collapse in the ground state of MnO

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    The zero temperature Mott transition region in antiferromagnetic, spin S=5/2 MnO is probed using the correlated band theory LSDA+U method. The first transition encountered is an insulator-insulator volume collapse within the rocksalt structure that is characterized by an unexpected Hund's rule violating `spin-flip' moment collapse. This spin-flip to S=1/2 takes fullest advantage of the anisotropy of the Coulomb repulsion, allowing gain in the kinetic energy (which increases with decreasing volume) while retaining a sizable amount of the magnetic exchange energy. While transition pressures vary with the interaction strength, the spin-flip state is robust over a range of interaction strengths and for both B1 and B8 structures

    Origin of Strong Coupling in Lithium under Pressure

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    In an attempt to provide a clearer understanding of the impressive increase in T_c under pressure in elemental Li, linear response calculation of the phonon dispersion curves, electron-phonon matrix elements, phonon linewidths and mode lambda's have been carried out on a finer mesh (24^3 in the Brillouin zone) than done previously, for the volume corresponding to 20 GPa pressure. The result illustrates the great need for a fine mesh (even finer than this) for converged results of lambda and the spectral function alpha^2 F. Although the initial pressure-induced transverse T_1 phonon instability (in harmonic approximation) near the symmetry point K has dominated attention, the current results show that the high value of T_c gets strong contributions from elsewhere in the zone, particularly from the longitudinal mode along (100).Comment: Proceedings for M2

    Biomass and composition of zooplankton in and around Gulf of Kutch

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    The faunal composition, distribution and abundance of zooplankton from 28 stations in and around the Gulf of Kutch, were studied during INS Darshak cruise in January, 1975. Zooplankton biomass was about 4.5 times more in the outside Gulf region (mean: 50.3 ml/100 m super(3)) than in the inside Gulf (mean: 11.1 ml/100 m super(3)). The mean zooplankton biomass of Dwarka (66.3 ml/100 m super(3)) was about 2.5 times more than that off Okha (26.8 ml/100 m super(3)). A rich zooplankton production in the Saurashtra waters corresponded to a rich fishery prevailing in this region

    Impurity-induced bound states inside the superconducting gap of FeSe

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    We investigate the local density of states in the vicinity of a native dumbbell defect arising from an Fe vacancy in FeSe single crystals. The tunneling spectra close to the impurity display two bound states inside the superconducting gap, equally spaced with respect to zero energy but asymmetric in amplitude. Using spin-polarized density functional theory (DFT) calculations on realistic slab models with Fe vacancy, we show that such a defect does not induce a local magnetic moment. Therefore, the dumbbell defect is considered as non-magnetic. Thus, the in-gap bound states emerging from a non-magnetic defect-induced pair-breaking suggest a sign changing pairing state in this material.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Observations on whale shark Rhineodon typus (Smith) caught at Pamban, Palk Bay and Gulf of Mannar

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    A male whale shark Rhineodon typus of 688 cm in total length caught in a No.4 gill net was landed on 20-01 -2001 at Pamban light house landing centre. The whale shark was estimated to weigh around 1.5 tonnes

    Collinear order in a frustrated three-dimensional spin-12\frac12 antiferromagnet Li2_2CuW2_2O8_8

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    Magnetic frustration in three dimensions (3D) manifests itself in the spin-12\frac12 insulator Li2_2CuW2_2O8_8. Density-functional band-structure calculations reveal a peculiar spin lattice built of triangular planes with frustrated interplane couplings. The saturation field of 29 T contrasts with the susceptibility maximum at 8.5 K and a relatively low N\'eel temperature TN3.9T_N\simeq 3.9 K. Magnetic order below TNT_N is collinear with the propagation vector (0,12,0)(0,\frac12,0) and an ordered moment of 0.65(4) μB\mu_B according to neutron diffraction data. This reduced ordered moment together with the low maximum of the magnetic specific heat (Cmax/R0.35C^{\max}/R\simeq 0.35) pinpoint strong magnetic frustration in 3D. Collinear magnetic order suggests that quantum fluctuations play crucial role in this system, where a non-collinear spiral state would be stabilized classically.Comment: published version with supplemental material merged into the tex

    TaIrTe4 a ternary Type-II Weyl semi-metal

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    In metallic condensed matter systems two different types of Weyl fermions can in principle emerge, with either a vanishing (type-I) or with a finite (type-II) density of states at the Weyl node energy. So far only WTe2 and MoTe2 were predicted to be type-II Weyl semi-metals. Here we identify TaIrTe4 as a third member of this family of topological semi-metals. TaIrTe4 has the attractive feature that it hosts only four well-separated Weyl points, the minimum imposed by symmetry. Moreover, the resulting topological surface states - Fermi arcs connecting Weyl nodes of opposite chirality - extend to about 1/3 of the surface Brillouin zone. This large momentum-space separation is very favorable for detecting the Fermi arcs spectroscopically and in transport experiments

    Pressure-induced ferromagnetism due to an anisotropic electronic topological transition in Fe1.08Te

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    A rapid and anisotropic modification of the Fermi-surface shape can be associated with abrupt changes in crystalline lattice geometry or in the magnetic state of a material. In this study we show that such an electronic topological transition is at the basis of the formation of an unusual pressure-induced tetragonal ferromagnetic phase in Fe1.08_{1.08}Te. Around 2 GPa, the orthorhombic and incommensurate antiferromagnetic ground-state of Fe1.08_{1.08}Te is transformed upon increasing pressure into a tetragonal ferromagnetic state via a conventional first-order transition. On the other hand, an isostructural transition takes place from the paramagnetic high-temperature state into the ferromagnetic phase as a rare case of a `type 0' transformation with anisotropic properties. Electronic-structure calculations in combination with electrical resistivity, magnetization, and x-ray diffraction experiments show that the electronic system of Fe1.08_{1.08}Te is instable with respect to profound topological transitions that can drive fundamental changes of the lattice anisotropy and the associated magnetic order.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figur

    Electronic and Thermoelectric Properties of RuIn_{3-x}A_{x} (A = Sn, Zn)

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    Recently, we reported [M. Wagner et al., J. Mater. Res. 26, 1886 (2011)] transport measurements on the semiconducting intermetallic system RuIn3 and its substitution derivatives RuIn_{3-x}A_{x} (A = Sn, Zn). Higher values of the thermoelectric figure of merit (zT = 0.45) compared to the parent compound were achieved by chemical substitution. Here, using density functional theory based calculations, we report on the microscopic picture behind the measured phenomenon. We show in detail that the electronic structure of the substitution variants of the intermetallic system RuIn_{3-x}A_{x} (A = Sn, Zn) changes in a rigid-band like fashion. This behavior makes possible the fine tuning of the substitution concentration to take advantage of the sharp peak-like features in the density of states of the semiconducting parent compound. Trends in the transport properties calculated using the semi-classical Boltzmann transport equations within the constant scattering time approximation are in good agreement with the former experimental results for RuIn_{3-x}Sn_{x}. Based on the calculated thermopower for the p-doped systems, we reinvestigated the Zn-substituted derivative and obtained ZnO-free RuIn_{3-x}Zn_{x}. The new experimental results are consistent with the calculated trend in thermopower and yield large zT value of 0.8.Comment: PRB Accepted, 11 pages, 10 figure