445 research outputs found

    Possible Jahn-Teller effect in Si-inverse layers

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    Jahn-Teller effect in bivalley Si(100) MOSFET under conditions of quantum Hall effect at integer filling factors nu=1,2,3 is studied. This system is described by SU(4) hidden symmetry. At nu=2 static and dynamic lattice deformation creates an easy-plane anisotropy and antiferromagnetic exchange and lifts the valley degeneracy. At nu=1,3 Coulomb interaction is essential to produce weak easy-plane anisotropy. Three phases: ferromagnetic, canted antiferromagnetic and spin-singlet, have been found. Anisotropy energy of charged skyrmion excitation in every phase is found.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Overexpression of MRPS18-2 in cancer cell lines results in appearance of multinucleated cells

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    Copyright: Copyright 2020 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.Human mitochondrial ribosomal protein MRPS18-2 (S18-2) is encoded by a cellular gene that is located on the human chromosome 6p21.3. We discovered that overexpression of the S18-2 protein led to immortalization and de-differentiation of primary rat embryonic fibroblasts. Cells showed anchorage-independent growth pattern. Moreover, pathways characteristic for rapidly proliferating cells were upregulated then. It is possible that the S18-2 overexpression induced disturbance in cell cycle regulation. We found that overexpression of S18-2 protein in human cancer cell lines led to an appearance of multinucleated cells in the selected clones.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    Оцінка ефективності супутникової телекомунікаційної системи з бортовою реалізацією DAMA

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    У роботі представлено оцінку зміни характеристик супутникової телекомунікаційної системи, при переносі механізму динамічного розподілу канального ресурсу з центральної станції мережі на борт супутника. Розглянуто варіант алгоритму роботи механізму DAMA. Приведено результати експериментів, які були проведені на імітаційній моделі, для двох варіантів реалізації DAMA, за якими можна свідчити про суттєве скорочення середнього завантаження черг та підвищення продуктивності зворотного каналу на 5-6% у випадку бортової реалізації керування множинним доступом з наданням ресурсу на вимогу.Introduction. Satellite is often used as an access network in convergent multimedia communications, where multimedia and realtime services are supported by return channels. Demand assigned multiple access (DAMA) applied for efficient assignation of limited resource of satellite return channel. On-board signal processing gives a lot of functional benefits for satellite systems and can be used as possibility to implement DAMA mechanism on satellite. Theory part. Simplified algorithm of dynamic resource allocation presented which is equivalent for both inside Network Control Center (NCC) and on-board implementations of DAMA. Realization of algorithm is based on information about transmission buffers load of each terminal station. Experimental part. Imitation model of return satellite channel with DAMA was developed and tested. Average buffers load and performance of channel level were chosen as characteristics to compare systems with NCC and on-board DAMA implementation. These characteristics were measured for different available return channel capacity. Conclusions. Experiments showed significant average buffer load reduction and 5-6% performance gain for on-board implemented DAMA model comparing to traditional realization. However, model of DAMA mechanism has drawbacks (bit representation of data, physical layer constraints are not considered for resource allocation granularity) and it should be improved for more precise results.В работе представлена оценка изменения характеристик спутниковой телекоммуникационной системы, при переносе механизма динамического распределения канального ресурса с центральной станции сети на борт спутника. Рассмотрено вариант алгоритма работы механизма DAMA. Приведены результаты экспериментов, которые были проведены на имитационной модели, для двух вариантов реализации DAMA, по которым можно свидетельствовать о существенном сокращении средней загрузки очередей и повышении продуктивности обратного канала на 5-6% в случае бортовой реализации управления множественным доступом с выделением ресурса по требованию

    Cell stemness is maintained upon concurrent expression of RB and the mitochondrial ribosomal protein S18-2

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    Stemness encompasses the capability of a cell for self-renewal and differentiation. The stem cell maintains a balance between proliferation, quiescence, and regeneration via interactions with the microenvironment. Previously, we showed that ectopic expression of the mitochondrial ribosomal protein S18-2 (MRPS18-2) led to immortalization of primary fibroblasts, accompanied by induction of an embryonic stem cell (ESC) phenotype. Moreover, we demonstrated interaction between S18-2 and the retinoblastoma-associated protein (RB) and hypothesized that the simultaneous expression of RB and S18-2 is essential for maintaining cell stemness. Here, we experimentally investigated the role of S18-2 in cell stemness and differentiation. Concurrent expression of RB and S18-2 resulted in immortalization of Rb1−/− primary mouse embryonic fibroblasts and in aggressive tumor growth in severe combined immunodeficiency mice. These cells, which express both RB and S18-2 at high levels, exhibited the potential to differentiate into various lineages in vitro, including osteogenic, chondrogenic, and adipogenic lineages. Mechanistically, S18-2 formed a multimeric protein complex with prohibitin and the ring finger protein 2 (RNF2). This molecular complex increased the monoubiquitination of histone H2ALys119, a characteristic trait of ESCs, by enhanced E3-ligase activity of RNF2. Furthermore, we found enrichment of KLF4 at the S18-2 promoter region and that the S18-2 expression is positively correlated with KLF4 levels. Importantly, knockdown of S18-2 in zebrafish larvae led to embryonic lethality. Collectively, our findings suggest an important role for S18-2 in cell stemness and differentiation and potentially also in cancerogenesis


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    Offering method of transformation of mathematical models of oscillation systems based on using of structural schemes. Structural analogs of mathematical models used for creature of variants of transfer functions of initial mechanical systems. Technology of transformation of structural schemes with object which has properties of integrated link of second order. Is shown that impedance is local characteristic of frequence dynamical properties of mechanical oscillation systems, in particular, vibration protection systems. Characteristics-analogs of impedance are given. They constructed on base using of movements and accelerations of allocated points. Conditions of ties of relative frequence characteristics are given. Conditions of compatibility of structural models of mechanical chains theory and automation control theory are identified

    On the Question of Improving Technique of Motor Actions in a Complex Coordination Sports

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    Наведено загальні дані про методичні підходи до вдосконалювання техніки рухових дій у складно-координаційних видах спорту. Обґрунтовано методичні рекомендації для вдосконалення техніки рухових дій кваліфікованих спортсменів-скелелазів, які спеціалізуються зі швидкісного лазіння. Установлено, що вдосконалення техніки рухових дій кваліфікованих спортсменів-скелелазів потрібно здійснювати, знаючи дискримінативні елементи техніки проходження швидкісної траси. Запропоновано комплекси підвідних, імітаційних і спеціально-підготовчих вправ, які включають чотири варіанти швидкісних трас зі строго регламентованою комбінацією зачіпок для кваліфікованих спортсменів-скелелазів. Provides an overview of methodological approaches to improve the technique of motor actions in a complex coordination sports. Grounded methodic recommendations for improving the technique of motor actions qualified athletes-climbers, specializing in speed climbing. Established that the improvement of techniques qualified motor actions athletes-climbers must carry knowledge with discriminative technique elements passing a speed route. A set of lead, simulation and special-preparatory exercises, including 4 types of speed route strictly regulated by a combination of holds for qualified athletes-climbers

    Long Wavelength Anomalous Diffusion Mode in the 2D XY Dipole Magnet

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    In 2D XY ferromagnet the dipole force induces a strong interaction between spin-waves in the long-wavelength limit. The major effect of this interaction is the transformation of a propagating spin-wave into a diffusion mode. We study the anomalous dynamics of such diffusion modes. We find that the Janssen-De Dominics functional, which governs this dynamics, approaches the non-Gaussian fixed-point. A spin-wave propagates by an anomalous anisotropic diffusion with the dispersion relation: iωkyΔyi\omega{\sim}k_{y}^{\Delta_y} and iωkxΔxi\omega{\sim}k_{x}^{\Delta_x}, where Δy=47/27{\Delta_y}=47/27 and Δx=47/36{\Delta_x}=47/36. The low-frequency response to the external magnetic field is found.Comment: 34 pages, RevTeX, 2 .ps figures, the third figure is available upon reques

    On the representation type of Jordan basic algebras

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    A finite dimensional Jordan algebra J over a field k is called \textit{basic} if the quotient algebra J/RadJ is isomorphic to a direct sum of copies of k. We describe all basic Jordan algebras J with (RadJ)²=0 of finite and tame representation type over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0