117 research outputs found

    A Physics-Based Approach to Unsupervised Discovery of Coherent Structures in Spatiotemporal Systems

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    Given that observational and numerical climate data are being produced at ever more prodigious rates, increasingly sophisticated and automated analysis techniques have become essential. Deep learning is quickly becoming a standard approach for such analyses and, while great progress is being made, major challenges remain. Unlike commercial applications in which deep learning has led to surprising successes, scientific data is highly complex and typically unlabeled. Moreover, interpretability and detecting new mechanisms are key to scientific discovery. To enhance discovery we present a complementary physics-based, data-driven approach that exploits the causal nature of spatiotemporal data sets generated by local dynamics (e.g. hydrodynamic flows). We illustrate how novel patterns and coherent structures can be discovered in cellular automata and outline the path from them to climate data.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; http://csc.ucdavis.edu/~cmg/compmech/pubs/ci2017_Rupe_et_al.ht

    Randomized controlled trial of rectal misoprostal and intramuscular oxytocin in the prevention of PPH

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    Background: PPH accounts for merely 23% of maternal mortality in developing countries.  Misoprostol is a uterotonic agent and is a PGE analogue commonly used in management of PPH. Oxytocin is another uterotonic agent which is now been introduced as intramuscularly effective agent to prevent PPH.This study aims to compare rectal misoprostol with intramuscular oxytocin in reducing blood loss in third stage of labor to prevent PPH. Objective of present study is to compare the clinical effect of rectal misoprostol with intramuscular oxytocin in prevention of PPH.Methods: A randomized study was conducted over duration of 3 months, at Department of OBG, BRIMS, Bidar, Karnataka, India. Patients with singleton pregnancy with the history of one previous LSCS and opting for elective LSCS were included in the study. Patients with risk pregnancy, such as pre eclampsia, cardiac disease and asthma or grand multipara were excluded from the study. Immediately after spinal anesthesia rectal misoprostol was given while oxytocin was administered after delivery of the baby. Incidence of PPH and amount of blood loss was observed and compared.Results: The difference in both the groups with regard to mean amount of blood loss, mean duration of the third stage of labor, and mean amount of fall in hemoglobin level was not statistically significant as P value was >0.05. The incidence of PPH and the need for additional oxytocic are slightly more in the misoprostol group. The incidence of shivering and pyrexia was more in the misoprostol group, but not so disturbing so as to lead to disuse of this drug.Conclusions: Oral misoprostol, though not a replacement of parenterally administered oxytocin, can be used safely in all deliveries for the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage

    Drug pattern use during pregnancy: a prospective study at tertiary care teaching hospital

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    Background: Pregnancy is a normal physiological state. It may be accompanied by some common conditions which may occur normally due to the physiological changes. For these, drug treatment may be necessary. Use of drug is of growing concern due to increased risk of teratogenicity. Hence use of safe drugs during pregnancy should be promoted. This study aims to study and evaluate the pattern of drug use in women attending the antenatal clinic.Methods: A prospective cross sectional study was conducted in Obstetrics & Gynecology out Patients department in BRIMS Teaching Hospital for a period of 3 months. All new antenatal cases reporting to outpatient department were included. Data were then analysed for drug use pattern, WHO core drug prescribing indicators and also according to FDA drug risk category and trimester wise drug use pattern.Results: It was observed that most common complaint was epigastric distress. Iron, calcium and Antacids were the most frequently prescribed drugs. 79% drugs were prescribed from essential drug list and 100% were given by generic name. Out of 3857 drugs prescribed 48.35% belonged to Cat A, 50.35% to Cat B and only 1.3% to Cat C and none of the drugs belonging to Cat D were prescribed.Conclusions: Overall drug use pattern is rational with few exceptions. Majority of the drugs prescribed are as per FDA category B. This type of study can help in evaluating the existing drug use pattern and in planning appropriate interventions to ensure rational drug therapy


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    CAPTCHA stands for Completely Automated Public Turing Tests to Tell Computers and Humans Apart. The CAPTCHAs have been widely used across the Internet to defend against undesirable and malicious bot programs. It was observed that an alarming number of CAPTCHAs could be broken by the technique of Image Processing and Artificial Neural Network. Many Researchers have tried to break a CAPTCHA so as to design robust CAPTCHA , but it is essential to generate a strong CAPTCHA that will resist bot attack. This paper has proposed algorithm to analyze the strength of CAPTCHAs using simple image processing techniques such as Preprocessing, Segmentation and Character recognition which in turn helps to improve the robustness and usability of CAPTCHA in Internet System. The experimental result shows the proposed algorithm gives 75 % accuracy to analyze the strength of CAPTCHA


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    In last 10 years significant decrease in human fertility has been observed. Male factor contributes to infertility as much as 51.2% according to WHO study of more than 8500 couples. Shuddha Gandhaka and Kamdeepaka Rasa have Vrishya property expected to contribute better in infertility. Gandhaka Shodhana was prepared as per Rasatarangini and Kamdeepaka Rasa as per Bhaishajya Ratnavali, Vajikarana Adhaya, subjected to Spermatogenic activity on albino rats Method: Kamdeepaka Rasa prepared as per Bhaishajya Ratnavali. Shuddha Gandhaka (9mg), Kamdeepaka Rasa (9mg), milk (0.5ml), male albino rats formed the materials for the study parameter like body weight, biochemical Spermatogenic element, histometric studies and reproductive accessory organ weight were followed. Results: In analytical study Si, S, Zn, were deducted in Gandhaka, Si, S, Cl, K, Ca, Iron, Mg, Zn, and Cu. Kamdeepaka Rasa has shown significant Spermatogenic activity compare to Gandhaka and milk. Conclusion: The chemical and phytochemical component and Balya, Brumhna, Rasayana, and Vrishya properties have contributed for Spermatogenic activity thus Kamdeepakarasa may be used in different condition of Male Infertility

    MeshfreeFlowNet: A Physics-Constrained Deep Continuous Space-Time Super-Resolution Framework

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    We propose MeshfreeFlowNet, a novel deep learning-based super-resolution framework to generate continuous (grid-free) spatio-temporal solutions from the low-resolution inputs. While being computationally efficient, MeshfreeFlowNet accurately recovers the fine-scale quantities of interest. MeshfreeFlowNet allows for: (i) the output to be sampled at all spatio-temporal resolutions, (ii) a set of Partial Differential Equation (PDE) constraints to be imposed, and (iii) training on fixed-size inputs on arbitrarily sized spatio-temporal domains owing to its fully convolutional encoder. We empirically study the performance of MeshfreeFlowNet on the task of super-resolution of turbulent flows in the Rayleigh-Benard convection problem. Across a diverse set of evaluation metrics, we show that MeshfreeFlowNet significantly outperforms existing baselines. Furthermore, we provide a large scale implementation of MeshfreeFlowNet and show that it efficiently scales across large clusters, achieving 96.80% scaling efficiency on up to 128 GPUs and a training time of less than 4 minutes.Comment: Supplementary Video: https://youtu.be/mjqwPch9gDo. Accepted to SC2

    Pharmaceutico analytical study of Shodhita Shilajatu

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    Background: Shilajatu or Adrija is one of the Maharasa, which is considered as a wonderful medicine in Ayurveda. It is named as it comes out of the stones heated by the sun in summer in the form of thick blackish exudation having many shades. Since it contain stone, mud, wood, sand and various physical and metallic impurities, Shodhana (Purification) of Shilajatu is a mandatory procedure. It has been used as a prime ingredient in many formulations mainly for Prameha, Sotha, Pandu Roga, Kshaya, Swasa, Pliha Vrudhi, Jwara, Agnimandya, Apasmara, etc. Objectives: Shodhana of Ashudha Shilajatu and Physico chemical analysis of Shodhita Shilajatu. Materials & Methods: Bhringaraja Swarasa for Shodhana of Shilajatu. Results:It took 8 days for completion of Shilajatu Shodhana. XRD Analysis report indicates that the sample Shilajatu was Amorphous material. Conclusion: Total yield of Shodhita Shilajatu was 99.6%. The Sample of Shilajatu was found to be Amorphous material in XRD Analysis hence crystal structure was not identified

    Effect of Applied Magnesium on Yield and Quality of Tomato in Alfisols of Karnataka

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    Field experiments were conducted for two years on Alfisols to assess the effect of applied magnesium on fruit yield and quality parameters in tomato. Magnesium was applied at four levels ranging from 0 to 100 kg/ha in the form of MgSO4. Applied Mg significantly enhanced fruit yield up to 50kg /ha during the two years of experimentation. Tomato quality parameters viz., total titrable acidity, content of lycopene, total carotenoids and ascorbic acid differed significantly among treatments. Applied Mg significantly improved quality. Highest lycopene content, carotenoids and ascorbic acid in the fruit was recorded in Recommended Dose of Fertilizers (RDF) + MgSO4 @ 50Kg/ha followed by RDF + MgSO4 @ 75 kg/ha. Lowest values for the above parameters were observed in the treatment receiving RDF alone in both the years

    An experiemental study to evaluate the principle Trini Dravyani Nati Upayunjita w.s.r. to Kshara (Alkali)

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    Background: In Charaka Samhita it has been mentioned that three medicinal substances viz. Pippali (Piper longum), Kshara (alkali) and Lavana (salt) can be used as emergency medicine, but they should not be consumed in excess (Ati Upayunjita). If they are consumed in excess quantity they will cause several adverse effects in the body. Hence in the present study Kshara has been evaluated in experimental animals in two different phases viz. acute administration at graded doses as part of acute toxicity study and sub-acute administration at fixed dose level, as part of sub-acute toxicity study, to assess the possible adverse effects if any. Objectives: To evaluate the acute and sub-acute toxic effect of Kshara in albino rats to establish the principle of Trini Dravyani Nati Upayunjita. Materials and Methods: Wister strain albino rats of either sex weighing between 150 - 200g body weights were used for experimental study. The experiment was carried out as per ‘Ayush Guidelines’ after the IAEC clearance. For Acute Toxicity - 9 Albino rats were used and for Sub-Acute Toxicity - 12 Albino rats were used. The dose calculation was done on the basis of body surface area ratio using the table of ‘Paget and Barnes rule’. Results: In Acute toxicity study no mortality and behavioral changes were observed when the drug Kshara was studied after two dose level i.e. TED X 5 and TED X 10. In Sub-acute study some behavioral changes (including cage side behavior) were observed. No mortality was observed in any of the groups. Discussion: Acute toxicity study of Kshara showed no immediate and evident toxic signs and mortality within 24 hours of observation. In Sub-acute toxicity study in all four groups, no mortality or evident toxic effects were observed, however some mild histopathological changes were observed in sub-acute study
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