8 research outputs found

    Probing quantum transport by engineering correlations in a speckle potential

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    We develop a procedure to modify the correlations of a speckle potential. This procedure, that is suitable for spatial light modulator devices, allows one to increase the localization efficiency of the speckle in a narrow energy region whose position can be easily tuned. This peculiar energy-dependent localization behavior is explored by pulling the potential through a cigar-shaped Bose-Einstein condensate. We show that the percentage of dragged atoms as a function of the pulling velocity depends on the potential correlations below a threshold of the disorder strength. Above this threshold, interference effects are no longer clearly observable during the condensate drag.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, final versio

    Improving the indistinguishability of single photons from an ion-cavity system

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    We investigate two schemes for generating indistinguishable single photons, a key feature of quantum networks, from a trapped ion coupled to an optical cavity. Through selection of the initial state in a cavity-assisted Raman transition, we suppress the detrimental effects of spontaneous emission on the photon's coherence length, measuring a visibility of 81(2)% without subtraction of background counts in a Hong-Ou-Mandel interference measurement, the highest reported for an ion-cavity system. In comparison, a visbility of 50(2)% was measured using a more conventional single photon scheme. We demonstrate through numerical analysis of the single photon generation process that the new scheme produces photons of a given indistinguishability with a greater efficiency than the conventional one. Single photon schemes such as the one demonstrated here have applications in distributed quantum computing and communications, which rely on high fidelity entanglement swapping and state transfer through indistinguishable single photons

    Noise spectroscopy with large clouds of cold atoms

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    Noise measurement is a powerful tool to investigate many phenomena from laser characterization to quantum behavior of light. In this paper, we report on intensity noise measurements obtained when a laser beam is transmitted through a large cloud of cold atoms. While this measurement could possibly investigate complex processes such as the influence of atomic motion, one is first limited by the conversion of the intrinsic laser frequency noise to intensity noise via the atomic resonance. This conversion is studied here in details. We show that, while experimental intensity noise spectra collapse onto the same curve at low Fourier frequencies, some differences appear at higher frequencies when the probe beam is detuned from the center of the resonance line. A simple model, based on a mean-field approach, which corresponds to describing the atomic cloud by a dielectric susceptibility, is sufficient to understand the main features. Using this model, the noise spectra allow extracting some quantitative informations on the laser noise as well as on the atomic sample

    Long-distance single photon transmission from a trapped ion via quantum frequency conversion

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    Trapped atomic ions are ideal single photon emitters with long-lived internal states which can be entangled with emitted photons. Coupling the ion to an optical cavity enables the efficient emission of single photons into a single spatial mode and grants control over their temporal shape. These features are key for quantum information processing and quantum communication. However, the photons emitted by these systems are unsuitable for long-distance transmission due to their wavelengths. Here we report the transmission of single photons from a single 40Ca+ ion coupled to an optical cavity over a 10 km optical fiber via frequency conversion from 866 nm to the telecom C band at 1530 nm. We observe nonclassical photon statistics of the direct cavity emission, the converted photons, and the 10kmtransmitted photons, as well as the preservation of the photons’ temporal shape throughout. This telecommunication-ready system can be a key component for long-distance quantum communication as well as future cloud quantum computation

    Spectroscopie de bruit avec de grands nuages d'atomes froids

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    In this thesis, I present some measurements of fluctuations of light after interaction with a cloud oflaser-cooled rubidium atoms. These measurements can provide useful information on the sourceitself as well as on the medium in which light propagates. I address a particular configuration inwhich intensity noise are measured on a laser beam transmitted through the atomic cloud. Thisgeometry is relevant to investigate different properties, such as the atomic motion. However, in ourexperiment the intrinsic noise of the incident laser has an important contribution to the detected noisespectrum. This technical noise may be hard to distinguish from the signal under study and a goodunderstanding of this process is thus essential.Experimentally, the intensity noise spectra show a different behavior for low and high Fourierfrequencies. Whereas one recovers the "standard" frequency to intensity conversion at lowfrequencies, due to the atomic resonance as a frequency discriminator, some differences appear athigh frequencies. We show that a mean-field approach, which corresponds to describing the atomiccloud by a dielectric susceptibility, is sufficient to explain the observations. Using this model, thenoise spectra allow to extract some quantitative information on the laser noise as well as on theatomic sample. This is known as noise spectroscopy.The perspective of this thesis aims at applying noise measurement to obtain complementarysignatures of the cold-atom random laser by studying the temporal coherence of the emitted light.The manuscript therefore outlines a review on random laser phenomena with a focus on cold-atomrandom lasers and its coherence propertiesNuage d'atomes de rubidium refroidi par laser. Ces mesures fournissent des informations sur la sourceet sur le milieu de propagation. Je considère une configuration particulière en transmission, le laserse propageant au travers du nuage atomique. Cette géométrie est pertinente pour étudier différentespropriétés, comme le mouvement des atomes. Cependant, le bruit intrinsèque du laser a unecontribution importante sur les spectres de bruit. Ce bruit technique peut alors devenir gênant pourextraire le signal étudié et une bonne compréhension du phénomène est donc essentielle.Expérimentalement, les spectres de bruit en intensité montrent un comportement différent auxfréquences basses et hautes. Alors que l'on observe la conversion "standard" du bruit de fréquence enbruit d'intensité pour les fréquences basses, la résonance atomique correspondant à un discriminateurde fréquence, des différences apparaissent à hautes fréquences. Nous montrons qu'une approche dechamp moyen, en associant une susceptibilité électrique au nuage atomique, est suffisante pourexpliquer les observations. Partant de ce modèle, les spectres permettent d'extraire des informationsquantitatives sur le laser et sur le nuage atomique. Ceci est connu sous le nom de spectroscopie debruit.La perspective est d'utiliser ces mesures de bruit afin d'obtenir une signature claire du laser aléatoireà atomes froids en étudiant la cohérence temporelle de la lumière émise. Cette thèse expose unerevue du phénomène de laser aléatoire, en particulier sur le laser à atomes froids et ses propriétés decohérenc

    Noise spectroscopy with large clouds of cold atoms

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    Nuage d'atomes de rubidium refroidi par laser. Ces mesures fournissent des informations sur la sourceet sur le milieu de propagation. Je considère une configuration particulière en transmission, le laserse propageant au travers du nuage atomique. Cette géométrie est pertinente pour étudier différentespropriétés, comme le mouvement des atomes. Cependant, le bruit intrinsèque du laser a unecontribution importante sur les spectres de bruit. Ce bruit technique peut alors devenir gênant pourextraire le signal étudié et une bonne compréhension du phénomène est donc essentielle.Expérimentalement, les spectres de bruit en intensité montrent un comportement différent auxfréquences basses et hautes. Alors que l'on observe la conversion "standard" du bruit de fréquence enbruit d'intensité pour les fréquences basses, la résonance atomique correspondant à un discriminateurde fréquence, des différences apparaissent à hautes fréquences. Nous montrons qu'une approche dechamp moyen, en associant une susceptibilité électrique au nuage atomique, est suffisante pourexpliquer les observations. Partant de ce modèle, les spectres permettent d'extraire des informationsquantitatives sur le laser et sur le nuage atomique. Ceci est connu sous le nom de spectroscopie debruit.La perspective est d'utiliser ces mesures de bruit afin d'obtenir une signature claire du laser aléatoireà atomes froids en étudiant la cohérence temporelle de la lumière émise. Cette thèse expose unerevue du phénomène de laser aléatoire, en particulier sur le laser à atomes froids et ses propriétés decohérenceIn this thesis, I present some measurements of fluctuations of light after interaction with a cloud oflaser-cooled rubidium atoms. These measurements can provide useful information on the sourceitself as well as on the medium in which light propagates. I address a particular configuration inwhich intensity noise are measured on a laser beam transmitted through the atomic cloud. Thisgeometry is relevant to investigate different properties, such as the atomic motion. However, in ourexperiment the intrinsic noise of the incident laser has an important contribution to the detected noisespectrum. This technical noise may be hard to distinguish from the signal under study and a goodunderstanding of this process is thus essential.Experimentally, the intensity noise spectra show a different behavior for low and high Fourierfrequencies. Whereas one recovers the "standard" frequency to intensity conversion at lowfrequencies, due to the atomic resonance as a frequency discriminator, some differences appear athigh frequencies. We show that a mean-field approach, which corresponds to describing the atomiccloud by a dielectric susceptibility, is sufficient to explain the observations. Using this model, thenoise spectra allow to extract some quantitative information on the laser noise as well as on theatomic sample. This is known as noise spectroscopy.The perspective of this thesis aims at applying noise measurement to obtain complementarysignatures of the cold-atom random laser by studying the temporal coherence of the emitted light.The manuscript therefore outlines a review on random laser phenomena with a focus on cold-atomrandom lasers and its coherence propertie