6 research outputs found

    Domestic Varieties

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    Organisaatiomuutos : yksilöistä tiimiksi

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on perehtyä koulutuskuntayhtymä X:n organisaatiomuutoksen tuomaan tiimityöhön. Uusi organisaatio X aloitti itseohjautuvana tiimiorganisaationa 1.1.2021. Entinen asiantuntijaorganisaatio oli esimiesjohtoinen linjaorganisaatio. Perinteiset esimiestehtävät ja vastuut järjesteltiin uudelleen, minkä seurauksena tiimeille siirtyi uusia tehtäviä. Muutoksen jälkeen tiimit ovat vastanneet niin päivittäisestä oppilaitostyöstä kuin toiminnan kehitystyöstä aina päätöksentekoon asti itse. Organisaatiossa toimii opetukseen liittyvät osaamisen tiimit ja palvelutiimit. Tässä työssä keskitymme teorian ja kyselyn osalta tiimiytymisen ensivaiheisiin. Opinnäytetyön tutkimusosuus tehtiin kvalitatiivisena kyselytutkimuksena. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että organisaatio X:n kotitiimit ovat eri kehitysvaiheissa. Tutkimuksen tuloksista nousi esille, että esimiestä tarvittaisiin lähempänä tiimiä ja tiimipäätöksien tukena erityisesti tiimiytymisen alkuvaiheessa. Tiimiroolit eivät ole selviä kaikille vastaajille. Tiimikoulutuksia olisi tarvittu vastaajien mielestä enemmän ja kohdistetummin. Tiimityöskentelytaidot ovat hyvällä tasolla vastaajien mielestä. Dialogin puute näkyy muutamilla vastaajilla osaamattomuutena tiimin keskinäisessä yhteistyössä. Itseohjautuvuus eli yhteisöohjautuvuus terminä on ymmärretty monin eri tavoin. Itseohjautuvuuteen pitäisi saada lisää koulutusta tiimeille. Koetaan, että tiimityöskentely on lisännyt vastuunottoa omasta työstä ja päätöksiä tehdään impulsiivisesti. Koulutuskuntayhtymä X saa tutkimuksesta arvokasta tietoa organisaation henkilöstön koulutukseen ja kehittämiseen tulevaisuudessa.The purpose of this thesis is to examine the teamwork brought about by the organizational change of the Education Consortium X. The new organization X began to function as a self-managing team organization on January 1st, 2021. The former expert organization was a supervisor-led, top-down organization. Traditional managerial roles and responsibilities were reorganized, resulting in new roles for teams. Following the change, the teams have been responsible for both the day-to-day work of the school and the development of activities, including managerial decisions. The organization includes educational competence teams and service teams. In this thesis, the focus is on the first stages of teamwork, in terms of theoretical considerations and survey data. The research part of the thesis was conducted as a qualitative survey study. Based on the study, it can be established that the home teams of organization X are at differing stages of development. The results of the study show that a supervisor would be needed to work more closely with the teams, and provide support for team decisions, especially in the early stages of teamworking. Team roles are not clear to all respondents. According to the respondents, the teams would have required more teamwork training and the training should have been targeted better. Respondents report a good level of teamworking skills. The reported lack of dialogue is seen by a few respondents as lack of competence in team collaboration. The term self-management, or community-orientation, has been understood in various ways. It can be concluded that more training for self-guidance should be provided for the teams. It is felt that teamwork has increased responsibility for one's own work and decisions are made impulsively. The consortium X will be provided valuable information for the training and development of the organization’s staff for the future

    Quantitative analysis of feedstock structural properties can help to produce willow biochar with homogenous pore system

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    Novel bioeconomic approaches call for increasingly faster production of lignocellulosic biomass and its bettertailored use for higher added value. The high-yield capacity and structural properties of willows (Salix spp.) suggest their excellent potential for the production of designed biochar for use in agronomic, electronic and technical applications. All these applications rely on the internal pore structure of biochar. However, we lack an in-depth quantitative understanding of the interlinkages between the feedstock properties and the physical quality of the biochar produced. We studied quantitatively how the clonal and within-plant properties of five different willow clones (hybrids of Salix schwerinii E.L. Wolf) affected the micrometre-scale pore properties of the produced biochars (pyrolyzed at + 462 ?C). The porosity and pore size distribution were analysed before and after slow pyrolysis by X-ray microtomography and image analysis. We also studied the potential of conventional low-cost fibre analysis techniques to be used to predict biochar pore properties directly from fresh feedstock. The total porosity (0.55?0.62) and the pore size distribution of willow wood and derived biochars varied between clones. Approximately two-thirds of the biochar total porosity was associated with pores formed by wood fibres. Pyrolysis levelled off the structural variation detected between and within the clones. Pyrolysis-induced shrinkage reduced the pore sizes and narrowed the pore size distribution. The results suggest that conventional fibre analysis techniques could be utilized to predict biochar homogeneity. Short rotation coppice willows are suitable feedstock to produce homogenous biochar precursor for production of bio-based carbon materials to be used in high value-added technical applications. The structural homogeneity of the feedstock and produced biochar can be enhanced by selecting proper harvesting strategy and clones used in plantations. From the industrial perspective, comprehensive understanding of feedstock properties helps to control quality of the produced biochar.Peer reviewe