14 research outputs found

    Вдосконалення способу оцінки та коректування зрівноваження приводів штангових свердловинних насосних установок

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    In order to reduce the impact of uneven load on the operation of drives at downhole sucker rod pumping units, it has been proposed, based on the results of this study, to apply an improved technique for estimating and adjusting their counterbalancing. The technique implies determining the required position of crank counterweights based on dependences of change in the active power and the rotation speed of the motor shaft. The experimental research aimed to derive the aforementioned dependences was carried out by using a portable information-measuring complex. Its operation is based on the technology of virtual instruments, methods of digital signal processing, and graphical programming of algorithms for applied software. According to the proposed technique, the optimal position of crank counterweights is determined based on the condition for the equality of maxima of the cumulative torque at the output shaft of the reduction gear. In this case, the diagram of change in the momentum of forces of useful resistance is the difference between the combined torque at the output shaft of the reduction gear, obtained as a result of this research, and a momentum from the crank and counterweights. A possibility to implement the improved technique for adjusting the equilibration of drives was confirmed, with a sufficient accuracy, by results from the repeated wattmeter measurement, performed upon repositioning the crank loads in accordance with the devised recommendations. It has been substantiated that a sufficient accuracy of parameters controlled in order to implement the technique could be achieved under condition that the crank turning angle between measurement points ranges from 5° to 1°. Introduction of the technique would make it possible to minimize the time required for the implementation of the balancing process and to reduce the impact of uneven load on the drive’s operationС целью уменьшения влияния неравномерности нагрузки на работу приводов штанговых скважинных насосных установок по результатам проведенных исследований предложено усовершенствованный способ оценки и корректировки их уравновешивания. Способ предусматривает определение требуемого положения кривошипных противовесов на основе зависимостей изменения активной мощности и скорости вращения вала двигателя. Экспериментальные исследования для получения упомянутых зависимостей проведены с помощью портативного информационно-измерительного комплекса. Его работа основывается на технологии виртуальных приборов, методах цифровой обработки сигналов и графическом программировании алгоритмов прикладных программ. Согласно предлагаемому способу оптимальное местоположение кривошипных противовесов определяется из условия равенства максимумов сводного крутящего момента на выходном валу редуктора. При этом график изменения момента сил полезного сопротивления является разницей сводного крутящего момент на выходном валу редуктора, полученного по результатам исследований, и момента от кривошипа и противовесов. Возможность использования усовершенствованного способа для корректировки уравновешенности поводов с достаточным для этого точностью подтверждено результатами повторного ватметрирования, выполненного после изменения положения кривошипных грузов в соответствии с сформированными рекомендациями. Обосновано, что достаточная точность контролируемых для реализации способа параметров будет достигнута при условии обеспечения угла поворота кривошипа между точками измерения от 5° до 1°. Внедрение способа позволяет минимизировать затраты времени на реализацию процесса уравновешивания и обеспечить снижение влияния неравномерности нагрузки на работу приводаЗ метою зменшення впливу нерівномірності навантаження на роботу приводів штангових свердловинних насосних установок за результатами проведених досліджень запропоновано вдосконалений спосіб оцінки та коректування зрівноваження. Спосіб передбачає визначення необхідного положення кривошипних противаг на основі залежностей зміни активної потужності та швидкості обертання вала двигуна. Експериментальні дослідження для отримання згаданих залежностей проведені за допомогою портативного інформаційно-вимірювального комплексу. Його робота ґрунтується на технології віртуальних приладів, методах цифрової обробки сигналів і графічному програмуванні алгоритмів прикладних програм. Відповідно до пропонованого способу оптимальне місце розташування кривошипних противаг визначається з умови рівності максимумів зведеного крутного моменту на вихідному валу редуктора. При цьому графік зміни моменту сил корисного опору є різницею зведеного крутного момент на вихідному валу редуктора, отриманого за результатами досліджень, і моменту від кривошипа та противаг. Можливість використання вдосконаленого способу для коректування зрівноваженості приводів із достатньою для цього точністю підтверджено результатами повторного ватметрування, виконаного після зміни положення кривошипних вантажів відповідно до сформованих рекомендацій. Обґрунтовано, що достатня точність контрольованих для реалізації способу параметрів досягається за умови забезпечення кута повороту кривошипа між точками вимірювання від 5° до 1°. Впровадження способу дозволяє мінімізувати затрати часу на реалізацію процесу зрівноваження та забезпечити зниження впливу нерівномірності навантаження на роботу привод

    Fabrication of Metal Nanoparticle Arrays in the ZrO 2

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    The single sheet arrays of Au nanoparticles (NPs) embedded into the ZrO2(Y), HfO2(Y), and GeOx (x≈2) films have been fabricated by the alternating deposition of the nanometer-thick dielectric and metal films using Magnetron Sputtering followed by annealing. The structure and optical properties of the NP arrays have been studied, subject to the fabrication technology parameters. The possibility of fabricating dense single sheet Au NP arrays in the matrices listed above with controlled NP sizes (within 1 to 3 nm) and surface density has been demonstrated. A red shift of the plasmonic optical absorption peak in the optical transmission spectra of the nanocomposite films (in the wavelength band of 500 to 650 nm) has been observed. The effect was attributed to the excitation of the collective surface plasmon-polaritons in the dense Au NP arrays. The nanocomposite films fabricated in the present study can find various applications in nanoelectronics (e.g., single electronics, nonvolatile memory devices), integrated optics, and plasmonics

    Numerical investigation of a moisture wave-type vane separator

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    This study aims to determine the appropriate method for modeling separation processes in wave-type moisture vane separators and to analyze possible design improvements of the typical wave-type vane separator using numerical simulation methods. It discusses conditions of the secondary droplets generation phenomena. The applicability of the particle transport method for modeling the working process in wave-type vane separators is confirmed. The study explores the water droplets distribution pattern in the dispersed two-phase flow of a separator. A numerical study of the workflow in the typical steam-water separator with wave-type vanes was carried out. A dispersed two-phase flow in a separator is modelled as two separate flows. Dry saturated steam is considered as a continuous medium using the Euler method; the liquid phase is represented as a stream of water droplets described by the Lagrange method. Authors propose an option of modernization of the separator design applying three drainage channels on the path of small droplets

    Cooling of a battery pack of a car, working on renewable energy

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    The aim of the work is to choose a method of a solar car battery cooling. The student engineering team of Peter the Great Petersburg Polytechnic University designs the car. The analysis of the electrical circuit of the battery is carried out, the heat release is estimated due to three factors. According to the conditions of reliable operation of the battery, it is necessary to maintain its temperature range below 45°C, which requires cooling. The paper analyzes the possibilities of liquid, air-cooling, compares the free and forced methods of convective heat transfer. For the normal operating mode of the electric vehicle, environmental temperature at the level up to 38°C, a criterion thermal engineering calculation of the forced air-cooling of the corridor assembly of 405 battery cells providing the required heat dissipation is performed. It is shown that relatively high values of the heat transfer coefficient are provided under turbulent flow conditions characterized by Reynolds criteria above 103. On the basis of an analysis of the steady-state stationary heat-removal regime, it was concluded that an air flow provides a temperature gradient, sufficient for cooling the lithium-ion battery of a Solar Car «Polytech Solar»

    Cooling of a battery pack of a car, working on renewable energy

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    The aim of the work is to choose a method of a solar car battery cooling. The student engineering team of Peter the Great Petersburg Polytechnic University designs the car. The analysis of the electrical circuit of the battery is carried out, the heat release is estimated due to three factors. According to the conditions of reliable operation of the battery, it is necessary to maintain its temperature range below 45°C, which requires cooling. The paper analyzes the possibilities of liquid, air-cooling, compares the free and forced methods of convective heat transfer. For the normal operating mode of the electric vehicle, environmental temperature at the level up to 38°C, a criterion thermal engineering calculation of the forced air-cooling of the corridor assembly of 405 battery cells providing the required heat dissipation is performed. It is shown that relatively high values of the heat transfer coefficient are provided under turbulent flow conditions characterized by Reynolds criteria above 103. On the basis of an analysis of the steady-state stationary heat-removal regime, it was concluded that an air flow provides a temperature gradient, sufficient for cooling the lithium-ion battery of a Solar Car «Polytech Solar»

    The new ways to increase the efficiency of thermal hydraulic processes in systems of separation and reheating of NPP wet steam turbines

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    Systems of moisture separators - reheaters (SMSR) were created simultaneously with the powerful turbines development of nuclear power plants operating on a wet steam from the early 60s of the 20th century. This lengthy experience made the opportunity to identify the moisture separators - reheaters (MSRs) drawbacks, to determine the objectives for their design and computation improvement in order to increase thermodynamic efficiency, MSR devices and MSR systems reliability in general. Based on maintenance experience and results of our and other researchers’ model and field studies this article discusses potential ways of further development and improvement, taking into consideration both SMSR components (separation and reheating) under conditions of their flow in one apparatus

    Russian and foreign steam generators for NPP power units with wet steam turbines

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    The main aim of the current study is to analyze advantages and shortcomings of horizontal and vertical types of steam generator design. Design solutions and experience of operation of steam generators of horizontal type accepted in Russia and of vertical type applied by Westinghouse, Combustion Engineering, Siemens, Mitsubishi, Doosan were analyzed within the framework of the present study. It was established that steam generator equipment of horizontal type is characterized by disadvantages of design, technological and operational nature. Thus, horizontal steam generators with dimensions permissible for railroad transportation and, for VVER-1200 with reactor vessel diameter equal to 5 m, by water transport as well, have exhausted the possibilities for further significant increase of the per unit electric power. The demonstrated advantages of vertical-type steam generators are as follows: 1) absence of stagnant zones within the second cooling circuit; 2) uniformity of heat absorption efficiency of the heating surface that ensures improved conditions for moisture separation; 3) increased temperature drop with parameters of generated steam elevated by 0.3 – 0.4 MPa. Conclusion was made on the advisability of introduction of steam generators with vertical-type layout in the Russian nuclear power generation

    Mathematical modeling of the temperature regime in industrial premises

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    Comfortable temperature conditions in any room are provided by heating systems, thermal insulation properties of enclosing structures, external environmental conditions. Practical experience, literature analysis show that the existing temperature control systems in industrial premises have disadvantages. Eliminating is possible by using a multi-circuit functional control structure, allowing to reduce the inertia of the temperature control system by taking into account the outdoor temperature, the influence of natural light on the temperature inside the production facility. For its operation, a practically oriented mathematical model is needed, which allows taking into account the influence of a large number of external factors on the temperature regime with minimal delay. A mathematical model has been developed for use as a program in industrial electronics devices for predicting, correcting the temperature field, regulating the temperature regime in the production areas of a room at any point. Based on experimental data, the analysis of the results of the adequacy of the mathematical model shows that the temperature values obtained by the mathematical model of forecasting, correction of the temperature regime fall within the confidence interval and are within the standard deviation. The mechanism of technical implementation is proposed and the prospects of its use are shown

    Crystal Chemistry and Structural Complexity of Natural and Synthetic Uranyl Selenites

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    Comparison of the natural and synthetic phases allows an overview to be made and even an understanding of the crystal growth processes and mechanisms of the particular crystal structure formation. Thus, in this work, we review the crystal chemistry of the family of uranyl selenite compounds, paying special attention to the pathways of synthesis and topological analysis of the known crystal structures. Comparison of the isotypic natural and synthetic uranyl-bearing compounds suggests that uranyl selenite mineral formation requires heating, which most likely can be attributed to the radioactive decay. Structural complexity studies revealed that the majority of synthetic compounds have the topological symmetry of uranyl selenite building blocks equal to the structural symmetry, which means that the highest symmetry of uranyl complexes is preserved regardless of the interstitial filling of the structures. Whereas the real symmetry of U-Se complexes in the structures of minerals is lower than their topological symmetry, which means that interstitial cations and H2O molecules significantly affect the structural architecture of natural compounds. At the same time, structural complexity parameters for the whole structure are usually higher for the minerals than those for the synthetic compounds of a similar or close organization, which probably indicates the preferred existence of such natural-born architectures. In addition, the reexamination of the crystal structures of two uranyl selenite minerals guilleminite and demesmaekerite is reported. As a result of the single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis of demesmaekerite, Pb2Cu5[(UO2)2(SeO3)6(OH)6](H2O)2, the H atoms positions belonging to the interstitial H2O molecules were assigned. The refinement of the guilleminite crystal structure allowed the determination of an additional site arranged within the void of the interlayer space and occupied by an H2O molecule, which suggests the formula of guilleminite to be written as Ba[(UO2)3(SeO3)2O2](H2O)4 instead of Ba[(UO2)3(SeO3)2O2](H2O)3

    Improving a Technique for the Estimation and Adjustment of Counterbalance of Sucker-rod Pumping Units' Drives

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    In order to reduce the impact of uneven load on the operation of drives at downhole sucker rod pumping units, it has been proposed, based on the results of this study, to apply an improved technique for estimating and adjusting their counterbalancing. The technique implies determining the required position of crank counterweights based on dependences of change in the active power and the rotation speed of the motor shaft. The experimental research aimed to derive the aforementioned dependences was carried out by using a portable information-measuring complex. Its operation is based on the technology of virtual instruments, methods of digital signal processing, and graphical programming of algorithms for applied software. According to the proposed technique, the optimal position of crank counterweights is determined based on the condition for the equality of maxima of the cumulative torque at the output shaft of the reduction gear. In this case, the diagram of change in the momentum of forces of useful resistance is the difference between the combined torque at the output shaft of the reduction gear, obtained as a result of this research, and a momentum from the crank and counterweights. A possibility to implement the improved technique for adjusting the equilibration of drives was confirmed, with a sufficient accuracy, by results from the repeated wattmeter measurement, performed upon repositioning the crank loads in accordance with the devised recommendations. It has been substantiated that a sufficient accuracy of parameters controlled in order to implement the technique could be achieved under condition that the crank turning angle between measurement points ranges from 5° to 1°. Introduction of the technique would make it possible to minimize the time required for the implementation of the balancing process and to reduce the impact of uneven load on the drive's operatio