603 research outputs found

    How Female Education Reduces Fertility: Models and Needed Research

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    A Global Air Cargo-Industrial Complex for North Carolina

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    Transportation accessibility and changes in transportation technology have always been paramount to community economic development. America's first great commercial centers developed around seaports. Next came riverine and canal-linked cities that formed the backbone of America's industrial revolution. Railroads fostered the third wave of state and local economic development, opening up America's land-locked interior to manufacturing and trade. Major centers of goods processing and distribution emerged at rail hubs, generating massive numbers of jobs and commercial activity at these terminal and break-in-bulk points. In fact, the contemporary South's largest commercial center, Atlanta, developed as a railway hub and was initially known as Terminus. The fourth wave of economic development was spawned by highways and the shift to cars and trucks to move people and goods. With the introduction of freeways, beltways, expressways and interstate highways, massive deconcentration of economic activity commenced. Major suburban commercial centers developed and previously inaccessible rural communities along the interstates had new economic life pumped into them, while those that remained isolated stagnated. We are now entering the fifth, and perhaps most opportune, economic era where international markets and international sourcing will play increasingly dominant roles, and speed will become a critical competitive factor. This new era is being ushered in by three irreversible forces of immense significance: the globalization of economic transactions; fundamental changes in manufacturing methods from producing large, uniform batches to making customized goods on short notice and to just-in-time processes that substantially cut production and delivery cycles to minimize inventory costs; and a growing requirement of business to ship products by air rather than by surface. The combined thrust of these interacting forces is creating an entirely new economy where aviation and airports will ultimately supplant seaports, rail and highway systems as the primary job and wealth generators for states and localities. North Carolina's ability to maximize indigenous commercial growth, expand exports, and attract major investment from around the country and the world will require an understanding of the new global economy and the forces creating it. Competitive success will also require vision and pro-action regarding the pivotal role aviation will play. After briefly describing the forces shaping the new economy, this article describes the concept of a global air cargo-industrial complex that would exploit these forces to provide North Carolina with an edge in capturing a disproportionate share of the nation's future economic development

    A Profile of Immigrants in Arkansas

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    Discusses key demographic trends, economic factors, and public policy issues associated with immigrants in Arkansas, which has the fourth-fastest-growing immigrant population in the nation

    Monitoring international migration flows in Europe. Towards a statistical data base combining data from different sources

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    The paper reviews techniques developed in demography, geography and statistics that are useful for bridging the gap between available data on international migration flows and the information required for policy making and research. The basic idea of the paper is as follows: to establish a coherent and consistent data base that contains sufficiently detailed, up-to-date and accurate information, data from several sources should be combined. That raises issues of definition and measurement, and of how to combine data from different origins properly. The issues may be tackled more easily if the statistics that are being compiled are viewed as different outcomes or manifestations of underlying stochastic processes governing migration. The link between the processes and their outcomes is described by models, the parameters of which must be estimated from the available data. That may be done within the context of socio-demographic accounting. The paper discusses the experience of the U.S. Bureau of the Census in combining migration data from several sources. It also summarizes the many efforts in Europe to establish a coherent and consistent data base on international migration. The paper was written at IIASA. It is part of the Migration Estimation Study, which is a collaborative IIASA-University of Groningen project, funded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). The project aims at developing techniques to obtain improved estimates of international migration flows by country of origin and country of destination

    Back to basics in the marketing of place: the impact of litter upon place attitudes

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    YesAttempts to apply marketing theory and principles to place have become a legitimate area of academic and 'real world' practice. However, place marketing does not typically incorporate all elements of the traditional 7 Ps, focusing far too often on just one of these - promotion. Besides this rather myopic approach, place marketing suffers from an overly strategic view of the world that ignores the meaning and lived experience of places to individuals, especially residents. The purpose of this article is twofold - first, we investigate the impact of litter on place attitudes. Litter is a common, but negative, element of place, which is intimately connected to the lived experience of a place but typically far removed from the positive promotional activity favoured by place marketing efforts and the study thereof. In this sense, the article reframes place marketing from a strategic to a micro-marketing endeavour. We found that exposing respondents to litter significantly lowers their place attitudes. Our second contribution is to demonstrate the relevance of classic marketing research approaches, such as attitudinal measures, to investigate litter and its impact on place evaluations, through quasi-experimental design (with 662 respondents). Through this, we extend the range of theory and method applied in place marketing - away from controllable promotional endeavours investigated through case-studies to a more holistic and robust interpretation of place marketing, which has a measurable impact upon the places where people live and visit

    Wheat Seed Proteins: Factors Influencing Their Content, Composition, and Technological Properties, and Strategies to Reduce Adverse Reactions

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    Wheat is the primary source of nutrition for many, especially those living in developing countries, and wheat proteins are among the most widely consumed dietary proteins in the world. However, concerns about disorders related to the consumption of wheat and/or wheat gluten proteins have increased sharply in the last 20 years. This review focuses on wheat gluten proteins and amylase trypsin inhibitors, which are considered to be responsible for eliciting most of the intestinal and extraintestinal symptoms experienced by susceptible individuals. Although several approaches have been proposed to reduce the exposure to gluten or immunogenic peptides resulting from its digestion, none have proven sufficiently effective for general use in coeliac-safe diets. Potential approaches to manipulate the content, composition, and technological properties of wheat proteins are therefore discussed, as well as the effects of using gluten isolates in various food systems. Finally, some aspects of the use of gluten-free commodities are discussed

    The Concentration of Affluence in the United States, 1990

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    The author examines the concentration of affluent households in affluent neighborhoods in U.S. metropolitan areas in 1990. The rate of concentrated affluence, the percentage of affluent households living in affluent neighborhoods, is considered for the total population and separately for blacks and whites. Also, differences in the rate of concentrated affluence between blacks and whites are explored. Models of concentrated affluence that incorporate variables suggested by the literature on economic restructuring in the late twentieth century and by the literature on racial differences in the residential return to individual resources are developed and tested. In general, variables measuring industry/occupation employment mix influence the rate of concentrated affluence mainly through the levels of income they generate. Racial differences in the rate of concentrated affluence are influenced more by income differences between blacks and whites than by residential segregation.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    N-terminal amino acid sequences of chloroform/methanol-soluble proteins and albumins from endosperms of wheat, barley and related species: Homology with inhibitors of α-amylase and trypsin and with 2 S storage globulins

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    The N-terminal amino acid sequences of two chloroform/methanol soluble globulins from barley and one form wheat are reported. They are homologous with N-terminal sequences previously reported for α-amylase and trypsin inhibitors from cereals and 2 S storage proteins from castor bean and rape. Three albumins were also purified from Aegilops squarrosa and Triticum monococcum. These had N-terminal amino acid sequences most closely related to the α-amylase and trypsin inhibitors. The relationships of this superfamily of seed proteins are discussed

    Obesity, physical activity, and the urban environment: public health research needs

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    Persistent trends in overweight and obesity have resulted in a rapid research effort focused on built environment, physical activity, and overweight. Much of the focus of this research has been on the design and form of suburbs. It suggests that several features of the suburban built environment such as low densities, poor street connectivity and the lack of sidewalks are associated with decreased physical activity and an increased risk of being overweight. But compared to suburban residents, inner city populations have higher rates of obesity and inactivity despite living in neighborhoods that are dense, have excellent street connectivity and who's streets are almost universally lined with sidewalks. We suggest that the reasons for this apparent paradox are rooted in the complex interaction of land use, infrastructure and social factors affecting inner city populations. Sometimes seemingly similar features are the result of very different processes, necessitating different policy responses to meet these challenges. For example, in suburbs, lower densities can result from government decision making that leads to restrictive zoning and land use issues. In the inner city, densities may be lowered because of abandonment and disinvestment. In the suburbs, changes in land use regulations could result in a healthier built environment. In inner cities, increasing densities will depend on reversing economic trends and investment decisions that have systematically resulted in distressed housing, abandoned buildings and vacant lots. These varying issues need to be further studied in the context of the totality of urban environments, incorporating what has been learned from other disciplines, such as economics and sociology, as well as highlighting some of the more successful inner city policy interventions, which may provide examples for communities working to improve their health. Certain disparities among urban and suburban populations in obesity and overweight, physical activity and research focus have emerged that are timely to address. Comparable research on the relationship of built environment and health is needed for urban, especially inner city, neighborhoods

    Role of Conserved Non-Coding Regulatory Elements in LMW Glutenin Gene Expression

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    Transcriptional regulation of LMW glutenin genes were investigated in-silico, using publicly available gene sequences and expression data. Genes were grouped into different LMW glutenin types and their promoter profiles were determined using cis-acting regulatory elements databases and published results. The various cis-acting elements belong to some conserved non-coding regulatory regions (CREs) and might act in two different ways. There are elements, such as GCN4 motifs found in the long endosperm box that could serve as key factors in tissue-specific expression. Some other elements, such as the AACA/TA motifs or the individual prolamin box variants, might modulate the level of expression. Based on the promoter sequences and expression characteristic LMW glutenin genes might be transcribed following two different mechanisms. Most of the s- and i-type genes show a continuously increasing expression pattern. The m-type genes, however, demonstrate normal distribution in their expression profiles. Differences observed in their expression could be related to the differences found in their promoter sequences. Polymorphisms in the number and combination of cis-acting elements in their promoter regions can be of crucial importance in the diverse levels of production of single LMW glutenin gene types