10 research outputs found

    Yerel yönetimlerde politik yozlaşma ve toplumsal maliyeti

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    Demokrasilerde yerel yönetimler demokratik yaşamın vazgeçilmez öğelerinden biri olarak görülmektedir. Temsili demokrasilerde karar alma sürecini politikacılar, seçmenler ve bürokratlar oluşturmaktadır. Yozlaşma ise bu karar alma sürecinde kamu aleyhine özel çıkar sağlama sürecini ifade etmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, yerel yönetim birimlerinin karar alma sürecinde kişisel çıkar sağlamak amacıyla politik aktörler (politikacılar, seçmenler, çıkar gurupları,bürokratlar) tarafından, mevcut hukuki, ahlaki ve diğer normların ihlal edilmesini kapsayan politik yozlaşmayı ve topluma maliyetini ortaya koymaktır. Günümüzde birçok ülkede olduğu gibi ülkemizde de merkezi hükümette ve yerel yönetimlerde kuraldışı uygulamalar yasal düzenlemelerin yerini almıştır. Bu durum toplumların karşı karşıya olduğu siyasal ekonomik ve sosyal bir hastalıktır. Politik aktörler bu süreçte yozlaşma ağının bir parçası olarak hareket etmektedir. Sonuçta karar alma sürecinin siyasi, ekonomik, ve sosyal sebeplerle çıkar amaçlı olarak işlemesi, toplumda yolsuzluk faaliyetlerini rant kollama faaliyetlerini yaygınlaştırmakta her türlü yolsuzluğun ahlaksızlık sayılmadığı bir anlayış topluma egemen olmaktadır. Yerel halkın yaşam standardı ve yaşam kalitesi düşmekte. Bunun dışında yerel yönetimlerdeki politik yozlaşma, yerel halka birçok siyasi, sosyal, ekonomik ve ahlaki maliyet yüklemektedir. Günümüzde yerel yönetim birimlerinde özellikle belediyelerde yolsuzluk, rüşvet, kayırmacılık, ranta dayalı kent toprağının kullanımı, rant kollama, çıkar amaçlı görevi kötüye kullanama, plansız borçlanarak geleceği ipotek altına alama, her türlü kaynak israfı yaygın olarak görülmektedir. Yerel yönetimlerin mevcut konumu, halkın yerel demokrasi bilinci, yozlaşmayı önleyecek düzenlemeler göz ardı edilerek gerçekleştirilecek reform çalışmaları yerel yönetimleri yolsuzluğun ve kaynak israfının odağına itecektir. Bu çalışma, yerel yönetimlere daha fazla yetki, daha fazla kaynak söylemelerinin çok yaygın olduğu günümüzde aykırı görüş olarak, yerel yönetimlere yetki ve kaynak devrinin yerel katılım ve yerel demokrasi bilincinin gelişmesine, ekonomik kalkınmanın sağlanmasına, tüm ülke genelinde herkesin kabul ettiği asgari ahlaki değerlerin sağlanmasına, hukuk devleti anlayışının oluşmasına paralel olarak gerçekleştirilmesi gerektiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Local administrations are regarded as one of the main items in democracies.In represantative democracies ,politicians,voters and bureaucrats determine the period of taking decisions.But Corroption means providing private interests against public interests.The aim of this study is to reveal the political corroption which consists breaking the available juridical,moral and other norms by political actors (politicians,voters,illegal groups,bureaucrats)aiming to provide private interest during the local administrations' process of taking decisions. Today,in our country illegal applications in local administrations and central government replace the legal arrangements as in many other countries. This situation is a political,economic and social illness societies face.In this process political actors act as part of corroption. As a result, the process of taking decision depends on economic,political,and social reasons,and thus gives rise to private interest through corroption rent seeking facilities in society and a perception that every kind of degeneration is not considered as dishonest dominates the society.The living standards and quality of public is on decrease.Apart from that, political degeneration in local administrations puts a heavy political,social and economic burden on public Nowadays, in local administrations, particularly in municipalities,misuse of authority, bribery, privilege ,using local land for private interest, rent seeking unplanned debt causing future mortgage,extreme consumption of resources are widespread.The present situation of the local administration, public's conciousness of local democracy, arrangements preventing degeneration , reformations attempts that will be achieved by ignoring corroption arrangements will push the local administrations to the core of corroption and waste of resources. This study -against the idea that more authority and resources should be given to local administarations as many say- states that more authority and finance should be paralell with the improvements of public's democracy concious, economic development, common virtue accepted by the majority of the public and the idea of lawful states

    Yerel yönetimlerde politik yozlaşma ve toplumsal maliyeti

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    Demokrasilerde yerel yönetimler demokratik yaşamın vazgeçilmez öğelerinden biri olarak görülmektedir. Temsili demokrasilerde karar alma sürecini politikacılar, seçmenler ve bürokratlar oluşturmaktadır. Yozlaşma ise bu karar alma sürecinde kamu aleyhine özel çıkar sağlama sürecini ifade etmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, yerel yönetim birimlerinin karar alma sürecinde kişisel çıkar sağlamak amacıyla politik aktörler (politikacılar, seçmenler, çıkar gurupları,bürokratlar) tarafından, mevcut hukuki, ahlaki ve diğer normların ihlal edilmesini kapsayan politik yozlaşmayı ve topluma maliyetini ortaya koymaktır. Günümüzde birçok ülkede olduğu gibi ülkemizde de merkezi hükümette ve yerel yönetimlerde kuraldışı uygulamalar yasal düzenlemelerin yerini almıştır. Bu durum toplumların karşı karşıya olduğu siyasal ekonomik ve sosyal bir hastalıktır. Politik aktörler bu süreçte yozlaşma ağının bir parçası olarak hareket etmektedir. Sonuçta karar alma sürecinin siyasi, ekonomik, ve sosyal sebeplerle çıkar amaçlı olarak işlemesi, toplumda yolsuzluk faaliyetlerini rant kollama faaliyetlerini yaygınlaştırmakta her türlü yolsuzluğun ahlaksızlık sayılmadığı bir anlayış topluma egemen olmaktadır. Yerel halkın yaşam standardı ve yaşam kalitesi düşmekte. Bunun dışında yerel yönetimlerdeki politik yozlaşma, yerel halka birçok siyasi, sosyal, ekonomik ve ahlaki maliyet yüklemektedir. Günümüzde yerel yönetim birimlerinde özellikle belediyelerde yolsuzluk, rüşvet, kayırmacılık, ranta dayalı kent toprağının kullanımı, rant kollama, çıkar amaçlı görevi kötüye kullanama, plansız borçlanarak geleceği ipotek altına alama, her türlü kaynak israfı yaygın olarak görülmektedir. Yerel yönetimlerin mevcut konumu, halkın yerel demokrasi bilinci, yozlaşmayı önleyecek düzenlemeler göz ardı edilerek gerçekleştirilecek reform çalışmaları yerel yönetimleri yolsuzluğun ve kaynak israfının odağına itecektir. Bu çalışma, yerel yönetimlere daha fazla yetki, daha fazla kaynak söylemelerinin çok yaygın olduğu günümüzde aykırı görüş olarak, yerel yönetimlere yetki ve kaynak devrinin yerel katılım ve yerel demokrasi bilincinin gelişmesine, ekonomik kalkınmanın sağlanmasına, tüm ülke genelinde herkesin kabul ettiği asgari ahlaki değerlerin sağlanmasına, hukuk devleti anlayışının oluşmasına paralel olarak gerçekleştirilmesi gerektiğini ortaya koymaktadır. Local administrations are regarded as one of the main items in democracies.In represantative democracies ,politicians,voters and bureaucrats determine the period of taking decisions.But Corroption means providing private interests against public interests.The aim of this study is to reveal the political corroption which consists breaking the available juridical,moral and other norms by political actors (politicians,voters,illegal groups,bureaucrats)aiming to provide private interest during the local administrations' process of taking decisions. Today,in our country illegal applications in local administrations and central government replace the legal arrangements as in many other countries. This situation is a political,economic and social illness societies face.In this process political actors act as part of corroption. As a result, the process of taking decision depends on economic,political,and social reasons,and thus gives rise to private interest through corroption rent seeking facilities in society and a perception that every kind of degeneration is not considered as dishonest dominates the society.The living standards and quality of public is on decrease.Apart from that, political degeneration in local administrations puts a heavy political,social and economic burden on public Nowadays, in local administrations, particularly in municipalities,misuse of authority, bribery, privilege ,using local land for private interest, rent seeking unplanned debt causing future mortgage,extreme consumption of resources are widespread.The present situation of the local administration, public's conciousness of local democracy, arrangements preventing degeneration , reformations attempts that will be achieved by ignoring corroption arrangements will push the local administrations to the core of corroption and waste of resources. This study -against the idea that more authority and resources should be given to local administarations as many say- states that more authority and finance should be paralell with the improvements of public's democracy concious, economic development, common virtue accepted by the majority of the public and the idea of lawful states

    Childhood horse and donkey bites; a single tertiary health center experience in a rural area

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    Background: The aim of this study was to examine the characteristics of patients presenting to a pediatric emergency department in a rural province of Turkey due to horse and donkey bites and to analyze whether these features differ from those of more common animal bites in rural areas. Materials and Methods: The records of patients presenting to the pediatric emergency department of a tertiary hospital due to horse and donkey bites over a 3-year period were examined retrospectively. Demographic data, month of presentation, animal species involved (horse or donkey), the body area bitten, treatment applied to the wound site, whether tetanus and rabies vaccinations were administered, and whether or not antibiotics were prescribed on discharge from the emergency department were recorded from these files. Results: The annual incidence of horse and donkey bites was determined as 7.8/100,000. Thirty-six patients, 24 (66.7%) boys and 12 (33.3%) girls, with a mean age of 95.6 ± 33.9 (48–190) months, were included in the study. Twenty-six patients (72.2%) were bitten by donkeys, and 10 (27.8%) by horses. Bites were most common in September (30.6%). The most commonly bitten areas were the back and/or upper extremities. Rabies vaccination was administered in all cases. Amoxicillin–clavulanic acid was prescribed in 28 (77.8%) cases. Conclusion: Horse and donkey bites are frequently observed in rural areas. The inhabitants of such areas should therefore be educated concerning horse and donkey bites. Health workers encountering such bites should behave in the same way as in more common animal bites in terms of patient management. Our results will be instructive for other developing countries similar to Turkey

    Conservative treatment of achilles tendinosis, and importance of ultrasonography in the follow-up : a case report

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    Aşil tendinopatileri, sıklıkla tendona aşırı yüklenme sonucu gelişen ağrılı bir durumdur. Etyolojisinde tendon iskemisi, mikro yırtıklar, metabolik faktörler gibi birçok etken rol alır. Aşil tendonunda vaskülaritenin az olduğu non-insersiyonel tendon bölgesi, tendinopatinin sık geliştiği bir lokalizasyondur. Bu yazıda 57 yaşında, sağ topuk arkasında ağrı ve şişlik olan bir olguyu sunarak hastalığın tedavisi ve tedavi yanıtını izlemede ultrasonografnin önemini tartıştık. (Türk Osteoporoz Dergisi 2015;21: 37-9)Achilles tendinopathy is a painful condition that often develops as a result of overloading to tendon. There are many factors in etiology like tendon ischemia, micro-tears and metabolic events. Non-insertional tendon region of the Achilles tendon that has poor vascularity is a common localization for tendinopathy. In this paper, we presented a 55 year old man, who had pain and swelling in the right heel and we discussed the importance of ultrasound. (Turkish Journal of Osteoporosis 2015;21: 37-9

    Strontium chloride hexahydrate as a candidate molecule for long-term treatment of allergic rhinitis

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    Background & objectives: Neurogenic inflammation plays a role in the pathophysiology of allergic rhinitis (AR). Strontium salts are highly effective in reducing the sensory irritation. This study was aimed to investigate the efficacy of strontium chloride (SC) on AR symptoms based on the duration of SC use before the symptoms begin. Methods: Wistar albino rats (n=18) were randomly divided into three groups: Group 1, received 1μg mometasone furoate (MF); Group 2, three per cent SC; and Group 3 received five per cent SC (2 μl/site). Drugs were administered to the each nasal cavity for three weeks every morning. On the days 7, 14 and 21, histamine dihydrochloride (HD) 5 μmol (2 μl/site) was administered and the frequencies of nasal rubbing and sneezing were counted for 15 min. Results: After 7, 14 and 21 day medication period, the groups were compared in terms of the frequency of sneezing and nasal rubbing following HD. There was a significant difference among the groups in terms of the frequency of sneezing on the day 7 (P< 0.05). Intragroup comparisons for the nasal rubbing showed significance (P< 0.05). In Group 3, there was a decrease in the number of nasal rubbings on the day 14 and 21; however, the difference was not significant. Interpretation & conclusions: Our results showed that three and five per cent SC were less effective than MF for sneezing during the first week, but the efficiency was equal to that of MF after the first 14 days. Long-term use of SC was as effective as MF on nasal rubbing. SC can be as effective as MF on both sneezing and nasal rubbing on regular use over three weeks

    Evaluation of cerebellum volume and trunk oscillation velocity in cases with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: a preliminary report

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    Purpose: It has been suggested that the cause of the balance disorder seen in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) originates from the central nervous system. However, the extent of the balance problem and the dysfunction of which part of the central nervous system has not been investigated in detail. This study aimed to correlate the values obtained by balance analysis and cerebellum volume measurement in female individuals with AIS with healthy individuals. Methods: Cerebellum volume was calculated via the cloud-based software “ https://volbrain.upv.es ” using brain magnetic resonance images of 27 healthy and 26 individuals with AIS. The duration of stay in the test positions, the movement strategy used during this time and the amount of postural sway were analyzed by using a computer-assisted force platform and compared statistically. Results: Significant differences were found between the AIS and control groups in cerebellum total volume, vermis cerebelli volume (cm3), and trunk oscillation velocity (mm/s) parameters (p < 0.05). Cerebellum and vermis cerebelli volumes were found to be lower and trunk oscillation velocity was found to be greater in patients with AIS. Conclusion: Balance problems in patients with AIS are correlated with decreased cerebellum volume and increased trunk oscillation velocity

    Cranial imaging findings in neurobrucellosis: results of Istanbul-3 study

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    Objective Neuroimaging abnormalities in central nervous system (CNS) brucellosis are not well documented. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of imaging abnormalities in neurobrucellosis and to identify factors associated with leptomeningeal and basal enhancement, which frequently results in unfavorable outcomes