14 research outputs found

    Environmental complexity is more important than mutation in driving the evolution of latent novel traits in E. coli

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    Recent experiments show that adaptive Darwinian evolution in one environment can lead to the emergence of multiple new traits that provide no immediate benefit in this environment. Such latent non-adaptive traits, however, can become adaptive in future environments. We do not know whether mutation or environment-driven selection is more important for the emergence of such traits. To find out, we evolve multiple wild-type and mutator E. coli populations under two mutation rates in simple (single antibiotic) environments and in complex (multi-antibiotic) environments. We then assay the viability of evolved populations in dozens of new environments and show that all populations become viable in multiple new environments different from those they had evolved in. The number of these new environments increases with environmental complexity but not with the mutation rate. Genome sequencing demonstrates the reason: Different environments affect pleiotropic mutations differently. Our experiments show that the selection pressure provided by an environment can be more important for the evolution of novel traits than the mutational supply experienced by a wild-type and a mutator strain of E. coli

    Money handling influences BMI: a survey of cashiers

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    Money is a recent phenomenon in the evolutionary history of man and therefore no separate brain centre to handle money is likely to have evolved. The brain areas activated by food reward and money reward are extensively overlapping. In an experimental set-up, hunger was demonstrated to influence money related decisions and money related thoughts to influence hunger. This suggests that the brain areas evolved for handling food related emotions are exapted to handle money and therefore there could be a neuronal cross-talk between food and money. If this is true then attitude and behavior related to money and wealth could influence obesity. We conducted a survey of 211 individuals working as full time cashiers in order to test whether ownership over the cash, the amount of cash handled per day and the duration of cash handling work affected their body mass index (BMI). Cashiers who had ownership over the money had a significantly higher age corrected mean BMI than salaried cashiers. The BMI correlated positively with duration of service as cashier even after correcting for age and duration of sedentary job in males. Among salaried cashiers of both sexes, bank cashiers whose mean daily cash handling was one or two orders of magnitude greater than that of shop cashiers, had a significantly higher BMI. The effects of amount of money handled per day, years of service as cashier and ownership over the money handled could be shown to influence BMI independent of each other. The results support the exaptation hypothesis and suggest that the changing economy and attitudes towards money may be a contributing factor to the current obesity epidemic

    Money handling influences BMI: a survey of cashiers

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    Multiple Novel Traits without Immediate Benefits Originate in Bacteria Evolving on Single Antibiotics

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    How new traits originate in evolution is a fundamental question of evolutionary biology. When such traits arise, they can either be immediately beneficial in their environment of origin, or they may become beneficial only in a future environment. Compared to immediately beneficial novel traits, novel traits without immediate benefits remain poorly studied. Here we use experimental evolution to study novel traits that are not immediately beneficial but that allow bacteria to survive in new environments. Specifically, we evolved multiple E. coli populations in five antibiotics with different mechanisms of action, and then determined their ability to grow in more than 200 environments that are different from the environment in which they evolved. Our populations evolved viability in multiple environments that contain not just clinically relevant antibiotics, but a broad range of antimicrobial molecules, such as surfactants, organic and inorganic salts, nucleotide analogues and pyridine derivatives. Genome sequencing of multiple evolved clones shows that pleiotropic mutations are important for the origin of these novel traits. Our experiments, which lasted fewer than 250 generations, demonstrate that evolution can readily create an enormous reservoir of latent traits in microbial populations. These traits can facilitate adaptive evolution in a changing world


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    Data_Predictability_For Dryad

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    This data file contains both R (Max growth rate) and K (Max OD attained) for all populations. Assay = Assay environment; Sel = Selection Environment; Rep = Replicate#; Day= Trial#, Maxsl'=Maximum Slope; Kmax = Max OD attained. Ancestor = Ancestral strain

    Data from: Extent of adaptation is not limited by unpredictability of the environment in laboratory populations of Escherichia coli

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    Environmental variability is on the rise in different parts of the earth and the survival of many species depend on how well they cope with these fluctuations. Our current understanding of how organisms adapt to unpredictably fluctuating environments is almost entirely based on studies that investigate fluctuations among different values of a single environmental stressor like temperature or pH. How would unpredictability affect adaptation when the environment fluctuates between qualitatively very different kinds of stresses? To answer this question, we subjected laboratory populations of Escherichia coli to selection over ~260 generations. The populations faced predictable and unpredictable environmental fluctuations across qualitatively different selection environments, namely, salt and acidic pH. We show that predictability of environmental fluctuations does not play a role in determining the extent of adaptation, although the extent of ancestral adaptation to the chosen selection environments is of key importance. This is good news given that the unpredictability of environmental fluctuations all over the world is on the rise

    Low protein expression enhances phenotypic evolvability by intensifying selection on folding stability

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    Protein abundance affects the evolution of protein genotypes, but we do not know how it affects the evolution of protein phenotypes. Here we investigate the role of protein abundance in the evolvability of green fluorescent protein (GFP) towards the novel phenotype of cyan fluorescence. We evolve GFP in E. coli through multiple cycles of mutation and selection and show that low GFP expression facilitates the evolution of cyan fluorescence. A computational model whose predictions we test experimentally helps explain why: lowly expressed proteins are under stronger selection for proper folding, which facilitates their evolvability on short evolutionary time scales. The reason is that high fluorescence can be achieved by either few proteins that fold well or by many proteins that fold less well. In other words, we observe a synergy between a protein's scarcity and its stability. Because many proteins meet the essential requirements for this scarcity-stability synergy, it may be a widespread mechanism by which low expression helps proteins evolve new phenotypes and functions

    Data from: Adapting in larger numbers can increase the vulnerability of Escherichia coli populations to environmental changes

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    Larger populations generally adapt faster to their existing environment. However, it is unknown if the population size experienced during evolution influences the ability to face sudden environmental changes. To investigate this issue, we subjected replicate Escherichia coli populations of different sizes to experimental evolution in an environment containing a cocktail of three antibiotics. In this environment, the ability to actively efflux molecules outside the cell is expected to be a major fitness-affecting trait. We found that all the populations eventually reached similar fitness in the antibiotic cocktail despite adapting at different speeds, with the larger populations adapting faster. Surprisingly, whereas efflux activity enhanced in the smaller populations, it decayed in the larger ones. The evolution of efflux activity was largely shaped by pleiotropic responses to selection and not by drift. This demonstrates that quantitative differences in population size can lead to qualitative differences (decay/enhancement) in the fate of a character during adaptation to identical environments. Furthermore, the larger populations showed inferior fitness upon sudden exposure to several alternative stressful environments. These observations provide a novel link between population size and vulnerability to environmental changes. Counter-intuitively, adapting in larger numbers can render bacterial populations more vulnerable to abrupt environmental changes

    Data from: Escherichia coli populations adapt to complex, unpredictable fluctuations by minimizing trade-offs across environments

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    In nature, organisms are simultaneously exposed to multiple stresses (i.e. complex environments) that often fluctuate unpredictably. Although both these factors have been studied in isolation, the interaction of the two remains poorly explored. To address this issue, we selected laboratory populations of Escherichia coli under complex (i.e. stressful combinations of pH, H2O2 and NaCl) unpredictably fluctuating environments for ~900 generations. We compared the growth rates and the corresponding trade-off patterns of these populations to those that were selected under constant values of the component stresses (i.e. pH, H2O2 and NaCl) for the same duration. The fluctuation-selected populations had greater mean growth rate and lower variation for growth rate over all the selection environments experienced. However, whereas the populations selected under constant stresses experienced trade-offs in the environments other than those in which they were selected, the fluctuation-selected populations could bypass the across-environment trade-offs almost entirely. Interestingly, trade-offs were found between growth rates and carrying capacities. The results suggest that complexity and fluctuations can strongly affect the underlying trade-off structure in evolving populations