1,000 research outputs found

    The lowest singlet-triplet excitation energy of BN: a converged coupled cluster perspective

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    The notoriously small X3Π−a1ÎŁ+X ^3\Pi-a ^1\Sigma^+ excitation energy of the BN diatomic has been calculated using high-order coupled cluster methods. Convergence has been established in both the 1-particle basis set and the coupled cluster expansion. Explicit inclusion of connected quadruple excitations T^4\hat{T}_4 is required for even semiquantitative agreement with the limit value, while connected quintuple excitations T^5\hat{T}_5 still have an effect of about 60 cm−1^{-1}. Still higher excitations only account for about 10 cm−1^{-1}. Inclusion of inner-shell correlation further reduces TeT_e by about 60 cm−1^{-1} at the CCSDT, and 85 cm−1^{-1} at the CCSDTQ level. Our best estimate, TeT_e=183±\pm40 cm−1^{-1}, is in excellent agreement with earlier calculations and experiment, albeit with a smaller (and conservative) uncertainty. The dissociation energy of BN(X3ΠX ^3\Pi) is DeD_e=105.74±\pm0.16 kcal/mol and D0D_0=103.57±\pm0.16 kcal/mol.Comment: J. Chem. Phys., in pres

    Guru Mendongeng Kearifan Lokal Banyumasan

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    Teachers skills in the collection and writing of folklore needs to be improved so that the cultural heritage of ancestors can be preserved. Furthermore, teachers develop learning model with storytelling folklore virtue that can be absorbed by the students. Learning model mythlogos- ethos could explain the mandate contained in folklore. The mandate is a form of local wisdom through character education. Keywords: folktale, local wisdo

    International Arbitration as Comparative Law in Action

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    PetukÀitumine: transkraniaalse magnetstimulatsiooni efektid ja elektroentsefalograafia signatuurid

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Valetamine on paraku meie igapĂ€evase elu osaks. Üldistades vĂ”ib öelda, et kĂ”ik inimesed valetavad, kas siis mĂ”tlematult vĂ”i teadlikult. Viimane nendest – tahtlik vale – vĂ”ib teatud juhtudel muutuda aga probleemiks, nimelt juriidiliseks probleemiks. See, kui tĂ”esed on inimeste ĂŒtlused, mĂ”jutab otseselt Ă”igusemĂ”istmise protsesse. Palju rÀÀgitakse tunnistajate ĂŒtluste tĂ”epĂ€rasusest, mis vĂ€ljendub selles, mida ja kuidas isik varemkogetust mĂ€letab. Sellised ĂŒtlused ei pruugi olla tĂ”elevastavad. Enamasti on siinjuures tegemist tahtmatult eksliku vĂ€ite esitamisega. Samas pole harvad ka juhud, kus eksitav vĂ€ide esitatakse teadlikult. Pole raske ette kujutada, millal ja milleks on vaja inimestel tahtlikult valetada. Selleks, et varjata oma sĂŒĂŒd, midagi sellist, mille ĂŒles tunnistamine on sotsiaalselt vastuvĂ”etamatu ja toob kaasa soovimatud tagajĂ€rjed: halvakspanust kuni vanglakaristuseni vĂ€lja. Arusaadavalt iseloomustab erinevaid inimesi erinev nö valetamislĂ€vi, individuaalne valmidus ja vĂ”ime valetada. Valetamiskalduvus varieerub ka ĂŒhel ja samal inimesel sĂ”ltuvalt olukorrast ja seisundist. Seda, mil mÀÀral inimesed valetavad (vĂ”i siis jĂ€tavad tĂ”e rÀÀkimata), ja kas selle mÀÀraga saab ka manipuleerida ning kuidas ebasiirus vĂ€ljendub psĂŒhhofĂŒsioloogilistes ilmingutes, antud töös uuritigi. On teada, et psĂŒĂŒhiline seisund ning isiku individuaalsed omadused (sh emotsionaalsus) vĂ”ivad mĂ”jutada seda, kas ja kuivĂ”rd edukas on keegi valetamises. Mainitud varieeruvus on ka polĂŒgraaftestimise ebapiisava usaldusvÀÀrsuse pĂ”hjuseks. Selleks, et paremini mĂ”ista, millised aju osad ja millisel moel on kaasa haaratud petukĂ€itumisse, on oluline mĂ”jutada nĂ€rvisĂŒsteemi tegevust ja vaadata, kas selle tagajĂ€rjel ka vastav kĂ€itumine muutub. Seda vĂ€itekirjas uuritigi. Töö kĂ€igus ilmnes, et inimeste petukĂ€itumist (sj olukorras, kus otseselt puudub vajadus ja/vĂ”i instruktsioon valetada) saab mĂ”jutada aju funktsionaalse seisundi manipuleerimisega transkraniaalse magnetstimulatsiooni abil. Teadaolevalt on aju suurte poolkerade otsmikusagara eesmine-selgmine-kĂŒlgmine piirkond kaasa haaratud petukĂ€itumisse. Kui seda piirkonda mĂ”jutada pidurdavat toimet avaldavate nn vĂ€sitavate magnetimpulssidega, siis parema poolkera mĂ”jutamise jĂ€rel on keerulisem tĂ”est vĂ€idet tagasi hoida (isikud valetavad vĂ€hem). Kui aga pidurdada vasaku poolkera vastavat piirkonda, siis Ă”nnestub tĂ”ese vĂ€ite tagasihoidmine paremini (isikud valetavad rohkem). Kui aga kasutada vĂ€sitamise reĆŸiimi asemel ergastamise reĆŸiimi (ajutegevuse aktiviseerimist), siis parema poolkera mĂ”jutamisel Ă”nnestus (vastupidiselt vĂ€sitamisele) valetamine katseisikutel paremini. Tingimustes, kus spontaanne tĂ”e rÀÀkimine on asendatud teadliku motiveeritud valetamisega, vĂ€sitamise reĆŸiim nii selget ja otsest mĂ”ju petukĂ€itumisele ei avalda. KĂŒll aga teeb seda ergastamine: vasaku poolkera ergastamisel valetamise mÀÀr vĂ€heneb ja parema poolkera puhul pisut suureneb. KĂ€esoleva töö EEG-pĂ”hine osa kinnitas teadaolevat tĂ”siasja, et ajus valetamise ajal toimuvate bioelektriliste protsesside valetamisega seostuvaid signatuure on pĂ”himĂ”tteliselt vĂ”imalik tuvastada. Uuring nĂ€itas ka, et valetamise tuvastamiste usaldusvÀÀrsus sĂ”ltub sellest, kuidas kogu protseduur on ĂŒles ehitatud: elukaugemates ja vĂ€hema kriitilisusega olukordades on tuvastamismeetodi tundlikkus vĂ€iksem vĂ”rreldes elulĂ€hedasemate ja suurema kriitilisuse astmega olukordadega. Lisandus EEG-pĂ”histe meetodite suhtes uudne teadmine, et madala sagedusega magnetimpulssidega ajukoort mĂ”jutades on vĂ”imalik valetamisele tundlike signatuuride vĂ€ljendumist muuta: vastused kriitilisele (valetamise objektiks olevale) stiimulile muutuvad sarnasemaks vastustega neutraalsetele (asjasse mittepuutuvatele) stiimulitele. KokkuvĂ”tvalt saab öelda, et petukĂ€itumises mĂ€ngib olulist rolli inimeste eesmine otsmine ajukoor, mida kinnitab asjaolu, et selle ja sellega seotud muude keskuste funktsionaalsust mĂ”jutades ilmnevad ka vastavad muutused inimeste kĂ€itumises ja selle psĂŒhhofĂŒsioloogilistes signatuurides.Lying is an inevitable part of our daily lives. All people produce non-veridical statements, of which some are intentional lies. The latter may, in certain instances, become a problem, namely a legal problem. Truthfulness of testimony directly affects the course and outcomes of the process of justice. Much has been discussed about the veracity of eyewitness testimony, with complaints and suspicion about statement validity and reliability which are the matter of how well and how one remembers facts. Legal statements by witness or suspect often are inconsistent with true facts. In most cases, these are candid, however erroneous beliefs void of intended lying; yet sometimes these are deliberate deceptive communications. It is not hard to imagine when and why one feels necessary to produce a deliberate lie or avoid confession. It happens in order to conceal one’s guilt and avoid disclosing something, adherence to which is socially unacceptable and brings unwanted consequences, varying from bad bets (frowning) up to imprisonment. The propensity and readiness to lie varies between individual subjects and between situations the same subject happens to be in. This doctoral thesis studies the extent to which people lie about observed objects in a behavioural task. Importantly, it studies whether a respective lying rate and the psychophysiological signatures of lying can be manipulated by non-invasive brain-stimulation methods. It is well known that psychological state (including affective state) can affect whether and to what extent one lies successfully and whether objective physiological signatures are indicative of deception. Individual differences in trait and state variables make it difficult to have reliable lie detection methods. This is also the reason why reliability of polygraph testing remains insufficient. It is important to study deception by causally influencing the activity of the nervous system and see if the behaviour changes as a result of this kind of intervention. It helps to better ascertain what parts of the brain are involved and in what way in the deceptive behaviour. In our studies, we followed this strategy, capitalising on the neuronavigated transcranial magnetic stimulation method. In the process, we discovered that human deceptive behaviour can be influenced by this kind of noninvasive brain stimulation. The cortex of cerebral hemispheres in the frontal lobe areas is known to be involved in deceptive behaviour. Depending on the locus and mode of perturbing cortical stimulation it was possible either to increase or decrease the relative rate of untruthful naming responses. The so-called exhaustion or disruption of the left hemisphere dorsolateral prefrontal cortex helped subjects to better succeed in holding back the truthful response (i.e., to lie more) while exhausting the right hemisphere corresponding area lead to an opposite effect (i.e., less lying). However, if the excitation of the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex was used instead of the exhaustion, people managed to lie more compared to the disrupting manipulation of this hemisphere. If, however we replaced the task of spontaneous truth-telling with more strongly motivated lying, then the exhaustion mode of stimulation did not have so clear and a direct impact on deceptive behaviour. While the excitation of the left hemisphere decreased lying rate, only a slight and nonsignificant increase in lying was observed when the right hemisphere was stimulated. The present work also confirmed the known facts that the level of expression of certain bioelectrical brain-potential components can be used as signatures of lying. We also showed that the brain-potential based lie-detection reliability depends on how the whole process is structured: in the less life-like and less critical situation the sensitivity of the method of detection is lower compared to the situation utilising a larger degree of criticality of the stimuli and circumstances closer to real life situations. A novel finding also consists in the effect of brain stimulation on the psychophysiological deception signatures: the low-frequency magnetic stimulation of the cerebral cortex changed the level of expression of the lie-detection signatures. The brain responses to the critical stimuli (objects of lying) became more similar to the responses to neutral (non-relevant) stimuli. Summarising the main results of this thesis-work it can be concluded that frontal cortex plays an important role in deceptive behaviour and the propensity to lie and the brain-process signatures of lying can in principle be manipulated by non-invasive brain stimulation targeted at the dorsolateral prefrontal areas. It is also apparent that sensitivity of the electrophysiological brain-process signatures of deception to critical stimuli considerably varies between subjects

    Lost in Translation: International Criminal Tribunals and the Legal Implications of Interpreted Testimony

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    When courtroom interpreters translate a witness\u27s testimony, errors are not just possible, they are inherent to the process. Moreover, the occurrence of such errors is not merely a technical problem; errors can infringe on the rights of defendants or even lead to verdicts based on faulty findings of fact. International criminal proceedings, which are necessarily multilinguistic, are both particularly susceptible to interpretation errors and sensitive to questions of procedural fairness. This Article surveys the history and mechanics of courtroom interpretation, explains the inherent indeterminacy of translated language, and describes the other sources of inaccuracy in interpreted testimony. It then assesses the impact that errors in interpretation may have on fact finding by international criminal tribunals and on the rights of international criminal defendants. The Article concludes by suggesting some low-cost and easy-to-institute measures that will reduce the likelihood that a judgment will turn on an inaccurate interpretation. Improving the quality of translation will buttress the rightness of the international criminal tribunals\u27 judgments and the fairness of their procedures

    Sectoral Fragmentation in Transnational Contract Law

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    Mob Violence and the Prosecuting Attorney

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