11 research outputs found

    Analisis Gge Biplot pada Hasil Klon-klon Ubi Kayu Menggunakan Metode Restricted Maximum Likelihood

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    The study was conducted in five locations i.e Kediri, Ponorogo, Probolinggo, Malang, and Mojokerto, from November 2010 until August 2011. The planting materials used were 15 cassava clones. The research objective was to compare analysis methods of the genotype × environment interaction, namely: a) GGE technique using REML without A matrix by assuming homogeneous residual error variance, b) GGE technique using REML with A matrix by assuming homogeneous residual error variance, c) GGE technique using REML without A matrix by assuming heterogeneous residual error variance, and d) GGE technique using REML with A matrix by assuming heterogeneous residual error variance. The results showed that GGE technique using REML without A matrix by assuming heterogeneous residual error variance was more appropriate. Clones CMM 03038-7 (G8) had a wide adaptability and high yield potential, and its clone was closest to the ideal criteria for genotype compared with other genotypes. Clones CMM 03094-4 (G10) had specific adaptability in the environments S2 (Malang) and S5 (Mojokerto), and it had higher yield potential than the control varieties UJ5, Malang 6, and Adira 4. Environment Kediri (S1) had the highest yield among other environments and Kediri was a suitable environment for the growth and selection of cassava

    Upaya Modifikasi Pati Ubikayu melalui Pemuliaan Tanaman

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    Ubi kayu (Manihot esculenta Crantz.) merupakan penghasil pati tertinggi dibandingkan padi dan jagung, dengan kadar pati antara 73,7–84,9%(basis kering). Ubi kayu juga merupakan tanaman paling efisien dalam mengubah energi matahari menjadi karbohidrat per unit area. Pati ubi kayumempunyai manfaat yang luas baik dalam industri pangan maupun non pangan. Pati ubi kayu terdiri atas dua polimer yaitu amilosa dan amilopektin. Pemanfaatan pati ubi kayu sangat tergantung pada sifat fisiko-kimia pati, yang berkaitan dengan proporsi amilopektin dan amilosa. Terdapat beberapa cara untuk meningkatkan kualitas pati yaitu secara fisik, kimia, enzimatis, dan genetik. Modifikasi secara fisik, kimia dan enzimatis dilakukan terhadap pati yang dihasilkan, sedangkan modifikasi genetik untuk memperbaiki kualitas dan kuantitas pati ubi kayu dilakukan melalui upaya rekayasa metabolisme biosintesis pati ubi kayu. Tujuan modifikasi pati secara genetik di antaranya adalah untuk membentukklon unggul ubi kayu yang memiliki kadar amilosa rendah, amilosa tinggi, atau untuk mengubah ukuran granula pati. Rasio amilosa dan amilopektindalam pati serta ukuran granula pati sangat berpengaruh terhadap kualitas pati yang dihasilkan. Modifikasi pati secara genetik memiliki prospek yang bagus. Indonesia telah melakukan penelitian modifikasi pati secara genetik yaitu melalui mutasi dan pembentukan tanaman transgenik.Penelitian tanaman transgenik dilakukan secara kerjasama dengan Universitas Wageningen. Teknik modifikasi pati secara genetik melalui metode konvensional juga dapat dilakukan apabila sudah diketahuisecara mendetail karakteristik genotipe-genotipe yang akan digunakan sebagai tetua persilangan

    Yield and Yield Components Evaluation of Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Clones in Different Altitudes

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    AbstractThe research was conducted at three levels of altitude i.e 80 m asl (Kediri), 530 m asl (Malang), and 800 m asl (Ponorogo). The purpose of this research was to evaluate cassava clones under three altitudes (80 m asl, 530 m asl, and 800 m asl) and to identify cassava clones that tolerant to low temperature zones at medium altitude in the tropics. Criteria that used for selection the best clone in different altitude were stress tolerance index (STI), stress susceptibility index (SSI), stress tolerance (TOL), mean productivity (MP), and yield stability index (YSI). The result showed that stress tolerance index (STI) and mean productivity (MP) were good criteria for selecting cassava clones that tolerant to higher altitude. Tuber yield loss at 530 m asl was 32%, while at 800 m asl was 86%, compared to tuber yield at 80 m asl. Malang 4 (G3) and CMM 03038-7 (G8) are adaptive clones to environment at medium altitude up to 800 m asl

    Tuber yield, morphology, and chemical properties variability of sweet cassava germplasm

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    In Indonesia, the superior sweet cassava varieties are still limited due to the situation on which the majority of the superior varieties -bitter varieties- are used as industrial raw material until now. Therefore the availability of new high yielding of sweet cassava varieties is still needed. Assembling varieties requires the support of germplasm that has identified its superiority. The research objective was to evaluate tuber yield, morphology, and physico-chemical properties of cassava tuber from sweet cassava germplasm. A total of 75 accessions were characterized in Jambegede research station in February-November 2016, using Randomized Block Design. Variables observed included plant height, number of plants at harvest, harvest index, number and weight of tuber yield, and starch content. Physico-chemical analysis of tubers was carried out on 15 accessions with high tuber yields. Plant height at harvest was 393.2 cm in average. There were 10 accessions of sweet cassava with high fresh tuber yields ranging from 36.61 ton.ha-1 to 61.64 ton.ha-1, i.e MLG 10366, MLG 10365, MLG 10318, MLG 10197, MLG 10325, MLG 10341, MLG 10018, MLG 10279, MLG 10298, and MLG 10263. Physico-chemical analysis showed that the average of HCN content was 9.40 ppm, moisture content of 59.5 %, starch content of 28.8 % wb, and amylose content of 11.0 % wb. The bitter cassava with steamed tuber texture not cracked had relatively higher levels of HCN and water content, which was 82.88 ppm and 74.8 %, while the starch and amylose content was relatively lower (15.8 % wb and 5.5 % wb)


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    Multi-environment trials were conducted to analyze the yield potential and to assess the yield stability across environments. The purposes of the study are (1) to obtain information on the G � E interactions of fifteen cassava genotypes across five environments, (2) to obtain a more precise model from the utilization of the mixed model of AMMI and GGE techniques using least squares (LS) method and Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) method without and with the coefficient of coancentry matrix in G � E interactions analysis using both homogeneous and heterogeneous residual error variance assumption across environments, (3) to select cassava clones with a capacity for high yield and broad adaptability or cassava clones with a capacity cassava clones for high yield and specific adaptability as a new cassava variety. The study was conducted at five locations (Kediri, Ponorogo, Probolinggo, Malang, and Mojokerto) from November 2010 to August 2011, using a randomized complete block design with three replications. Materials used in this study were 15 cassava genotypes, consisting of 11 clones which are CMM 03025-43, CMM 03036-7, CMM 03036-5, CMM 03038-7, CMM 03094-12, CMM 03094-4, CMM 03095-5, CMM 02040-1, CMM 02033-1, CMM 02035-3, CMM 02048-6, and four superior cassava cultivars as controls involving Adira 4, UJ 5, Malang 4, and Malang 6. Most of the clones were genetically related. Data were analyzed using combined analysis of variance. Estimation of the value of environmental component (ej), genotype (gi), G � E interaction (geij), and the value of G + GE (gi + geij) was performed using the least squares (LS) method (only on homogeneous residual error variance across environments) and the Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) method without and with the coefficient of coancestry matrix (using homogeneous and heterogeneous residual error variance across environments). The estimated value of geij were then used for stability analysis using AMMI technique, while the estimated value of gi + geij were used for stability analysis using GGE technique. The combined analysis of variance with the LS method, the REML method without and with A matrix assuming homogeneous residual error variance across environments, as well as the REML method without and with the coefficient of coancentry matrix assuming heterogeneous residual error variance across environments showed G � E interactions on tuber yield. Based on the biplot graph formed, GGE is a more effective technique to classify the selection environment than the AMMI technique. The GGE technique by the REML method without the coefficient of coancentry matrix assuming heterogeneous residual error variance across environments is a more precise model. CMMM 03038-7 (G8) has a broad adaptability and high yield potential, and the genotype is the closest to the ideal genotype criteria than other genotypes. CMM 03094-4 (G10) has specific adaptability in Ponorogo (S2) and Mojokerto (S5), and the yield potential higher than that of the control varieties UJ5 (G1), Malang 6 (G2), and Adira 4 (G4). Kediri (S1) has the highest yield among other environments and it is a suitable environment for growth and selection of cassava

    Sweet Corn Growth and Productivity on Several Levels Dosage of Liquid NPK Fertilizer

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    The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of liquid NPK fertilizer with a composition of 12:9:7 on sweet corn plant. The research was conducted at the Mojosari Research Station, Mojokerto district, East Java, Indonesia, in September to December 2020, using a randomized complete block design with eight treatments and repeated four times. The treatments consisted of one treatment without fertilization (control), one treatment dose of 300 kg phonska + 300 kg urea per ha (recommendation), six treatments of liquid NPK fertilizer. Application of liquid NPK fertilizer is done by dissolving in water as much as 200 mL per plant. The results showed that the application of liquid NPK fertilizer had an effect on plant height, stem diameter, stover weight, cob length, ear diameter, and cob weight. The application of liquid NPK fertilizer at a dose of 12.5 cc L-1 gave the same or comparable response to the standard fertilization treatment with an agronomic effectiveness level > 95 %

    Perbedaan Jumlah Mata Tunas per Stek dan Populasi pada Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Bibit setelah Panen Ubi Kayu

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    Limitations of cuttings become an essential problem in the expansion of cassava plantations. One strategy that can be taken is to reduce the length of the cuttings and increase the plant population to increase the area planted and produce more stems per unit area for the next growing season. This study aimed to determine the effect of cutting length and plant population per hectare on the growth and production of cassava stems. The research was carried out at the Jambegede Agricultural Technology Research and Assessment Installation in February–December 2020. The treatment consisted of two factors, namely three levels of cutting length (2, 4, and 10 buds/cutting) and three levels of the population (10,000, 30,000, and 40,000 plants/ha). The experiment used the Malang-4 variety and was applied to a completely randomized split-plot experimental design of three groups with the population as the main plot and the number of buds as sub-plots. The results showed that the number of buds/cutting increased the number of growing plants, one and three-month plant height, the number of viable stems, the length of unfit stems for seedlings, and decreased the percentage of dead plants. On the other hand, plant population/ha increases the percentage of dead plants, stem length unsuitable for seeds, and number of stems suitable for seeds. The interaction between the number of buds/cutting and the population was seen in the diameter of the three-month-old stems, the number of stems unsuitable for seedlings, the number of plants grown, the number of dead plants, and the number of plants harvested.   Keywords: cassava, length of cuttings, number of buds, plant population, stem productio

    Bioetanol Ubi Kayu Bahan Bakar Masa Depan

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    Pembahasan yang disajikan dalam buku ini meliputi pengenalan bensin dan alkohol, pengenalan ubi kayu, varietas unggul ubi kayu dan pembibitannya, pengolahan tanah, teknik menanam, pola tanam dan pengendalian erosi, pengendalian gulma, pemupukan, pengendalian hama penyakit, panen, perlindungan varietas tanaman (PVT), spesifikasi bioetanol, metode uji mutu bioetanol, dan limbah pabrik bioetanol baik limbah cair maupun limbah padat.194 Ha

    The Roles of Cassava in Marginal Semi-Arid Farming in East Nusa Tenggara—Indonesia

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    Risk and uncertainty in grain crop production are common in marginal semi-arid environments, such as East Nusa Tenggara province. Growing root and tuber crops in a mixed-cropping system is one of the strategies developed by smallholder farmers to substitute food grains and minimize risk. Nevertheless, root and tuber crops are not prioritized for food production systems since food crops in Indonesia are based more on grain and wetland rice production systems. This paper reviews cassava crops, which are widely cultivated by smallholder farmers. This paper contributes to understanding the roles of cassava for smallholder farmers, the diversity of the cassava germ plasm, the progress made to increase cassava productivity, and the potency of cassava crops to improve farmers’ incomes. This paper highlights that, in the low and erratic rainfall of dominant semi-arid regions, the development of cassava is pivotal to secure the harvest of food crops or food availability and income generation for marginal farmers