34 research outputs found
Rationale and Design of JenaMACSâAcute Hemodynamic Impact of Ventricular Unloading Using the Impella CP Assist Device in Patients with Cardiogenic Shock
Introduction: Cardiogenic shock due to myocardial infarction or heart failure entails a reduction in end organ perfusion. Patients who cannot be stabilized with inotropes and who experience increasing circulatory failure are in need of an extracorporeal mechanical support system. Today, small, percutaneously implantable cardiac assist devices are available and might be a solution to reduce mortality and complications. A temporary, ventricular, continuous flow propeller pump using magnetic levitation (Impella Âź ) has been approved for that purpose. Methods and Study Design: JenaMACS (Jena Mechanical Assist Circulatory Support) is a monocenter, proof-of-concept study to determine whether treatment with an Impella CP Âź leads to improvement of hemodynamic parameters in patients with cardiogenic shock requiring extracorporeal, hemodynamic support. The primary outcomes of JenaMACS are changes in hemodynamic parameters measured by pulmonary artery catheterization and changes in echocardiographic parameters of left and right heart function before and after Impella Âź implantation at different support levels after 24 h of support. Secondary outcome measures are hemodynamic and echocardiographic changes over time as well as clinical endpoints such as mortality or time to hemodynamic stabilization. Further, laboratory and clinical safety endpoints including severe bleeding, stroke, neurological outcome, peripheral ischemic complications and occurrence of sepsis will be assessed. JenaMACS addresses essential questions of extracorporeal, mechanical, cardiac support with an Impella CP Âź device in patients with cardiogenic shock. Knowledge of the acute and subacute hemodynamic and echocardiographic effects may help to optimize therapy and improve the outcome in those patients. Conclusion: The JenaMACS study will address essential questions of extracorporeal, mechanical, cardiac support with an Impella CP Âź assist device in patients with cardiogenic shock. Knowledge of the acute and subacute hemodynamic and echocardiographic effects may help to optimize therapy and may improve outcome in those patients. Ethics and Dissemination: The protocol was approved by the institutional review board and ethics committee of the University Hospital of Jena. Written informed consent will be obtained from all participants of the study. The results of this study will be published in a renowned international medical journal, irrespective of the outcomes of the study. Strengths and Limitations: JenaMACS is an innovative approach to characterize the effect of additional left ventricular mechanical unloading during cardiogenic shock via a minimally invasive cardiac assist system (Impella CP Âź ) 24 h after onset and will provide valuable data for acute interventional strategies or future prospective trials. However, JenaMACS, due to its proof-of-concept design, is limited by its single center protocol, with a small sample size and without a comparison group
Zur Zukunft der Bereichsethiken â Herausforderungen durch die Ăkonomisierung der Welt
Der vorliegende achte Band der Schriftenreihe des Zentrums fĂŒr Technik- und Wirtschaftsethik am Karlsruher Institut fĂŒr Technologie soll - wie die Schriftenreihe insgesamt - den ĂŒberfachlichen Dialog fördern. Zu einem solchen Dialog gehört auch der Themenkomplex âZur Zukunft der Bereichsethiken - Herausforderungen durch die Ăkonomisierung der Weltâ. Die vielfĂ€ltigen, multidimensionalen Ăkonomisierungsprozesse prĂ€gen und verĂ€ndern zusammen mit Technik und Wissenschaft auf mannigfache Weise und in einem nie gekanntem AusmaĂ unsere Welt. Gesellschaften, das Zusammenleben der Menschen und das Arbeitsleben in der Gegenwart und noch stĂ€rker in der Zukunft erfahren stĂ€ndig sich beschleunigende VerĂ€nderungen. Die im Band versammelten BeitrĂ€ge stellen AnsĂ€tze und Beispiele dar, die Herausforderungen der Ăkonomisierung der Welt mithilfe ethischer Ăberlegungen anzugehen und damit auch einen Beitrag zur Zukunft(sfĂ€higkeit) der Ethik bzw. der Bereichsethiken zu leisten. Der Band enthĂ€lt hierzu sowohl stĂ€rker grundsĂ€tzlich orientierte als auch eher bereichsbezogene AufsĂ€tze. Zu den behandelten Themen gehören u.a.: die Renaissance der Geisteswissenschaften im AnthropozĂ€n-Diskurs, die Ethik der VerĂ€nderung, die Ăkonomisierung als Triebkraft zur Anwendung der Ethik, zur Zukunft der Technik-, Wirtschafts- und Wissenschaftsethik, die Ăkonomisierung der gesellschaftlichen Arbeit, der Sozialen Arbeit, der Medien, der persönlichen Beziehungen, der Wasserversorgung, des Gesundheitswesens sowie des Sports
Methamphetamineârelated cardiovascular diseases
Abstract Aims Abuse of crystal methamphetamine (MA) poses a growing problem for health services worldwide. This review summarizes the current literature on the effects of MA on the cardiovascular system. Methods and results This article is a presentation of a case report and review of the current literature. In Europe, especially the eastern countries and the eastern states of Germany are affected. MA increases the concentration of catecholamines in the synaptic gap leading to euphoria, alertness, and hunger suppression as well as psychiatric and gastrointestinal complications. MA consumption is associated with hypertension, acute and chronic myocardial toxicity, stroke, coronary artery disease, and sudden cardiac death. Although many aspects of the underlying pathophysiology remain unknown, catecholamineâmediated pathologies appear to play an important role. The duration of MA consumption is the most important determinant for the prognosis. Conclusions Awareness is needed as cardiac complications are important causes of morbidity and mortality in patients with MA consumption. Drug abstinence is the mainstay of therapy, cardiac and other complications should be treated according to the respective guidelines. Incompliance to therapy and frequent relapses are the main challenges for successful treatment. Further research is required to improve the understanding of this rapidly increasing cardiomyopathy
Am besten allein? Separatismus in Europa: Welche KrÀfte treiben die UnabhÀngigkeitsbewegungen an?
In Schottland, Flandern, Katalonien und Norditalien wird der Ruf nach mehr Autonomie, mehr Selbstbestimmung und sogar nach nationaler UnabhĂ€ngigkeit laut. Welche KrĂ€fte treiben diese separatistischen Bewegungen an? Ist es der Ăberdruss am zu groĂen Zentralismus und am Suprastaat EU? Oder sind eher ökonomische GrĂŒnde fĂŒr den Erfolg separatistischer Parteien verantwortlich? Kai Gehring, UniversitĂ€t ZĂŒrich, sieht einen wesentlichen Faktor fĂŒr die Entstehung von separatistischen Bewegungen in der Ausstattung einer Region mit ökonomisch wertvollen Ressourcen. In den meisten LĂ€ndern gebe es Transfermechanismen, die auf diesen Ressourcen basierende Steuereinnahmen von reicheren zu Ă€rmeren Regionen umverteilen. Diese Transfers fĂŒhrten oft zu einer breiten UnterstĂŒtzung einer separatistischen Bewegung. Christian Schweiger, Technische UniversitĂ€t Chemnitz, unterscheidet bei der Bewertung von UnabhĂ€ngigkeitsbestrebungen zwischen den Ursachen fĂŒr die Tendenzen zur Renationalisierung im Kontext wachsender Europaskepsis und regionalen UnabhĂ€ngigkeitsbestrebungen. Beide Entwicklungen seien verschieden begrĂŒndet und benötigten deshalb auch separate Strategien. Letztendlich zeigten sie aber, dass eine wachsende Zahl von Menschen in Europa unter den unĂŒbersichtlichen Bedingungen der Globalisierung die SubsidiaritĂ€t politischer Entscheidungen einfordere. Nach Ansicht von Karsten Lenk, UniversitĂ€t Göttingen, sind die Motive, die separatistische Bewegungen antreiben, verschieden: Im Fokus stehe meistens das Ziel, mehr politische Selbstbestimmung und Macht fĂŒr die eigene Region zu erreichen. Damit einher werde aber vor allem eine stĂ€rkere finanzielle Autonomie oder sogar eine finanzielle UnabhĂ€ngigkeit vom Nationalstaat gefordert. Klaus Schrader und Claus-Friedrich Laaser, Institut fĂŒr Weltwirtschaft an der UniversitĂ€t Kiel, unterstreichen, dass zwar oftmals Separatismus als Instrument zur Steigerung des Wohlstands einer Region angepriesen werde, diese Wahrnehmung aber ausblende, dass in den letzten Jahrzehnten nicht nur in Spanien, sondern in der EU insgesamt Prinzipien einer föderalen Arbeitsteilung das Modell des Zentralstaats zurĂŒckgedrĂ€ngt habe und Wohlstand nicht mit Abschottung, sondern mit politischer und wirtschaftlicher Integration geschaffen werde. Katalonien wĂŒrde durch eine einseitige UnabhĂ€ngigkeit von Spanien erheblichen wirtschaftlichen Schaden nehmen. Gero MaaĂ, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Madrid, sieht beide Seiten an der Eskalation beteiligt. Die Antwort auf den sich zuspitzenden Konflikt sollte seiner Meinung nach eine klare föderative Politik sein
tâZrO2 toughened Al2O3 freeâstanding films and as oxidation mitigating thin films on silicon nitride via colloidal processing of flame made nanopowders (NPs)
Zirconia toughened aluminas (ZTAs) are one of the most important engineering ceramics with high melting points, excellent mechanical strength, and chemical stability, and are commonly used as wear resistant and highâtemperature components, as prosthetic implants, and electric circuit substrates. In this work, we explore methods of processing fineâgrained, dense, thin, freeâstanding (ZrO2)x(Al2O3)1âx films (x = 0â50 mol%, ~40 Όm thick) by sintering flame made nanopowders (NPs) to optimize the tâZrO2 content, sinterability, and microstructures under select conditions (1120°Câ1500°C/5 h in O2 or 95%N2/5%H2). In all cases, the final sintered products retain tâZrO2 with average grain sizes (AGSs) of 0.1â1 Όm. ZTA film thicknesses were increased to ~200 Όm to assess potential as electronic substrates. Excellent fracture toughness (24 MPa m1/2) and small AGSs of 0.7 Όm were found for ~200 Όm thick ZTA films sintered at 1500°C/5 h/N2/H2 using a threeâstep binder burnout process. Furthermore, we show that homogeneous ZTA thin films (<5 Όm thick) can be sintered on Si3N4 substrates (thickness â 300 Όm) to provide physical protection against oxidation under extreme conditions (1500°C/1 h/O2), offering additional practical utility for highâtemperature ceramics and power electronic substrates.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163872/1/jace17570.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/163872/2/jace17570_am.pd
Red blood cell distribution width (RDW) is associated with unfavorable functional outcome after transfemoral transcatheter aortic valve implantation
Background: Red blood cell distribution width (RDW) is calculated in every blood count test and reflects variability in erythrocyte size. High levels mirror dysregulated erythrocyte homeostasis and have been associated with clonal hematopoiesis as well as higher mortality in several conditions.We aimed to determine the impact of preprocedural RDW levels on functional outcomes after transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI). Methods: In this single-center retrospective study, we analyzed 176 consecutive patients receiving TAVI between 2017 and 2021. RDW upper limit of normal was < 15 %. Patients were stratified according to preprocedural RDW as having normal or elevated values. We assessed all-cause-mortality and a composite endpoint comprising cardiovascular/ valve-related mortality and cardiovascular, valve-related and heart failure hospitalization at 1 year. Results: 43 patients (24.4 %) had RDW â„ 15 %. There were significant baseline differences between groups (Society of Thoracic Surgeons â Predicted Risk of Mortality score 3.18 %[interquartile range 1.87â5.47] vs. 6.63 %[4.12â10.54] p < 0.001; hemoglobin 13.2 g/dL[11.8â14.1] vs. 10.4 g/dL[9.8â12.2], p < 0.001, RDW-normal vs. RDW-high, respectively). Age was not distinct (80.2 years [77.5â84.1] vs 81.2[71.3â84.7], p = 0.78). 1-year-all-cause mortality was not different (7.9 % vs. 9.4 %, p = 0.79). The RDW-high group showed markedly higher NT-proBNP levels after 1 year (647 ng/ml[283â1265] vs. 1893 ng/ml[744â5109], p = 0.005), and experienced more clinical endpoints (hazard ratio 2.57[1.28â5.16] for the composite endpoint, p = 0.006). RDW remained an independent predictor of the composite endpoint when accounting for all baseline differences in multivariable regression. Conclusion: Elevated preprocedural RDW identifies patients at risk for impaired functional outcome after TAVI and may represent a useful low-cost parameter to guide intensity of outpatient surveillance strategies