196 research outputs found

    Geology of the northern Lewis Hills, western Newfoundland

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    The Lewis Hills is the southernmost of the four Bay of Islands Ophiolite Complex massifs. These massifs are considered to be the dissected remnants of a once nearly continuous thrust slice of oceanic crust and upper mantle of Early Ordovician age. The Lewis Hills Massif may be divided into three north south trending zones. The eastern zone (Bay of Islands Complex) is composed of variably deformed and recrystallized gabbro, troctolite, wehrlite and dunite cumulates and harzburgite tectonites. The western zone (Little Port Assemblage) consists of greenschist facies metagabbros, diabase dikes and minor quartz-diorite bodies. The central zone (Mount Barren Assemblage) is a 3 kilometer wide zone of highly deformed metagabbros and amphibolites cut by syn- and post- kinematic mafic and ultramafic intrusive bodies. The central zone grades into the western zone but has a sharp igneous contact against the eastern zone, it is proposed that the central zone rocks represent the deep crustal levels of an oceanic fracture zone preserved between two less deformed assemblages of oceanic crust and upper mantle. Along strike to the northeast, rocks similar to those of the eastern and western zones of the Lewis Hills are exposed in the Bay of Islands Ophiolite Complex and the Coastal Complex respectively. The Mount Barren Assemblage has not been previously described as part of the Coastal Complex and provides an important link between the Bay of Islands and Coastal Complexes. Detailed studies in the Lewis Hills permit fairly well constrained models to be constructed for the kinematics and timing of processes during the evolution of oceanic fracture zones and the obduction of the Bay of Islands Complex

    Structural Studies in the Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks of the Lewis Hills, Western Newfoundland

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    Temporal and spatial variability in the composition of lavas exposed along the Western Blanco Transform Fault

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2005. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 6 (2005): Q11009, doi:10.1029/2005GC001026.The northern scarp of the western Blanco Transform (BT) fault zone provides a "tectonic window" into crust generated at an intermediate-rate spreading center, exposing a ~2000 m vertical section of lavas and dikes. The lava unit was sampled by submersible during the Blancovin dive program in 1995, recovering a total of 61 samples over vertical distances of ~1000 m and a lateral extent of ~13 km. Major elements analyses of 40 whole rock samples exhibit typical tholeiitic fractionation trends of increasing FeO*, Na2O, and TiO2 and decreasing Al2O3 and CaO with decreasing MgO. The lava suite shows a considerable range in extent of crystallization, including primitive samples (Mg# 64) and evolved FeTi basalts (FeO>12%;TiO2>2%). Based on rare earth element and trace element data, all of the lavas are incompatible-element depleted normal mid-ocean ridge basalts (N-MORB;La/SmN<1). The geochemical systematics suggest that the lavas were derived from a slightly heterogeneous mantle source, and crystallization occurred in a magmatic regime of relatively low magma flux and/or high cooling rate, consistent with magmatic processes occurring along the present-day southern Cleft Segment. The BT scarp reveals the oceanic crust in two-dimensional space, allowing us to explore temporal and spatial relationships in the horizontal and vertical directions. As a whole, the data do not appear to form regular spatial trends; rather, primitive lavas tend to cluster shallower and toward the center of the study area, while more evolved lavas are present deeper and toward the west and east. Considered within a model for construction of the upper crust, these findings suggest that the upper lavas along the BT scarp may have been emplaced off-axis, either by extensive off-axis flow or off-axis eruption, while the lower lavas represent axial flows that have subsided with time. A calculation based on an isochron model for construction of the upper crust suggests that the Cleft Segment requires at least ~50 ka to build the lower extrusive section, consistent to first order with independent estimates for the construction of intermediate-spreading rate crust.This work was supported by the US National Science Foundation (OCE 02- 22154 to E.K. and J.K. and OCE 9400623 to M.T.)

    Seismicity of the Atlantis Massif detachment fault, 30°N at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2012. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 13 (2012): Q0AG11, doi:10.1029/2012GC004210.At the oceanic core complex that forms the Atlantis Massif at 30°N on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, slip along the detachment fault for the last 1.5–2 Ma has brought lower crust and mantle rocks to the seafloor. Hydroacoustic data collected between 1999 and 2003 suggest that seismicity occurred near the top of the Massif, mostly on the southeastern section, while detected seismicity along the adjacent ridge axis was sparse. In 2005, five short-period ocean bottom seismographs (OBS) were deployed on and around the Massif as a pilot experiment to help constrain the distribution of seismicity in this region. Analysis of six months of OBS data indicates that, in contrast to the results of the earlier hydroacoustic study, the vast majority of the seismicity is located within the axial valley. During the OBS deployment, and within the array, seismicity was primarily composed of a relatively constant background rate and two large aftershock sequences that included 5 teleseismic events with magnitudes between 4.0 and 4.5. The aftershock sequences were located on the western side of the axial valley adjacent to the Atlantis Massif and close to the ridge-transform intersection. They follow Omori's law, and constitute more than half of the detected earthquakes. The OBS data also indicate a low but persistent level of seismicity associated with active faulting within the Atlantis Massif in the same region as the hydroacoustically detected seismicity. Within the Massif, the data indicate a north-south striking normal fault, and a left-lateral, strike-slip fault near a prominent, transform-parallel, north-facing scarp. Both features could be explained by changes in the stress field at the inside corner associated with weak coupling on the Atlantis transform. Alternatively, the normal faulting within the Massif might indicate deformation of the detachment surface as it rolls over to near horizontal from an initial dip of about 60° beneath the axis, and the strike-slip events may indicate transform-parallel movement on adjacent detachment surfaces.We thank the Deep Ocean Exploration Institute at WHOI, Director of Research at WHOI, WHOI’s Department of Geology and Geophysics, and the National Science Foundation for funding the data collection.2013-04-0

    Frozen magma lenses below the oceanic crust

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    Author Posting. © The Authors, 2005. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Nature Publishing Group for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Nature 436 (2005): 1149-1152, doi:10.1038/nature03944.The Earth's oceanic crust crystallizes from magmatic systems generated at mid-ocean ridges. Whereas a single magma body residing within the mid-crust is thought to be responsible for the generation of the upper oceanic crust, it remains unclear if the lower crust is formed from the same magma body, or if it mainly crystallizes from magma lenses located at the base of the crust. Thermal modelling, tomography, compliance and wide-angle seismic studies, supported by geological evidence, suggest the presence of gabbroic-melt accumulations within the Moho transition zone in the vicinity of fast- to intermediate-spreading centres. Until now, however, no reflection images have been obtained of such a structure within the Moho transition zone. Here we show images of groups of Moho transition zone reflection events that resulted from the analysis of approximately 1,500 km of multichannel seismic data collected across the intermediate-spreading-rate Juan de Fuca ridge. From our observations we suggest that gabbro lenses and melt accumulations embedded within dunite or residual mantle peridotite are the most probable cause for the observed reflectivity, thus providing support for the hypothesis that the crust is generated from multiple magma bodies

    Crustal Accretion of Thick, Mafic Crust in Iceland: Implications for Volcanic Rifted Margins

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    Rifting near hotspots results in mantle melting to create thick, mafic igneous crust at Volcanic Rifted Margins (VRMs). This mafic crust is transitional between rifted continental crust with mafic intrusions landward and oceanic crust into which it grades seaward. Seismic velocities, crustal drilling, and exhumed margins show that the upper crust in these areas is composed of basaltic lava erupted in subaerial to submarine conditions intruded by downward increasing proportions of dikes and sparse gabbroic intrusions. The lower crust of these regions is not exposed but is inferred from seismic velocities (Vp>6.5 km/sec) and petrological constraints to be gabbroic to ultramafic in composition. Limited access to crustal sections generated along VRMs have raised questions regarding the composition and structure of this transitional crust and how it evolves during the early stages of rifting and subsequent seafloor spreading. Active processes in Iceland provide a glimpse of subaerial spreading with the creation of a thick (40-25 km) mafic igneous crust that may be analogous to the transitional crust of VRMs. Segmented rift zones that propagate away from the Iceland hotspot, migrating transform fault zones, and rift-parallel strike-slip faults create a complex plate boundary zone in the upper, brittle crust. These structures may be decoupled from underlying lower crustal gabbroic rocks that are capable of along-axis flow that smooths-out crustal thickness variations. Similar processes may be characteristic of the early history of VRMs and volcanic hotspot ridges related to rifting and seafloor spreading proximal to hotspots.The accepted manuscript in pdf format is listed with the files at the bottom of this page. The presentation of the authors' names and (or) special characters in the title of the manuscript may differ slightly between what is listed on this page and what is listed in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript; that in the pdf file of the accepted manuscript is what was submitted by the author

    Observation of manganese deposits in the Kane Fractue Zone of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge

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    Seven Alvin dives (14 km total) and numerous deep-towed camera traverses using ANGUS and NOAA camera systems provide dense coverage of a 12-km2 portion of the eastern wall of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the TAG area (26°N lat.). These data, in conjunction with recent Soviet Mir submersible data, provide important constraints on the tectonic, magmatic, and hydrothermal history of this spreading center segment. Active hydrothermal venting occurs near the junction of the median valley floor and eastern median valley wall and appears to be tectonically controlled by the intersection of major fault zones. An east-west fault-line scarp interpreted as an accommodation zone intersects escarpments associated with 020°-trending (ridge-parallel) normal faults that bound the median valley floor. The accommodation zone permits differential extension and rotation between major crustal blocks to the north and south. On the basis of the distribution of tilted chalk beds and geochemical anomalies in sediments, this fault zone has been intermittently active for at least 5x104 yr. The accommodation zone has apparently provided a conduit of high permeability oriented at a high angle to the ridge axis. Observations and samples from areas surrounding active and inactive vent sites provide evidence for three distinct episodes for hydrothermal outflow driven by separate magmatic events. The geometry of this active system may have implications for the location of hydrothermal systems in active spreading regimes and for massive sulfide exploration in ophiolite terranes
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