64 research outputs found

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Dalam Keikutsertaan Pasangan Usia Subur Menjadi Aseptor KB di Kelurahan Ladang Bambu Kecamatan Medan Tuntungan

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    The use of family planning (KB) methods by couples of childbearing age is an important step in regulating pregnancy and maintaining reproductive health. However, the successful use of family planning relies heavily on the knowledge of PUS about contraceptive methods as well as their participation in using contraceptives consistently. Lack of knowledge and proper participation can lead to unwanted pregnancies and even trigger abortions.To improve the understanding of PUS about family planning, a health education program was implemented in Kelurahan Ladang Bambu, Medan Tuntungan sub-district in 2023. This education provided information on various contraceptive methods and how to use them correctly, so that PUS can make the right decision in family planning.The results of the education activities showed an increase in PUS knowledge about contraceptives. Comparison of test results before and after the intervention showed a significant increase in knowledge by 0.37 (p<0.05). That is, there was a difference in the average pretest and posttest scores after the health education was conducted, indicating the effectiveness of the program in improving the understanding of PUS related to contraceptive methods. In conclusion, this health education program succeeded in increasing the knowledge of PUS about contraceptive methods. With better understanding, PUS can use family planning more effectively and consistently, reducing the risk of unwanted pregnancy and its implications such as abortion. This program contributes positively to family welfare and reproductive health in the community

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Dalam Perilaku Ibu Primigravida Trimester III Terhadap Teknik Menyusui Yang Benar di Kelurahan Ladang Bambu Kecamatan Medan Tuntungan

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    Breast milk is one of the perfect and best foods for babies because it contains the nutritional elements needed by babies and is very beneficial for the baby's growth and development. Breastfeeding is one way to provide the best nutrition for babies and strengthen the bond between mother and baby. Breast milk contains immune-forming antibodies which can help fight viral bacteria so that breastfed babies are at less risk of developing diseases such as: diarrhea, asthma, allergies, ear infections, respiratory tract infections, constipation, sudden infant death syndrome and meningitis. The aim of this health education for community empowerment is to increase the knowledge of TM III pregnant women about the importance of exclusive breastfeeding. The method used in this counseling is by presenting material using lecture and demonstration methods using communication media such as leaflets. The number of respondents was 12 people, carried out on October 18 2023. Pretest and posttest were carried out to evaluate the mother's knowledge before and after counseling. The results of the evaluation of mothers' knowledge before the counseling was carried out showed that 5 people (20%) were in the good category and there was an increase in mothers' knowledge to 12 people (88%) after the counseling was in the good category


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    Bahasa Kaili memiliki banyak dialek dengan penutur yang beragam, baik jumlah yang besar maupun jumlah yang kecil. Beberapa dialek bahasa Kaili saat ini mulai bergeser, bahkan ada yang mengalami proses menuju terancam punah. Dialek dengan penutur kecil inilah yang semakin terdesak keberadaannya saat ini. Bagaimana upaya yang dilakukan? Membiarkan atau menanganinya dengan cermat, dua pilihan yang punya konsekuensi masing-masing

    Puisi Sunda Selepas Perang Dunia Kedua 1 (1979)

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    ASPEK SOSIOLOGI SASTRA DALAM NOVEL LADANG PERMINUS :Tinjauan Deskriptif - Analitis Terhadap Novel Ladang Perminus dan Model Bahan Pembelajarannya

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan (1) aspek sosiologis-mimetis yang ditinjau dari segi (a) penokohan, (b) status sosial, (c) sikap hidup, (d) peristiwa yang diceritakan; (2) aspek sosiologis-ekspresif, yang ditinjau dari segi (a) curahan rasa pengarang terhadap situasi tertentu, (b) keadaan jiwa pengarang yang meliputi: latar belakang sosial budaya, pandangan, dan sikap hidup; (3) aspek sosiologisreseptif yang ditinjau dari segi (a) keutuhan isi yang layak menjadi tauladan, (b) keutuhan isi yang tidak layak menjadi tauladan pembaca. Penelitian ini, penelitian kepustakaan. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut digunakan metode deskrptif-analitis. Metode deskriptif digunakan untuk menggambarkan keadaan objek yang diteliti dengan sekaligusmenguraikan aspekaspek yang dijadikan pusat perhatian penelitian, yakni struktur tema, alur, latar, tokoh penokohan, bahasa (gaya atau style), dan aspek sosiologi sastra. Metode analitis digunakan untuk mengungkapkan karakteristik objek dengan cara menguraikan dan menafsirkan fakta-fakta tentang struktur tema, alur, latar, tokoh penokohan, bahasa (gaya<Sw$/y/e), dan aspek sosiologis sastra dalam novel yang diteliti. Dalam penganalisisan digunakan pendekatan struktural (objektif), pendekatan sosiologis untuk mengkaji hal-hal yang berada di luar karya sastra, seperti latar belakang pengarang, fungsi sastra terhadap masyarakat, lingkungan sosial yang meiiingkari kehidupan karya sastra, dan pendekatan stilistika untuk mengkaji bahasa yang bersifat simbolik sehingga penemuan berbagai penafsiran, corak penulisan yang bersifat individual khas pengarang. Berdasarkan temuan tentang penelitian dapat disimpulkan hal-hal berikut: (1) aspek sosiologis-mimetis yang meliputi (a) tokoh-tokoh menggunakan nama yang sesuai dengan perilakunya dan mirip dengan kenyataan hidup, (b) status sosial para tokoh utama sebagai pegawai tinggi, (c) sikap hidup sederhana, penolong, raji


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    Job performance of health workers have an important role in achieving hospital goals. Job performance of health workers is influenced by several factors, including work motivation and job satisfaction. This study aims to develop strategies for improving job performance of health worker based on work motivation and job satisfaction analysis. This study was descriptive and observational study. Participants in this study were 100 health workers in the hospital. Data collection is done by collecting primary data through questionnaires and focus group discussions (FGD). The results of the questionnaire data are used to determine the strategic issues for developing functional strategies to improve job performance. Measuring instruments used in this study, consist of Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) questionnaire made by Spector (1997) and work motivation questionnaire made by Hong and Waheed (2011). The results obtained in this study include: (1) The level of work motivation and job satisfaction of health workers tends to be moderate; (2) There is no significant difference between work motivation and job satisfaction among male and female medical personnel; (3) Health workers with moderate level of job satisfaction have a working for of 5-15 years; (4) Performance improvement strategies with a performance management approach are needed to improve the performance of health workers so that individual work goals are aligned with organizational goals. Suggestions for further research by analyzing other variables related to performance such as commitment and work environment


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    Pemanfaatan energi air sebagai pembangkit listrik menjadi salah satu solusi yang berpotensi untuk diaplikasikan dalam upaya mengatasi keterbatasan supply listrik pada masyarakat di pedesaan. Pemanfaatan energi air telah banyak dilakukan menggunakan kincir atau turbin air dengan memanfaatkan energi potensial jatuh air (air terjun) atau kecepatan aliran air (aliran sungai). Pada simulasi PLTMH ini, digunakan variabel tetap berupa arah aliran, debit dan waktu operasi sedangkan variabel tak tetap yang diambil yaitu berupa jumlah sudu (4,8 dan 16 buah). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa putaran turbin mempengaruhi energi listrik yang dihasilkan. Semakin banyak jumlah sudu turbin, maka semakin besar putaran turbin maka semakin besar energi listrik yang dihasilkan. Energi listrik tertinggi didapat pada jumlah sudu 16 buah sebesar 14,7 Watt, lalu energi listrik terendah terdapat pada jumlah sudu 8 buah sebesar 12,04 Watt sedangkan jumlah sudu 4 buah tidak dapat menghasilkan energi listrik