256 research outputs found

    Static stiffness of curcular saw blades

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    The article outlines the technique of strain estimating of a band saw blade. The quality of processing depends on the strain character of a band saw rim, improved quality of processing being provided by the saws where the rim is not displaced in opposite directions over the saw perimeter under axial loading

    Fandom and Coercive Empowerment: The commissioned production of Chinese online literature

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    This article examines how the relationship between consumers and producers of cultural products is shaped by the proprietary nature of digital platforms. Drawing on 4 years of online observation and analysis, we examine the relationship between the producers of online Chinese fiction, amateur writers, and their consumers, that is, the fan communities of readers who respond to their work. Enabled by Chinese literary websites, readers act like sponsors who provide emotional and financial incentives for writers to produce online fictions by commenting, voting, and sending money. Readers become actively involved not just because of the content of the stories but because they form strong commitments to stories and their writers, and gain reciprocity and a sense of self-determination during the interactional process. We argue that although writers are freer from state control online, they are still beholden to the whims of their fans because of what we call the commissioned production of fictions. We contribute to fan community studies by analyzing how commercialized website settings structure the strategies available to participants, how these settings affect the content of the cultural products, and how the Chinese historical and cultural contexts impact the dynamics of the online community.postprin

    Prokineticin-1 (PROK1) modulates interleukin (IL)-11 expression via prokineticin receptor 1 (PROKR1) and the calcineurin/NFAT signalling pathway

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    Prokineticin-1 (PROK1) is a multifunctional secreted protein which signals via the G-protein coupled receptor, PROKR1. Previous data from our laboratory using a human genome survey microarray showed that PROK1–prokineticin receptor 1 (PROKR1) signalling regulates numerous genes important for establishment of early pregnancy, including the cytokine interleukin (IL)-11. Here, we have shown that PROK1–PROKR1 induces the expression of IL-11 in PROKR1 Ishikawa cells and first trimester decidua via the calcium–calcineurin signalling pathway in a guanine nucleotide-binding protein (Gq/11), extracellular signal-regulated kinases, Ca2+ and calcineurin–nuclear factor of activated T cells dependent manner. Conversely, treatment of human decidua with a lentiviral miRNA to abolish endogenous PROK1 expression results in a significant reduction in IL-11 expression and secretion. Importantly, we have also shown a regulatory role for the regulator of calcineurin 1 isoform 4 (RCAN1-4). Overexpression of RCAN1-4 in PROKR1 Ishikawa cells using an adenovirus leads to a reduction in PROK1 induced IL-11 indicating that RCAN1-4 is a negative regulator in the calcineurin-mediated signalling to IL-11. Finally, we have shown the potential for both autocrine and paracrine signalling in the human endometrium by co-localizing IL-11, IL-11Rα and PROKR1 within the stromal and glandular epithelial cells of non-pregnant endometrium and first trimester decidua. Overall we have identified and characterized the signalling components of a novel PROK1–PROKR1 signalling pathway regulating IL-11

    Послеоперационная реабилитация больных с узловым коллоидным зобом

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    The new method for the rehabilitation of patients operated on thyroid gland because of the colloidal nodular goiter has been suggested. The method includes the prescription of non-steroid anti-inflammatory nimesulide drug and microwaves during the earlier postoperative period in combination with the hormonal status correction. This rehabilitation method results in sooner wound reparation, shorter period of physical disability, and better life quality of patients comparing to traditional postoperative management.Предложена оригинальная методика реабилитации пациентов после операций на щитовидной железе по поводу узлового коллоидного зоба, которая включает назначение нестероидного противовоспалительного препарата нимесулида и микроволновой терапии в ранние послеоперационные сроки в сочетании с коррекцией гормонального статуса. Применение данной схемы реабилитации в сравнении с традиционным ведением послеоперационного периода позволяет ускорить процессы репарации в области раны, сократить сроки временной нетрудоспособности и улучшить качество жизни пациентов


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    The mathematical model of the forming of high resolution discrete grid for various configurations of toothing surface of poles of stator and inductor of linear stepping motor. The method of the forming of discrete grid was developed on the base of mathematical model; it takes into account various factors which affect to the accuracy of position of discrete grid nodes. The verification results of mathematical model developed were shown, they confirm the increasing of accuracy of motion systems on the base of linear stepping motors.Представлена математическая модель формирования координатной сетки дискретности высокого разрешения для различных вариантов конфигурации зубцовых поверхностей полюсов индуктора и статора линейного шагового двигателя. На основании математической модели разработана методика формирования координатной сетки дискретности, которая учитывает различные факторы, влияющие на погрешность положения узлов сетки дискретности. Показаны результаты верификации разработанной математической модели, подтверждающие повышение точности систем перемещений на базе линейных шаговых двигателей