101 research outputs found

    Improving the efficiency of the unit of the Zaporizhzhia NPP with a WWER–1000 reactor

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    Improving the efficiency of the unit of the Zaporizhzhia NPP with a WWER–1000 reactor, by reducing the water temperature at the inlet to the condenser. The work describes the description of the NPP and the nuclear power reactor WWER–1000, by reducing the water temperature at the inlet to the condenser. Detailed neutron–physical calculation of the nuclear power unit with WWER–1000 reactor with a turbine installation K–1000 –⁶0⁄3000. The influence of the temperature of cooling water on the input to the capacitor and the load on the efficiency of the turbine installation and the flow of steam and heat to the turbine installation is established.Ефективність роботи блоку Запорізької АЕС з реактором ВВЕР–1000 шляхом зменшення температури води на вході в конденсатор. Наведено опис АЕС та ядерного енергетичного реактора ВВЕР–1000. Виконано детальний нейтронно–фізичний розрахунок ядерного енергоблоку з реактором ВВЕР–1000 з турбоустановкою К–1000–60⁄3000. Встановлено вплив температури охолоджуючої води на ККД, витрату пари і теплоти на турбоустановки.Эффективность работы блока Запорожской АЭС с реактором ВВЭР–1000 возможно повысить в результате уменьшения температуры воды на входе в конденсатор. Приведено описание работы АЭС и ядерного энергетического реактора ВВЭР–1000. Выполнен детальный нейтронно-физический расчет ядерного энергоблока с реактором ВВЭР–1000 турбоустановки К–1000–60⁄3000. Установлено влияние температуры охлаждающей воды на КПД, расход пара и теплоту турбоустановки

    The analysis of blood components consumption in the Mogilev region in 2017-2021

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    Objectives. To identify the peculiarities of blood components consumption by hospitals in the Mogilev region during five years and to determine trends in their use in connection with the pandemic of COVID-19 infection. Material and methods. Retrospectively for 2017-2021, the volumes of transfusion of erythrocyte blood components (EBC), fresh frozen plasma (FFP), the number of transfused doses of platelet blood components (PBC), cryoprecipitate (CP) in hospitals throughout the Mogilev region were studied depending on the number of treated patients, the number of bed-days spent by them in the hospital and the number of cases of COVID-19 infection. Also these indicators were analyzed in a single health care institution “Mogilev Regional Clinical Hospital”, in which in 2020-2021 care to patients with COVID-19 infection was provided. Results. Consumption of EBC, FFP and CP in 2017-2019 per 1000 inhabitants of the Mogilev region did not change statistically significantly, there was an increase in the use of PBC in 2019 compared to 2017 (p<0.05). In 2020, there was an increase in the consumption of blood components compared to 2017-2019: EBC by 31.7%, PBC by 35.2%, CP by 35.6% from the level of 2017 (p<0.05). In 2021, there was a statistically significant increase in the consumption of blood components compared to 2017-2019: EBC by 27.2%, FFP by 13.9%, PBC by 37%, CP by 23.1% from the level of 2017 (p<0.05). These changes are likely to be related to the 2020-2021 COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to significant changes in the structure of production and clinical use of blood components. Conclusions. The identified trends require to change the resource capabilities of the regional subjects of the blood service for planning and, if necessary, increasing the procurement of PBC, СP, dry one included, and creating a sufficient donor reserve

    Current state of methods for low–dense constructional composite materials producing (overview)

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    The analysis of existing methods for imparting a porous structure to structural composite materials is carried out. In particular, the introduction and subsequent removal of the filler, the addition of foaming agents or separately prepared foam to the suspension, as well as gas formation. Discloses a method of introducing into the material of the hollow microspheres, which finds use in the development of thermal barrier composites. The introduction and subsequent carbonization of additives is considered. A method for producing highly porous carbon-graphite materials with a uniformly distributed pore structure using isostatic pressing with pyrocarbon in the form of a binder is considered. Describes the receipt as highly porous carbon materials of foam coke based on carbon microspheres, carbon materials based on fibers, pressed carbon black, porous pyrocarbon and related materials, as well as porous glassy carbon.Виконано аналіз існуючих методів надання конструкційним композиційним матеріалам пористої структури, зокрема, введення і подальше видалення наповнювача, додавання до суспензії піноутворювачів або окремо приготовленої піни, а також газоутворення. Описано метод введення в матеріал порожнистих мікросфер, який знаходить застосування при розробці теплозахисних композиційних матеріалів. Розглянуто введення і подальша карбонізація добавок. Розглянуто метод отримання високопористих вуглеграфітових матеріалів з рівномірно розподіленою структурою пор з використанням ізостатичного пресування з піровуглецем у вигляді сполучного. Описано одержання в якості високопористих вуглецевих матеріалів пінококсів на основі вуглецевих мікросфер, вуглецеві матеріали на основі волокон, пресованої сажі, пористого піровуглецю і пов’язаних ним матеріалів, а також пористого скловуглецю.Выполнен анализ существующих методов придания конструкционным композиционным материалам пористой структуры, в частности, введение и последующее удаление наполнителя, добавление к суспензии пенообразователей или отдельно приготовленной пены, а также газообразование. Описан метод введения в материал полых микросфер, который находит применение при разработке теплозащитных композиционных материалов. Рассмотрены введение и последующая карбонизация добавок, а также метод получения высокопористых углеграфитовых материалов с равномерно распределенной структурой пор и использованием изостатического прессования с пироуглеродом в виде связующего. Описано получение в качестве высокопористых углеродных материалов пенококсов на основе углеродных микросфер, углеродных материалов на основе волокон, прессованной сажи, пористого пироуглерода и связанных им материалов, а также пористого стеклоуглерода

    Fluorapophyllite-(Cs), CsCa&#8324;(Si&#8328;O&#8322;&#8320;)F(H&#8322;O)&#8328;, a new apophyllite-group mineral from the Darai-Pioz Massif, Tien-Shan, Northern Tajikistan

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    Fluorapophyllite-(Cs) (IMA 2018-108a), ideally CsCa4(Si8O20)F(H2O)(8), is an apophyllite-group mineral from the moraine of the Darai-Pioz glacier, Tien-Shan, Northern Tajikistan. Associated minerals are quartz, pectolite, baratovite, aegirine, leucosphenite, pyrochlore, neptunite, fluorapophyllite-(K), and reedmergnerite. Fluorapophyllite-(Cs) is a hydrothermal mineral. It is colorless and has a vitreous luster and a white streak. Cleavage is perfect; it is brittle and has a stepped fracture. Mohs hardness is 4.5-5. D-meas. = 2.54(2) g/cm(3), D-calc. = 2.513 g/cm(3). Fluorapophyllite-(Cs) is unixial (+) with refractive indices (lambda = 589 nm) omega = 1.540(2), epsilon = 1.544(2). It is non-pleochroic. Chemical analysis by electron microprobe gave SiO2 48.78, Al2O3 0.05, CaO 22.69, Cs2O 10.71, K2O 1.13, Na2O 0.04, F 1.86, H2Ocalc. 14.61, -O=F2 -0.78, sum 99.09 wt.%; H2O was calculated from crystal-structure analysis. The empirical formula based on 29 (O + F) apfu, H2O = 8 pfu, is (Cs0.75K0.24)Sigma(0.99)(Ca3.99Na0.01)Sigma(4)(Si8.01Al0.01)Sigma 8.02O20.03F0.97(H2O)8, Z = 2. The simplified formula is (Cs,K)(Ca,Na)(4)(Si,Al) 8 O20F(H2O)(8). Fluorapophyllite-(Cs) is tetragonal, space group P4/mnc, a 9.060(6), c 15.741(11) angstrom, V 1292.10(19) angstrom(3). The crystal structure has been refined to R-1 = 4.31% based on 498 unique (F-o &gt; 4 sigma F) reflections. In the crystal structure of fluorapophyllite-(Cs), there is one [4] T site occupied solely by Si,,T-O. = 1.615 angstrom. SiO4 tetrahedra link to form a (Si8O20)(8-)sheet perpendicular to [001]. Between the Si-O sheets, there are two cation sites: A and B. The A site is coordinated by eight H2O groups [O(4) site], A-O(4) = 3.152(4) angstrom; the A site contains Cs(0.75)K(0.24)A(0.01 square 0.01), ideally Cs apfu. The Cs-O bond length of 3.152 angstrom is definitely larger than the K-O bond length of 2.966-2.971 angstrom in fluorapophyllite-(K), KCa4(Si8O20)F(H2O)8. The [7]B site contains Ca3.99Na0.01, ideally Ca-4 apfu; &lt; B-phi &gt; = 2.417 angstrom (phi = O, F, H2O). The Si-O sheets connect via A and B polyhedra and hydrogen bonding; two H atoms have been included in the refinement. Fluorapophyllite-(Cs) is isostructural with fluorapophyllite-(K). Fluorapophyllite-(Cs) is a Cs-analogue of fluorapophyllite-(K)

    Biopsy-sectional course

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    Цей навчальний посібник рекомендований для студентів вищих медичних навчальних закладів IV рівня акредитації, які вивчають біопсійно-секційний курс англійською мовою.This study guide is intended for the students of medical higher educational institutions of IV accreditation level, who study biopsy-sectional course in English

    Efficacy of electrical muscle stimulation in the treatment of patients with shin bone fractures

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    A prospective, randomized, controlled study was undertaken with the aim to evaluate the efficacy of shin electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) in the prevention of venous thromboembolism events (VTE) and reduction of treatment and rehabilitation times in patients with shin bone fractures. The authors analyzed the incidence of VTE, treatment and rehabilitation times, and changes in quality of life as assessed with the SF-36 questionnaire; they conclude that EMS is a valuable choice for recently hospitalized traumatology patients. © 2014 Elsevier GmbH

    Efficacy of electrical muscle stimulation in the treatment of patients with shin bone fractures

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    A prospective, randomized, controlled study was undertaken with the aim to evaluate the efficacy of shin electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) in the prevention of venous thromboembolism events (VTE) and reduction of treatment and rehabilitation times in patients with shin bone fractures. The authors analyzed the incidence of VTE, treatment and rehabilitation times, and changes in quality of life as assessed with the SF-36 questionnaire; they conclude that EMS is a valuable choice for recently hospitalized traumatology patients. © 2014 Elsevier GmbH

    On inverse topology problem for Laplace operators on graphs

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    Laplacian operators on finite compact metric graphs are considered under the assumption that matching conditions at graph vertices are of δ\delta type. Under one additional assumption, the inverse topology problem is treated. Using the apparatus of boundary triples, we generalize and extend existing results on necessary conditions of isospectrality of two Laplacians defined on different graphs. A result is also given covering the case of Schrodinger operators

    The relationship between oil prices and exchange rate in Russia

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    This paper studies the relationship between oil price and the exchange rates in Russian Federation. There is a close interrelation between the currency rate of dollar to ruble and oil prices. The regression model has accurately shown this interrelation. The interrelation with a foreign policy factor - sanctions of the USA and the European Union is also revealed. There is a close interrelation between the currency rate of dollar to ruble and oil prices. The regression model has accurately shown this interrelation. Oil prices of the Brent oil is the dominating factor in a currency exchange rate formation mechanism of ruble, at least, in the long term. When world oil prices are stabilized and sanctions cancelled, currency fluctuations and uncertainty will be minimized. The findings of this paper may be used by foreign and domestic investors while taking decisions because all the shocks impact on the economy in short and long term. © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved